#watching effy's big gay brunch for her
rennarita · 1 year
Sawyer Wreck 😍
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warblgarbl4lyf · 4 years
Got a new tattoo Saturday, had booked it last month and the tattoo shops aren't effected by rolling back to phase 2. Had thanksgiving at my parents, just us and then my sister and SIL were gonna come (last holiday with soon to not be SIL) but my sister called to say SIL had been at her office at the same time as someone who then tested positive for COVID soo SIL had to get tested and neither of them could come over just incase :(. So that sucked. We dropped food off though after we ate. I hope everything is negative cuz SIL is supposed to be moving on Sat... And obviously that won't happen if they have to quarantine.
Today has mainly been watching wrestling :). The For The Culture show, and Effy's Big Gay Brunch (that twink gauntlet tho lmao). Planning on watching Spring Break and Bloodsport as well.
Back to AI: The Somnium Files tomorrow, or maybe I'll watch more movies and work on my Stand for DnD xD.. I drew it and am colouring it 😁 .. probably won't need to next game but I'll have it ready haha.
Watched Ring 2 and Rasen/Spiral back to back to compare them as sequels (also praise remasters BluRay quality). I like the plot for the books so I actually think I like Spiral more than Ring 2. Either way both were enjoyable and I have Ring 0 to watch too 🙌
So I'm hanging in there and trying to not think to hard about having to submit another ei claim and my continuing unemployment 🤷🏻‍♀️ just keep distracting myself. Haha 😁
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buttons-beads-lace · 5 years
Quarantine Q&A
I got this from dragonlady7 , who got it from girderednerve on tumblr, who got it from somebody else I guess. Are you staying home from work/school?  Yup. My workplace closed on the 19th, and honestly we probably should have closed earlier. If you’re staying home, who is with you?  My partner, who finally gets to work from home full time instead of just two days a week. Are you a homebody?  Kinda? I've been trying to get more Involved In My Local Community lately, though, so it's disappointing that all the events I've started going to have been cancelled. An event you were looking forward to that got canceled?  Every indie wrestling show that was scheduled for this weekend lol. Not that I was ever going to be there in person, but I was hoping to watch a bunch of things on various streaming services. The entirety of Effy's Big Gay Brunch sounded amazing, and I'm so sad for Faye Jackson that her rags to riches thirsty twitter joke to Real Wrestling Show story ends, at least for now, with her event being cancelled. Also I really wanted to see Moxley vs Josh Barnett. I was also going to try to make it to the Potomac River Sacred Harp convention this year. What movies have you watched recently?  The closest I've come to watching a movie in the past... several years, is Alexandra Erin's 80s movie liveblogs, which are highly entertaining. What shows are you watching?  Time Team, and all the shows my partner wants to watch, i.e. Netflix stand-up comedy specials and cooking shows, with a sprinkling of true crime. What music are you listening to?  The "why didn't I pay attention to punk music before now" playlist I've been building up, and a lot of shape note because virtual singings. What are you reading?  From most recent to less- The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairlyand in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne Valente, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (which feels painfully relevant to the current state of the world), and Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire. What are you doing for self-care?  A lot of singing and knitting, and Pokemon Go.
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