#wbdk invisible strings
warabidakihime · 2 years
invisible strings final chapter teaser
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warabidakihime · 2 years
invisible strings last chapter~
the next update for Invisible Strings will be the last chapter by the way. :') but don't worry, there will be an epilogue and i'm actually planning on making a book 3 but it will be just a bunch of filler/special chapters. an OVA if you will. and since it will be special chapters (like the one i posted earlier), the updates won't be as consistent. PL/IS will be like my comfort zone, like whenever im burnout i will just write it down and turn it into oneshots.
The title will be: *secret* hehe
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warabidakihime · 2 years
invisible strings epilogue will be next week~
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warabidakihime · 2 years
last chapter is about 70% done and ngl i don't want invisible strings to end 🥲 is this what other writers felt with their very first fanfic. 🥲
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Awhhh I followed you cause I am deeply in love with Invisible Strings! You literally ignited a burning passion for TENGEN THAT I DIDNT KNOW I HAD SKDJSKD😩😩
TBH???? that's one of my goal 😂 like i want people to fall in love for the character because that also happens to me whenever i read fanfics 😂
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 10
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
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How, exactly, did things come to this?
Everything was going swimmingly.
You gazed up at the clear, blue sky and resented the beautiful weather since it had no business being so pleasant on a day like this.
It was another field day for you, Nezuko, and Yushiro, and you were all eager to get this over with. It was exciting at first, since you got to go around the city and eat delicious food, but it quickly grew tedious.
First, it was scorching outside; second, there was still so much work waiting for you at the office, but you couldn't even begin since you hadn't finished your present assignment yet; and third, you don't get to spend as much time with Tengen.
He's also quite preoccupied right now because Gyoumei has already approved his proposal.
That was a major weight off his shoulders, but the task it implies is tremendous and daunting even for him.
He and Zenitsu had also begun their fieldwork as they went, looking for the perfect material to use for the venue's interior design. However, they are at the office today to do other errands. They will go out again as soon as possible tomorrow.
They're only window shopping right now since they're still waiting for your team to select the ideal location.
And, well, it's taking a bit longer than anticipated.
It's not that you have to get everything done right away, but everyone thinks that it's best to get as much work done as possible so you don't have to cram in the future.
"So, this is also a no-go, huh?" Yushiro grumbled, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Yeah, they're asking for too much for such a small room, and they won't even let us decorate the place however we want," you grumbled, wiping away your own sweat.
“Even if they allow us, I'm not going to get them. That geezer's obnoxious as hell," Nezuko remarked as she boarded the company van.
The owner, with whom you were speaking earlier, reminded you of your previous boss. Stubborn and vexing.
You're in charge of the conversation because you suggested this location, but to be honest, you almost feel awful for even recommending this spot in the first place. With the way he was speaking to you and your friends, you almost saw red, but fortunately, you were able to hold your temper at bay.
Though, if Giyuu, one of the board of directors, had been with you, he could have persuaded the geezer to drop the price and allow you to design the complex, but he was called away for an emergency meeting with Kagaya, so he couldn't accompany you today.
"Alright, where to next?" Nezuko asked, settling into her seat and fanning herself.
Yushiro pulled out his phone, scrolling through the list of potential venues. "There's one more place on the list for today. It's a bit out of the way, but it's supposed to be spacious and well within budget."
"Let's hope this one works out," you said, sliding into the van beside Nezuko.
As the van pulled away from the curb, you glanced at your phone, hoping for a message from Tengen. It was moments like these that made you miss him the most—when the work felt overwhelming and the days seemed too long. But knowing he was there, even if just a text away, made it a bit more bearable.
The drive to the next venue was long and filled with idle chatter. Nezuko kept the mood light, sharing funny anecdotes and making you and Yushiro laugh despite the heat and exhaustion. It was one of the things you loved most about her—her ability to lift everyone's spirits even in the most trying times.
When you finally arrived at the next location, your hopes were cautiously high. The building was modern and stylish, with large glass windows and an inviting entrance. It looked promising, at least from the outside.
Inside, you were greeted by a polite and professional staff member who took you on a tour of the venue. The space was indeed spacious, with high ceilings and an open floor plan that would be perfect for the gala. Best of all, the staff seemed flexible and eager to accommodate your design ideas.
"This place is perfect," Yushiro said, nodding in approval. "We should definitely consider this one."
"I agree," Nezuko added, her eyes shining with excitement. "It's exactly what we've been looking for."
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "Let's finalize the details and secure the booking. I think we finally found our venue."
As you wrapped up the meeting and made your way back to the van, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of energy. The day had been long and challenging, but finding the right venue made it all worth it. You pulled out your phone to send Tengen a quick message, sharing the good news.
"Guess what? We found the perfect venue! I can't wait to tell you all about it later."
Hitting send, you leaned back in your seat, a smile playing on your lips. 
You awoke in the office's sleeping quarters, disoriented and groggy.
How long have you been sleeping?
When you attempted to sit up, a wave of dizziness hit you, forcing you back onto the mattress. Your head pounded with pain, and each breath felt like a struggle.
Tengen entered the room and hurried to your side at the sight of your struggle. "Nezuko-chan told me you weren't feeling well," he said, gently taking your hand in his, his thumb soothingly stroking your palm.
"Yeah, I got a migraine from being out in the sun for too long," you admitted with a sheepish chuckle.
Tengen's expression darkened as he touched your forehead. "You have a fever, my love. You should go home and rest."
"Don't worry about me; there's still so much work to be done here," you protested weakly.
"No, I won't let you overwork yourself. Your health comes first," Tengen insisted firmly.
You were about to argue further, but the concern in his eyes silenced you. With a resigned smile, you relented. "I guess I'll never win this argument, huh?"
Tengen returned your smile, shaking his head. "Never."
Defeated, you pretended to sulk.
"Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to obey my boss."
"You really should," he teased, but his expression softened as you pouted.
"What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"It's just... I've missed you all day, all week, and I was looking forward to hugging and kissing you when I got back today, but now I can't because you might get sick too," you lamented.
Tengen chuckled, affection evident in his gaze as he gently ruffled your hair. "I promise to give you all the hugs and kisses you want once you're feeling better. For now, just relax a little longer while I grab my phone, and then we'll go home, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed softly.
"Good girl," he praised before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, catching you off guard.
"Savor that kiss until you're feeling better," he whispered before leaving to retrieve his phone and car keys.
As he left, a mischievous smirk played on your lips. "You cheeky son of a bitch. I'll get you back for that one."
Tengen dropped you off at home and shared lunch with you before heading back to the office to tackle the mounting workload on his desk. Now, you find yourself alone in the penthouse, focusing on recovering as quickly as possible.
Although you entertained the idea of doing some cleaning, Tengen had explicitly instructed you not to exert yourself.
"If I catch you up and about, acting recklessly, you can bet I'll give you a good smack on the ass. So behave while I'm gone, okay?" he had warned you before leaving for the office.
As tempting as the prospect of being spanked by Tengen sounded, you didn't want to add to his worries. He already had enough on his plate.
The promise of a playful punishment would have to wait for another day. For now, you resolve to support him by obeying his instructions and resting in the penthouse.
However, relaxing isn't something you're accustomed to. You've always viewed lounging and unwinding as luxuries, having grown up in an environment where constant movement and action were valued over rest. But you acknowledge that now is the time to prioritize your health and recuperate.
Lost in thought, you find yourself reminiscing about your hometown and your family. It's been nearly five years since you last saw them. The memories stir up conflicting emotions within you—sadness at the distance, but also a sense of necessity for leaving in order to survive.
As thoughts of Tengen fill your mind, a smile instinctively graces your lips. You're moved to tears just thinking about him and the support he's shown you. Placing the ice cream aside, you wipe away your tears with a chuckle.
"It's unlike me to cry over such trivial matters," you mumble to yourself, trying to brush off your emotions.
But deep down, you know that suppressing your tears has been a learned behavior from childhood, ingrained by the belief that crying is a sign of weakness. You've become adept at hiding your emotions, even when you feel like breaking down.
With tears still streaming down your cheeks, you compose a heartfelt message for Tengen and hit send. 
Feeling emotionally drained, you decide it's time for a nap. Tidying up the living room, you make your way to the bedroom, seeking the rest your body desperately needs.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Sanemi's outburst shattered the calm air of the conference room like a thunderclap on a clear day.
His words hung heavy in the air, leaving the others in stunned silence. Tengen's face remained stoic, but beneath the surface, emotions simmered.
Is this some kind of sick joke?
When he spoke again, his voice was as cold as the blade of a sword in winter.
"I won't repeat myself," he said, his words sharp enough to draw blood.
Before anyone could react, Sanemi's anger exploded into violence, his fist meeting Tengen's face with a sickening thud.
"You traitor, don't get clever with me!"
Sanemi's accusation echoed through the room, cutting through the tense silence like a blade.
Yushiro's inquiry hung in the air, his wide eyes betraying his dread. "Is it true, Tengen-san?"
Tengen rose, wiping away the blood from his face as he confirmed the unthinkable. "It's true. Y/N was a demon in her past life."
Sanemi's anger boiled over, his words dripping with disdain.
"So while we were risking our lives battling demons, you were out frolicking with her?! And you dare to call yourself a demon slayer, a Hashira?!"
Tension crackled in the air as accusations flew like arrows in a heated skirmish. Sanemi's rage burned brightly, and his gaze fixed on Tengen with a mixture of fury and disbelief.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Tengen had intended to share the truth with the other Hashiras, but amidst the preparations for the Gala, the right moment had eluded him.
The meeting regarding the Gala had concluded, and the conference room emptied out, save for Tengen and Zenitsu, engrossed in discussion about you and the complex situation surrounding your identity. Little did they know, their conversation had not gone unnoticed.
Sanemi, of all people, had inadvertently overheard their exchange, setting the stage for a dramatic turn of events. As tensions mounted and accusations flew, the once tranquil room transformed into a battleground of conflicting emotions and fears.
Now, gathered once more in the same space, the focus shifted entirely.
And the possibility of Kibutsuji Muzan's revival.
And its implications for the fragile peace they had fought so hard to secure.
"Sanemi, please, calm down." Kagaya's voice was a soothing river, but Sanemi's stormy emotions refused to subside.
"How can I calm down?!"
Sanemi erupted, his frustration boiling over.
"We poured our sweat and blood into securing this peace, sacrificing so many lives along the way! And now, it's all threatened because of him!"
Kagaya attempted to reason, "But if we turn on each other now, we play right into the hands of our enemies. We must unite to find a way out of this mess. Tengen's warning may be dire, but we must not let fear divide us."
Giyuu added his voice, "Y/N may not remember her past life, but she remembers the moments before her transformation. She's haunted by them. She's not our enemy; she's a victim too."
Shinobu's inquiry cut through the tension:
"Does Y/N remember her past?"
Tengen shook his head.
"No, but she recalls the moments before Muzan's curse took hold. She dreams of it sometimes, but she doesn't know who she was or what she did."
"What now?" Muichiro, still dressed in his university uniform, asked Kagaya. The uncertainty in his voice echoed the collective confusion in the room, seeking guidance from their wise leader amidst the chaos.
Because, to be honest, they were all too stunned to react.
Fear had creepily seeped into their veins as well.
The mere possibility of having to go through that again sends chills up their spines.
The Master's response was firm, a beacon of resolve in the swirling uncertainty: "We do what we've always done: protect humanity from demons. Y/N's safety is paramount."
"I'm not going to sacrifice my life for a monster," Sanemi said immediately.
Nezuko's tear-filled eyes met his. "You risked your life for me. Why is Y/N any different?"
Sanemi's retort was swift, "Because Y/N served Muzan directly. She's a threat that needs to be eliminated."
But Giyuu wouldn't hear it, "Y/N's not our enemy. She's a victim, just like us. We can't turn on her."
Sanemi's fists clenched in frustration. It wasn't easy for any of them to accept the truth. They'd suffered too much at the hands of demons to trust easily, but something about you had touched their hearts.
Tengen's words cut through the tension:
"Did Y/N ever seem like a monster to you? She fought alongside us and helped us defeat Upper Moon demons. She's earned our trust."
The Sound Hashira continued, "As you were all once full-fledged demon slayers, think back. Was there ever a moment you felt threatened by her? Even in her past life, she carried the weight of her sins, striving to make amends. Remember when she aided us in defeating an Upper Moon Demon? Without her intel, I might not be standing here today. She played a crucial role in humanity's victory over Muzan. This is undeniable truth. Of course, if she proves to be a danger, I'll take action. But until then, I will stand by her."
Tengen's words resonated with conviction, urging them to reconsider their judgments amidst the uncertainty.
Sanemi glanced up from his computer, greeted by your warm smile as you approached him. "Oh, Y/N. What brings you here?"
"I just wanted to give you this," you said, handing him the coveted video game his brother had been longing for, a small act of kindness in the midst of chaos.
"Where did you find this?" he asked, surprised by your gesture.
"I stumbled upon a video game shop in town and remembered your brother's wish. Luckily, it was owned by an old friend who gave it to me for free," you explained.
Sanemi's lips twitched into a rare smile. "You didn't have to, but thank you."
"The pleasure's mine, Senpai. Consider it a thank-you for rescuing my presentation from that glitch," you chuckled.
"I heard it's your birthday today," Gyoumei remarked casually as he passed by you in the pantry, his presence commanding yet comforting.
You offered a timid smile, feeling a bit nervous under the scrutiny of the Finance Department's Head Honcho. "Yes, sir."
"How old are you now?" he inquired, his tone gentle, seeking to connect despite his imposing stature.
"25," you replied, your voice soft but steady.
"Oh, then Tengen is three years older than you. Is everything well with you two?" 
"Yes, he's been fantastic," you assured him, grateful for his interest.
"I'm glad; he's a little rambunctious, but he's a great guy; I wish you two happiness," Gyoumei offered warmly.
"Thank you, and oh—" Suddenly remembering something, you rummaged in your bag. Gyoumei's curiosity was piqued.
"I felt now would be a good time to give you this," you explained, presenting him with an envelope containing a check.
"What is it?" Gyoumei's curiosity was replaced by surprise as he accepted the offering.
"During one of our weekly meetings, you mentioned that you have a charity that you support on a regular basis, and I thought it would be a great idea to give a little something that could help you with your cause, even if it's only a small amount compared to the ones you get from other donors," you explained earnestly.
"Any help is much welcomed, Y/N. Thank you," Gyoumei expressed his gratitude, his affection evident as he ruffled your hair in a brotherly gesture.
"I'm glad," you replied, a sense of satisfaction washing over you at the opportunity to contribute to a cause close to Gyoumei's heart.
"I got you. Just sit tight and let me handle this, okay?" you reassured Tanjiro, your voice calm and steady as you tended to his wound.
It was your first day of fieldwork, and both Giyuu and Tanjiro had tagged along, eager to explore the locations you had recommended. However, a misstep led Tanjiro to fall into a disused fish pond, resulting in a nasty cut on his forearm.
Despite the mishap, the injury wasn't severe, requiring only minor treatments. While waiting for the van to arrive and transport you back, you covered his wound with your scarf, applying pressure to stem the bleeding.
"How are you feeling now?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.
"I'm a bit lightheaded, but otherwise okay. I'm sorry for the trouble," Tanjiro apologized, his guilt evident.
You shook your head with a smile, reassuring him, "Accidents happen. Don't worry about it. You're good."
"She's not mad at you anymore, you know?" you informed Obanai, catching him outside your department floor.
He turned to face you, a mask of disinterest hiding his true feelings, but you saw through it. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he replied coolly.
"Mitsuri-chan has been sulking in the office all day, waiting for you to chat with her," you deadpanned, momentarily forgetting his position as your supervisor.
"Really?" Obanai's facade cracked slightly, revealing a hint of concern.
"Yeah, Yushiro-kun even snapped at her because she was practically melting his ears off." You nodded in confirmation.
Obanai's indifference softened as he acknowledged his fault, "It's my fault; if I had kept my cool, we wouldn't have ended up in this mess in the first place."
"Well, all you have to do is apologize. Knowing Mitsuri-chan, she would undoubtedly forgive you, and I'm sure she knows you were simply overwhelmed that day," you reassured him.
In the hectic days leading up to the business expo, tensions ran high as everyone scrambled to meet their deadlines. You practically lived in the conference room.
Obanai, deprived of sleep and rest, grew unusually irritable, but Mitsuri remained oblivious, laughing with him despite his mood. However, his frustration reached a breaking point when he snapped at her.
"You should really quit being tough around her, you know?" you advised him gently, prompting him to reflect on his actions.
"Despite being the HR Director, communication isn't exactly my greatest suit," Obanai confessed, his vulnerability showing.
"Practice!" you encouraged with a smile, your words laced with warmth.
"Aren't you becoming a little too casual with your supervisor?" he teased, flicking your forehead playfully.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about," you replied innocently, shaking your head.
"Cheeky brat," Obanai chuckled, his demeanor softening before he retreated back to his office. But before he disappeared entirely, he called out a heartfelt thank you.
Everyone was lost in their own thoughts until Zenitsu decided to take a step forward, casting Tengen a quick glance before addressing the group.
"I'm all for protecting Y/N," he declared, his usually anxious demeanor replaced by determination. "I will defend her not just as her friend but also as a demon slayer sworn to protect mankind from demons."
His bold proclamation snapped everyone out of their stupor. They looked at him, partly startled and partly impressed to see the usually timid Zenitsu being so serious.
"Me too," Tanjiro chimed in with a smile. "I trust Uzui-san and Kagaya-san's judgment, and I also want to believe in Y/L/N-san."
"Yeah! She bought me coffee once, so I think she passed!" Inosuke added, drawing a chuckle from Tengen and a faint smile from the others.
Much to everyone's surprise, even Obanai stepped forward.
"I'm in because I owe that brat a favor," he stated, his typically cold demeanor softened by his unexpected support.
"We never forsake family! We will protect Y/N!" Rengoku's words rang out, echoing across the meeting room and bolstering everyone's spirits.
One by one, everyone else pledged their allegiance, leaving only the Wind Hashira.
Sanemi sighed bitterly and turned to face Tengen. "If she endangers even one person, I'm coming for your head too," he warned.
Tengen simply shrugged, a grin playing on his lips. "By all means."
"As expected from my wonderful children," Kagaya said proudly. "But don't worry, we defeated Kibutsuji Muzan once, and we will do it again. I have faith in all of you."
Tengen bowed respectfully, offering a heartfelt vow. "I will never let you down, Kagaya-sama."
"I know you won't," Kagaya replied, giving him a fatherly pat on the back.
Once the impromptu meeting concluded and everyone dispersed, Tengen and Zenitsu remained behind.
"Hey, come on, let's go," Zenitsu said gently, patting Tengen's arm.
"This is all my fault," Tengen lamented, his guilt weighing heavily on him.
"It's not. No one saw this coming. This was a totally new dilemma that no one foresaw," Zenitsu reassured him, urging him to let go of his self-blame.
"There's no point in dwelling on this. Focus your energy on protecting Y/N," he continued, offering guidance when Tengen remained silent.
"Y/N is waiting for you at home. As the Master stated, we will protect her and everyone else. There's no use in dwelling on this now, so just focus your energy on protecting your woman," Zenitsu concluded, his words carrying a sense of resolve.
"You're right, Zenitsu. Thank you," Tengen finally muttered after a few moments of contemplation.
"Good boy. Now let's get you fixed up so you can go home," Zenitsu said, taking charge and leading Tengen to the infirmary.
Throughout the journey, Zenitsu cracked jokes to lighten the mood, lifting Tengen's spirits, if only for a moment.
Back in his office, Tengen sank into his chair, feeling the weight of his responsibilities. He massaged his temples, seeking solace in the solitude of his thoughts.
As he checked his phone for messages, he noticed your text. With each word, his heart swelled with emotion, and tears pricked at his eyes.
"Hey, my love. I just wanted to thank you for escorting me home. You didn't have to do that, but thank you. I'm resting well now, enjoying a tub of ice cream, which is kind of bad because I have a sore throat right now lol. I don't mean to catch you off guard, but I want to say this to you right now. Thank you for everything. For your kindness, thoughtfulness, your unconditional love, and the friendship you gave me. You truly are a blessing to me. I am incredibly lucky to have someone like you in my life. I love you~ See you later, my love!"
Tengen gasped for air, overwhelmed by your words of love and gratitude. He covered his lips, stifling a sob as tears streamed down his cheeks.
"Thank you." 
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TAGLIST: trishiepo0 @babygirl-panda19 @hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 13
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
[When you were still in a state of unconsciousness]
"Oh, I'm here again." I murmured into the void, my voice lost amidst the shadows.
Did I pass away again?
The question hung heavy in the air, unanswered. Memories, like scattered puzzle pieces, taunted me from the recesses of my mind.
"I don't really remember what happened."
But who was I?
The question echoed, reverberating through the caverns of my subconscious.
"Wait, who am I again?"
Damn it, I forgot who I am again.
Amidst the oppressive silence, a voice pierced through the void, tender yet fraught with emotion.
"Wake up, y/n. Please wake up."
Y/N? Is that my name?
"Y/N, please don't leave me again," the voice implored, a plea woven with raw anguish.
Though I couldn't see the speaker's face, the weight of his sorrow hung heavy in the air.
Oh, he's crying.
"You weren't kidding when you said your favorite hobby is sleeping, huh? Look at you, sleeping like Snow White, making me worried sick."
Man, I feel so bad for not remembering a single thing.
Not even a name.
What was the name that flashed into my mind before?
What was it again?
You felt a strange shift around you as you struggled to recall the name of the man. Looking around, a surge of terror washed over you.
"Is that massive tornado going to strike again?" you wondered, eyeing the once-calm waters that now churned restlessly, making it hard to focus. With your eyes tightly shut, fear gripped you, tears streaming down your face as you weathered the fierce storm raging within.
Then, a cacophony of voices assaulted your mind, growing louder with each passing moment, until you cried out in anguish, your hands clutching your head.
"Please, make it stop. No more," you begged, the pain unbearable. Eventually, the voices faded, leaving you in blessed silence, the pain ebbing away.
Opening your eyes cautiously, you winced at the brightness—the stark contrast to the darkness you'd just endured. As your vision adjusted, you found yourself at a crossroads, with each path vastly different.
To your right stood a girl, radiant in a flowery meadow. Her long, white hair, tinged with purple and lilac eyes, captured your attention. But something about her was unsettling—her porcelain skin, marked with strange symbols, and unmistakable fangs peeking from her lips.
You couldn't help but notice the intimidating aura she exuded—potent and charismatic. It would make sense for your fight or flight instinct to kick in, but strangely, you felt at ease in her presence.
"Who are you? And where am I?" you asked, your voice trembling despite your growing sense of calm.
"I am you, or more precisely, your old self," she replied cryptically, leaving you with more questions than answers.
Noticing your confusion, she proceeded to lay out everything, from your past life to your current predicament. Initially skeptical, you found yourself drawn in, your heart pounding as if trying to remember something buried deep within.
Your thoughts drifted back to the voice you heard earlier, his heartbreaking cry echoing in your mind. Tears welled in your eyes as you tried to recall, nails digging into your skin in frustration.
Then, it clicked.
Everything fell into place, and you sobbed, the weight of realization crashing down on you. The girl before you smiled, her happiness and relief palpable despite your tears.
"I'm so stupid. How could I forget?" you lamented, your sobs muffled by your hands pressed against your face in self-hatred.
I am sorry.
I'm so sorry for not remembering.
It must have been very painful.
As the truth dawned on you, the girl vanished, a reminder of your fragmented existence. The only reason may be that she was separated from you in your reincarnation because you couldn't recall who you were in your past life. Another bizarre phenomenon that almost no one can comprehend is that literally no demon spawned by Kibustsuji Muzan himself was given a second life. 
Lady Tamayo and Nezuko are exceptions since they were able to free themselves from his curse and were not directly under his command.
Alone, you grappled with the memories flooding back, including a haunting discussion at a Chinese restaurant where dreams turned out to be your final moments before tragedy struck.
You realized the depth of his remorse, carried with him all these years, and your own foolishness for not remembering.
He's been in a lot of pain this whole time, and I've been so foolish for not remembering.
Even in your second life, the threat to humanity remained. Your former master lurked within, consuming your essence to bring chaos once more. Though your appearance had changed, the truth remained: you were still a blood-sucking demon, haunted by the sins of your past.
[Present Time]
The cold air rustled through the balcony, stirring you from your slumber. You glanced to the other side of the bed, finding it empty and chilling, dispelling any thought of returning to sleep.
As you sat up, the duvet slipped, revealing imprints on your bare skin. Scanning the room, you found no sign of him, but the open French doors hinted at his whereabouts.
Gathering your underwear from the floor, you slid them on and wrapped yourself in a robe before venturing onto the balcony. There, you found Tengen, clad only in his boxers, gazing out at the night sky with a distant expression and a glass of whiskey in hand.
"Can't sleep?" you asked, joining him with a soft smile.
He turned to you, offering a handsome smile, and pulled you close, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. "Yeah, just got a lot on my mind," he murmured between kisses, his demeanor subdued. He welcomed himself inside and expertly swirled his tongue around yours, leaving you utterly breathless.
"Mm, Tengen—" you moaned softly, tilting your head back.
He gently pressed you against the glass railing and untied your robe, almost exposing you to everyone in the neighborhood. For some reason, the prospect of being caught in the act turned him on. He feels slightly smug just thinking about someone witnessing him ravish you and making you let out those sexy sounds. To him, it's a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate his dominance and make everyone aware that you belong entirely to him, and vice versa.
And it's only natural for him to showcase your beauty in front of the entire world.
The chilly wind sent shivers down your spine once more, and they became even stronger as Tengen latched onto your nipple while fondling the other with his massive hands, and right after he tugged your underwear down and curled his calloused fingers at your entrance, a needy moan escaped your lips. You were already so dripping wet that he could easily enter his finger with a slight nudge. 
It's a good thing your robe was long, so you weren't completely exposed, but it doesn't take an expert to figure out what you're up to. Especially given the noises you were making while he was pumping his fingers in and out of your needy cunt.
"More," you panted, closing your eyes and sinking into the pleasure he was giving you.
“After all the fucking we did in the jacuzzi and on the bed, you're still craving more, my love?" Tengen grinned sexily as he stared at you.
As he listened to you pleading for him a few more times, he groaned loudly, his cock twitching from his boxers. With half-lidded eyes, you watched him dispose of his boxer, and your mouth watered as you saw his stiff cock standing tall with pre-cum leaking from the tip.
Your jaw chattered with hunger, as if you were a demon starved of blood.
"Tengen, please," you pleaded again while so lost in the pleasure.
Wrapping his big, strong arms around you, he took you backwards to the rattan chair, where he sat on the soft seat with you on his lap. Your juice quickly soiled his thighs, and as you started riding them, the man in front of you moaned loudly. His hold on your waist tightened as your whimpers became louder and more desperate.
In your drunken state, you managed to lean in and trail wet, sloppy kisses over his chest, taking your sweet time to admire his pecs before latching onto his nipple. 
The gesture caused him to jolt sharply because the pleasure was too much for him.
You kept a watchful eye on him as you traced your tongue over his cute nipple and then over his areola. Tengen's head is thrown back, his Adam's apple bobbing as he lets out those sweet sounds while you take charge and express your own version of dominance.
After giving both of his nipples your undivided attention, you began to drag your tongue along his collarbone and then to his fully exposed neck, which was also adorned with love bites. You went right to the juncture of his neck and sank your teeth into the skin as if you were still a demon trying to devour him.
Under normal circumstances, or if this was done to him when he hadn't met you yet, he'd find this type of play quite repulsive, but right now, as you bit into him, and because it was you, Tengen let out the sexiest groan known to man. 
He was so turned on that his cock began to throb to the point of pain.
And boy, you were so lucky to be the only one who got to hear that.
You drew back to get a better look at the masterpiece you had produced, your eyes twinkling with delight as you saw his pristine skin turn dark purple. Then your gaze shifted to his face, and, oh fuck, he's never looked so sexy. 
You never imagined submission would look so good on him.
His chest continued to rise and fall vigorously, still pumped from the trip you had taken him on.
You kissed him on the lips again before straddling him. You were on your tiptoes as you aimed his cock at your entrance, and then slowly, you descended, taking as much as you could, but thanks to the lovemaking you had earlier, you didn't need much foreplay.
However, you still need some time to get used to his size. Both of you gasped in unison as you engulfed him in your slick folds, your walls tightening around him almost immediately, as if they were created specifically for that reason.
When you started riding him, you forgot about your robe and your sense of seclusion. It didn't matter to you how loud the two of you were at the time or how easy it was for others, especially those in the adjoining tower, to see you bounce on his cock.
Tengen, on the other hand, was drowning in bliss. 
He has one arm tightly wrapped around you to keep you from stumbling and falling, while the other is draped on the armrest as he watches you take him so well. He would periodically match your advances, causing the two of you to moan shamelessly.
From his vantage point, he could see his manhood protruding from your tummy. Each time your ass dropped, the more it became visible in his area of vision. That prompted him to exert his dominance once more, with both of his hands firmly planted on your sides, gripping the flesh as he began to match your thrust more fervently.
You gradually lost control, and Tengen has been in command ever since.
The room was steeped in a blend of sweat and satisfaction, yet neither of you felt compelled to move from the snug rattan chair. There was a sense of contentment in being nestled against him, your head finding a comfortable resting place on his chest.
"Hey, there's something I've been curious about," you began, your intrigue prompting the inquiry. "You were married before, right?"
Tengen responded promptly, sensing the direction of the conversation. "Yes, I was married to Hinatsuru for four years."
"And the others?" you pressed, delving deeper into his past.
"I haven't crossed paths with them yet," Tengen replied, his touch gentle as he traced patterns on your bare back. "Though I did catch a glimpse of Suma during one of my business trips to the countryside, I chose not to reveal myself. While I still care for her, I believe it's best for her to forge her own path and live a brand new life. As for Makio, I haven't seen her."
Your curiosity piqued, and you sought to understand the dynamics of his previous relationships. "What happened between you and Hinatsuru?"
A hint of sadness flickered in Tengen's eyes as he revisited memories of his ex-wife. "Some things aren't meant to last, I suppose. Our time together had run its course, as the tarot reader predicted. The purpose she served in my life had been fulfilled. We tried to salvage what we had, but it became evident that it was no longer viable. So, we made the difficult decision to part ways."
His words stirred a pang of empathy within you. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise," he confessed.
Frowning, you turned to face him, seeking clarity. "What promise?"
"Don't you remember?" Tengen's voice held a wistful tone. "We vowed that all five of us would find happiness together in our next life."
Ah, that promise. A faint smile graced your lips as you tenderly cupped his face, planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "Yes, we did make that vow," you acknowledged. "But..."
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you brushed away the stray strands of hair that were obscuring his face. Tengen closed his eyes, savoring the intimacy shared between you.
"They've already had their time with you," you finally said, determination lacing your voice. "Now, it's my turn. Call me selfish, but I can't imagine sharing you with anyone else. You're mine, Tengen, and mine alone, just as I am yours."
A brief silence enveloped the room, your confession hanging in the air. A flicker of nervousness crossed your mind, fearing you may have overstepped your boundaries. Yet, as Tengen's eyes fluttered open, locking with yours, reassurance flooded your senses. Mimicking your gesture, he reached out, his touch tender as he drew you closer, sealing your words with a tender kiss.
You remained still, cherishing the lingering intimacy, as Tengen encouraged you to reciprocate. Eventually, you parted, gazing into each other's eyes, where love and adoration shone brightly.
"Truthfully, if we were granted another life," Tengen said softly, sincerity coloring his words, "I would choose to spend it with you again. A single lifetime will never suffice if it means being by your side, y/n."
A surge of joy and disbelief washed over you, threatening to spill over in an uncontrollable grin. But Tengen's warm smile mirrored your excitement.
"Really?" you managed, excitement tinged in your voice.
"Absolutely," Tengen affirmed, his conviction unwavering. "I can confidently say that I love you more than anyone else I've ever loved."
His heartfelt confession left you momentarily speechless.
"Tengen," you breathed, caught off guard by the depth of his feelings.
Unfazed, he shrugged, flashing his trademark grin—the one that had captivated your heart from the start. "I've always been possessive and despise sharing. I made that clear when we first started dating, didn't I?"
Memories of the Business Expo flooded your mind—the night when you too had expressed your aversion to sharing.
A smirk graced your lips as you playfully echoed another statement he had made that night. "Nice to know we're still on the same page."
Because of what happened to you, Kagaya decided to postpone the gala. Everyone's top priority right now should be your safety. You felt awful and guilty for being the thorn in everyone's side, but he made it clear to you that there was nothing you needed to feel sorry about.
"You're not to blame, Y/N. You're no longer the person you were when you first joined Kibutsuji Muzan; you're now one of us, and we'll do everything we can to protect you."
That's what he said to you when he summoned you to his office. It was high time he talked to you in private because he wanted to commend you for doing a great job contributing to his organization's cause.
And, of course, you're now one of his precious children, according to him, so he wanted to check up on you. He was also quite curious about your relationship with the Sound Hashira.
It came as a surprise to you that your top boss enjoys gossiping as well. You couldn't help but smile; who knew he had such a cute side to him? However, given all of your coworkers, you shouldn't be shocked.
Your eyes wandered around the Sales and Marketing Department. You watched everyone go about their business, and as you continued to snoop around, you felt a pleasant warmth envelop your entire being. Even more so when your gaze eventually falls on your boss.
Tengen was on his laptop, in the middle of a meeting with an offshore vendor. You couldn't stop yourself from chuckling as he rolled his eyes as discreetly as he could. He was clearly irritated with whoever he was speaking to.
As the renowned Sound Hashira, he caught a whiff of your cute laughter, and so he turned to you, his gaze shifting from his laptop screen to you, as if he were making sure he would not get caught doing what he was about to do.
When the coast was clear, he said, "Go back to work."
You knew he was kidding, but you chose to go along with it and mouthed, "Stop glaring at the client."
Tengen still had his eyes on you, winking like an idiot when you urged him to focus on the meeting.
Zenitsu turned to him, gave him a whack on the head, and said, "The fuck are you doing?" after muting his mic so the client wouldn't hear.
For the time being, you decided to stop indulging your dork of a boyfriend so he could get back to work. You stepped up to fetch yourself another cup of coffee and your favorite sandwich from the cafeteria. As you made your way there, you noticed Sanemi approaching the cafeteria as well.
You skipped down the corridor, hoping to catch up with him, and when you did, you put your arms around his and said, "Heya."
Sanemi snorted and grabbed your nose, giving it a solid squeeze as a way of acknowledging your presence. Your relationship improved significantly after the incident and after discovering that you two are related.
Just like that, he fully embraced his role as your big brother.
He invited you and Tengen to supper at his residence last week. Genya was overjoyed when Sanemi revealed to him that you were his cousin, slash big sister. Sanemi's mother was likewise delighted to finally meet you; she even apologized for her sister's actions, which you gratefully accepted. Despite just meeting you once, she was incredibly sweet and compassionate towards you.
You were so overjoyed that you did everything you could not to cry at the dinner table. You haven't felt that sense of belonging in a long time. It felt so wonderful and warm that anyone would have burst into tears if they were in your shoes.
"Have you been drinking enough water?" Sanemi asks as he watches you make yourself a cup of coffee.
"Of course, why do you ask?"
"Well, every time I see you in the pantry area, all you do is make coffee or eat those sandwiches."
"I guess you could say coffee is my lifeline, Senpai," you joked, "and the sandwiches here are great as well."
"You and your caffeine. Aside from coffee, you drink so much soda every time we have a company dinner. Remember to drink water, okay?" Sanemi grumbled.
"Don't worry about me," you said cheerfully. "I have a tumbler on my desk, and it's always empty because I reach for it when I'm working."
Sanemi's frown softened into a little grin. "That's good, then. What's Tengen doing right now?"
You chuckled. "Oh, he's in a meeting with an offshore client; they've been at it for two hours, and he's starting to get frustrated."
"Anyone would be, to be honest. I can't stand meetings," he chuckled. "Fortunately for me, I work in the IT department, so I rarely attend them."
"Me too, but I enjoy taking minutes at meetings because, for some reason, I enjoy tapping away on my laptop or tablet."
Sanemi grumbled, "I dread taking meeting minutes, especially if it's Obanai who's asking for them. That guy's too hard to please. I don't know what Mitsuri saw in him."
"That's not very nice, you know," you chuckled.
"Don't tell him that; he might retaliate by delaying my paycheck."
"Don't worry, Senpai, your secret is safe with me."
Sanemi smirked, "Atta girl."
You decided to make Tengen a cup of coffee while you were making your own. Sanemi temporarily left you there to fetch himself a bottle of water and his favorite fitness granola bar.
As you walked back to your floor, he offered to carry the drinks, figuring it could be difficult for you to bring two cups of hot coffee and a few sandwiches for your boyfriend at the same time.
"Has Kocho given you any updates on your surgery?" he inquired.
"Yes, I'll be confined to her clinic on Thursday, and she'll conduct the operation on Friday."
Sanemi observed the change in your demeanor and then shifted his attention to your wisteria pendant. "Are you nervous?"
"Who wouldn't be?" you chuckled sheepishly. "It's one thing to undergo major surgery, but it's quite another to have one that could forecast the fate of mankind."
Sanemi couldn't really refute your argument, so he remained silent for the rest of your journey back to your office. When you were finally by the door, he opened his mouth to speak again: "Should things go south, just know we don't intend on losing. Tengen will be there to protect you, I will be there, and so will everyone else. We won't allow him to step on all of us ever again."
"Thank you, Senpai," you said gratefully, "and don't worry; even if it's the last thing I do, I won't allow him to take over my body."
"You don't have to call me Senpai anymore, Y/N; just Sanemi-niisan's fine," he remarked adoringly.
"Okay, Sanemi-niisan." You copied his smile, albeit it was considerably smaller than his.
"Atta girl."
He excused himself after escorting you back to your desk because he had a lot of things to do. Tengen had finished his meeting by the time you returned, so he was free for the rest of the day. You approached him and gave him a cup of coffee as a reward for doing a fantastic job today.
Everything else went smoothly, and despite the fact that you have every reason to be happy and safe, the terror in your heart has grown significantly, to the point that it is getting more difficult for you to push it aside.
Time flowed slowly and quickly at the same time, and before you knew it, Friday had arrived, and you were lying in your hospital bed, waiting for the anesthetic to kick in.
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TAGLIST: trishiepo0 @babygirl-panda19 @hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 11
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
You're finally back at work after being sick for about a week, and the excitement to see everyone again fills you with joy. As you entered the office, however, a sense of unease hung in the air. Despite not being the most perceptive person, you could tell something was off.
It didn't help that Tengen came home with a bloody nose a few nights ago, brushing it off as a mere accident. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story, but you decided to give him space, trusting that he would open up when he was ready.
In your absence, Yushiro and Nezuko had finally settled the payment for the venue for the gala. While Tengen and Zenitsu were out in the field, you found solace in being reunited with your friends.
"Hey, Y/N-chan, want to dine out for lunch?" Nezuko's cheerful voice interrupted your thoughts.
You turned to her with a smile, eager for some time out. "Sure, where are we going?"
"Yushiro-kun is still scouting for a good place. Is there anything you’re craving?" Nezuko asked.
"Hmm... I've been craving ramen recently," you admitted, your stomach grumbling at the thought.
Nezuko's smile mirrored your craving. "Ramen it is! Wait here, I'll tell Yushiro-kun," she said before hurrying off to inform him of the change in plans.
Turning back to your work, frustration bubbled as your computer continued to act up. Despite your efforts, the screen remained frozen, prompting a groan of annoyance. "Ah, I need to have the IT team look at this again," you grumbled.
With little else to do, you decided to leave your computer for the time being and headed to the restroom before joining Nezuko and Yushiro for lunch, hoping that a delicious bowl of ramen would lift your spirits.
"Did something happen while I was away?" you asked, noticing the tension in the air as you entered the office.
Yushiro and Nezuko exchanged uncertain glances, hesitant to divulge anything. Kagaya's instructions to avoid mentioning anything about your past life as a demon lingered in their minds.
"What do you mean?" Yushiro replied cautiously.
"It just seemed like everyone was on edge this morning," you elaborated, trying to make sense of the atmosphere.
"Ah, that? We had a minor hiccup with one of our investors. With the Gala approaching, it's a setback for us," Yushiro explained, downplaying the situation.
"Really?" you inquired, surprised by the revelation.
"There's no need to worry; Kagaya-san handled it gracefully," Nezuko reassured you with a smile.
Relieved by their explanation, you nodded in understanding. "I see... It's just unexpected."
"We were taken aback too, but dwelling on it won't change anything," Nezuko remarked optimistically.
"How are you feeling now?" Yushiro asked, changing the subject.
"I'm still a bit queasy, but I can manage," you replied, recalling Tengen's concern for your well-being. Despite his reluctance, you insisted on returning to work, determined not to burden him further. His playful "strict boss" demeanor couldn't hide his genuine care for you.
"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. We missed having you around," Nezuko chimed in warmly.
"I missed you guys too," you admitted with a chuckle, grateful for their support during your absence. "Being stuck at home was starting to get dull."
"At least Tengen-san took good care of you," Nezuko remarked.
Tengen had indeed gone above and beyond to pamper you during your illness. His gestures of affection had not gone unnoticed, and you cherished each moment spent in his care.
Lunch passed quickly, and as you headed back to work, you felt your phone vibrate. It was Tengen.
"Hey," you said, greeting him with a smile.
"Just checking in to see how you're doing." Tengen's voice sounded over the line, eliciting a grin from you.
"I'm alright. I just had lunch with Yushiro-kun and Nezuko-chan. Have you eaten yet?" you asked, concern lacing your words.
"Not yet. Our meeting with the architect ran longer than expected, and now we're stuck in traffic," Tengen explained, his hunger evident in his tone.
"I'll get you something to eat. Anything specific you're craving?" you offered, eager to help.
"I'd appreciate it. Hmm... maybe a subway sandwich and iced coffee." Tengen replied gratefully.
"Consider it done." 
"Hey, I have to get going; I need to get to the IT department and get my computer inspected again."
"Why? What happened?" Tengen's voice immediately grew concerned when you mentioned the IT department, knowing that it meant you might run into Sanemi.
"The computer crashed just as I was finishing up my presentation."
"You're welcome to use my computer, and then I'll have someone check on yours when I get back."
You hummed thoughtfully. "I guess I could do that."
"I won't be using mine today anyway; I have a meeting with Rengoku and Giyuu later after lunch." Tengen continued in hopes of persuading you.
"All right, I'll just notify Sanemi-senpai or Inosuke-kun then. I gotta go now, Tengen. See you later!"
“Y/N, wait–!” Tengen was about to say something else, but you ended the call before he could finish.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Zenitsu asked, his acute hearing having picked up on the worry in Tengen's voice.
Tengen looked at Zenitsu, noting his concern. "I can only pray Sanemi doesn't say or do anything dumb. If he's genuinely concerned about everyone's safety, he should keep his mouth shut, and if he dares to harm Y/N, I'll come for his head first."
The Sound Hashira sighed, turning to the window and cursing the traffic that was delaying his return to you.
You knocked on the door of the IT department and entered. Immediately, you scanned the room for either Sanemi or Inosuke, but neither of them was present. You approached the office secretary to inquire about their whereabouts, and she informed you that Inosuke was on leave while Sanemi was in a meeting with Gyoumei and Obanai.
"I guess I'll come back later," you said, thanking the secretary for the information.
Continuing with your day, you decided to grab a cup of coffee before returning to your desk. Heading to the pantry for a much-needed caffeine boost, you nearly dropped your cup when a booming voice came from behind you.
"Oh, if it isn't Y/N."
"Oh, my God!" you exclaimed, startled by the sudden voice. After regaining your composure, you realized it was Gyoumei approaching the pantry table with his own mug.
"Sorry for scaring you," he chuckled.
"It's fine. Are you done with your meeting with Sanemi-senpai?" you asked.
"Yup, it was just a brief catch-up conference with one of our sponsors," he replied, brewing his own coffee.
"How are things going, senpai?"
"They've already dispatched the units, and they should arrive in two months."
"I'm glad to hear that. The last time I spoke with Sanemi-senpai, he was concerned about it," you said, recalling the amusing encounter with him.
Gyoumei laughed. "When I offered him coffee, he said he'd rather have a drink of bourbon."
"That sounds like Sanemi-senpai," you chuckled, taking a sip of your coffee. "Speaking of Sanemi-senpai, where is he? I need to talk to him. Is he still in the conference room?"
Gyoumei hesitated, unsure of whether he should tell you the truth. He wasn't certain if Sanemi would still treat you the same way or if he would snap at you.
"Yeah, I believe so. He had another appointment with a client, but I think he should be done by now. What do you want to tell him? I can relay the message for you if you want," Gyoumei offered, feeling a bit uneasy.
"Oh, no, it's fine. I'll talk to him myself. But thank you anyway, Senpai!"
After bidding Gyoumei farewell, you quickly returned to your floor, eager to complete your work. You were almost halfway through your presentation and just needed to make a few changes based on Tengen's request earlier that morning.
On your way to Sanemi's office to discuss your faulty computer, you decided to go the extra mile and fetch him some coffee. You knew he would appreciate the caffeine boost after two consecutive meetings.
"Sanemi-senpai!" you called out when you spotted him in the hallway.
Sanemi paused, contemplating whether to entertain you or not give you the time of day. But before he could respond, you were standing in front of him, handing him his favorite iced coffee.
"For you, Senpai, I thought you could use the caffeine," you said cheerfully.
"What do you want? I'm busy," he replied, his tone abrupt and harsh.
His sudden abrasiveness caught you off guard, causing you to take a step back.
"Oh, um, I wanted to talk to you about my computer. It's been acting up," you explained.
"And you couldn't ask the secretaries downstairs?"
Sanemi looked at you with intimidating eyes, a far cry from the warmth you were accustomed to, leaving you completely taken aback. Despite feeling hurt by his response, you still apologized.
"I did, but she recommended I come to you. I'm sorry for bothering you."
Seeing how startled and scared you looked, Sanemi's heart broke and ached.
Even more so because he knew he was the cause of your distress.
He immediately regretted speaking to you in that manner and wished he could punch himself for being so foolish.
Sanemi now sees and treats you as his little sister after eight months of working together. However, when he discovered that you were once a demon in your previous life, his world turned upside down. As much as he adores you, accepting the fact that you were once a blood-sucking creature preying on the living is challenging for him.
In some ways, he feels deceived. But as Tengen and his own heart have reminded him, you are a completely different person now. He has spent enough time with you to know better than to impose his outdated beliefs and your past identity on you. If the gods and goddesses have granted you a second chance at life, who is he to deny you that?
What matters now is that you are alive and well. Instead of dwelling on the past, he should do everything in his power to keep you safe from harm.
Sanemi took a deep breath to center himself, closing his eyes briefly. When he opened them again, the hostility had vanished, replaced by a melancholic expression.
"I'm sorry. It was rude of me to lash out at you like that. I was having a bad day," he apologized sincerely.
You stood there feeling a mix of relief and distress, not sure how to respond after being hurt by his previous outburst. You don't appreciate being spoken to in such a manner, as it brings up unpleasant memories.
"It's okay, I understand," you replied, still feeling a bit nervous in his presence.
Sanemi gestured toward the iced coffee you had prepared for him and said sheepishly, "Can I still have that?"
"Of course," you said, mirroring his smile and handing him the cool drink.
Just as he was about to take it from you, a searing pain shot through your stomach, causing you to slump over and drop the drink.
"Y/N!" Sanemi caught you in his arms, the force causing both of you to tumble to the floor.
"Hey, what's the matter? Y/N—hey!" he called out in concern.
Everything happened so quickly. The once-quiet corridor now resounded with your agonizing screams.
"I NEED HELP! IS SOMEONE THERE?!" Sanemi shouted, hoping that someone would hear him and come to your aid.
"It hurts—" you attempted to say, but the pain was so intense that uttering a single syllable was a struggle.
Unbeknownst to you, you were spitting out blood, staining Sanemi's perfectly pressed dress shirt.
"What the fuck--Y/N? Y/N! Wait a second, okay? I'm going to call for help. Just hold on a little longer, okay? Stay with me."
Sanemi tried his hardest to remain composed as he cradled you in his arms and retrieved his phone from his pocket.
While he murmured words of encouragement, he felt something move inside you.
Sanemi dialed Tengen's number with trembling hands, desperation evident in his voice. "Why isn't he answering!?"
"What the hell is happening here?!" Giyuu walked in, his eyes widening in shock when he saw your bloody body writhing in Sanemi's arms.
"We were just talking when she suddenly started screaming in pain and coughing up blood. She—Y/N needs help! Call the fucking ambulance and get Shinobu here quickly!" Sanemi's voice trembled as he struggled to speak.
They wasted no time and rushed you to the elevator, Giyuu calling out to Shinobu while Sanemi carried you, whispering soothing words to keep you awake.
"No matter what happens, don't close your eyes. You hear me? Just hold on a little longer," he said, turning his attention back to you.
"Where is Tengen?" Giyuu asked urgently.
"I don't fucking know! I tried reaching him, but he's not answering!"
"For now, let's focus on getting Y/N to the infirmary," Giyuu said, his face filled with deep concern as he feared for your life.
Thankfully, you had stopped screaming, but the sight of you in pain was heartbreaking. They arrived at the infirmary and wasted no time getting you settled on one of the beds.
Sanemi observed you closely and noticed how much skinnier and paler you had become in such a short period of time. It seemed like you were on the verge of passing out.
"Keep your eyes open, Y/N. Whatever happens, don't close them. Don't you dare pass out on me!"
"Giyuu said Shinobu is on her way," Sanemi informed, his voice filled with both hope and worry.
Sanemi kept a firm hold on your hand, praying for your swift recovery. Giyuu excused himself momentarily to inform the others about what had happened.
From your perspective, everything was a haze. You couldn't discern who was speaking to you, but you knew there were multiple people present. As you opened your mouth to speak, no words came out.
Sanemi winced at the scratchiness in your voice, but he was relieved that you were still conscious. He made gentle shushing noises, urging you not to talk for the time being to avoid exacerbating your discomfort.
"Don't worry, Shinobu is on her way, and Tengen hasn't called back yet, but I'm sure he'll rush here once he hears what happened."
As you stared at him, Sanemi noticed your fully dilated eyes, as if you had been injected with some strange drug.
"Shh... don't talk too much for now, okay? I'm here. I won't leave you until I know you're safe, Y/N," Sanemi whispered, brushing your hair gently.
With the little strength you had left, you reached out to him and wiped away the tears streaming down his cheeks. Despite your successful gesture, Sanemi's tears only flowed more as he watched you comfort him.
"Idiot, I should be the one comforting you right now, you know?" he chuckled, his voice choked with emotion.
You mustered a tired smile in response to his remark.
"I know you're exhausted, but try to stay awake for a little longer, okay? Help is on the way," Sanemi said, his heart aching with worry.
It wasn't long before Shinobu arrived with her medical team. They quickly assessed your condition and began to administer the necessary treatment.
Sanemi reluctantly let go of your hand, allowing the medical team to work. He watched anxiously as they attended to you, feeling a profound sense of helplessness.
"She'll be okay, right?" Sanemi asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Shinobu glanced at him and offered a reassuring nod. "We'll do everything we can. She's strong; she'll pull through."
Sanemi could only hope that her words would hold true as he stood by, praying for your recovery and vowing to be there for you every step of the way.
You mustered all your strength to stay awake for over an hour while Shinobu ran tests and examined you more closely in her clinic.
Tengen had finally arrived, while Shinobu was running several tests on you. His phone had died, so he couldn't answer Sanemi's call earlier. When he found out what had happened to you, he was completely distraught. He felt furious with himself for not being able to help you in any way.
All he's done is let you down time and time again.
Shinobu continued to evaluate you and provide you with the medical care you needed. He, Sanemi, Giyuu, Zenitsu, and Kagaya remained outside, waiting for her to finish.
"She'll be fine. Have faith in her," Sanemi said to Tengen, who was staring into nothingness.
"I failed her again."
"It's not your fault," murmured the Wind Hashira.
Tengen nodded in response to Sanemi's words, knowing full well that dwelling in self-pity now was pointless.
"Thank you for saving her."
"If only you could see how scared shitless I was," Sanemi chuckled tiredly. "If there's anyone who deserves recognition, it's Giyuu. I don't want to admit it, but he did handle everything much better than me."
"But even if you despised what she was, you were still there for her—"
"I don't hate her; I never have." Sanemi intervened before Tengen could continue his sentence. "That was just me being stupid and not being able to move on."
"And I can understand that, but thank you for putting your faith in her," Tengen replied, turning to face his friend with a faint smile on his lips.
Sanemi merely shrugged and remarked, with a faint smirk on his lips, "Once she's recovered, you can bet she'll get an earful from me for putting me through hell."
Tengen snickered. “Count me in.”
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TAGLIST: trishiepo0 @babygirl-panda19 @hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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warabidakihime · 2 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 12
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
"How long do you intend to play Sleeping Beauty, Y/N? It's been two days, and you're still sleeping like a log." Tengen's relatively deep voice resonated throughout your private hospital room.
His voice sounded awfully chirpy, but he felt anything but cheerful. In fact, he had kicked himself far too many times in the head while waiting for you to wake up.
It was his way of retaliating against himself for failing to protect you.
How unflashy and pitiful of him, right?
It had been four days since the terrible incident, and while everyone was worried sick about you, they were thankful you were still alive and well. Despite what transpired, your vitals appeared to be in terrific form, and you seemed perfectly healthy.
However, Shinobu claimed that during the numerous tests on you, they saw an abnormal lump in your breast area. Initially assumed to be a tumor cell, with the present facts, they could only presume it was his cells that had somehow remained dormant in your system.
Except for Sanemi's suppository while ministering to you, no one could truly give any valuable information at the moment. They couldn't confirm his claim because he could have been in a complete trance that day. But, of course, they weren't fully ruling anything out because your existence or reincarnation were likewise pretty alien concepts.
Anything was possible at this point, to be honest.
So, even if you were totally healthy, you weren't out of the woods yet. And the only feasible conclusion Shinobu could reach at the moment was that Kibutsuji Muzan was alive and probably living inside you, sucking your life force from within.
Honestly, that could very well be the case, because not only did you require blood transfusions due to blood loss, but a number of your vital organs were declining at an alarming rate on that day.
It was as if you were pregnant with a demon child.
So the plan was for you to undergo surgery in which they would try to remove the lump and dispose of it as soon as possible before it matured entirely.
It would be Shinobu's first time performing such a delicate procedure, but there was a first time for everything, right?
To say Tengen was terrified for your life would be the understatement of the century.
"Still fast asleep, huh?" Tengen's attention was drawn to Sanemi's words as soon as he entered the room.
"Like a baby," he chuckled halfheartedly to his companion.
The Wind Hashira settled in and proceeded to replace the withered flowers in the vase with new ones.
"By the way, Kanae sends her regards; she's still overseas, so she can't visit."
"It's okay; tell her I appreciate the flowers."
"When is the operation?" Sanemi said, his eyes filled with worry as he looked at you.
"There's no formal date yet," Tengen shrugged, his eyes never leaving your tiny frame sleeping soundly on the bed. "Shinobu suggested it'd be best to wait for her to regain consciousness; that way we can tell her she'll be undergoing surgery and also assure her she's completely safe."
"I see, but I'm glad the colors have returned to her face again; she looked like a total corpse the last time I saw her." Sanemi bit his lip and looked at the Sound Hashira.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that."
"You're saying that now?" Tengen deadpanned.
Sanemi just cleared his throat and handed him something, saying, "Obanai found this in the office lobby. He says it's Y/N's."
It was a necklace with a pendant.
Tengen recognized it right away.
"How fitting for her to bear a pendant with wisteria blossoms carved on it," Sanemi observed as he watched the Sound Hashira place the necklace on you.
"Right?" Tengen grimaced as he struggled to fasten the necklace, not seeing that you were finally rousing awake until you let out a small grunt.
Tengen instantly pulled away, worrying that you could be struggling to breathe because of him.
"Wait—I'll fetch Kocho." Sanemi ran back outside to summon Shinobu, and as he ran towards her office, a few tears fell from his eyes, and relief encompassed his entire being.
Thank goodness!
You struggled to open your eyes since the lights in your room were too intense, but Tengen's towering form was able to block most of them, so it didn't take long for you to adjust your eyes. Tengen sat on your bed, caring for you, holding one side of your face, and looking at you intently.
"Y/N? How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?"
“Everything has finally come back to me.”
Tengen stared at you, visibly puzzled, but when you looked at him with such familiarity, he finally understood what you meant. He drew you into an embrace, completely forgetting you were still healing, and you swore it was the tightest and warmest hug he had ever given you. You returned the hug with a soft giggle, and as you held him tight, you felt his shoulders tremble, indicating he was crying.
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting and causing you so much pain, Tengen."
"No, I should be apologizing to you; you did nothing wrong," he replied between sniffles, his embrace tightening by the minute. "But I'm so happy you finally remember."
"You, too, did nothing wrong, my love; please don't blame yourself."
Tengen eventually pulled away from the hug, his eyes bloodshot from crying, and his cheeks and nose flushed.
He looked absolutely adorable.
"You would not have died if I hadn't pursued you before."
"We wouldn't be able to meet and be together today if I hadn't died that day," you replied firmly, cupping his face and wiping away his tears.
"It was entirely my decision to sacrifice myself that night, Tengen; you did nothing wrong. I wanted to atone for the misdeeds I committed while I was still a demon. I wanted to help you with your cause, so don't believe even for a second that you caused my demise since all you did was love and care for me.”
Tengen buried his face once more in your embrace and wept quietly. You tried to console him by caressing his back and whispering sweet words to him, and after a few minutes of stillness, he continued, "I heard you that night."
"I heard you loud and clear when you said you loved me on that mountaintop."
"Well, you are the Sound Hashira," you chuckled.
Tengen grumbled, "You could've said it when I was still at your side, you know."
"Are we really talking about this now?"
"I love you," he said as he gazed up at you and captured your lips for a sweet kiss. When you returned his gaze, you swear you saw an entire universe twirling around in his eyes.
"I love you too, Tengen," you whispered tenderly, sealing the deal with a kiss.
Tengen made himself comfortable on your bed while waiting for Shinobu to come down to your room. Fortunately, it was large enough to accommodate both of you.
Sanemi had returned and informed you that Shinobu was in the middle of performing intricate surgery on one of her patients and that she would be unable to see you for some time.
"Now I understand why you were so harsh to me on that day, Sanemi-senpai," you stated to the Wind Hashira, who was sitting by your bedside. "I know I'm centuries late, but I'm sorry..."
"That's all in the past. I forgive you," he said, shaking his head and smiling warmly at you.
"Thank you," you said with a sincere grin. "You still owe me coffee, though, because you scared the living daylights out of me and damaged my newly bought dress shirt," he joked, to which you responded, "Don't worry, once I get discharged, coffee is on me, senpai."
"Why don't you just ask Giyuu to get you coffee?" Tengen deadpanned as he side-eyed him.
"As if he'd actually buy me anything," Sanemi snorted.
"He did buy me a slice of cake once," you answered, and both of them glanced at you with wide eyes. "During one of our field days, Giyuu bought me a slice of strawberry shortcake because he spotted me gazing at it, and he insisted it was his belated welcome present to me."
"Oh, so that fool can be pleasant and kind as well?"
"He's always been kind to me, and he even helped me with my presentation," you added, turning to Tengen. "Remember the layout you loved so much? It was actually Giyuu-senpai's idea, and I simply adapted it to your taste."
"You should thank him, for he also helped in your rescue because Sanemi was too scared to move."
"You would be too if you were in my position!" Sanemi replied, glaring at your boyfriend, but as usual, there is no hostility between them.
"I will, and Sanemi-senpai," you smiled as you turned to face him, "thank you."
"Anyone could've done the same thing, but you're welcome," he said, somewhat flustered, turning aside and pretending to fix his hair.
“Oh, and by the way, we already replaced your present computer with a new one since your old one was infested with a virus."
"Seriously? So, that explains it. Thank you, Senpai."
You spent most of the day conversing and catching up with each other while waiting for Shinobu. What did you miss while sleeping? What truly happened to you?
And when they said your former master might still be alive and could be living inside you, you froze and couldn't fathom the information.
So that explains why you've been having those nightmares and experiencing random chest pains.
Kibutsuji Muzan is trying to seize control of your body and your life again for his own selfish gains.
"I think you're right," you murmured, staring down at your hands.
"I once had a dream in which he was there."
"Was it the dream you mentioned to me a few months ago?"
"Yeah, and to be honest, I don't think we can call it a dream anymore since it truly seemed like he was talking directly to me in my psyche." You nodded grimly, turning to them regretfully. "I'm sorry for putting your lives in danger."
"No, it's not your fault. No one saw this coming, not even you, so don't blame yourself. It's meaningless to point fingers now, so let's just focus our energy on solving this before it gets any worse," Sanemi said, shaking his head.
"Are you talking about the operation?"
Tengen nodded, still nervous about the whole thing.
"Yeah. Once Shinobu comes here, she'll examine you one more time before you can go home."
"Oh, I see..."
Even though you have complete faith in them, a large part of you is still scared and nervous about what is to come. This is an entirely new matter for all of you, and you're all pretty much playing it by ear.
"I don't know how to wield a Nichirin Blade, so the least I could do is help, huh?" You said, attempting to be positive.
"That's correct," Sanemi smirked, "but it's never too late for you to practice."
"I guess, because my mother did mention to me once that my great-grandfather was a former Hashira," you chuckled.
"Seriously?" both men said, their eyes wide.
"Yeah, to be honest, I didn't really get it at first, since, you know, my memory was a bit foggy, but yeah, my great-grandfather was a Hashira, but unfortunately he didn't make it; otherwise, you'd know him," you affirmed.
"And this—" you showed them your wisteria pendant, "was his. It was passed down to me because, according to my grandparents, I’m a Marechi, which makes me a favorable target for demons. This pendant was supposed to be for my protection against them, or so they say."
You were about to say something else when something sparked in your mind, and you turned to Sanemi and said, "I've been wanting to ask you this, but I always forget, and I'm not sure how I'll say it to you. Your surname is Shinazugawa, right?"
Sanemi nodded, making you beam warmly.
"I'm not sure whether it's purely a coincidence, but my mother's surname is also Shinazugawa, and my great-grandfather is from her side of the family," you said.
Sanemi's eyes widened like saucers, and he murmured softly, in stark contrast to his usual demeanor, "Wait, which means—".
"Technically, I'm your predecessor, but I guess I was resurrected as your cousin," you chuckled.
Well, that explains why the two of you have the same hair and eye color. You two are connected through your mother's side of the family. And you being related might be one of the reasons you're a Marechi as well. Perhaps you weren't familiar with each other because you lived in the countryside for most of your life, whereas Sanemi grew up in the capital.
Somehow, the thought of you falling victim to Muzan's arms way back left a very unpleasant taste in Sanemi's mouth. He can't help but feel bad as well for not being able to defend his own kin at the time, even though you were presumably decades older than him.
He used to want to protect you as a friend, but now he wants to protect you as kin, as your older brother. Sanemi will go to any length to ensure that you do not fall into the same trap again, even if it means sacrificing his own life for you. As Rengoku stated, they never forsake their families.
"My mother said that we have cousins in the countryside, and we've always intended to pay you a visit, but just as we were ready to go, we heard that something had happened, and you were no longer living there," Sanemi stated.
Tengen frowned, since he already knew the story, but the fact that you and Sanemi are blood relatives was obviously news to him.
"Yeah, there was a great fight amongst the heads of my father's family, and they were quarreling over lands and estates left behind by my grandparents," you said regretfully.
"What happened?" your cousin inquired, a worried expression on his face.
"My mom and I got caught in it. My mom especially, because when my father would return home after arguing with my grandparents and his siblings, he'd project his anger onto her and he'd—do horrible things to her. It was worse when he was drunk. Literal hell would break loose in our house."
Tengen drew you closer to him, making you smile gently despite telling them a very sad story.
"As a result, my mom became mentally unstable, and she'd throw her displeasure onto me, and I became her personal punching bag. And then just a few years ago, my mother finally decided to divorce him, and she took me with her. I was honestly surprised that she even thought of taking me with her. She apologized, and I decided to forgive her, but a year later, she started mistreating me again, and it got a lot worse because we were basically penniless. I was still in college at the time, so I couldn't really land a full-time job. As she could not work anymore, she depended on me."
As you continued your story, you noticed Sanemi's hand clenching shut. You couldn't help but smile, because it's really comforting to see someone get mad on your behalf.
"I immediately sought a job after graduating from college, and the instant I received my first paycheck, I packed my things and ran away; I've never looked back since."
"You really shouldn't," Sanemi grumbled. "Fuck your mom; she's horrible, and fuck your father as well."
"Tengen said the same thing, you know?"
Your boyfriend grumbled, "Anybody with a heart could've said the same thing."
"I suppose," you chuckled, "but yep, that's my life story; I'd share the life I had when I was a demon too, but it would take us a whole day just to get to the highlight."
"Well, we have a lifetime to talk about that; for now, you need to focus on getting better. I'd offer you my place, but I know you're already living with Tengen, so if you ever miss home, you can pay us a visit. Genya would be overjoyed to know that his Santa Claus is his own biological cousin," Sanemi remarked, smiling.
"I'd like that," you said with a smile.
Tengen kissed your forehead and said, "I'm not sure about having Sanemi as my future brother-in-law, but I guess you can't have it all, huh?"
"You really should be kind to me, you know? With her worthless father and mother out of the picture, I'm essentially her guardian." Sanemi tossed his empty paper cup at your boyfriend, striking him straight in the face and making you laugh out loud.
You returned your gaze to the Wind Hashira, saying, "Nii-san, if he ever breaks my heart, you know what to do, okay?"
"You don't even need to say anything, Y/N," Sanemi smirked.
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TAGLIST: trishiepo0 @babygirl-panda19 @hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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warabidakihime · 2 years
im currently writing chapter 11 and i may or may have not fallen for sanemi while writing his scenes in the update
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warabidakihime · 2 years
i thought i could upload chap 12 tonight but my brain went brrrrrr so i'll just continue writing it later :D
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warabidakihime · 2 years
I'm currently rereading invisible strings to get myself ready to write as effortlessly as possible today. 
Because it's been so long, I also need a refresher. ><
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warabidakihime · 2 years
I might just start writing the Muzan fic I've been thinking about sooner rather than later. 😳
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warabidakihime · 2 years
hey! just wanna greet you a happy birthday. i really love your tengen series by the way. you update so fast but each chapter has different feels to it and i think thats so cool. how do you come up with the plto?
Oh, hello!
Thank you so much for your message! Also, thank you for reading my work; you're all very kind, I swear. 🥰
To be honest, I'm composing the story on the spot. For example, when I'm writing a chapter, I'm visualizing what will happen next in my head. For the time being, the story's primary point is about Y/N, who was a demon in her former life and was granted rebirth. I suppose you might consider this a soulmate!au because I deviated slightly from the original plot of the series in order to make the fic as inclusive as possible for the readers.
I already have an ending in mind; I just need to figure out how to get there lol.
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