#we all know jinki says repeatedly that he's not a good socializer but him in this vid šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ’–
leejinkie Ā· 4 years
shinee are seriously the most genuine people ive seen
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m0nstera-blog Ā· 8 years
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Ricky Watches | Mar 13-19
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Grimm 06x10 | Blood Magic
After a series of brutal attacks in a local nursing home, Nick and Hank learn about euthanasia being practiced in the Wesen community. Eve asks questions to Adalind that only a Hexenbiest can give.
Grimm has just three episodes left to tie up a whole lot of loose ends, but it seems to be doing a good job so far. Iā€™m enjoying that, along the way, they havenā€™t sacrificed the smaller, one-episode plots in an attempt to cram everything they want in for the larger plot. (Though, this will likely be the last weā€™ll see of that.) This episode, of course, kept with the plot of Eve/Juliette and the Big Bad in the mirror - but also brought us a really compelling and somber sub-plot about dementia and dying with dignity, as well as the preservation of a way of life for a persecuted group of people that are just trying to do their best. In addition, the dynamic between Eve and Adalind has been really intriguing. Two women that were, not too long ago, bitter enemies and romantic rivals but are now warily cautious teammates? A very interesting pair not often seen on mainstream television, at least in a way that doesnā€™t involve sexism and cat fights. And then, of course, a little humor to make up for the box of tissues you just plowed through:
Eve having to shake one of the Hexen-books to get the letters to unscramble
The medical examiner shrugging off the tox screen results with ā€œI suppose if any place was going to have a giant assassin bug, itā€™d be Portland.ā€
Rosalee panics and tells the Gevatter Tod that itā€™s her husband suffering from dementia as Monroe stares her down and then chugs some wine.
ā€œMake sure your brother doesnā€™t fall off the bed. No making him float, either.ā€
Grimm 06x11 | Where the Wild Things Were
Nick finds a way to join Eve in the other place, while the gang reluctantly enlists Renard for help.
The Scooby Gang pretty quickly realizes that Eve has gone rogue to Ģ¶NĢ¶aĢ¶rĢ¶nĢ¶iĢ¶aĢ¶ Ģ¶TĢ¶hĢ¶eĢ¶ Ģ¶UĢ¶pĢ¶sĢ¶iĢ¶dĢ¶eĢ¶ Ģ¶DĢ¶oĢ¶wĢ¶nĢ¶ The Other Place. This episode felt more like a set-up for next week than a stand-alone episode. We find out the prophecy, whatā€™s probably going on (ick, child bride), whatā€™s through the mirror, and finally we are full-circle from the beginning of the show. The keys, the magic stick, the cloth, the symbols, the mirror, the child with ridiculous powers. All is linked. Adalind offering to go through the mirror speaks volumes about her growth over the seasons. Though I do agree that, as a (possibly now single, if Nick doesnā€™t find his way back) mother, itā€™s definitely not something to be asked of her, Adalind volunteering as tribute is a stamp on the finished product of Bad Character Who Is Now Good. The heart to heart in the forest was overdo. Eve says she doesnā€™t blame Nick, and she wouldnā€™t change anything. The line "Happiness doesnā€™t interest me anymore, Nick. It just gets in the way,ā€œ did make me a bit sad for Juliette. Eve has recently settled on a slightly more middle ground between the two - but sheā€™s definitely not Juliette. I was really pleased that it didnā€™t end up with Nick going back to Juliette/Eve in some sort of destined to be together, endgame sort of way. Nick has moved on, Juliette is gone, and thatā€™s where we are. No romantic happily ever after for them. And theyā€™re okay with that. Once this season is over, I think Iā€™ll need to rewatch the whole thing. Considering itā€™s been six years since I watched the beginning, the overarcing details are occasionally lost to me.
Humans are called ā€œwalking meatā€ in The Other Place? Jinkies.
The Schrodingerā€™s Cat analogy confused the bejeezus out of me. So because they went through, another dimension is no longer available? Or it might be a pre-life or afterlife, but not like in a heaven or hell type way? But sort of? And Skull Face might be the devil? What?
"Iā€™m guessing this is your standard stone slab sacrificial altar.ā€
Seriously, though, did the whole show come down to a magic stick and a child bride?
Next: ā€œ A dark force arrives in Portland with its eyes set on Diana; Monroe, Eve and Rosalee make a discovery that uncovers the origins of the mysterious stick; Hank and Wu are called to a crime scene that is linked to the gangā€™s greatest threat.ā€
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Criminal Minds 12x14 | Collision Course
When pedestrians in Bradenton, Florida are critically injured following a series of car accidents, the BAU suspects that the vehicles involved in each accident were being controlled by a hacker. Meanwhile, Prentiss works with defense attorney Fiona Duncan (Jeananne Goossen) as Reid prepares to stand trial. Things take a turn for the worse when the Mexican authorities find the weapon of the crime. Reid refuses both the deals the prosecution offers him, and heā€™s denied bail.
Welcome to Criminal Minds, where the stories are made up andā€¦ still completely terrifying. Criminal of the episode: car hacker. Hack the car, hack the smart phone, watch the horrified driver as they unwillingly run into a pedestrian. Fun for the whole family. (Seriously, though, stop making me nervous about things that will probably not be sci-fi in the very near future.) The unsub is a white male, in his mid- to late-twenties, who was repeatedly rejected by women. Next!
Criminal Minds 12x15 | Alpha Male
When several civilians are disfigured following a series of acid attacks in Philadelphia, the BAU sets out to catch an unsub who wants to make his victims feel as ugly as he does. Meanwhile, Reid struggles to adapt to life in prison after a guard with a grudge sends him to the general population, and makes a friend in Calvin Shaw, a former FBI agent with a dark past.
This one glanced furtively in the right direction, and then ran away. (And yet I still chased it. Iā€™ll never give you up, Criminal Minds!) This week, we have attractive young people getting hit in the face with acid. Early in the episode it was suggested that it might be a woman, or even multiple unsubs, but of course it was a socially awkward, white, twenty-something male with a severe case of But Why Would You Sleep With Him When You Could Have Me? What I do find interesting, though, is a detective show having a storyline - or even two, really - where the system is not working in the favor of those who are innocent. Reid being put in prison, unable to truly legally defend himself, for a crime he didnā€™t commit. Calvin Shaw, having to spend the rest of his life in prison for a decision he made in a lose/lose situation. Calvinā€™s status among the prisoners as the alpha male, and his reaching out to protect Reid, tie in nicely with the criminal of the week.
Criminal Minds 12x16 | Assistance is Futile
A mother steps forward with valuable information for the BAU to aid in their investigation of an unsub known as the bone crusher. Also, Reid must adapt to a new set of rules in prison life.
Iā€™m not gonna lie, I definitely fast forwarded through a few scenes on this one. Crunching bones is not my thing. -shudders- Of course the victims are women, and of course theyā€™re tortured. In a slight shift in routine, the team actually knows who the perpetrator is pretty early in the episode - then itā€™s a matter of finding him. So, some people are speculating online that Reid was placed in general population as a plant. Iā€™mā€¦ uncertain. I mean, this is the show that ā€œkilledā€ a main character and didnā€™t let her friends know it was fake, so, who knows. But Iā€™ll be a bit upset for the team if they went through all this heartache for nothing.
Next:The BAU suspects that two unsubs are operating at the same time when victims killed in different ways are found in the same city.
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Jane the Virgin 03x01 | Chapter Forty-Five
Michael is in critical condition fighting for his life in hospital, as we are given flashbacks to the start of Jane and Michaelā€™s romance. Police question Petra (really her twin sister, Anezka) and find her acting suspiciously, and Jane and Michaelā€™s mom finally learn to get along.
Please excuse me while I sob into my tea.
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Originally posted by rootxsam
Yes. I watched all of these in one go, so I donā€™t have much analyzing to offer. Next time Iā€™ll pace myself. I will say, the flashbacks showed a relationship that I wasnā€™t really expecting. What I was expecting, I'm not sure. But it wasn't that. In addition, Iā€™ve been spoiled on a development from later in the season, which has ruined me forever.
Jane the Virgin 03x02 | Chapter Forty-Six
When Rafael finally admits that he is over Jane, their co-parenting style is tested when they argue over what the best preschool is for Mateo. Xo is paranoid about Alba finding out her secret and what it will do to their relationship.
Ouch. Jane had moved on from Raphael, of course, but that still has to sting. And Gina Rodriguez does such a good job with the slight facial expressions showing Jane feeling hurt, but trying not to look like sheā€™s feeling hurt. I canā€™t remember ever seeing a show deal with a character getting an abortion as calmly and as casually as Jane the Virgin did. It was mentioned, it was a thing, and thatā€™s that. No slut shaming, no fingernail-biting decision-making. Xo didnā€™t want to have kids. So she didnā€™t. End of story. (Well, not quite. Does Alba know? Uh oh.)
Jane the Virgin 03x03 | Chapter Forty-Seven
Jane continues to work on her thesis and she decides to add Albaā€™s estranged sister to the narrative, much to Albaā€™s dismay. In order for Rogelio to have a chance at being an American crossover star he decides to bring the Passions of Santos to The CW in hopes they will pick it up.
Oh, this episode was exquisite. So good. The second hand embarrassment when Marlene gets the video, though, hurt me to my core. (I actually realized about as soon as she was sending the email what was about to happen, and just screeched from then until the reveal of yes-Marlene-saw-it and #yikes.) The back and forth about The CW - not quite breaking the fourth wall, but definitely giving it a solid kick - was a nice touch.
Jane the Virgin 03x04 | Chapter Forty-Eight
Jane and Michaelā€™s housewarming party in their new home hits a snag when they discover they are being evicted for not paying their rent. Meanwhile, ā€œPetraā€ shocks Rafael with what she wants to do with her shares of the hotel.
This storyline actually caught me completely by surprise. The idea that Petraā€™s half of the rent might not be getting paid never occurred to me - so I was (almost) just as shocked as Jane and Michael when the realtor walked through the door. Speaking of Petra, the twinsā€™ switcharoo storyline is just the right ratio of bonkers telenovella plot to actually plausible. The sweet spot that Jane the Virgin does so well in. (Also, I want Petra back.)
Next: Jane convinces Alba to let her read the letters from her estranged sister, but under the condition Jane doesnā€™t reach out to her family. Rafael is starting to suspect that something is different with Petra. Meanwhile, Michael and Rafael, with the help of Jane and Rogelio, try to create a civil friendship, but it doesnā€™t go as smoothly as everyone hoped.
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Powerless 01x04 | Emily Dates a Henchman
After receiving a wedding invite from her ex-boyfriend, Emily finds someone to date. However, she doesnā€™t realize that her date is a henchman for the Riddler. Meanwhile, Teddy and Ron find a Batarang stuck to a safe door that Wayne Security is supposed to improve. Van, after learning about the Batarang, wants to use it to lure Batman to Charm City.
It could be said that Powerlessā€™ characters are rather two dimensional. Itā€™s not an overly thought-engaging show, and honestly thatā€™s why I like it. Cute, funny, upbeat - all things I need these days. There have been large time gaps - at least a few months have passed - so the sudden closeness with the group feels a little out of the blue, but it isnā€™t unappreciated. (Also, Robert Buckley from iZombie makes a most excellent henchman.)
Powerless 01x05 | Cold Season
While cold-themed villains rampage Charm City, Emily tries to convince Teddy to submit his super-heating gloves to an in-company competition for new inventions. Meanwhile, Van convinces Ron to assemble toys thatā€™ll help him with his new girlfriendā€™s daughter.
I really have nothing of substance to contribute for this episode.I really love this show.
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Originally posted by colleenwing
Next: When Emily learns that Jackie is in need of some extra cash, she canā€™t help but try and do what she can to help her out. Meanwhile, Van is on a witch hunt and has his eyes set on Teddy, Ron and Wendy.
What did you think? Have you tried Powerless yet? Is Jane the Virgin making you cry like Titanic during shark week? Have you watched Emerald City? That's on my list. And why are detective shows so addictive, anyways?
until next time xo, ricky
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