#we don't lick the hotdog sir
adelha-mathilde · 2 months
He walked without any particular place in mind, looking as sorely out of place as any one individual could. Whether it be the sheer aura of malice leaking off of him or the confident strut he used in pacing the towns streets, the people did well to mark a wide perimeter around him.
Nai, Millions Knives as he was called, only came to a stop when one brave soul chose to breach that unspoken barrier.
"Hotdog??" The man smiled, holding his wares for him to partake, the smell of the roasted sausage wafting up toward him. "You look like you could use a hotdog. Fresh off the grill!"
Nai narrowed his eyes, unmoved by the claim.
"Free, on the house, save for promise that you'll spread the word that ol Pete has the best dogs in town~"
(for @knifeinthenight I hope you don't mind the random ask! LOL This is the silliest scenario)
There would be the sounds of a happy puppy giving a ruff of noise from behind the blonde. A beagle mix soon wandered up to stare openly at the offered hotdog with obvious interest. Which led to the pup's owner walking up.
Nai would be able to sense that this slender woman was not human. Despite looking much like the humans around them. But neither was she one of his kind. Cascading waves of silver white hair framed her face as she gave a chuckle of amusement. Her words lilted with an accent that has a sweetness to every word. "Now now. Wesson. You already had breakfast. No need for a snack yet."
The lady knelt down to scoop the puppy up and get rewarded with a bombardment of face licks from the elated pup. Her gaze soon turned to Nai for him to see her eyes. Which were the most striking azure blue imaginable. A pause given as this lady shifted to stand between Nai and the clueless hotdog vendor. But she soon turned to take the hotdog and smile cheerfully at the human. "I will be sure to let my neighbors know to come here for your exceptional wares. Do be sure to take care and travel safely home, sir."
The lady would turn back to Nai to have a look of knowing in her gaze. "Shall we sit away from the crowds for a chat?"
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