#we may get things wrong but we're never THAT wrong sweet smoky guacamole
pilferingapples · 2 years
Oh I’m so glad to see your take down of MVL because even though I haven’t read The Temptation I have read his The Dream of the Celt and for a book that acknowledges Roger Casement’s homosexuality it manages to be homophobic and ahistorical and just plain *boring*. I’d heard great things about it but despite the one or two interesting pieces of imagery it was such a letdown. That book legit maddened me with how bad it was and two and a half years later I haven’t forgiven it
MVL Hate Club Solidarity, Nonny! that's pretty much exactly the experience I with Temptation of the Impossible-- a few very good bits of commentary but mostly just the worst possible opinions, all over the place. Like not even " wow his politics are garbage" (though they do seem to be so) but full on direct counterfactual statements and wild misreadings of even basic descriptions of events. It's very frustrating because I cannot , realistically, ever expect to fight MVL in a Denny's parking lot at 3am and yet in my heart , now, I will ALWAYS be fighting him in a Denny's parking lot at 3am.
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