#we returned. did not work. hit his pipe several times. did not work. I’m immune I guess
achtung-attitude · 4 years
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CHAPTER 32: Hotel California - Part 4
Moya, in horror, watches as Marsellus rises from apparent death, muttering something under his breath. She takes a step back, nearly stepping right into one of the open mouths, which snaps at her, flicking a red tongue. She scowls, and stamps her foot down onto the mouth, shattering its teeth. “Fuck this,” she decides, and turns for the door.
But the door is changed as well, savage teeth sprouting out of the edges and snapping aggressively. There is no longer any escape, it seems. Moya looks all around, and shudders at the sickly sound of the elevators DING open. But rather than people emerging through the door, instead a cascade of blood, several hundred gallons, spills into the lobby, advancing on her with frightening speed.
Before it hits, a clawed hand appears in her periphery. SATURN BARZ, struggling through the distortion affecting its body, swipes upward, and the blood explodes into red mist. “The stairwell! Go, quick!!” Moya heeds him, dashing for the emergency stairwell. WITCH MOUNTAIN stoops, pulling Jerome along with it. Moya slams the door behind her and leaves the lobby of horrors behind. 
“What the FUCK was that?!” Moya exclaims after WITCH MOUNTAIN destroys the lock on the emergency exit, locking it shut.
“Keep moving,” Kilo answers, gradually regaining functionality in his limbs, but still carried by Moya’s Stand. “The whole building’s an enemy, and the bellboy won’t stop coming for us.”
She scowls, but follows his advice. She readjusts Shizuka in her arms, and WITCH MOUNTAIN lifts Jerome up by his waistband, holding both him and Kilo like heavy luggage. “What do you mean, the building is an enemy?” She asks, beginning to run up the stairs.
“I don’t get it myself, but somehow, the hotel itself has a Stand ability. It gets you high on all this good shit, makes you comfy, then it gets inside your head and sucks the soul right out of you. Or, it makes you a slave. Even if we kill the bellboy, we’ll still be trapped here. And then we’ll become just like him. We need to demolish the entire building.”
“Brainwashes you with comfort, huh? Explains why these two succumbed to it,” she gestures to Shizuka and Jerome.
“... Yeah. That habit of taking things at face value, it’ll be the death of her one day.” he agrees wearily.
With her shoulder, she opens the stairwell door to the second floor and walks in. “Taking a building down is a tall order, even between the two of our Stands. And since it looks like the bellboy can neutralize Stands with his ability, we’re gonna have to get creative. Can you walk yet?”
“Yeah, put me down,” he says, and WITCH MOUNTAIN does, allowing him to stand shakily on his own two feet. They stand facing each other, each breathless.
“It makes sense that you’d be immune, too,” Moya declares.
“You’re so mistrustful. I bet you’ve never had a good thing to say about anything in your life.”
“... Is that your idea of a compliment, officer?”
“No it’s not, punkass.”
They smirk at each other, then turn at the sound of creaking floorboards. Like an image out of a dream, Paul Mann emerges from around the corridor. “Y-you--!!” he sputters upon seeing Kilo.
“... That’s Paul Mann. I know him, he’s some big shot real estate mogul,” Moya says.
“He’s the Congregation’s secret political backer. Dust hid him here after Phantasma died,” Kilo explains.
“... He’s fucking what?”
Mann begins to jog in the opposite direction. Moya drops Shizuka and Jerome to the floor. After a moment of shellshock, she sprints after him and dive-tackles him to the floor. “Is that true?!” she screeches, holding him in an arm bar “Are you really working with Brother Dust?!!”
“Who are you people?!!”
“Is it fucking true?!!”
“Gaagh, ok, yes! He approached me with an offer, he’d help me get out of a little legal trouble, even assist in my political campaign! In return, I’d look the other way on his more sketchy affairs! It was necessary, I-- I have a vision for this country! Sometimes men have to make hard choices for the good of th- AAOWW!” He wails as his shoulders cracks, nearly falling out of place.
“Do we have time for this? Right now?” Kilo says, observing. Moya reluctantly holds off from breaking Mann’s arm, and releases him.
“You stay right where you are, got it?!” she shouts. Mann responds by raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “What’s the plan?”
“I’m working on it… I need to get outside. I can’t do anything while I’m inside the building. The hotel’s got control over everything inside it.”
“Then we gotta get our asses up to the roof.”
“Not us,” Kilo says, shaking his head, “There’s at least a dozen people in this building. You need to get them outta here. I have an idea, but it won’t leave any survivors. I won’t have innocent people dying because of me… What?”
“Ah, nothing,” she says, shaking herself out of staring at him. She turns her face away, trying to hide her surprise as she retrieves Shizuka and Jerome from off the floor., “Are you sure we should seperate? What are you going to do while I’m evacuating?”
“I’m gonna be killing a god,” he says, then turns without another word, leaving Moya aghast. She hesitates momentarily, then moves. 
His insistence on preserving innocent life took her by surprise. Never had she imagined that the furious man she met on the beach could say something so righteous. “I’ll trust you, Kilo Staples,” she thinks, preparing her search for afflicted guests, “because you chose to trust me.”
Halfway up the stairs to the seventh floor, Kilo watches the 7 at the top of the stairs split in two. The wall cracks and bulges, opening to reveal a mouth full of dirty teeth and drool. Marsellus emerges out of this opening, covered in saliva. The smell of the hotel’s insides hangs off of him, reaching Kilo even meters away. The bellboy’s face twitches between a smile and a scowl, his movements are jerky and strange. “D-d-d-did you think you had lost me, s-s-sir?” he asks, CALIFORNICATION emerging next to him, crackling electricity.
“Nah, I didn’t,” Kilo responds. CALIFORNICATION moves, dashing down the stairs. SATURN BARZ waves its hands, but this proves to be a feint, as it delivers a sharp kick to the stairs in front of it. Instantly, the surface of the stairs turns to liquid, reaching up to where Marsellus stands. 
The bellboy yelps as he loses all traction with the ground. CALIFORNICATION disappears, and its master slides down the stairs like an impromptu water-park. SATURN BARZ strikes the stairs again, and they solidify back into solid concrete. It crackles and traps Marsellus on his back, halfway down.
“Damn you!! E-even if you immobilize me, my Stand is faster than yours! It has a wider range than yours! You cannot defeat me!”
Kilo answers him with a kick to the face, before he climbs onto the guard rail and leaps straight up off of it, clambering up to reach the fire escape door to the roof.
Marsellus struggles and curses out, as CALIFORNICATION reactivates within him, generating electricity from the inside out.  Water drips from the ends of his concrete prison, and he struggles, inching forward until the stone finally cracks enough that he can break free.
Kilo is about to touch the metal door handle. In the instant before he can, CALIFORNICATION slams its fist into the wall, directing arcs of static electricity to travel through the metal and electronics, up the stairs and infusing into the doorknob. Once his fingers close around it, the power moves up his arm and shoots him backwards into the guard rail.
“AAH!” he shouts, as much in frustration as pain. “SATURN BARZ!!” He summons his Stand, and it evaporates the door with an “URAAH!!” Clutching his quickly numbing arm, he runs through the doorway, stepping out onto the roof. He stumbles and falls, and sits up on his knees. The night sky is above him. He breathes the outside air. 
“Enough,” comes the voice from the stairwell, “t-t-there is no longer anywhere to run! Your stay at the Hotel California will never end!” Marsellus steps into the door frame and leans against it. He is damaged, his skin blistered and cut, his left eye bloodshot. Yet he keeps going, driven by mad devotion for the sinister building that possesses him. 
Kilo turns, digging his fingernails into his right arm, trying to awaken feeling in it. “You know what?” he declares, “I been thinking about what you said earlier.” SATURN BARZ emerges, sans a right arm. Nevertheless, it stands tall, beginning to stamp its foot rhythmically. It raises its one arm into the night air, reddish-brown vapor building in its palm. Marsellus summons CALIFORNICATION, but cautiously remains where he is. 
“You said giving into the hotel frees you from struggle. What a load of shit. I heard you squealing for Dust to come save you earlier. You know what?” Kilo continues, “I think all this is, is that you was too much of a pussy to fight for the life you wanted.” SATURN BARZ swipes downward, and the vapor expands, rising into the air. With each swipe of its claw, the vapor builds into a great cloud, which rises into the air.
“A smokescreen?” Marsellus says, shaking out of his daze, “Did you not hear me? There is nowhere to r-r-run!! It doesn’t matter what you do to me or this Hotel, you’re DOOMED!!!” 
“I’m not aiming to bring you down, ya little bitch. You ain’t worth it…” He says with a smirk, as the cloud of vapor ascends into the air. “You ain’t nothing but a puppet… the idea is… to cut off the hand holding the strings…!”
Marsellus bares his teeth and seethes, ready to unleash a torrent of electricity at Kilo. But, just then, he feels small drops of water hit the back of his outstretched hand. “ What the?…” he murmurs. He looks up, and the droplets fall from the cloud created by SATURN BARZ, hanging overhead.
“Rain…? Is this it?” he asks snidely, as further raindrops begin to fall on the roof around them, “Make it rain a tad, and then… what? Make the pipes rust?”
“You’re a native, right, aren’t you?” Kilo retorts, “Then you outta know, one of the worst parts of living here is all the fucking smog. Some days you can barely breathe…! And every so often, all that exhaust builds up, gets high enough, and it comes back down…” He winces as a raindrop lands on his cheek, and quickly wipes it off. He watches with satisfaction as Marsellus recoils, then grimaces in pain.
In horror, Marsellus stares at a hole that has formed in his hand, the flesh burned and blistered. It has been burned straight through, an injury replicated in his Stand’s hand. In the very spot where the raindrop landed.
“When all those fumes built up over weeks of traffic get high enough, sometimes they come back down! As acid rain!” SATURN BARZ manifests and shields its user from the raindrops, as all around him, they burn holes straight through the roof of the Hotel California
A bass moaning sound can be heard. The ground beneath them contorts, pelted on all sides by burning rain. The acidic cloud grows ever larger, and the clean concrete and brick architecture morphs into slick, organic flesh. 
“N-no! NOO!!” Marsellus cries, apparently ignorant to his own flesh being gradually destroyed by the rain, his uniform falling in pieces off of him. CALIFORNICATION, too, degrades, its wrought metal body melting into useless scrap.
Downstairs, Shizuka bolts upright, leaping out of Moya’s arms and rolling, suddenly wide awake. “What happened?!” she cries, looking all around.
Jerome wakes at the same moment. “Oh, finally!” Moya exclaims, patting him on the back as he grasps his bearings.
“W-What’s going on? Wh… You! The cop!”
“Moya?! What are you doing here?” Shizuka exclaims, noticing her for the first time.
“No time to explain! Let’s get moving!” she shouts, shoving a man in front of her hard on the shoulder.
“I-I’m going, I’m going!” the man protests, revealing himself to be the lawyer from the room across from Kilo’s. He pulls his son along by the hand, desperately trying to keep him calm. A full procession of such people, all guests and prisoners of Hotel California, trail after Moya. 
Paul Mann remains reluctantly by her side, his hands held behind his back by WITCH MOUNTAIN, a force that he cannot see. Many of them appear to shake their heads at the same moment, as if waking from a dream.
“Where’s Kilo?” Shizuka asks, following Moya, “What happened with the old man in the hallway?”
“I don’t know anything about that, but Staples is taking care of things. Looks like whatever he did worked…” she replies, then pauses, spreading her hands wide and bringing everyone to a halt. 
A bulge forms in the ceiling in front of them, as if a load of water has been spilled and is deforming the plaster. After a moment, the bulge bursts and liquid spills out of it onto the carpet. There is a chemical scent of burning where the fluid interacts with the fabric.
“What in the world?” exclaims Paul Mann, and similar murmurs of confusion go up among the gathering. From all but Shizuka, who stares at the acid with terrible understanding.
“We- We need to get out of here… Now!” she implores Moya, who herself begins to understand upon seeing Shizuka’s face.
“Move! Move, move, move!” she yells, and the guests follow her commands as similar bulges form all over the ceiling, spilling deadly acid all over the floor, eating away at the hotel.
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theblessedseed-blog · 6 years
I Tried to Treat Cancer with Black Cumin Seed Oil
I like to share my experience using Black cumin seed oil and black seed herb to try to treat my Hodgkin's lymphoma that I was diagnosed with when I was 14 years old and I'm 26 years old now. The disease is still there and I used a great deal of many different natural remedies after trying very strong chemo and 3 ( 20 session rounds of radiation).
I'd like to share all the different remedies that I tried in order to try to guide someone who may be experiencing a form of cancer and would like to try a natural solution. Before I talk about what I tried I'd like to mention and say that I don't have a cure and I can't actually tell you that this is a cure. I tried a great deal of different remedies and  herbs, spices, different kind of drinks; so I tested many different things and here's what I found out. 
After taking chemo on and off for three years and radiation in 2011 I found a hard bump in the left side of my neck. By that point I decided that if the disease comes back and I even mentioned this to my doctor two years before that I am not going to take any chemo or radiation, I will now try natural remedies.
Typically whenever I find a lump or bump and the symptom of itching, the doctor would say you need to CT-scan and PT-scan. Even the littlest bump he would always say this, but this time he said I'm not concerned even though I have the same symptoms I had originally which was severe itchiness all over the body and the bump felt bigger than the original one in my neck in the beginning. I think because he knew I wouldn't be taking any chemo and he didn't want to expose his field.
I also had a small one on the other side and multiple ones under my chin. I was sure the disease had returned and I decided and accepted that it's there and I decided I need to try to treat it naturally. Around that time I wanted to go on a trip to Mecca to make umrah, and it was a dream that I had all my life and even though I did not feel healthy, I thought if I don't go now I may feel sicker and not be able to go latter.
As you all may know Saudi Arabia is a very complicated country and requests many different things and a very complicated country to deal with. After all the struggles we left, I drank zamzam water in the mosque and drank a gallon worth and the bump did not go down whatsoever.
After coming back I was starting to panic and I was depressed and I didn't really know what to do. I kept contacting Herbalist or Islamic herbalists to try to get a remedy and all of them were not replying. I knew of the black cumin seed oil of course from the hadith of the prophet that says black seed is cure for all diseases but death. I tried it before and did not feel better but this time I thought maybe I did not give enough time so let me try again.
I took about two tablespoons based on what a Muslim doctor told me, and I asked him did you test this dosage and he said no. I said so why did you tell me two? He said it's just a guess I came out of my head lol. Meaning based on nothing, and he said you can try your own remedy that you make and see what works.
So I just went with the general dosage that he gave me and I used to take it down with orange juice and it tasted absolutely disgusting. I would grind the seeds in a coffee grinder otherwise I would literally choke to death. I tried it for some time and itchiness wasn't going down, I even found some of the lumps were getting bigger or spreading. I already knew that when I would take back seed by itself it was not really working and I concluded by that point that I don't know the proper dosage and usage for it to work.
So I kept searching for different remedies and I was literally stuck and didn't know what to do. So I found a herbalist on YouTube talking about a certain remedy, and the herbs that he mentioned I know have anticancer affects and I know about them from my own reading so I thought why not give it a try. It was that you would combine Cumin, Curry, Garlic, Carrots, Celery, and a few other things in a soup and then drink it. I tried that and of course, I didn't get any improvement.
I kept on searching very, very hard for other remedies and I stumble upon the lady who claimed that she killed her stage four cancer with carrot juice. I heard before about carrot juice having anticancer effects and I thought okay, this is the answer for me. I told my parents that I need to try this remedy and buy me a huge bag of carrot juice.  And a few days later they did and I started the remedy of juicing carrots.
I would drink a large 32 glass cup every day and I did that for eight months. What I found was that it seemed that the tumors were slowing down in growth and spreading less and the one in my neck was slightly smaller but not that much. And the itchiness was not all that better. I forgot to mention I was drinking a large cup of green tea every single day for about a year and also found that it was slowing down the growth of the tumors and made them smaller slightly but not that much and likewise the itchiness was not that much better.
So I decided to stop those two remedies and search for new remedy. This is now 2014 and I had severe bone pain. It was so bad that I almost concluded that it must've spread now to my bones and I was almost accepted that fact. I was crying and begging God to help me cure the severe bone pain and direct me to a remedy if not to cure it, just give me relief.
A few days later while was searching online, I found a man who claimed he had advanced testicular cancer and he said that have Habanero cured it. He said that is a very, very spicy pepper. I researched some medical sites to see if it could be possibly true that peppers have anti-cancer affects. I found that a certain ingredient known as Caspian is in fact a ingredient in peppers that have anticancer affects. This was all new to me, I never heard that peppers or hot peppers have anti cancer affects.
I knew they were healthy and my parents told me they are good for the immune system, but I never knew they have anticancer affects. I also read that it has anti-pain effects and it's a natural painkiller. I thought okay, I hit two bones with one stone, I get rid of tumors and reduce the severe bone pain. I already had cayenne pepper in my home so I started to use that and I would put them in gelatin capsules. And I did it as a test to see if it would reduce my bumps and remember at that point, that the cancer must have spread to the bones because of the severe bone pain that I had.
So after the first dose or a few doses I felt a improvement with the bone pain, and I thought wow! this actually worked. I feel the severe bone pain is better. That means this it is so strong that it is even able to kill tumors in the bones that means it will likely be able to help me. Then after a few hours the pain would come back.  I concluded that what must be happening is the Caspian must be reducing the bone pain due to the natural painkilling effect. The bone pain was likely due to low Vitamin D I latter found out after I treated it with long period of sun exposure. 
I didn't feel much improved with the itchiness or the sizes of the bumps. I thought okay let's try the powder so I bought some. It is one of the hottest peppers in the world but I didn't know it is literally a volcano. I filled 4 gelatin capsules as I did in the past for black cumin seed oil and filled them to the brink and took them all in one shot on an empty stomach. After that I ate a salad and as you know water makes spicy foods more spicy. At first it didn't feel too bad, just a slight burn or sting in the stomach but wasn't too bad. Then I went to go eat my dinner or lunch, which was canned tuna or sardines with sauce and as you know sauce also makes spicy food more spicy.
The first bite I felt like my guts were being torn to shreds and I was gonna vomit. I went running into the bathroom and I was moaning and groaning and my mom said it sounded like somebody giving birth. I heard my sister laughing and talking as if nothing is happening while I almost die and I pray that she feels the worst type of pain one day while everyone laughs as if nothing is happening.
Despite my Cancer she cut me off for years and my other sister as well and I hope and pray that they will be thrown into the flames of hell forever. My mom kept asking how much did you take? I kept telling her get the milk! I am gonna die, and she kept asking how much did you take? And she didn't have any consideration of the severe pain that I was in. My dad was traveling to see his mom at the time and mom doesn't drive and my sibling at the time couldn't drive and she said where will I take you?
After that she took my Habanero powder and she said don't use it until my dad comes back. So I started using cayenne and overall there was no improvement with the bump sizes or itchiness and I started to develop bad cramping in my abdomen. After my dad came back and I went back to use that and I kept getting severe stomach pain that I got the first time, sort of the same but not exactly as bad. I would get that pain many times and I kept taking it for about 6 months. Then I moved on to buy black cumin seed oil. I need to try something different because habareno is too harsh to the stomach and it could cause me a ulcer or poisoning or something.
So I bought a 16 ounces bottle of black seed oil and I tried that as a remedy. The first place that I bought from was a company known as piping rocking. I bought from them because they were the cheapest price that I can find online and if it's cheap it may not be good but it may not be bad either. I did not have any other option so that's what I tried. I kept buying from them for about six months and I found some of the tumors were bigger and spreading. The itchiness is not any better either so I decided to try another company, the more popular one which was amazingherbs. I tried them for about a year but it was not any better- it was just kind of stay the same.
After that I decide to stop and try to search for new remedy. I went back to the Habanero powder and I took a smaller dose and I just kept on doing that until I was able to find some other remedy. I kept doing that for about a year and at this point I started to eat sugar. I started to feel like the tumors were going down at this point after all these years of different various remedies and it felt like I'm very much close to the border of being cured.
I thought it seems as though the tumors are going down and I maybe cured soon. So now I can start eating sugar but all this time, all these years I wasn't eating any bit of sugar. I thought any damage the sugar does- as you know its fuel for tumors- I will just make up the difference by taking more habareno powder.
8 months latter I found a very large mass in the left side of my chest on my breast. I knew that it was because of eating sugar and disappointed I thought what did I just do it myself?
I was very close to being cured and now I have a very large bump in my chest. By this point my stomach was really damaged from the habanaro powder and I needed a break from it. When my dad saw the bump in my chest he started to panic and he told me to eat a lot of curry, a lot black seed herb, lemon and vinegar on the salads.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back, I have developed a severe ulcer at that point. A year later while typing this I still have the ulcer. What I decided to try next was flaxseed 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds Recently I started to take onion juice of 2 tablespoons with water or with salad. So what I noticed after all these remedies that worked best are two things.
The number one was Habanero powder and number two was onion juice. I suggest that you try those two remedies with black cumin seed oil or with the whole herb.
0 notes
theblessedseed-blog · 6 years
I Tried to Treat Cancer with Black Cumin Seed Oil
I like to share my experience using Black cumin seed oil and black seed herb to try to treat my Hodgkin's lymphoma that I was diagnosed with when I was 14 years old and I'm 26 years old now. The disease is still there and I used a great deal of many different natural remedies after trying very strong chemo and 3 ( 20 session rounds of radiation).
 I'd like to share all the different remedies that I tried in order to try to guide someone who may be experiencing a form of cancer and would like to try a natural solution. Before I talk about what I tried I'd like to mention and say that I don't have a cure and I can't actually tell you that this is a cure. I tried a great deal of different remedies and  herbs, spices, different kind of drinks; so I tested many different things and here's what I found out.  
 After taking chemo on and off for three years and radiation in 2011 I found a hard bump in the left side of my neck. By that point I decided that if the disease comes back and I even mentioned this to my doctor two years before that I am not going to take any chemo or radiation, I will now try natural remedies. 
 Typically whenever I find a lump or bump and the symptom of itching, the doctor would say you need to CT-scan and PT-scan. Even the littlest bump he would always say this, but this time he said I'm not concerned even though I have the same symptoms I had originally which was severe itchiness all over the body and the bump felt bigger than the original one in my neck in the beginning. I think because he knew I wouldn't be taking any chemo and he didn't want to expose his field. 
 I also had a small one on the other side and multiple ones under my chin. I was sure the disease had returned and I decided and accepted that it's there and I decided I need to try to treat it naturally. Around that time I wanted to go on a trip to Mecca to make umrah, and it was a dream that I had all my life and even though I did not feel healthy, I thought if I don't go now I may feel sicker and not be able to go latter. 
 As you all may know Saudi Arabia is a very complicated country and requests many different things and a very complicated country to deal with. After all the struggles we left, I drank zamzam water in the mosque and drank a gallon worth and the bump did not go down whatsoever. 
 After coming back I was starting to panic and I was depressed and I didn't really know what to do. I kept contacting Herbalist or Islamic herbalists to try to get a remedy and all of them were not replying. I knew of the black cumin seed oil of course from the hadith of the prophet that says black seed is cure for all diseases but death. I tried it before and did not feel better but this time I thought maybe I did not give enough time so let me try again. 
 I took about two tablespoons based on what a Muslim doctor told me, and I asked him did you test this dosage and he said no. I said so why did you tell me two? He said it's just a guess I came out of my head lol. Meaning based on nothing, and he said you can try your own remedy that you make and see what works. 
 So I just went with the general dosage that he gave me and I used to take it down with orange juice and it tasted absolutely disgusting. I would grind the seeds in a coffee grinder otherwise I would literally choke to death. I tried it for some time and itchiness wasn't going down, I even found some of the lumps were getting bigger or spreading. I already knew that when I would take back seed by itself it was not really working and I concluded by that point that I don't know the proper dosage and usage for it to work. 
 So I kept searching for different remedies and I was literally stuck and didn't know what to do. So I found a herbalist on YouTube talking about a certain remedy, and the herbs that he mentioned I know have anticancer affects and I know about them from my own reading so I thought why not give it a try. It was that you would combine Cumin, Curry, Garlic, Carrots, Celery, and a few other things in a soup and then drink it. I tried that and of course, I didn't get any improvement.
 I kept on searching very, very hard for other remedies and I stumble upon the lady who claimed that she killed her stage four cancer with carrot juice. I heard before about carrot juice having anticancer effects and I thought okay, this is the answer for me. I told my parents that I need to try this remedy and buy me a huge bag of carrot juice.  And a few days later they did and I started the remedy of juicing carrots. 
 I would drink a large 32 glass cup every day and I did that for eight months. What I found was that it seemed that the tumors were slowing down in growth and spreading less and the one in my neck was slightly smaller but not that much. And the itchiness was not all that better. I forgot to mention I was drinking a large cup of green tea every single day for about a year and also found that it was slowing down the growth of the tumors and made them smaller slightly but not that much and likewise the itchiness was not that much better. 
 So I decided to stop those two remedies and search for new remedy. This is now 2014 and I had severe bone pain. It was so bad that I almost concluded that it must've spread now to my bones and I was almost accepted that fact. I was crying and begging God to help me cure the severe bone pain and direct me to a remedy if not to cure it, just give me relief. 
 A few days later while was searching online, I found a man who claimed he had advanced testicular cancer and he said that have Habanero cured it. He said that is a very, very spicy pepper. I researched some medical sites to see if it could be possibly true that peppers have anti-cancer affects. I found that a certain ingredient known as Caspian is in fact a ingredient in peppers that have anticancer affects. This was all new to me, I never heard that peppers or hot peppers have anti cancer affects. 
 I knew they were healthy and my parents told me they are good for the immune system, but I never knew they have anticancer affects. I also read that it has anti-pain effects and it's a natural painkiller. I thought okay, I hit two bones with one stone, I get rid of tumors and reduce the severe bone pain. I already had cayenne pepper in my home so I started to use that and I would put them in gelatin capsules. And I did it as a test to see if it would reduce my bumps and remember at that point, that the cancer must have spread to the bones because of the severe bone pain that I had. 
 So after the first dose or a few doses I felt a improvement with the bone pain, and I thought wow! this actually worked. I feel the severe bone pain is better. That means this it is so strong that it is even able to kill tumors in the bones that means it will likely be able to help me. Then after a few hours the pain would come back.  I concluded that what must be happening is the Caspian must be reducing the bone pain due to the natural painkilling effect. The bone pain was likely due to low Vitamin D I latter found out after I treated it with long period of sun exposure.  
 I didn't feel much improved with the itchiness or the sizes of the bumps. I thought okay let's try the powder so I bought some. It is one of the hottest peppers in the world but I didn't know it is literally a volcano. I filled 4 gelatin capsules as I did in the past for black cumin seed oil and filled them to the brink and took them all in one shot on an empty stomach. After that I ate a salad and as you know water makes spicy foods more spicy. At first it didn't feel too bad, just a slight burn or sting in the stomach but wasn't too bad. Then I went to go eat my dinner or lunch, which was canned tuna or sardines with sauce and as you know sauce also makes spicy food more spicy. 
 The first bite I felt like my guts were being torn to shreds and I was gonna vomit. I went running into the bathroom and I was moaning and groaning and my mom said it sounded like somebody giving birth. I heard my sister laughing and talking as if nothing is happening while I almost die and I pray that she feels the worst type of pain one day while everyone laughs as if nothing is happening. 
 Despite my Cancer she cut me off for years and my other sister as well and I hope and pray that they will be thrown into the flames of hell forever. My mom kept asking how much did you take? I kept telling her get the milk! I am gonna die, and she kept asking how much did you take? And she didn't have any consideration of the severe pain that I was in. My dad was traveling to see his mom at the time and mom doesn't drive and my sibling at the time couldn't drive and she said where will I take you? 
 After that she took my Habanero powder and she said don't use it until my dad comes back. So I started using cayenne and overall there was no improvement with the bump sizes or itchiness and I started to develop bad cramping in my abdomen. After my dad came back and I went back to use that and I kept getting severe stomach pain that I got the first time, sort of the same but not exactly as bad. I would get that pain many times and I kept taking it for about 6 months. Then I moved on to buy black cumin seed oil. I need to try something different because habareno is too harsh to the stomach and it could cause me a ulcer or poisoning or something. 
 So I bought a 16 ounces bottle of black seed oil and I tried that as a remedy. The first place that I bought from was a company known as piping rocking. I bought from them because they were the cheapest price that I can find online and if it's cheap it may not be good but it may not be bad either. I did not have any other option so that's what I tried. I kept buying from them for about six months and I found some of the tumors were bigger and spreading. The itchiness is not any better either so I decided to try another company, the more popular one which was amazingherbs. I tried them for about a year but it was not any better- it was just kind of stay the same. 
 After that I decide to stop and try to search for new remedy. I went back to the Habanero powder and I took a smaller dose and I just kept on doing that until I was able to find some other remedy. I kept doing that for about a year and at this point I started to eat sugar. I started to feel like the tumors were going down at this point after all these years of different various remedies and it felt like I'm very much close to the border of being cured. 
 I thought it seems as though the tumors are going down and I maybe cured soon. So now I can start eating sugar but all this time, all these years I wasn't eating any bit of sugar. I thought any damage the sugar does- as you know its fuel for tumors- I will just make up the difference by taking more habareno powder.
 8 months latter I found a very large mass in the left side of my chest on my breast. I knew that it was because of eating sugar and disappointed I thought what did I just do it myself? 
 I was very close to being cured and now I have a very large bump in my chest. By this point my stomach was really damaged from the habanaro powder and I needed a break from it. When my dad saw the bump in my chest he started to panic and he told me to eat a lot of curry, a lot black seed herb, lemon and vinegar on the salads. 
 That was the straw that broke the camel's back, I have developed a severe ulcer at that point. A year later while typing this I still have the ulcer. What I decided to try next was flaxseed 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds Recently I started to take onion juice of 2 tablespoons with water or with salad. So what I noticed after all these remedies that worked best are two things.
 The number one was Habanero powder and number two was onion juice. I suggest that you try those two remedies with black cumin seed oil or with the whole herb.
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