#we won't get a tragic deep twist and backstory but i guess we will have at least more content of him
beanghostprincess · 4 months
I’ve been thinking it for so long, but I truly feel like I’m weird and I’m scared what the fandom will think, because even though I do ship mishanks I don’t think we need more of their backstory? I send this on anon
It Mihawk story that much? His motives would be cool, but I truly do believe there’s no need for some twist? He’s cool, being mystery is adding to that coolnes and we kinda know everything we need to know already? I do think it’s really showing his honour that he doesn’t want to fight someone who lost his main sword arm?🤔🔥
Am I weird? Or thinking about it all wrong? I feel it’s extremely unpopular opinion and it makes me doubt myself.🫢
I’m not writer, I only study literature, so maybe I don’t see it like you do? 🥲
I remember once asking someone about this but I think I missed an answer, or I’m actually an idiot and asking really stupid questions
I actually agree with you. Although Mihawk's character is unexplored he really works perfectly on his own and his character and ambitions can be read with what we have. However, I would like for him to have more background and scenes. I'm not even that fan of Mihawk but in comparison to Shanks or other Cross Guild members and warlords, he barely has any story? And by 'barely' I mean 'basically nothing'. I don't think Mihawk NEEDS more scenes to work as a character but they sure would be appreciated tbh.
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