#we'll see gfhdjs
lavenoon · 11 months
Pssst, Luce!
Breaking my tumblr exile for a nanosecond to ask a small question! What type of dresses do the AU boys like to wear? 👀
Me, still answering after your exile is officially over:
Had to limit myself to 3 examples each, or else I never would have stopped
Sun: the odd one out, enjoys form fitting dresses! or fit and flare, as long as some part of it is fit! gravitates towards longer skirts, partly because he's still somehow wearing formal wear when casual, though he's not afraid to show some "skin"! (a slit in said long skirt is a definite bonus - he has legs to show off!) for sure a fan of saturated or darker colors, tends to stay away from yellow/ orange as it might clash with his shell, but he wouldn't wear exclusively red!
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Moon: he likes airy fabrics, and long swishing skirts, knee length at least please! prefers cooler tones, to match his palette (he's not vain in the same way as Sun, he just doesn't like drawing even more attention through contrasts). will not discriminate between bright and dark though - he'll wear a white airy sundress and then something that looks like a witch's dress the next day with zero hesitation. longer sleeves, too, if available! (alternatively, an oversized hoodie counts as a dress, right?)
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Eclipse: also definitely more on the airy side - it's playful! anything with a swishing skirt is fun, and he loves short skirts, too! admittedly just a little tricky given that he's also tall af and people tend to act weird about seeing anything under the skirt, but he'll wear some tights or shorts underneath and all is well. prefers pastels and/or colorful dresses, fun patterns and all, and will gladly spin and present any pockets to whomever asks!
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They'd all still steal from each other's wardrobe just to be a little shit though, don't be fooled <3
*all dresses from eshakti
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lavenoon · 11 months
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@naffeclipse trying for another animation, have a wip of the fool <3
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lavenoon · 1 year
How would all boys react to s/o complimenting them and being really happy about/enjoying something he cooked for them? Or bought them something that he knows they would like or like to try?
Same spiel as before, "you" will be used as general "beloved person they care about" in however interpretation tickles your fancy!
All three of them will be happy proud idiots with some varying attempts of being cool about it.
Sun tries very hard to be cool and suave, except. He preens. He always, always preens when you're happy with something he did, he's a sucker for praise and validation, and if you go hard enough he might just slightly sway back and forth on his heels or outright spin his rays! Will be very analytical if you let him - what bits did you like? Taste, texture, ingredients, what spices were good? Anything you'd like him to change? Should he gets more of it, keep a steady supply? It's also another way of getting his excitement out without outright going "I did such a good job", while also making sure next time will be even better!
Moon is a little quieter about it, but that just means you'll get to observe his fluster more easily. May giggle a bit and try to look away, but his stupid wide grin is obvious and he's really happy that you enjoy whatever offering he had! Tying into the other ask - if it's a while into cooking with you, so him actually cooking, maybe trying something on his own for the first time? Please give him the chance for a hug and hiding his face somehow because he'll melt at the slightest indication that you like it and would like more of it. Won't be quite as obvious about it as Sun, but certain snacks will definitely find their way into your pantry more often!
Eclipse in this case is a healthy mix of his brothers, except he can handle his fluster a bit better (i.e. channels it into more excitement and affection rather than feeling the need to hide). So his initial reaction will just be elated! You like it!! He was right in his assumption!! He made something good!! (And didn't burn down the kitchen!!) Prepare for nuzzles and or hugs and or any available holding during all of that. Then follows the analysis - do you want it more often? How often? What's the best part about it, the core he shouldn't change in his experiments? Would you like to cook/ get it with him some time? Please say yes, it'll make his day!
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