#we're all okay now! it's day 15 for me after exposure and I took a test again and tested negative again
tj-crochets · 2 years
Crafting update! - 3 out of 5 holiday presents for kids* done! One quilt and one...something? left to make. Please let me know if you have suggestions of something to make for a kid who loves Octonauts I have no idea what to make - One commission to get done by the holidays (it’s a cat) - 2 friend holiday presents planned but not crafted yet - a pair of slippers, two necklace chains, and possibly a quilted christmas stocking left to make for my family - and two things to finally get in the mail! I meant to get them in the mail a few weeks ago but no *Kids are first priority for holiday crafting for me. They will get their presents by the holiday their family celebrates! Everyone else...might be late lol
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay so, today was....not great. I slept till like 1, and upon waking up found out that my younger brother's girlfriend tested positive this morning, which is a major ugh in itself, but it quickly worsened when it was clear nobody in the house really seemed to care....everyone was being super apathetic about it and it got me super fucking pissed off, so I eventually just took my mom's car and went to go find a test somewhere because I have to get on a fucking plane on Sunday and I absolutely cannot get on a plane without making sure I'm negative first, but my mom and my brother were just super not caring about it and my mom was like "well I guess you'll just have to stay here then" which really pissed me off honestly because like yes that's obviously what she wants but I can't just stay here forever I have responsibilities and need to go home, and it was just super dismissive about all of that and I was just so fucking mad. I ended up going to two testing places that were both booked and not taking walk-ins, so I spent a while sitting in the car in a parking lot trying to find any place that had appointments open, but they were all booked. so I went to the duane reade (it's a NY walgreens brand for some reason exists I don't know why because we also have normal walgreens) because I had to grab a few things anyway, they didn't have any at home tests. so I sat in that parking lot for a bit and called a bunch of places, going down the lists of cvs' just calling them all, I ultimately got one that was pretty close by that said they had some tests but to get their ASAP and I was like oh I'm on my way and got there like 7 minutes later, they had probably about 15 tests left and like everyone in line had a bunch, they weren't limiting how many you could get so I grabbed like 5 because I knew everyone was going to want one. I was super relieved after that because I really didn't think I was going to be able to find any. So I went back home after that, still not super happy about the situation, but it is what it is. I didn't take a test yet, I'm going to do it tomorrow since it's supposed to be somewhat more effective a little while after the exposure. I feel fairly confident I don't have it because I really haven't been around my brother's gf in several days, but who knows, I'm going to be super pissed if I am. I also got an email from my work today saying two other staff members have since tested positive (but they haven't been in the office or anything) and we're going to be working from home for the next week, though I get the feeling it's going to end up being a bit longer than that ultimately. the night was decent though, we got some pizza on my request, so that was good. spent the rest of it watching a diners, drive-ins, and dives marathon (lol) on food network with my mom because it's actually a pretty entertaining show, and then played some games for a bit with my older brother, his gf, and my mom, up until almost midnight, at which point we switched over to the ball drop. My younger brother was like, repeatedly coming out of his room (where his gf has been for the last few days) and like he hasn't tested but he's honestly as good as positive because he's constantly been with her for days now, and it was really irritating me but I knew if I said something he would be a major dick about it and it would end up being a whole thing so I tried to just ignore it. ugh. and yeah, a bit after the ball dropped I came upstairs to shower and start getting ready for bed, and now I'm here and it's just past 2 am, so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight friends. Hope you have a very Happy New Year.
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