#we're also censoring the name so it doesnt show up in the tags
crunchycrystals · 1 year
i feel so angry when i get an um actually prompt right but the contestants dont
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brawn-gp · 2 years
about this if you use the name in the post (sometimes) IT DOES show up in the search, so let's say you're anti lewis right? if you make a post that has his written name ON the post it doesnt matter if you put an anti tag in the end it will show up, also sometimes people have real criticism about some drivers/teams/people yknow? is not only about if they hate them or not, still you don't want that shit showing up in the drivers tag cuz some fans may see it and take it personally
As far as i'm aware, there's no way a post that doesn't contain mentions of said word in the tags, will show up. The official tumblr statement says:
"Tag pages will show you only posts that have been tagged with the specific term or phrase you're using. If you're on web, you'll also see top blogs in that tag, as well as related tags to check out."
Is the tag system broken? Absolutely. For example, let's say you want to criticise Ayrton Senna while praising Alain Prost (to avoid using current drivers), then you would use "#anti senna #alain prost" right? HOWEVER, if someone searches for "anti prost", they will find your post because you used the words anti and prost. So that's when the ayrton fans come to your throat and confusion happens.
(Again this is to my knowledge) post that aren't tagged won't show up in the searches, but they can appear in google search if someone knows the specific phrases you used and if they know how to search by site. Which, uhh, ain't nobody got time for that methinks.
In an ideal world, the anti tag should work wonders, but between what i said and the fact that fans purposely search for their favorites' anti tags to create drama, everything goes to shit. So yeah, I'm obviously pro-censoring driver's names in the tags (like i explicitly stated in my og post), but I'm still against using asterisks written inside the posts. It means that people who want to filter out a drivers name to not read anything about them, will have to read something about them regardless.
Let's put Nikita Mazepin as an example. Many people had a hard time reading anything regarding him, and it's 100% understandable. So they most likely filtered out his name, so tumblr's filter could catch both the written text and the tags. If they have him filtered they won't even see this particular post, because i put his name fully. But if someone writes his name with asterisks, then that filter won't work.
As regards to your point of people having real criticism, I'm honestly all for it. I think too much is used as "anti" when it shouldn't. It can lead to bubble spaces with 0 awareness and twisted realities [which some people like and i'm not here to judge how each person consumes watching sports because at the end of the day we're all just trying to have a good time] but that's a debate for another time my friend
Also shocker... tumblr changed once again their search system so I don't know how much it will impact what I tried to say lmao
Oof this was long and I'm sorry you had to read all of that haha, anyways I hope you're having a nice day<3
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