#we're both absolutely hot over the scarlet professor tho so there's likely going to be a game card switch at some point lmao
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Still laughing about some dumb shit that happened between me and the partner. So, we were going through potential horror movies to watch bc they are somebody I’d watch them with bc i do not alone.
We were watching a trailer for this movie from the 90s and i see one of the actors and I say, “Holy shit, is that Kurt Cobain?” They look to me without an answer and just start laughing. It was Owen Wilson. I have Zero Clue as to why my brain was like ‘that’s totally the lead guy from Nirvana who died before this movie came out’. I realized 0.2 seconds after i said it.
And then another from when they were watching me go through Detroit: Become Human but it involves spoilers of a certain path bc it was the end of the game so under the cut
My goals were to get everybody to survive. For the first time. The last time i played, EVERYBODY DIED but Kara and Alice. Anywho. I was working through the Kara spot when she was heading for the river to leave the country with Alice. And Alice is complaining about the cold. There were two options: Tell her its okay or to turn it off. And me, thinking that turning her off would literally TURN HER OFF and i’d be carrying around this android child like a sack of potatoes. So I was like ‘You’ll be okay’ 
And my partner again just starts crying laughing about how Alice said, “I’m Cold” And Kara replied with “Okay, let’s go.” With NO Other Words. Just. “Okay, whatever. It’s snowing. That happens.” I explained how i thought that would literally shut down this android kid and i’d be left with dead weight. Apparently, the option turns off Alice’s cold receptors. That never even occurred to me.
This led to us laughing so hard for like ten minutes even though I’m struggling to get through this high-intensity chunk of the game. I was literally crying and had to stop at the end stats for so long just to breathe again.
I now know that you can make Alice not be sensitive to cold. Good to know. Lmao
The ending was weird tho, i didn’t save EVERYBODY. Alice died, but Kara made it. Markus set off the dirty bomb. And Connor falls under the ACAB umbrella. NOT the Best Ending but I felt happy for Markus now having a whole ass city that humans can’t live in but him and Jericho can. Kara can have a good life, but won’t be a mom. And... Fuck Connor from this route. I remember loving him previously, but this time around? Fuck him and his endless clones. He was doing so well UNTIL HE DIED AGAIN... four times. goddamn dude. Ik you have a low concept of mortality, but COME ON.
Not too bad tho, and got a good laugh out of my own stupidity lmao And they got to see a totally different route even if a lot of our choices were the same. (They really were tho. At least until i blew up Detroit.)
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