#we're doing the mattress mambo though!!!
fieldings · 1 year
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the (questionably) honorable dan fielding
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
Pinnie would like you to know that I have recently become obsessed with your writing and oc’s like I have read more these past couple of days on tumblr than I did for the entirety of my high school years. As an elder gen z I have some pretty weird thing I say that I personally find hilarious but I don’t think that your characters would like.
One such thing is that instead of calling it sex I like to say Devils Tango in the most obnoxious voice ever and I’m wondering how the icons would react in terms of like finding it funny like me or forbidding me from ever using it again
["Elder gen z". Fuck you mean elder gen z- I'm older gen Z. We're elders now? 🥲 I'm glad you're having fun though :7. I've always done a lot of reading, writing not so much.]
Most of them already find the way the legend of "the Devil" is perpetuated in spite of there being physical proof that Hell and its Rings are currently occupied by seven different demonlords to be kind of ridiculous.
Vesper finds it funny that mortals continue to associate sensuality and desire with Hell specifically. It gives him a sense of pride, he feels that he actively contributes to this view, to the allure of Lust as a Ring- Even if people continue to have that ever boring misconception about Hell's power structures. You can call it whatever you want, he's rolling with it.
Kalymir, as you know, is a fan of raunchy terminology. He's a lot more likely to just say he wants to gape your holes- No filter no shame. It's just built into him, to express sex almost always through a violent lens. An euphemism that simple is bound to have him groaning in irritation and calling you a little bitch.
Zizz is only going to roll his eyes. It's so typically human of you to use an expression like that. At the same time that he has to admit it's a novelty, he's also vaguely in pain from the remark.
Rinx laughs every time you say it, because it's simply so dumb a term to him. It endears you to him, truly. It also totally shatters a more serious atmosphere if that's what was happening until you opened your mouth to say those words.
Vorticia cannot mask the way her eyelids twitch or the way her smile tenses in a hard cringe. You're kind of killing her mood. Please use anything else. She won't mention it.
Cero quickly shuts you down by claiming that the "Devil" doesn't exist. You're being dumb when you say those things- Just tell him you want him.
Livius will not hesitate to pick up on this terminology. Oh you want to do the mattress mambo? In the mood for horizontal hula? Some hanky-panky? Getting busy in the boudoir?? Do you want to make whoopee with him? Please stop this menace.
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