#we're still going to do some little supplementals and sidefics of AU's tomorrow at the usual time!
chrisrin · 1 year
It took roughly two months and some change, but holy shit we finally finished reading the ENTIRETY of @unda-dsk​ Alternate Universe fic. 
45 chapters, 45 streams, over 70 hours of sheer VOD content, and a fic of 735,520 words all read live aloud. 
Thank you to those who stuck around for the whole thing, and the people who joined halfway <3 
It was so fun re-reading it both with people experiencing it for the first time, and also those who already knew what was happening! It was an absolute blast and I want to do more fic reading streams in the future (albeit, on ones with smaller wordcounts). 
If this sounds interesting to you at all, you can find the full playlist of VODs here!  
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