#we've even helped take care of ecosystems haven't we?
theropoda · 2 years
i dont ahve any evidence for this ive never read anything about it but does anyone else get the feeling that the sentiment "early humans have wiped out x y and z prehistoric animals we've been a Problem since the beginning" is a lil eco-fascist??
if we've been capable of hunting other animals to extinction since we evolved then how are we still here? if we continously kept driving animals extinct since we discovered fire wouldn't we have gone extinct as well?? i cant help but the extinction of animals such as mammoths and wooly rhinos is more climate change. maybe we had a hand in it to but i can't wrap my head round the idea that we are soley responsible for it
humans have been around for, in the eyes of a human at least, a kind of long time. we've at least had enough time on this earth to end it already but we didn't. we, and other animals are still here. isn't the holocene extinction more a product of colonialism and capitalism? the idea that we've been Extinction Bringers since our beginning seems a lot like a new version of the "HUMANS are the virus WE are destroying the earth" nonesense....
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