#wealth buildup financial services
nils-larsen · 1 year
How Are Wealth Managers Paid?
Planning for the future and increasing investment returns are two aspects of wealth management. It's a sizable task that calls for knowledge, effort, and resources.
Your wealth manager will begin by reviewing your requirements and monetary objectives. They will then devise a plan to assist you in achieving them.
By charging a fee for managing assets, wealth managers are compensated. This charge is determined by the amount of the assets being managed for their customer (AUM).
Many wealthy individuals have complicated tax circumstances and portfolios that require further assistance from a wealth manager. Additionally, they may require help ensuring that their estates pass on their riches to their heirs once they die.
Certified experts who have been employed on a contract basis to provide these services often charge a fee. To make sure tax returns are filed correctly, for instance, a wealth manager can retain an accountant to verify the filings.
Financial consultants may also make money by taking a cut of their client's assets. These costs start as low as 1% of the total assets under management and vary from company to firm.
A portion of the funds they manage are used to pay wealth managers. These costs differ across financial institutions and even between different accounts within one institution.
For instance, if a financial adviser charges a fee of 1.00% of assets under management (AUM), they may make $50,000 in commissions from a single customer with a portfolio worth $10 million. The more those fees increase, the more customers a wealth manager has.
Commissions are an excellent method for businesses to compensate their staff members. They enliven employees and increase productivity.
But before you take a job, it's crucial to comprehend how commissions are organized. This is due to the possibility that it may affect your payment and complicate the payroll procedure.
Some businesses pay salespeople a straight commission, which entails receiving a set monthly sum of money based on how productive they are as a salesman. This may result in workers receiving large commissions one month and little commissions the next.
To increase and safeguard the assets of their customers, wealth managers utilize a variety of investment instruments. These include index funds that follow specific market indices, active investment funds that invest in individual companies to outperform the market, and private equity and venture capital investments.
A wealth manager may also provide a mutual fund portfolio tailored to a client's degree of risk. Alternatively, they can have cheaper access to assets like private equity or venture capital that aren't accessible to regular investors.
Wealth managers should continuously assess the changing demands of their customers and adapt their services accordingly. New value propositions (such as those centered on tax efficiency or integration with banking), privileged access to high-growth markets, or new business models might be some. Insurance is a prominent approach employed in financial planning for several reasons, including investment portfolio diversification, improved predictability, and tax benefits. Additionally, it may serve as a safety net for people and families, giving them a reliable source of income in an emergency.
Most insurance businesses operate on a subscription model, receiving premium payments regularly in exchange for continuing and compounding benefits provided to policyholders. These advantages come from stable income, cash-value buildup, or other assets that provide added security.
The strongest guarantees, the most competitive prices, and a variety of additional elements that might improve the insurance experience are all things that insurers are continually assessing in their policies. The review procedure may be triggered by significant life events like getting married or establishing a company, or it may be a yearly practice.
High-net-worth clients' wealth management plans must include insurance, and most advisers have some experience in this area. Some even have in-house insurance specialists who can guide their wealth managers through the sometimes confusing insurance industry.
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America's economy is cooked
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We are in an extraordinary moment, but not an entirely unprecedented one. Since the earliest days, societies have had to cope with disasters that wiped out the ability of everyday people to service their debts and thus threatened to destroy their societies.
If you've read U Missouri econ prof Michael Hudson's writings on the subject, you know that for millennia, rulers in these circumstances simply wiped out the debts, declaring a "jubilee" that allowed people to rebuild after disasters rather than being trapped in debt spirals.
In a new essay on Naked Capitalism called "How an 'Act of God' Pandemic Is Destroying the West: The US Is Saving the Financial Sector, Not the Economy," Hudson reveals the abyss on whose brink we are balanced, and what we must do to pull back from it.
Hudson's oft-repeated golden rule is "Debts that can't be paid, won't be paid." That is to say: making it harder to declare bankruptcy, or binding debtors over to arbitration or wage-garnishing won't actually get them to pay debts they cannot afford.
This is a very sharp observation in the US context. The 2008 crisis was "solved" by bailing out finance, not people - and so the finance sector was able to lend to consumers to buy things again, while consumer debt mounted to spectacular levels.
Between mounting costs for housing, education, transport and health - a place to sleep, a path to employment, a way to get to work, the physical capacity to do your job - being alive has meant increasing your debt burden.
And now the US real economy - the wage-generating (and thus debt-servicing) economy - has ground to a halt. The finance economy continues to boom, largely on the (obviously false) premise that debts will continue to be repaid.
It's worth contrasting the US approach - the $1200/person bailout, the $6T finance bailout - with other countries that are less beholden to their finance sectors.
Canada and many EU governments simply assumed the payrolls of firms, relieving them of their major expense and providing ready cash to consumers that the can use to purchase from those retailers that remain.
And in China, where most of the finance sector is state owned - where banks are public utilities - debts were suspended: "debts, rents, taxes and other carrying charges of living and doing business cannot resume until economic normalcy is able to resume."
Contrast with the US, with ever-more-desperate measures to deny the iron law that "debts that can't be paid won't be paid."
Regulators have unshackled new forms of predatory lending (aka "fintech") with APRs in the hundreds or thousands of percent:
And at the other end of that pipeline is a massive debt-collection bubble, as fintech subprime darlings like Oportun unleash a tsunami of debt lawsuits (more than 30/day!) against people with no means to pay:
Desperate, broke people are willing to work for ever-lower wages, which puts downward pressure on EVERYONE'S wages.
Hudson: "Rising debt overhead serves the business and financial sector by lowering wages while extracting more interest, financial fees, rent and insurance."
America's longest period of expansion - the post-war boom - kicked off with the lowest levels of debt in living memory (wartime wages boomed, while wartime shortages left consumers with nothing to buy). Every recovery since has increased the economy's debt-to-asset ratio.
Eventually there comes a reckoning. Debts that can't be paid won't be paid. Business as usual has been to "let creditors foreclose and draw all the income and wealth over subsistence needs into their own hands."
But that's no longer possible. We've hit bottom.
US consumer debts can only be paid by "shrinking production and consumption, leaving them as strapped as Greece has been since 2015."
Something has to give: "either the population’s broad economic interests, or the vested interests insisting that labor, industry and the government must bear the cost of arrears that have built up during the economic shutdown."
The decision to to force businesses to pay rent during the shutdown led mass bankruptcies: a business that closed for months while accruing a rent buildup cannot recover - even a year of normal takings will leave it with no profits, every penny diverted to the landlord.
19% of hotel mortgages are in arrears, 10% of retailers - commercial real-estate mortgages stand at $2.4T. 40% of retail tenants are not currently paying rent - building up more indebtedness that can't be paid (debts that can't be paid won't be paid).
And while the US government can conjure money into existence by typing numbers into a spreadsheet at the central bank, states and cities (now starved of sales/property tax) cannot, and many are also bound by "balanced budget" rules.
Neither the GOP nor the Dems are willing to confront this. McConnell has advised states to meet bond obligations by raiding their pensions. Dems have abandoned efforts to provide relief to working people.
It's a very different story in China: "China can recover financially and fiscally from the virus disruption because most debts ultimately are owned to the government-based banking system. Money can be created to finance the material economy, labor and industry, construction and agriculture. When a company is unable to pay its bills and rent, the government doesn't stand by and let it be closed down and sold at a distressed price to a vulture investor."
For thousands of years, governments have understood that crises can only be weathered through debt forgiveness. The Anglo-American madness that insists that debts that can't be paid will someday be paid has hit bottom.
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iconsdeluxe-blog1 · 6 years
We Buy Houses Florida Myths Versus The True Fact
The Conceptual Definition The concern, "What is realty investing?" can not be addressed without thinking about first, it's the book definition then it's conceptual meaning. Real estate investment does require capital, there are dangers, and rental home can be management-intensive. Develop a real estate investment objective. Invest in a great genuine estate investing course or genuine estate investment software where you can find out how to run the returns and calculate the solutions. There are numerous so-called experts prepared to teach you how to make millions with real estate investment property. Create a relationship with a genuine estate expert that understands the local genuine estate market and comprehends rental home. The Academic Definition Establish a realty investment objective. Exactly what do you wish to achieve, and by when do you wish to attain it? What rate of return do you anticipate to wish to get on cash you pull out of your house or bank account to acquire an investment residential or commercial property given the risk? Learn what returns you must search for, and ways to compute them. You can not succeed in music unless you can check out music. Buy a good property investing course or realty investment software where you can discover the best ways to run the returns and calculate the formulas. Watch out for Get Rich plans. There are many so-called experts prepared to teach you how to make millions with real estate investment property. Let reasoning be your guide; we believe that nobody who discovers a gold mine releases a map. Develop a relationship with a property specialist that understands the local realty market and comprehends rental property. It will not advance your investment objectives to spend time with the "agent of the year" unless that person learns about financial investment home and is properly prepared to assist you correctly procure it. Discover a representative that understands realty investing. Exactly what is the conclusion? That realty investing is a service about owning a piece of ground that, when investigated and bought smartly by unbiased numbers and careful management and with sensible goals and caution, will likely be better tomorrow than it is today. Ways to Become a Real Estate Investor Utilize In contrast to stock financial investments (which generally need more equity from the investor), it is possible to leverage a realty investment (heavily). With a genuine estate financial investment, you can use other individuals's click the next document cash to magnify your rate of return and manage a much larger investment otherwise not possible. Tax Shelter Real estate investing provides tax benefits. There are yields on annual after-tax capital, equity buildup through gratitude of the asset, and capital after tax upon sale. Non-Monetary Returns Real estate investment provides pride of ownership, the security that you control ownership, and portfolio diversification. Realty investing is not a bed of roses, however. Genuine estate financial investment does need capital, there are threats, and rental property can be management-intensive. On the other hand, the cars and truck you drive necessary capital, it involves risk driving, and it definitely needs management. The distinction is that a vehicle is not a source of wealth.
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Realty has been defined as land (or unmovable property) together with anything completely attached to the land such as buildings, and investment is the act of using money to purchase property for the sole function of leasing or holding for earnings. It is safe to state then (integrating both definitions) that property investing includes the acquisition of realty (or investment in realty) for purposes of producing earnings, making a profit, and acquiring wealth.
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khakeravdova-blog · 6 years
The Single Preferred Methods Which Can Be Used For The We Buy Houses Washington D.C. Uncovered
Because lending institutions evaluate a rental residential or commercial property based on income stream, when purchasing multifamily residential or commercial property, present lenders with succinct and clear money circulation reports. Residences with earnings and expenditures represented accurately to the lender increase the chances the financier will obtain beneficial funding. 4. Tax Shelter - This signifies a legal method to use realty financial investment residential or commercial property to lower annual or supreme earnings taxes. No one-size-fits-all, however, and the sensible genuine estate investor ought to check with a tax expert to be sure what the present tax laws are for the investor in any particular year. Learn the returns and terms and how to calculate them. Get familiar with the subtleties of real estate investing and discover the estimations, solutions, and terms. Real estate investing is all about the financial investment property's money circulation. Understanding as much as possible about the conditions this link of the genuine estate market surrounding the rental residential or commercial property you want to purchase is a needed and prudent technique to genuine estate investing. Develop a relationship with a real estate specialist that knows the regional real estate market and comprehends rental residential or commercial property. 2. Establish a property financial investment objective with meaningful objectives. Have a strategy with stated objectives that better frames your financial investment strategy; it's one of the most crucial components of effective investing. What do you want to accomplish? By when do you desire to accomplish it? How much money are you going to invest easily, and what rate of return are you intending to produce? 2. Appreciation - This is the growth in worth of a residential or commercial property in time or future market price minus initial purchase cost. The fundamental reality to understand about appreciation, however, is that investor buy the earnings stream of financial investment property. It stands to reason, for that reason, that the more earnings you can offer, the more you can anticipate your house to be worth. In other words, make a determination about the likelihood of a boost in income and toss it into your decision-making. Naturally, capital is required, there are risks related to purchasing real estate, and property investment https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Realtor home can be management-intensive. Nevertheless genuine estate investing is a source of wealth, and that ought to suffice inspiration for us to desire to improve at it. Acknowledge the Basics Comprehending as much as possible about the conditions of the real estate market surrounding the rental home you want to acquire is a necessary and prudent approach to genuine estate investing. You can turn to a certified real estate expert or speak with the county tax assessor. Realty investing includes acquisition, holding, and sale of rights in genuine home with the expectation of using money inflows for prospective future money outflows and consequently generating a favorable rate of return on that investment. If you plan to prosper at genuine estate investing, here are three simple standards that need to be followed. It's not whatever, naturally, but at the minimum, you must want to devote to these things if you desire to become an effective genuine estate investor. Do Your Homework 1. Money Flow - The amount of money that comes in from leas and other income less what goes out for business expenses and debt service (loan payment) figures out a residential or commercial property's cash flow. Genuine estate investing is all about the investment residential or commercial property's money flow. You're acquiring a rental home's income stream, so be sure that the numbers you rely on later to calculate capital are right and truthful. Think about investing in genuine estate investment software application. There are software service providers online. Produce a relationship with a genuine estate specialist that understands the local genuine estate market and understands rental home. Work with a genuine estate investment specialist. Eliminate the idea that investing in rental residential or commercial properties is like buying a house and establish the mindset that real estate investing is a business. Look beyond curb appeal, exciting facilities, and desirable flooring strategies unless they contribute to the earnings. "Only females are stunning," a financier as soon as informed me. More advantageous than stock financial investments (which usually need more financier equity) genuine estate investments provide the benefit to utilize a real estate property heavily. Prudent real estate financiers always think about these four fundamental aspects of return to identify the potential benefits of acquiring, holding on to, or selling an earnings home investment. As concise an insight into genuine estate investing as I could offer without boring you to death. Here's to your investing success. Aside from utilize, real estate investing supplies other benefits to investors such as yields from yearly after-tax money flows, equity buildup through gratitude of the asset, and money flow after tax upon sale. Plus, non-monetary returns such as pride of ownership, the security that you control ownership and portfolio diversification. More advantageous than stock financial investments (which usually require more financier equity) realty financial investments use the benefit to leverage a realty residential or commercial property heavily. To puts it simply, with an investment in realty, you can use other individuals's money to magnify your rate of return and manage a much bigger financial investment than would be possible otherwise. Furthermore, with rental home, you can virtually use other individuals's cash to pay off your loan.
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Shall we get going? Comprehend the Elements of Return Genuine estate is not purchased, held, or sold on emotion. Realty investing is not a love affair; it's about a roi. As such prudent investor always think about these four basic aspects of go back to figure out the possible advantages of acquiring, holding on to, or offering an income residential or commercial property financial investment.
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/PWDKQ3
Project Libra: What We Know About Facebook’s Forthcoming Cryptocurrency
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This post was originally published here
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Over the past few months, it appeared that Telegram has been comfortably leading the clandestine race between major social platforms that have been quietly working on their native crypto tokens, with its Telegram Open Network (TON) making strides toward its October 2019 launch deadline. The latest avalanche of news from Facebook, however, makes this lead look less convincing, as it becomes apparent that the social media giant’s blockchain project is also well underway.
After a series of indirect cues suggesting that Facebook’s long-rumored fintech initiative is in motion, a massive breakthrough came with a detailed report from The Information, which mainly relied on anonymous sources to unearth many newsworthy particulars related to the forthcoming token. A European Facebook executive validated some of the details shortly after, confirming that a white paper outlining the cryptocurrency’s essentials is set to be published on June 18. Here is what we know of the future coin’s design and governance, as well as its potential implications for the digital economy, according to some leading voices in the crypto space.
According to The Information’s report penned by Alex Heath and Jon Victor, Facebook’s crypto project kicked off roughly a year ago when the company brought in David Marcus, former president of PayPal, to lead the charge. The e-payments giant would go on to become a major source of manpower for the initiative, enhanced with some additions of Coinbase alumni on the compliance side. In early 2019, Facebook incorporated the entire team previously employed by a blockchain startup Chainspace. MIT professor Christian Catalini has been reportedly appointed as the project’s chief economist.
Overall, staff deployed on the project is estimated to be at least a hundred strong, with some more open positions still up. In contrast to Facebook’s normally open-space culture, employees working on the blockchain initiative are reportedly concentrated in a separate building behind closed doors.
Despite earlier reports by the BBC suggesting that Facebook’s prospective cryptocurrency has been known internally as GlobalCoin, The Information’s dossier makes no mention of this label. The publication’s sources insist on another codename that has also previously been circulated in the media, Libra.
In addition to registering a company called Libra Networks in Switzerland in May, Facebook bought out the trademark from a namesake blockchain startup. TechCrunch’s Josh Constine hypothesized that the name could be wordplay on the abbreviation LIBOR, which stands for the London Inter-bank Offered Rate, a benchmark for interbank borrowing. Constine said, “LIBOR is for banks, while Libra is meant to be for the people.”
The Information’s sources revealed that Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has taken a great personal interest in the crypto project, while some others among the firm’s C-suite, such as chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and chief financial officer David Wehner, remained skeptical.
The Libra team reportedly presented three possible investment scenarios to Facebook leadership, ranging from low to high commitment, and Zuckerberg ultimately opted for the maximum investment route. Facebook CEO’s attention to building a payment system on top of the platform fits well into the proclaimed turn toward facilitating more personal and small-group forms of communication.
Token properties and uses
As a borderless currency with no transaction fees when used within the Facebook ecosystem (Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram), the prospective coin is poised to make a considerable impact in developing countries, where the company is looking to primarily market it, according to The Information’s report.
While the social platform’s existing user base exceeds 2 billion people globally, a significant portion of it come from regions where traditional financial institutions are not quite reliable, and fees on cross-border remittance payments are often exorbitant. If users come to associate the digital coin in their smartphone messaging app with real value, Libra could become a game-changer in areas such as cross-border payments, casual Venmo-style transactions within friend groups and e-commerce generally, as more and more merchants join the realm of Facebook-powered social platforms to sell their goods directly.
Prominent blockchain advocate and Wall Street veteran Caitlin Long, who was among the first to share her vision of Facebook’s cryptocurrency in light of the latest news, wrote in a Forbes op-ed that “Facebook’s cryptocurrency will be a powerful force for good in developing countries.” Long argued that, by providing a more reliable store-of-value than central banks, Facebook’s stablecoin would pressure financial authorities into monetary discipline.
In order to maintain value, according to The Information investigation, Facebook’s coin will be pegged not just to one currency, but to a basket of several currencies and low-risk securities. The company’s head of financial services and payment partnerships for Northern Europe, Laura McCracken, has also confirmed this in an informal conversation with a reporter from German magazine WirtschaftsWoche, although nothing is known yet about the basket’s composition.
The Information’s report also specifies that Facebook plans to provide physical infrastructure — in the form of ATM-style terminals — to enable users to exchange the digital asset for fiat currencies. In addition, Facebook employees will be reportedly given an option to receive part of their salaries in the token, a detail that Gizmodo’s Victoria Song called the resurgence of the “company town dream” in the digital age.
Governance and decentralization
These days it is difficult to find a person who is not alerted to Facebook’s control of (and, sometimes, questionable practices of handling) user data. The fact that the company’s ambitions now extend to a comparable degree of control over online payments might appear sinister. Anticipating pushback from vigilant users and regulators alike, the company seems to have introduced a degree of decentralization into the way its cryptocurrency governance model is laid out.
According to The Information’s report, for the past few months, the social networking company has been talking to dozens of financial institutions and tech companies, soliciting their participation in an independent foundation tasked with the new crypto payment system’s oversight. The measure should promote trust in the system, as well as pacify antitrust regulators. Sunita Parasuraman, who has worked as Facebook’s corporate head of treasury operations, will reportedly manage the foundation’s treasury.
Unsurprisingly, the privilege of validating transactions on Facebook coin’s ledger will be reserved for a selected few. A license to operate a node on the network will reportedly cost outside entities $10 million each, and will come with a right to delegate representatives to the foundation and participate in the network’s governance. The network is expected to launch with 100 nodes, possibly with a prospect of further decentralization as more nodes join in. The Information’s sources claim that Facebook will use licensing fees to establish the initial pool of value for the coin.
It is not yet clear how node operators will be rewarded in the absence of transaction fees and The Information’s claim that Facebook is not planning to use the payment system for ad targeting. The latter notion can strain skeptics’ credulity, given the company’s business model and the wealth of valuable data on purchasing habits that the currency use will generate. One of the possible answers is the interest that will accrue from the assets underlying the token — and node operators will likely hold a lot of it.
Furthermore, Long predicted that Facebook will share the generated interest profits with all users and holders of its token in order to avoid high-profile accusations of simply pocketing it, which would immediately follow otherwise. As a collateral effect, Long writes, this might turn public attention to the issue of corporate welfare in the U.S. banking system: The Federal Reserve, it turns out, pays its member banks 2.35% for interest on excess reserves.
Having learned the hard way how much of a trouble regulatory scrutiny can present, Facebook has been working closely with financial authorities across the board to ensure compliance. The new cryptocurrency is believed to incorporate solid identity verification and have fraud prevention mechanisms in place.
According to Long, it means that Facebook will leverage a massive “tax data honeypot” for multiple governments, which may attempt to trade regulatory latitude for a certain degree of access to this data. In the big picture, the project will likely highlight the archaic character of many extant financial regulations and set in motion processes of gradually making them more up to date. The ride, however, will be bumpy, as the launch of Facebook’s payment system will spark heated debates about privacy and corporate power in the context of money.
What to make of this?
Over in the crypto Twitter-sphere, intense debate immediately broke out, as opinion leaders began to figure out who the new coin’s immediate competition might be and whom it will obliterate. Charlie Shrem, a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation, opined that Libra is a direct threat to Ripple’s XRP:
Facebook is launching their global crypto coin called “Libra”. What’s interesting is they are offering companies to pay $10m to become “validators”. If anything, it renders Ripple useless 😂. The first companies to create a LIBRA/BITCOIN exchange will make a killing!
— Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) June 8, 2019
Long-time Ripple investor Kieran Kelly differed, suggesting that it is bitcoin that is now on the line:
Libra/Facebook Coin is a considerable threat to Bitcoin. XRPs main focus is as a bridging asset and on demand liquidity for banks and remittance companies. Libra sits in the same market as Bitcoin, as a direct competitor, but Facebook has a mass following unlike Bitcoin. 😬 https://t.co/PYhgMcpY3t
— Kieran Kelly 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇧🇧 (@kieranmlkelly) June 9, 2019
Yet another opinion, perhaps more optimistic than most of the crypto industry, came from Mati Greenspan, a senior trade analyst at eToro, who contended that it is traditional currency that is threatened here:
Facebook coin isn’t a competitor to Bitcoin, it’s a competitor to the Dollar.
— Mati Greenspan (@MatiGreenspan) June 9, 2019
Weiss Ratings’ lead cryptocurrency specialist, Juan M. Villaverde, formulated the central question somewhat differently in an email to Cointelegraph:
“Is Facebook really moving into the cryptocurrency space? Or is it merely porting some crypto technology over to the traditional fintech industry?”
Villaverde sees all indications that it is going to be the latter. However, it is not necessarily a bad thing, as Facebook seems to be serious about delivering user-friendly financial services to millions of users who have virtually no other access to banking.
The fact that deployment of the company’s cryptocurrency is set to start from India, the nation with the second-largest unbanked population in the world, suggests that Facebook is ready to go in that direction. However, we should make no mistake with regard to Facebook coin’s relation to decentralized digital currencies, Villaverde said:
“Facebook is looking to provide payment services to its customers. To do so, it must act as a counterparty and custodian for every payment that goes through its platform. It must have the last word on any payment users make or seek to make. Just like a bank, credit card company or PayPal. In sum, the Facebook coin will compete with established payment processors. Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are built from the ground up to disrupt them. The Facebook coin will be another layer built atop the existing financial system — another intermediary, another counterparty, plus all the corresponding risks. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are slated to render every one of those layers obsolete.”
In her op-ed, Long offered a somewhat more optimistic vision of the Libra project. She thinks that Facebook’s cryptocurrency will become a Trojan horse that will eventually benefit bitcoin:
“Facebook’s foray into cryptocurrency will likely end up being a beneficial detour on the path to broader bitcoin adoption. Bring it on!”
Facebook’s initiative, Long predicts, will dramatically increase the pace at which people learn about cryptocurrency in general, and when the general public becomes educated enough, it will likely opt for bitcoin, which is scarce, rather than Facebook’s token, which is not.
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menakart · 5 years
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Your Financial Edge: How to Take the Curves in Shifting Financial Markets and Keep Your Portfolio on
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Praise for Your Financial Edge "Paul McCulley is the man to heed. His knowledge of financial markets runs deep, and his experience has been the best. Beyond all his financial and economic wisdom, he is a human being with inborn instincts of kindness and thoughtfulness-attributes that bring to the reader something richer than just hard facts and sage advice. Jonathan Fuerbringer is the perfect partner for this project, a master of lucidity and a longtime observer of the best and the worst habits of investors." -Peter Bernstein, bestselling author of Against the Gods "Paul McCulley's insightful observations on the economy and financial markets are key inputs to our investment thinking. This book provides analytical tools and actionable advice that can greatly improve your ability to navigate today's complex financial environment. Learn from a master (and maybe even future Federal Reserve Board member) and become a better investor." -Bill Miller, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Legg Mason Capital Management "Paul McCulley is just the man to bring 'that ole-time religion' of economics into the new age of investing and help the reader to make coherent sense of just what is going on here. I should know...I listen to his counsel every day here at PIMCO, and for anyone who lacks a key to our door, this is the next best thing! Profit by the prophet-and yes-enjoy." -William H. Gross, Managing Director, PIMCO "In this highly readable book, McCulley and Fuerbringer provide valuable insights, including how the world of policy making impacts investment decisions. Their entertaining and thoughtful analysis is accompanied by a series of penetrating real-life examples that demonstrate the choices facing investors as they seek to maximize returns and minimize risk. With its wisdom and unique perspective, this book will be of interest to both institutional investors and policymakers." -Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, President and CEO, Harvard Management Company, member of the faculty, Harvard Business School, and Deputy Treasurer, Harvard University "There's a reason Paul McCulley is a favorite among financial pros and journalists all over the world Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
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Get the business leader's guide to using Twitter to gain competitive advantage. Since 2006, forward-thinking companies like Apple, JetBlue, Whole Foods, and GM have discovered the instant benefits of leveraging the social media phenomenon known as Twitter to reach consumers directly, build their brand, and increase sales. Twitter is at the leading edge of the social media movement, allowing members to connect with one another in real time via short text messages called 'tweets' that can be received either via the Twitter site or by e-mail, instant messenger, or cell phone. Many companies have started building entire teams within their organization dedicated solely to responding to tweets from consumers about their brand. And this is just the beginning. In "Twitter Power", Internet marketing and Web innovation expert Joel Comm shows businesses and marketers how to integrate Twitter into their existing marketing strategies to build a loyal following among Twitter members, expand awareness for their product or service, and even handle negative publicity due to angry or disappointed consumers. The book also presents case studies of companies on the forefront of the Twitter movement, to help you develop your own social networking strategies. "Twitter Power" is the result of extensive testing and participation in the social networking community and is a must-have for any business that wants to keep up with the social media movement. "Twitter Power" features a foreword by Tony Robbins. Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
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Get the business leader's guide to using Twitter to gain competitive advantage. Since 2006, forward-thinking companies like Apple, JetBlue, Whole Foods, and GM have discovered the instant benefits of leveraging the social media phenomenon known as Twitter to reach consumers directly, build their brand, and increase sales. Twitter is at the leading edge of the social media movement, allowing members to connect with one another in real time via short text messages?called "tweets"?that can be received either via the Twitter site or by e-mail, instant messenger, or cell phone. Many companies have started building entire teams within their organization dedicated solely to responding to tweets from consumers about their brand. And this is just the beginning. In Twitter Power, Internet marketing and Web innovation expert Joel Comm shows businesses and marketers how to integrate Twitter into their existing marketing strategies to build a loyal following among Twitter members, expand awareness for their product or service, and even handle negative publicity due to angry or disappointed consumers. The book also presents case studies of companies on the forefront of the Twitter movement, to help you develop your own social networking strategies. Twitter Power is the result of extensive testing and participation in the social networking community and is a must-have for any business that wants to keep up with the social media movement. Twitter Power features a foreword by Tony Robbins. Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff
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The untold story of the Madoff scandal, by one of the first journalists to question his investment practices Despite all the headlines about Bernard Madoff, he is still shrouded in mystery. How did he fool so many smart investors for so long? Who among his family and employees knew the truth? The person best qualified to answer these questions is Erin Arvedlund. In early 2001, she was suspicious of the amazing returns of Madoff's hedge fund. Her subsequent article in Barron's could have prevented a lot of misery, had the SEC followed up. Arvedlund presents a sweeping narrative of Madoff's career-from his youth in Queens, New York, to his early days working for his father­in- law, and finally to infamy as the world's most notorious swindler. Readers will be fascinated by Arvedlund's portrayal of Madoff, his empire, and all those who never considered that he might be too good to be true. Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East
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By the beginning of this century it was already commonplace to speak of the U.S. as a “hyperpower,” to talk of its military, political, and economic clout as unprecedented in world history, and to assume that American dominance would continue at least throughout our lifetimes. It is conventional wisdom that America will have no serious rivals for at least a generation. But the American position is far more fragile and ephemeral than much of the world believes.Clyde Prestowitz shows the powerful yet barely visible trends that are threatening to end the six-hundred-year run of Western domination of the world. The trends include America’s increasingly unsustainable trade deficits; the equally unsustainable (and dangerous) buildup of massive dollar reserves in places like Japan and China; the end of America’s position as the world’s premier center for invention and technological innovation; the sudden entrance of 2.5 billion people in India and China into the world’s skilled job market; the role of the World Wide Web in permitting many formerly localized jobs to be done anywhere in the world; and the demographic meltdown of Europe, Japan, Russia, and, in later decades, even China.Three Billion New Capitalists is a clear-eyed and profoundly unsettling look at America’s and the world’s economic future, from an author with a history of predicting the important trends long before they become apparent to others. popular business book, top business books of all time, new books, best business books for beginners, best success books, new fiction books, most interesting economics books, best macroeconomics books, best books on economics and finance, business law book, small business books, economics book pdf, economics notes
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This is achieved by mining extra cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCash, Lite coin and extra lucrative alt coins that become available. Those currencies are next either stored and held or sold and used to buy beast bullion to urge on our tokens. The behind suggestion explains what the goal of each token is and the detailed suggestion approximately each. There are 8 different TAN crypto-tokens, one for each level within TAN. Each has a interchange proclaim and a alternative heap of value. As members disturb occurring in levels that these tokens represent, the amount of mining then increases for the matching token making them more valuable the progressive the enthusiast achieves. Here Are The Specifics: Our Mining Rigs Specifications: Ethereum mining rig Ethereum, ZCash GPU Ethos 148Mh/s Equihash 1200H/s Remote govern from our main monitoring computers Housed in our own buildings across Canada and the U.S. (Expanding as TAN grows) TAN can mine every other algorithms in the same way as Ethash, Equihash, X11, X13, quark, quit, Scrypt, lyra2rev2, Blake, neoscrypt and more TAN uses AMD RX 480 8GB Video cards currently and will upgrade as necessary Runs on 120V-240V AC Components: ATX Motherboard AM3+ CPU AMD 4Gb of RAM DDR3 Hard drive 120GB SSD Each Mining Rig uses a capacity supply of 1300w USB 3.0 PCI-E 1X to 16X Extender Riser Adapter TAN uses 10 X AMD RX 480 8GB Video Cards per mining rig TAN is united to three stand-in mining pools for safety and monster diversified in the mining sector. Watch for our videos explaining how and why we have structured our services in this manner. The rate of return at the times of writing this is in the middle of 60 and 250 days depending upon current crypto-currency prices brute mined. By mining these interchange alt coins we are skillful to get Bitcoin at a far away cheaper conversion price than mining for Bitcoin itself. By mining and converting to BTC upon a daily basis we stay on top of the Bitcoin make public as most popular alt coins fluctuate when the Bitcoin pricing changes. This allows our cryptocurrencies to accumulate in value without placing every our eggs in one basket per se. The locations of our mining gear and mining computer headquarters are kept silent for obvious reasons but we look for the most cost effective locations based upon real home pricing, internet connectivity and price of electricity per KW/H correspondingly that we gain more for our investment. Please note that taking into account you see the conversions under we are using one of these no question configured rigs for each displayed ratio below. The Diamond Ingot Named: Diamond Ingot Created From: Ethereum intellectual covenant Token Number of Tokens adequately Issued: 10,000,000 Backed By: Bitcoin by mining Ethereum, ZCash and Alt Coins next sold to buy the bitcoin Mining Ratio: For every 100,000 tokens issued, TAN has 1x dedicated rig for this level of token. How to Earn the Diamond Ingot: The Diamond Ingot will be delivered to our Diamond level members for all booming association payment made by a endorsed fanatic each month. How The Financial Side Of The Mining Works: The illusion To This Crypto-Token Is In How The Math Works! As TAN members pay their monthly connection fees a percentage of those funds goes directly into the infrastructure to mine the summit trading cryptocurrencies. This includes the servers which cost amongst $3,600USD to $9,200USD, the software, the staffing, the accountants, etc. Each mining server returns 100% of its cost within a period amid 60 days and 1 year depending upon the cryptocurrency subconscious mined at the time. Remember that the ratio of tokens to mining servers is as follows, for all 100,000 Diamond ingot tokens issued, TAN has 1x dedicated rig for this level. Once all tokens are issued to members, this is what they can expect: 10,000,000 tokens issued on bad terms by 100,000 to manage to pay for us behind the number of servers the Diamond Ingot will have as their base number of servers. The Base Number Will Be 100. We multiply that number to the average cost of our servers even though factoring in inflation and rising prices of $6,400. That gives us a total base cost of $640,000. If the ROI upon these mining servers is between 2 months and 12 months, we will admit the average rate of compensation at 7 months. In this example lets just tell that we invested this entire amount in the beginning to create it easier to understand This means if the mining servers gave us a full 100% ROI on the investment of the equipment in 7 months and on bad terms that sum of $640,000 by the sum number of days, these rigs would be paying out an average of $3,048 USD per day. Now we know that this isnt occurring all at bearing in mind appropriately there will be a mixture of earnings and accrual that will growth gradually until we accomplish these ultimate levels of return. In the meantime, its best to start growth piling this stock of great quantity even if we can. The abandoned exaggeration you can get these tokens is by monster an lively paid member inside of TAN. How Those Earnings Are broken Down As you are more than well aware, no concern or venture operates without expense capital. following developing each of the TAN crypto-tokens we kept this thought in mind consequently that if TAN ever failed to exist our crypto tokens would conscious upon for a much longer period. past this in mind, the later is how the costs of operations and addition are broken down. If we see at all mining rewards as earnings they are damage by the side of as follows, 50% will be used to buy the Bitcoin that will encourage the Diamond Ingot, 15% will be used to purchase the Diamond Ingots in the exchanges members announce to sell, 10% will be reinvested into more mining servers consequently that the size of mining operations continues to grow behind the amount of BTC with living thing stored adjoining the Diamond Ingot and 25% will be used for operations, expansions and upkeep. The version of Funds That Are Applied to Operations Explained 25% will be used towards operations and upkeep which will cover expenses such as hydro costs, keeping the servers practicing and current therefore that they are always mining, insurance and staffing. 10% will be used to early payment by purchasing more servers each month. By be in this TAN provides a long-term alleyway to layer and expertise without failure. Both the mining servers and the alt coins acts as the growing asset that fundamentally backs the Diamond Ingot token. Essentially this means Diamond Ingot will ensue in a mammal asset value of 35% or greater per year and never dropping under its initial value! http://bit.ly/TheAffluenceNetwork
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sataniccapitalist · 7 years
“If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson’s books.
What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services that drive the real economy to the payment of interest and fees to banks.
His latest book is J is for Junk Economics. It is written in the form of a dictionary, but the definitions give you the precise meaning of economic terms, the history of economic concepts, and describe the transformation of economics from classical economics, where the emphasis was on taxing incomes that are not the product of the production of goods and services, to neoliberal economics, which rests on the taxation of labor and production.
This is an important difference that is not easy to understand. Classical economists defined “unearned income” as “economic rent.” This is not the rent that you pay for your apartment. Economic rent is an income stream that has no counterpart in cost incurred by the receipient of the income stream.
For example, when a public authority, say the city of Alexandria, Virginia, decides to connect Alexandria with Washington, D.C., and with itself, with a subway paid for with public money, the owners of property along the subway line experience a rise in property values. They owe their increased wealth and their increased incomes from the rental values of their properties to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars. If these gains were taxed away, the subway line could have been financed without taxpayers’ money.
It is these gains in value produced by the subway, or by a taxpayer-financed road across property, or by having beachfront property instead of property off the beach, or by having property on the sunny side of the street in a business area that are “economic rents.” Monopoly profits due to a unique positioning are also economic rents.
Hudson adds to these rents the interest that governments pay to bondholders when governments can avoid the issuance of bonds by printing money instead of bonds. When governments allow private banks to create the money with which to purchase the government’s bonds, the governments create liabilities for taxpayers than are easily avoidable if, instead, government created the money themselves to finance their projects. The buildup of public debt is entirely unnecessary. No less money is created by the banks that buy government bonds than would be created if the government printed money instead of bonds.
The inability of neoliberal economics to differentiate income streams that are economic rents with no cost of production from produced output makes the National Income and Product Accounts, the main source of data on economic activity in the US, extremely misleading. The economy can be said to be growing because public debt-financed investment projects raise the rents along subway lines.
“Free market” economists today are different from the classical free market economists. Classical economists, such as Adam Smith, understood a free market to be one in which taxation freed the economy from untaxed economic rents. In neoliberal economics, Hudson explains, “free market” means freedom for rent extraction free of government taxation and regulation. This is a huge difference.
Consequently, today the US economy is focused by policymakers including the Federal Reserve on maximizing rentier income at the expense of the growth in the real economy. Rentier income has the productive economy in a death grip. The economy cannot grow, because consumer income is siphoned off into payment of interest and fees to banks, and is not available for increased purchases of real goods and services.
Independently I arrived at Hudson’s conclusion that neoliberal economics is a device for ripping off workers and producers in order to convey awards to the rentier class. Neoliberal economics is a predatory device that justifies the exorbitant incomes of the One Percent while blaming rising debt on those forced into debt-peonage in order to survive. Hudson’s virtue is that he explains the historical development of debt-peonage and makes it clear that this is the status that the One Percent intends for the 99 Percent. He resurrects classical economics and reformulates economic theory in keeping with the facts on the ground instead of rentier interests.”
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robertbassweb · 4 years
Think and Grow Rich – Best Self Help Book of All Time
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Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich
Written in 1937 after a 25-year study on some of one of the most financially successful individuals, “Think And Grow Rich” is one of the globally acknowledged individual advancement work of arts (greater than one hundred million copies marketed worldwide, according to recent estimates).
The book’s viewpoint facilities around the suggestion that success, in any kind of undertaking, can be gotten to through mental visualization as well as creative imagination.
To place it in easy terms, you can come to be anything that your mind considers possible; consequently, your mind comes to be the one point that can either quit you or move you towards ending up being the very best variation of yourself.
  Think and Grow Rich Greatest Lessons
Below, we’re going to detail and also talk about guide’s most noteworthy lessons:
  Ideas are powerful points.
In the first paragraph, Hill argues that reasoning is more conducive to success than any other feature, consisting of cash, education and learning, or specific expertise concerning something.
The man that “believes” he can achieve something is currently an advance toward the goal. But thinking by itself may be an also general term. That’s why Hill converts believing as a mix of initiative, belief, desire to win, as well as durability.
Failure is also considered, being taken into consideration a necessary part of the discovering process, yet it obtains us closer throughout objective just if we take it properly and choose to persist nonetheless, whatever it is that could appear on our journey.
Now, there’s one more prerequites that need to be beared in mind: being clear about the objective that we wish to accomplish.
George Harrison as soon as said “If you don’t recognize where you’re going, any roadway will take you there”; even prior to ensuring that you’re figured out sufficient to take the high road, make sure you properly lead the way.
Exactly how bad do you want it? Obviously everybody has different objectives and dreams for ourselves, however have you ever before asked yourself this question?
It could seem unneeded in the beginning, but it is just when we really, truly want something, that we’ll do whatever is needed to attain it. Therefore, in an hypotethic, overall scheme, need is the one phase that links thoughts and activities together:
Ideas → Committment (or Desire) → Action
Bear in mind that Columbus dreamed of an unidentified coast, the Wright siblings imagined a maker that can fly with air, and also Henry Ford imagined a carriage without steeds.
These individuals had 2 points alike: initially, they were durable enough to overcome other individuals’s critiques and also duplicated failings in their attempts.
Second, they had a vision that was clear sufficient which, with the combination of a burning need, unavoidably led them to success.
Consequently, it is only when you totally melt all the bridges that are holding you to the past as well as begin believing differently that you can win in life.
You can have either justifications or outcomes, not both. Hence, be willing to reduce them off prior to they come to be a real obstacle to your individual growth.
Confidence, in Hill’s words, means convincing yourself that your goal is achievable.
And belief can be trained and also enhanced through self-suggestion.
If you believe in something or have a specific end in mind, practice convincing your mind of the opportunity to understand that objective, as well as after a while, your mind will begin to unconsciously act upon part of your belief system. In a nutshell, you become what you consider.
Faith is the excellent equalizer; in a lot of situations, it is the reason for anguish and also failing, however becoming aware of its power and also steer its force toward purposeful objectives most of the times makes all the distinction in the world.
Actively prevent negative feelings and focus all of your energy on positivity; this globe is currently much more plentiful than ever before, as well as we have no reasons– none– for not realizing our maximum capacity.
Hill likewise mentions the significance of creating your goals down, duplicating them everyday for half an hour a day, as well as appealing yourself that you’ll be ruthless in their pursuit.
Really, he suggests a comprehensive process for infusing both passion and belief right into your goals. This procedure consists of:
– Entering into a relaxing area, where you know you won’t be disrupted. Shut your eyes as well as repeat aloud your affirmations; – Repeat the affirmations each day and also night; – Place a duplicate of your affirmations in a location where you can see them daily, as well as read them both before going to bed and when you awaken.
Nonetheless, half-heartedly duplicating your affirmations doesn’t make any type of feeling; see to it that, while you do repeat, you can feel and sense your goals as already accomplished.
Stretch your creativity to the max, as well as put emotion right into your ideas.
    Specialized understanding.
Hill declares that there’s 2 types of expertise:
– General expertise, which is certainly much more popular, specifically among college professors.
It is, though, not really useful for the buildup of wide range (that’s why professors, for the most part, are extremely intelligent yet not especially abundant).
Hill himself states that there’s no such thing as “Expertise is power”. Instead, he calls it prospective power. It becomes actual power just when intelligently directed with certain plans of action as well as a distinct objective.
– Specialized knowledge, required for success. If you’re not specialized concerning the products or services you offer, opportunities are you’re never mosting likely to be wealthy or effective (or perhaps delighted?) in any endeavor.
This kind of expertise can be obtained extremely quickly via various sources: not only colleges as well as universities, however additionally libraries, field of expertise training courses, on the internet materials; also some type of collaboration with others stands for a higher type of knowledge.
Education does not quit on graduation day, and also those who think that are eternally condemned to mediocrity.
If there’s one quote that entirely shows the concept whereupon this books is based, it would certainly be that of Albert Einstein:
” Imagination is more important than understanding. Expertise is restricted. Creative imagination encircles the world.”
As men, we can translate ideas into things. We can create anything that our mind conceives as well as regards possible.
It comes down that our mind can be both a true blessing and also a curse; our greatest ally or our worst adversary.
While, if appropriately directed, our mind can work as a catalyst for development and development, a contaminated one will undoubtedly damage us and make us targets of our very own existences.
Creativity Shapes
Hill states that creativity can take the shape of:
– Artificial Creativity → With synthetic imagination, our mind works mostly through our past: experiences, successes, failures, and the like. Its work is just limited to locating new combinations with “past material”;
– Imaginative Creative imagination → This is the form of imagination in which perceptions as well as motivation take place, and it functions only when our mind shakes at a greater rhythm.
Imaginative imagination can be promoted by a solid wish and a clear and also well-concocted strategy (ideally written).
When we think about the future in regards to chances, sketching the different end results that our activities may drive us towards, we uncover a source of internal energy that will certainly virtually instantly make us even more prone to work the strategy and also persevere through and through.
As this quantity continually explains, concepts can be turned into wealth pretty conveniently if accompanied by great approaches and also carefully arranged strategies.
Hill goes as far as saying that effort doesn’t also matter when there’s a great strategy in position, but that’s a different story (which does not entirely get my authorization, incidentally).
    Are you a decision-maker or a slow starter?
Laziness is most likely one of the major factors lots of people aren’t satisfied with their lives.
Laziness suggests quiting on yourself, it implies paying too much attention to other’s opinions regarding you and the opportunities in your life, it indicates checking out effective individuals as well as asking yourself “What if?” when it will possibly be too late to alter something.
Well, I’m right here (delay, Mr. Hill is right here) to tell you that doing something about it equates to making decisions.
What you desire your life to look like?
Go out there, draw your excellent life on a piece of paper, and, after contrasting your possible life with your present one, provide yourself what’s presently lacking, be it a lot more sources, more positive organizations or even more powerful routines and also habits.
Spend the rest of your natural life waking up as well as pursuing your goals.
Remember that every person has opinions, also people who shouldn’t, and the sooner you grasp this, the much faster you can decide to not bear with people whose aim is just that of bringing you as well as your dreams down.
” Well done is well said.”
Head out there and do something, then reason yourself. Not the other way around. Listen to everybody’s point of view; damn, be respectful to them. But remember they’re just viewpoints.
Take them with a grain of salt: smile, say thanks to the people that shared them, and do your things no matter. Choose and also stick to those decisions whatever (besides, transform them by yourself if you truly require to).
    Mastermind Partnership.
So you have vision, need, faith, understanding, and creative imagination: what’s following?
Now is pivotal that you surround on your own with like-minded individuals, people whom you know you can trust on an intellectual point of view which can provide you notable understandings and triggers which you can draw ideas from.
The synergy of several, high-performing minds, is what enabled brand-new ventures as well as once-upon-a-time garage businesses to grow as well as become recognized realities in today’s world. Hill claims that once two or even more minds get together, a 3rd, means extra powerful mind is produced; one that can press itself way better than any type of individual’s could do by itself.
Clearly, you should evaluate your toughness before developing or thinking of developing a mastermind partnership. What could you give the table?
Do you have the understanding, influence or resources to accomplish completion goal?
If not, ensure you put on your own in a position where you can in fact make your contribution to the cause.
Remember that a Mastermind Partnership is not regarding entirely outsourcing your concept, awaiting its resolution as well as taking credit history if it is successful; you need to do the grueling as well as tough job, which includes assuming obligations for your own and your team’s efforts.
    Subconscious mind.
The subconscious part of your brain is like an archieve: it obtains and also contains your ideas and also impacts, despite their nature. It signs up every little thing, as well as it acts based on your predominant reasoning patterns.
So if you feed your brain with the vision of wide range as well as success, it’ll function its method via making those purposes a physical reality, as well as it works just as extremely with negative ideas and sentences: it simply does what you inform it to do.
Make it a practice to dental implant favorable ideas into your mind and blend them with vision as well as belief. Then, “interact” these plans to your subconscious with self-suggestion.
Knowing that cynical impulses are a lot easier to develop and a great deal more challenging to ruin, attempt (as long as you can) to shut them off nevertheless, or a minimum of sidetrack your mind whenever you locate it straying around them.
Once again, do not expect it to be easy: if you grew up in the same setups the huge bulk of the present human populace did, chances are you have actually been persuaded for years with a great deal of false beliefs such as “money profanes”, “the economic situation is aggravating”, “having goals is egoistic”, and the sort.
Understand that people who chat this way never ever experienced a purposeful and also rich presence, as well as they most likely never will; do on your own a support and also secure your mind from them; shield your spirit from contamination in all prices.
    Fear and Anxiety.
Right here comes the hardest of your opponents in the road to financial, mental, and also spiritual success. Anxiety stops a lot of individuals from becoming their finest selves, and also it will attempt to stop you also– if you let it.
Concern has several facets, and Hillside mapped a list of the seven which he thinks about the worst ones:
– Worry of hardship → Hardship and wealth can’t exist together. You either desire one or the other, so if your need is that of becoming rich (and even solvent), choose how much treasures you would love to build up and make it an indicate totally refuse destitution in your mind.
– Fear of criticism → History accustomed us to turn our nose up at criticism. In the past, contrary viewpoints meant penalty; because I’m italian, it’s sufficient for me to remember the Fascism period, which took place between 1922 and also 1945 in Italy. During that time, any type of opposing sight was casted as inappropriate, and the one who revealed it was highly likely to be killed.
Years later on, luckily, the scenario is completely various, yet when it pertains to sharing our viewpoint, be it different or not, our minds are just as frightened as they would have been back in the day.
Critics can have a profound effect if conveyed in an exaggerated quantity, especially to younger individuals; it can rob them of power, self-confidence and independent thinking.
– Fear of ill health → This fear, in my opinion, stems from two sources: the first one is represented by the opinion of those negative people that surround your life.
It seems like they enjoy being cynical and pessimistic just as much as they hate living life to the fullest, and this spread negativity, sooner or later, will affect you and your thought pattern, making you increasingly likely to constantly overthink about negative outcomes in your own existence.
The second one is embodied by the media: now, I’m not on some wich-hunt here, but have you ever heard a newscast that talked about something in a positive light? For more than five minutes? Yes, me neither.
Nowadays, with the excuse of “making us aware” of what happens, the media tries to make matters worse by emotionalizing every single bit of event. And this, of course, makes us more pessimistic and ill-minded.
– Fear of loss love → Fear of losing a loved one is one of the most common– yet most terrifying for some– feelings that can be experienced.
It stems from personal past experiences, and even going further back, from our ancestors also: in the primitive era, males got used to stealing women from other men, and they did that through brute force.
Today, while the “crime” remains, the manners have changed: violent behaviors have been replaced by different baits, such as expensive cars, houses, and clothes.
However, the fear of loss love is more common among women, since men, by their nature, are more inclined to be polygamous: a trait that makes them unworthy of trust most of the time (especially when in presence of rivals).
– Fear of old age → Less sexual attraction, more likelihood of getting ill, less mobility and strength; these are all natural consequences of old age. Instead of taking the elderly years of our lives as a chance to gather more acuity and life experiences, some of us refuse to acknowledge the positive side of aging, living in constant fear of its arrival as a result.
Just like birth and growth, aging is part of life, and it is something that we’re all going to go through (major happenings apart).
If you’re already in that stage, take that as a chance to be a fantastic parent, grand-parent or just a beautiful human being, spreading your wisdom and knowledge with those you care about the most.
– Fear of death → The last one, and one of the most dreaded, is the fear of death, which is related with the fear of the unknown.
What does death mean? Where am I going to end up? Will there be any “heaven” or “hell”?
These are all legit questions, but we can’t and will never know the answers. Death is a mysterious, unpredictable event, and unpredictability scares us.
At the same time, though, being afraid of death is useless (just like it’s useless to be scared about any of the fears described above): death is necessary, and like aging, no one ever escaped from it.
Maybe it’s not even as bad as many people make you believe. Maybe it’s just a transition. Maybe that transition is toward something better.
Who knows?
    Video: Think and Grow Rich
Date: 2015-10-22 21:08:54
Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill The Best Self-Help Book EVER!
Are you ready to change your life? Are you ready to make more money? The godfather of the Law of Attraction brings you the greatest manifesting abundance book of all time, Think and Grow Rich.
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Hope you enjoy this video about Think and Grow Rich.
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Andrew Yang’s ‘Freedom Dividend’ Is Not Only Unnecessary, It’s Unethical
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/andrew-yang-s-freedom-dividend-is-not-only-unnecessary-it-s-unethical
Andrew Yang’s ‘Freedom Dividend’ Is Not Only Unnecessary, It’s Unethical
Andrew Yang’s ‘Freedom Dividend’ Is Not Only Unnecessary, It’s Unethical
Andrew Yang has taken to Twitter in dynamic fashion as of late, advertising his universal basic income (UBI) proposal known as the “Freedom Dividend.” While throwing money at people out of pocket always generates a buzz, there’s a mathematically and ethically broken side to the plan few are talking about.
A Real-Life Political Cartoon
Not so long ago people used to joke about the typical shyster politician and their larger than life campaign promises. Wisecracks about the next White House wannabe centered around grease-ball politicians literally throwing money at voters to buy their support. Well now, under the guise of a hip new presidential campaign, the money throwing is actually happening. To critique Andrew Yang is no easy task, given the understandable and dynamic support he’s received against the backdrop of a totally corrupt and greedy political and financial system. It stands to ask, though: Is he really set to change things? Upon closer examination, UBI is little more than an inept and unethical ploy for socioeconomic power.
If it feels this good to give 10 Americans $1,000 a month imagine how it will feel to do the same for hundreds of millions of us. It will be one of the greatest days in human history.
— Andrew Yang🧢 (@AndrewYang) November 1, 2019
Generous (With Other People’s Money)
Math. It’s a discipline unlike others for its exact answers and lack of room for debate. One plus one is two. There’s not much dissent possible here, outside of the occasional stoner drum circle or deep metaphysical fireside discussion. Nothing wrong with either, of course, but this is just to lay the groundwork for an argument. Namely, that one cannot give away value one doesn’t have. While Yang is currently giving a “Freedom Dividend of $1,000 a month for an entire year to 10 American families” out of his own pocket, once in office that money set to “do the same for hundreds of millions of us” will come from your pockets.
UBI: something doesn’t add up.
Mixed Up Math
Yang’s campaign website lays out the groundwork for his proposed “Freedom Dividend.” While a dividend is usually defined as a share of profits paid out to shareholders, Yang’s “dividend” will be made possible “by consolidating some welfare programs and implementing a Value Added Tax of 10 percent.” Not exactly a share of profits as much as money pulled from the pockets of Americans, but for the sake of argument, that will do for now. In assuaging fears of inflation, negative economic impact and even incoming communism, Yang maintains on the site:
The federal government recently printed $4 trillion for bank bailouts in its quantitative easing program with no inflation.
This assessment is massively dishonest, and if not, massively ignorant of basic economic realities. It ignores math, in other words. There are many types of inflation and some of the most pernicious hide beneath the surface of popular reference. While consumer price index inflation (CPI) may appear almost unaffected during some periods of quantitative easing (QE) due to a mix of market factors (including the psychological aspect of consumer confidence), asset price inflation is the real trigger for more serious problems. In other words, even as the debt racket of modern government paper spirals out of control, if the people are confident in their money and the state’s reassurance of its value, CPI may stay relatively stable, and businesses will be unable to increase prices due to this psychology and other factors such as healthy, corrective deflation.
Source: St. Louis Fed, realinvestmentadvice.com
While Yang claims the printing of $4 trillion for bailouts caused “no inflation” the housing and asset market is calling BS in unprecedented and truly frightening fashion. If a house was worth $200,000 five years ago, and now is worth $300,000, this doesn’t necessarily mean the house changed, or that the property became legitimately more valuable. What it often means is that the dollar became significantly weaker against the asset. As these asset prices are thus inflated, banks are able to give out bigger and bigger loans against the asset collateral. Once the jig is up, the bubble bursts and the tumble down is severe, with collateral value no longer covering loans. The graph above shows just how dramatically this buildup is happening currently, with asset inflation signaled by U.S. household net worth against GDP at an all-time-high since 1952 of 535%.
Stolen Generosity
Not only is Yang’s proposition economically unsound, it’s also morally objectionable. This is a hard pill to swallow for many hopeful millennials and Yang gang supporters of all ages, tired of scraping by and struggling in the current corrupt, Keynesian paradigm. That notwithstanding, Yang’s “Forward” is no different from the vague and vapid “Hope,” Change,” or “I’m a better man” of previous candidates.
To pay the Freedom Dividend, Yang proposes you be robbed. Business owners not wishing to apply his suggested VAT would be punished for refusal. Consumers not wishing to pay it, as well. It’s an unpleasant reality, but there’s no way to put it more accurately. Yang explains:
A Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on the production of goods or services a business produces. It is a fair tax and it makes it much harder for large corporations, who are experts at hiding profits and income, to avoid paying their fair share.
Many are unsure of what Andrew Yang’s fair share of their income should be. If I similarly were forced to pay every neighbor I have a portion of my paycheck because 15 or 20 of them said I must, or be put in a cage, people would be understandably scandalized by the sociopathic suggestion. But if the theft is euphemized as a “Freedom Dividend” it’s suddenly made much more palatable to the masses. While some maintain taxation is a necessary evil for preserving civilization, this position is illogical. There’s nothing civil about stealing from anyone under threat of violence, and a social need doesn’t justify criminal activity, anyway. If it did, the folks in the U.S. during the plantation slavery era would have been correct in their protests against abolition: “But who will pick the cotton!?”
Bitcoin’s Fix
Leaving Andrew Yang’s universe for a moment, it seems important to address crypto as a potential solution for the current political corruption he supposedly stands against. A recent opinion piece in the Washington Post proclaims: “Facebook’s cryptocurrency won’t help the poor access banks. Here’s what would.” The piece goes on to detail the impossibility of Facebook’s upcoming Libra cryptocurrency actually helping the unbanked of the world, due to government regulations. The article un-ironically closes by suggesting that the very same overbearing government is the solution, stating: “It’s true that financial inclusion would help millions of Americans and benefit the economy. But it can be achieved through time-tested and democratic institutions. In fact, the United States already has a public payments system: the Federal Reserve.”
What so few in the space seem to realize about crypto is that the potential for banking the unbanked, pulling people out of poverty, and enabling savings and the building of wealth for the average individual is already here. The state stands in the way with endless surveillance, KYC/AML requirements, taxes and capital controls, so it happens in the regulatory cracks, at present.
Instead of a $1,000 monthly paycheck in trash money, why not drop all restrictions on trade and allow people to grow their wealth and businesses independently? If we’re worried that criminal warlords and kingpins would take over, just look around — they already have. It is precisely because of the illogical centralization of power and lack of a logical, level playing field that a candidate like Yang can gain any prominence at all. In a free society — and no offense here to Yang personally — he’d likely be known as just a common con artist.
Source: news.bitcoin
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