#wearing a white t-shirt. that's it. no fancy clothes or events just luke in his everyday clothes and his warm smile like the sun
vynegar · 2 years
finally getting around to (re)reading luke’s “shape of you” card story and yeah... this still absolutely slaps.... otome card story of all time.....
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niall-is-my-dream · 6 years
A Secret Connection - Part two
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You woke up Saturday morning around 10am, you loved a lay in on the weekend. Your weekend usually consisted of doing some chores, washing and cleaning before heading to the supermarket to stock up for the week ahead. You always tried to catch up with Anna to, however she was working last night and you were busy tonight at the Summer Ball. You'd most likely catch up Sunday and you had plans for the following weekend anyway.
You laid in bed for a while, scrolling through your phone. It was a forecast to be a warm June day, so you got up and showered before grabbing some cereal and heading out.
Jane text you whilst you were in the supermarket telling you she'd meet you in the hotel lobby at 2pm. You honestly couldn't wait for some pampering. Jane was ten years older than you, married but with no kids. She'd managed to ditch her husband for the day, who had decided he'd rather stay at home with his friends and watch the rugby. This suited Jane, and yourself actually as you both felt you deserved the down time. You quickly replied and made your way to the check out. 
You drove to the hotel in your little green mini and spotted Jane taking her small suitcase out of her car. You bleeped the horn as you park up next to her, the noise scaring the shit out of her.
"Jesus Em, what the Fuck?" She said clutching her chest and laughing.
"Sorry! Couldn't resist!" You said out of your open window, trying to hold back your giggles.
"Nearly had a fucking heart attack!" She said smiling.
You parked up and got out the car. Jane was still standing by the boot of her car clutching her chest when you reached her. 
"I'm really sorry! You were in a world of your own! Ah shit, that was funny!" You said still giggling away.
"Nearly jumped out of my skin, cheeky bitch. Come on get your bloody suitcase out and lets go do some pampering."
You were both still laughing as you made your way into the hotel lobby to check in. Jane went first and you made a note of her room number.
"You go settle in, I'm going to check in and quickly see if I can speak to the events coordinator about tonight."
"Ok, call my room or message me when you want to meet." She called out to you as she headed towards the lift. "We booked in for 3 right?" 
"Yeah 3pm." You replied. You'd booked a manicure and pedicure each.
You had just checked in and got your room key and were just waiting for the events coordinator Sarah to meet you when you heard him call your name.
"Emily hi!" Niall said as he walked across the lobby looking gorgeous in tight dark denim jeans, a navy crew neck t-shirt and vans.
"Hi Niall, you decided to take advantage of early check in as well in the end?" You asked him as he got closer to you. Quickly smoothing down your own t-shirt that had bunched up from your bag being on your shoulder, his eyes ran up and down your body. 
Had he ever looked at you like that before? The answer was no, you had only met on a few occasions. To be honest you couldn't remember if anyone had ever looked at you like that.
"Um yeah..." he mumbled as he realised you'd caught him looking.
You bit your lower lip and then glanced over his shoulder to see the two lads he had left the building with last Monday. 
Harry and Liam. You'd figured out their names when you'd been wandering around the building this week......not looking for Niall.
"Hi!" You greeted them as they joined you.
"Niall said you and Jane were coming here early, we hadn't even thought of it. Going to hit the pool and then the jacuzzi." Liam said.
"Yeah, thought we might get some pampering before tonight." You replied brightly. "Jane has already checked in, I'm just waiting to speak to the events lady Sarah before I head to my room."
 "Are you heading to the pool?" Liam asked.
 "No, we've got a couple of pampering treatments booked in. "
 "That's a shame, isn't it Niall?" Harry said smirking, and patting Niall on the back.
You thought you saw Liam wink at them both out of the corner of your eye, but you couldn't be sure.
"Well, we are going to check in." Harry said interrupting your thoughts and dragging them off to the desk with him.
You could see Sarah by the front desk, handing something to one of the receptionist. 
"Emily, hi how are you?" Sarah said as she walked towards you.
"Great thanks, just making sure some of the team get checked in ok." You replied as you watched Niall walk away with Harry and Liam. You saw Harry lean into him and pat his shoulder again like he did a few moments ago. Niall looked flustered, were you the butt of one of their jokes?
"Excellent, enjoy the pool and spa while you're here." Sarah said bringing you out of your daze.
"Um yes, we will! So is everything ok for tonight?" You asked trying not to glance over at him.
"Yes all good, received your email with the final numbers last week so everything is finalised." She replied.
"Fantastic, everyone is really looking forward to it." You said.
You made friendly chat for a few minutes, before saying goodbye. You looked over to Niall and the boys who were checking in and Niall turned and looked your way. You gave him a wave and a smile and headed towards the lift.
When you made it to your room you hung up your dress and unpacked your shoes and make up. Anna had text you and was telling you about the afternoon James had planned for them. They were going on a riverboat cruise along the Thames and then back to his for dinner. You replied back saying you hoped she has a great day and that you'd catch up soon.
You slipped on a maxi dress, you thought this would be easier than the jeans you were wearing, before texting Jane to ask her if she was ready and fancied grabbing a quick drink before your appointment. She replied a yes instantly, so you grabbed your bag and headed out the door.
The smell of chlorine hit you as you walked into the reception area of the spa at 3pm.  Jane spotted the guys almost instantly through the floor to ceiling glass window that led to the pool area.
"Aren't they people from work?" She asked.
"Yeah, I saw them as I was checking in. Said they'd be in here, they asked us to join us."
"Oh really?! You got the hots for one of them?!"
"Um......no......" You mumbled.
"Shit! You do!" She laughed back, a massive smirk on her face. "Which one?!"
"I dont!" You said through gritted teeth, a fake smile on your face. You knew they were looking over at you both.
"Ok, you dont!" She replied, the smirk still on her face.
Once you'd got your feet settled in a foot spa each, a little over ten minutes later she started with the questions again.
"So which one is it then?! Is the one with the long brown hair with the Manchester accent?"
"What, Harry?!" you replied. "No!"
"Ok, so the smooth talking one with the sort of Birmingham accent?!"
"Liam? and no!"
"Ok that just leaves the cute Irish one."
"No, I don't fancy any of them." You said not reaching her gaze.
"Ah so it is the cute Irish one?!" She replied laughing.
"Jane.......! I do not fancy Niall." 
"What?! You're like, 25 right?! You should be out there, going on dates and having great sex!" She said as if she was talking about holiday destinations or something.
"I do that!"
"When was the last time you did that?!"
Fuck, when was the last time you went on a date? Was it really with that guy from Anna's work, Luke? That was 5 months ago, that was a total disaster. She'd tried to set you up again with someone else, but you point blank refused.
"See, you can't even remember!" She said smiling. "Let your hair down tonight. Flirt a little. Good god if I was single I'd be after that cute Irish one. Bet he's amazing in bed! "
"Jane, you're married!"
"I can look, just can't touch!" She replied giggling and you giggled along with her. Your conversation stopped there as the beauty therapist came in to give you your pedicures.
You finally finished the last curl in your hair, running some product through it to make them more natural. Pulling your robe open you unzipped your dress bag and took your dress off the hanger.
It was gorgeous. Navy, high neck but with a plunging back that hung so low that you could only wear a low fitting thong. The fabric of the dress clung to every curve so a silk navy thong was brought to wear with it. With the gold details around the edges of the dress, it matched your gold masquerade mask perfectly.
Anna had come with you to choose a dress, you hated shopping, Anna however loved it. You'd wanted something simple, she wanted something that wasn't. 
"That one!" She'd shouted as you'd come out of the fitting room. "Definitely that one!"
Doing your make up had seemed silly when you placed the mask over your face and secured it. You stood back and surveyed yourself, before sending a picture to Anna.
"Holy shit!" Was her instant reply. "You look amazing!"
You replied a Thank You before grabbing your gold clutch and heading towards the door.
Jane looked beautiful. She had decided on a red dress with a silver mask, she had an amazing figure. "Just text Rob a picture." she said. "He's wishing he was here now!" 
You laughed. "Shouldn't have chosen the rugby then should he?!" 
The room looked stunning. There were a few tables dotted around with white table cloths, flower arrangements in large talk glass vases. Servers wearing masquerade masks to, as they walked round the room offering champagne and canapes.
You spotted Mr Green and his wife Judy talking to some colleagues. A server offered you and Jane some champagne as you loitered by the doorway.
"Emily?" Judy called out to you and you smiled and walked over to her.
"Hi Judy, you look stunning!" You said as she leaned in to embrace you and kiss both your cheeks. She always came across as so warm and mumsy. But not in a bad way, in a way that made you feel cared for.
"Thank you Emily, as do you. Wasn't sure it was you!"
"Ha! Yes the masks can make it a bit difficult."
"Mr Green paused his conversation with one of the board members he was talking to and leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Outdone yourself with this one Emily."
You blushed "Thank You Mr Green." 
"You think you can do better for the Christmas Ball Jane?! " he asked.
"Oh yes, the competition is on!" She replied.
You were all laughing at Janes competitiveness when you spotted 3 men at the end of the bar, looking in your direction. You realised who they were, Harry's long hair being the main giveaway. You saw him nudge Niall who's eyes hadn't left yours.
"Right, Emily and I will let you continue your chat and check everything is ok." Jane said.
You said your goodbyes and made your way around the room, saying hi to some people that you recognised in their masks.
"Did you see Niall look over at you?!" She whispered and you could hear the excitement in her voice.
"He was just looking around!" You whispered back.
"Shut the fuck up Em and have some fun tonight!" She said as she grabbed your hand and walked over to the bar.
"Evening gentlemen!" Jane said loudly, they stopped their conversation and greeted you both. Niall had not disappointed you. His tux was classic, black, simple but he looked fucking amazing. He was also wearing a gold mask similar to yours.
"Well hello beautiful ladies!" Harry said as he took a hand from each of you into his and spun you both around. Both of you laughed. 
"Jane, I know you're married but good god red is your colour!" Harry said chuckling.
"Ha! Thank you very much, Harry is it?" she asked.
"It is."
"Well Harry, let's get another drink." she said as she downed her champagne.
He smirked as she linked arms with him and Liam then guided them towards the bar.
"You look beautiful Emily." Niall whispered as his eyes met yours.
You knew that Jane had deliberately moved the others away to leave you alone with Niall. She has seen straight through your denial when you'd said you didn't fancy him. The blush on your face had given you away.
With both the boys gone, their attention now being on Jane who seemed to have made them buy a round of shots, you and Niall could finally chat.
He complimented how good the Summer Ball looked,  how he wasn't sure about the theme at first but that he loved it now he could see everybody joining in with their masks.
He gestured towards the bar near to Jane, Harry and Liam were, where two bar stools were free. You walked ahead and heard him gasp slightly, he had clearly seen how low cut your dress was at the back. You pulled your lips into your mouth and tried to hide your smug smile.
When you were both seated, Harry passed you down both a shot and you clinked glasses with Niall before drinking it. You both smiled at your reactions to the sour taste of alcohol and laughed.
This was going to be a fun evening.
An hour later the five of you were laughing and sharing stories and had drunk a couple more drinks. When Mr Green stood up to do his speech, you all turned around to face him as he stood on the stage. 
In the crowd that had gathered as Mr Green spoke and with your back towards the bar, Niall was able to discreetly slip his arm around your waist. He stroked his fingers across your bare lower back, your body instantly reacted to his touch. You could feel the warmth from his hand radiate across your body.
"Is this ok?" he leaned in and whispered. 
"Yes." You whispered back against his ear and you felt him move his hand down further and he gently ran a finger just inside the top of your dress. His fingers ran across the top of your thong. You turned to look at him.
"Just checking." He mumbled.
You bit your lip as you smiled at him, wondering what else he might like to check.
The Summer Ball was going really well, it was amazing to see all your hard work had paid off. Jane, Harry and Liam were all pretty tipsy and headed off to the dance floor. When the music had slowed down a bit, Liam had given Harry a friendly shove so he could dance with Jane. Harry had turned around and found Jessica from HR who was next to him and offered her his hand. Niall stood up and led you to the dance floor, one of his hands landing on your lower back the other clutching your hand between your chests.
The slow dance was a welcome feeling as the alcohol began to take full effect and you realised you were tipsy. Not drunk, just a little light headed.
With your heads rested against each other, he began whispering in your ear.
"The evening has been a massive success."
"It has been."
"Not only do you look breath taking tonight, you smell it to." He whispered as he discreetly placed a kiss next to your ear.
"Fuck. I want to be alone with you." You mumbled as you felt the heat between you both. He could surely feel your heart thumping in your chest.
"I'd drag you away in a second but we should probably not draw attention to leaving early together. I don't want either of us to be the topic of office gossip." He replied, his accent was thick and strong due to the alcohol he'd drank and how turned on he obviously was.
You'd been so excited for tonight, but now you couldn't wait for it to end.
Another hour and a half had passed by, before you found yourself pushed up  against the wall in the entryway of Nialls room. You managed to get in there unseen by the others who thought you'd gone back to your own room.
You'd barely let the door close before you had pulled at the lapels of his jacket and finally been able to kiss him. You'd made out like horny teenagers at first, that hunger that you'd felt all night for him finally being satisfied.
His jacket was discarded on the floor along with your masks, his shirt open as he began to fumble with the fastening of your dress at your neck. When he'd undone it, your dress fell to the ground and a smirk appeared on his face at the sight of you stood there in just a navy satin thong and your heels.
"Emily......you....are.....stunning." he whispered as he moved closer to you and kissed you deep and hard.
He pulled your legs up and around his waist and carried you to his king size bed, laying you down gently before ridding himself of his shoes, socks and trousers. You propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched him, his face never leaving yours.
He was gorgeous, you could feel your mouth water at the sight of his erection in his white boxers. He leaned down and took off your heels for you, before kissing his way up your legs and burying his face into your clothed centre. His fingers hooked into the top of your navy satin thong, pulling it down with ease and tossing it behind him.
"Beautiful." He muttered to himself as his lips came down to meet yours. Niall was nothing if not attentive. His mouth moved across yours and down your jaw, nipping along your collar bone and kissing you in that sweet spot behind your ear.
Your hands were involuntarily running up and down his body, through his thick brown locks, your legs parted further and you felt him push himself against you. "Mmmmm fuck." You mumbled and you felt him smile against your skin.
After last weekend when you masturbated to the thought of him fucking you, you couldn't quite believe it was happening for real. It was even better than you'd imagined. He was a complete giver, you could tell his main goal was to please you.
He made his way down your body, kissing every inch, sucking across your hardened nipples and licking across your stomach, tasting your skin. He hovered over your centre before looking up at you, his beautiful blue eyes full of lust.
His breath felt warm on your clit as he admired you, before leaning forward and burying his face against you. He sucked at your clit, your back arching in desire, but he held your hips down with his strong hand. His other hand opened your legs wider for him as he gently eased his tongue inside your pussy. He altered between licking along your clit and plunging his tongue deep into your throbbing hole. When his nose rubbed against your clit, you gasped and he knew then what you liked. He kept eating away at you, rubbing you just in the right place and you started to move your hips gently, grinding against his face. He moaned against you and began flicking his tongue deeper and rubbing his nose faster against your clit. As the waves of pleasure washed over you and the knot in your lower tummy unwound, you cried out his name as he licked up everything you gave him.
You laid there breathless, as he brought his face up from between your legs. His face glistening with your arousal where you had cum all over his face. 
"You taste so fucking good." He said his voice all hoarse and aroused.
"Come here and let me try." You said. This wasn't something you had done before but you felt comfortable with him, a connection between you that you'd never felt before.
"Ah my dirty girl." He whispered, as he made his way up your body and kissed you, propping himself up on his elbows.
You devoured his mouth, the sweetness of your orgasm was something you'd never imagined to like. Pulling away you helped him remove his boxers, his thick hard cock sprang free. He sat up on his knees between your legs, you slowly ran your hand along his length, your thumb rubbing across the tip.
"Emily......." He moaned, his head thrown back. He looked amazing.
You moved your hand back and forth, moans and whimpers left his mouth. You moved his cock towards your centre and ran the tip along your clit.
"Fuck." You mumbled as you saw it covered in your arousal.
His breathing was heavy as he leaned down and slid himself inside you with a moan.
"Jesus, you feel so good.............fuck." He whispered as he brought his face down to yours and kissed you passionately. His hips began to rock back and forth, a steady pace that filled you completely. God he was good.
Deciding that he shouldn't be the one to have all the control tonight, you hooked your legs in his and leant to the side flipping you over. You sank down deeper onto his length as you rode him.
You watched him as you bounced up and down on his cock, did he feel that connection between you two that was consuming you right now? 
He sat up, his cock still deep inside you, as he moved your legs behind him. Your chests now flush up against each other, you grinded your hips against him.
"You were too far away." He moaned smiling, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. His hands were on your hips, moving them back and forth with the rhythm of his thrusts. The bed was bouncing as you fucked each other hard, sweat forming on his forehead. You pushed his hair back, it was wild, a sweaty mess but he'd never looked better.
You could feel yourself building up for another orgasm, your body just teetering on the edge.
"Fuck.......babe.......I'm so close." He muttered. "So fucking close."
You knew he was holding back, wanting you to cum together.
"Me.......to.......cum with me." You demanded.
He opened his eyes and met your gaze as you began to moan as you came, he grunted and fucked you harder before releasing himself inside you. Your eyes never left each other as you enjoyed the highs of your orgasms. He was searching for something in them and it seemed like he found it as he smiled and kissed you softly, wrapping his arms around you. 
When he fell soft, you climbed off of him and excused yourself to the bathroom. Once you'd cleaned up and chuckled at your thoroughly flushed face, you walked back into the bedroom.
Niall had already got under the covers and had pulled them back on the other side inviting you to join him. With the lights turned out, he pulled you close to him and whispered goodnight. 
You laid there for ages reliving what had happened, listening to his gently breathing as he fell asleep, before slipping out of his grasp, quickly dressing and quietly closing the door as you left.
part three
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