#welcome to the Indian education system
so-lychee · 2 years
what if......... what if we held hands👉👈....................... and murdered the indian education system................................ and went for ice-cream after👉👈............. 
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167567 · 3 months
The Role of Technology in Modern Tuition Centres: Trends and Innovations
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Technology is transforming every sector it touches, and education is no exception. In the world of tuition centres, where the goal is often personalized and effective teaching, technology is proving to be a game-changer, offering enhanced learning experiences amidst the hustle of modern life. From smart math apps to virtual classrooms, the tech revolution is making education more engaging, flexible, and tailored to individual needs.
In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll take a deep dive into the innovations that technology has brought to modern tuition centres, and how these advancements are redefining the way students learn and teachers teach. Join us to discover the cutting-edge trends that are not just the future, but the present of educational support.
The Electronic Blackboard: Online Learning Platforms
Gone are the days when tuition meant packed classrooms and handwritten notes. Tuition centres today are going digital, offering online lessons through platforms packed with features that foster a more dynamic learning environment. These platforms, often designed with user experience in mind, are intuitive for both students and educators.
Personalized Learning Journeys
Algorithms are now capable of analyzing a student’s performance and tailoring the lesson content to their strengths and weaknesses. This hyper-personalization facilitates a learning journey that is designed to maximize a student’s potential and ensures that no child is left behind due to a one-size-fits-all curriculum.
Interactive Content
Online tuition platforms incorporate audio-visual aids, interactive exercises, and even games, making the learning process not just educational, but fun. This blend of multimedia elements keeps students engaged and creates a deep, interactive learning experience that traditional methods often struggle to achieve.
On-Demand Tutoring
One of the significant advantages of technology in tuition centres is the provision of on-demand tutoring. Students no longer have to wait for the next class to clear their doubts. They can access resources or directly communicate with their tutors to seek help as and when they need it, fostering a continuous learning process.
The Smart Classrooms: E-Learning Tools
In modern tuition centres, every physical classroom is transformed into a smart one, equipped with the latest e-learning tools that aid both teaching and learning processes.
Digital Tablets and E-Books
Gone are the days when students had to carry a backpack full of textbooks. Tablets and e-books are lightweight, easily accessible, and more importantly, interactive. With features like note-taking, highlighting, and quick access to supplementary materials, these tools are invaluable for students in their educational pursuits.
Visual and Augmented Reality Aids
Visual and augmented reality (AR) are taking educational demonstrations to a whole new level. For instance, a difficult physics concept might be displayed in 3D space, allowing students to dissect and explore it from every angle, providing a depth of understanding that’s hard to replicate in a traditional classroom setting.
Simulations and Experiments
Modern tools allow for the simulation of real-world experiments in a safe and controlled environment. Students can conduct complex lab experiments without the need for expensive equipment, greatly enhancing their understanding and practical knowledge.
The Data-Driven Approach: Educational Analytics
One of the most powerful assets of technology in tuition centres is its ability to collect and analyze data. This allows for a more informed and refined approach to education that is data-driven.
Performance Tracking
Educational technology offers the means to track a student’s performance, not just in one subject but across their educational path. This big-picture view allows both parents and educators to identify areas for growth and celebrate milestones more accurately.
Predictive Analysis
Sophisticated analytics can even predict performance trends and the likelihood of success in certain subjects or concepts, enabling proactive intervention to support struggling students before they fall too far behind.
Curriculum Enhancement
With the insights gathered from data analysis, tuition centres can adapt and enhance their curriculum to better meet the educational needs of their students. This flexibility and responsiveness to real-time data is a significant advantage over the more static nature of traditional teaching methods.
The Remote Revolution: Hybrid Learning Models
The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote learning methodologies, pushing tuition centres to offer hybrid models that combine the best of in-person and online education.
Blended Learning
Hybrid models facilitate a more flexible learning approach. Students can opt to attend physical classes when they need more hands-on guidance or choose to study remotely when they are working on individual projects or need a change in pace.
Global Access
Hybrid models also mean that the best educators are no longer confined to geographical constraints. Tuition centres can tap into a global pool of talent, ensuring that students receive the highest quality education, irrespective of their location.
Technological Skills Development — Tuition Centres
By engaging in remote learning, students are not only learning their academic subjects but are also developing crucial technological skills that are increasingly important in today’s world of work.
The Interactive Medium: Student-Teacher Engagement
The interactive potential of technology knows no bounds. In tuition centres, it’s enhancing the connection between students and teachers, making it more interactive and personable.
Discussion Forums and Online Communities
Discussion forums and online communities provide spaces for students to collaborate, discuss, and learn from each other outside of scheduled class times. These digital platforms foster a sense of community and support, crucial for a student’s growth, especially in subjects that require peer interaction.
Real-Time Feedback
Technology facilitates real-time feedback, which means students can understand their performance immediately and make necessary adjustments to their learning strategies. Similarly, teachers can adapt their teaching methods on the spot to address student needs as they arise.
Multimedia Projects and Presentations
Assignments and projects are now more dynamic and creativity-driven with the help of multimedia tools. Students can create video presentations, animations, and digital art pieces that showcase their learning in more diverse and expressive ways.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Technology in Education
The evolution of technology is relentless, and the same can be expected for its role in the future of education. What we can look forward to are even more immersive teaching tools, perhaps ones that directly tap into a student’s neural networks to facilitate learning.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to push the boundaries of personalization, making educational experiences even more tailored to the needs of the individual. The integration of block chain may bring about secure and universally transferable academic credentials.
While the possibilities are exciting, the core of education — fostering a love for learning and critical thinking — remains unchanged. The role of technology in tuition centers will be to champion these values by offering tools and methods that make the pursuit of knowledge more accessible, engaging, and effective. In conclusion, the symbiosis of education and technology is a thrilling one, and the innovations we’ve discussed here are just the beginning. For parents, students, educators, and education enthusiasts, this is an exciting time to be part of the transformation that technology is bringing to tuition centers. Whether you’re a tech-savvy maven or a traditionalist at heart, it truly is an exhilarating time to be in the field of education.
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itsfookingloosah · 1 year
welcome to another episode of FUCK the Indian education system
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the-kitty-hell-system · 11 months
♡✰ the kitty hell system
》 it/xe collectively (ask for alters pronouns) (BLACK EDIT, ART, AND STIMBOARD REQUESTS R OPEN!!) ♫ hii we are the kitty hell system! we are a c-did system. we are intersex and trans/nonbinary, along with being an arospec enbian lesbian we are bodily an adult, 18+, and are indigneous arab-blasian but are an italian immigrant! (on my black side i am nubian egyptian and maasai tribe. on my asian side i am chinese and indian.) we are sensorily, mentally/intelluctually, and physically disabled! please do note : our caregiver helps us type/talk EVERYTHING. we also use our aac device to help. she helps us understand things, if she isnt there for whatever reason, we may talk in ways people may not understand because on our own our communication is EXTREMELY bad due to our intelluctual disability and autism. we use a screenreader so we'd prefer if you put image ids. also PLEASE put a flash warning or bright color warning on shit. we have epilepsy. we r a furry and a lion therian with several fictionkins. ☾ we are a jazz studies major in university! on this blog we talk about yugioh, bendy and the ink machine/dark revival, amanda the adventurer, cookie run, disability, the lgbtq community, psychology, music/bands i like, poc/culture, team fortress 2, the lion king, coco by disney, inu yasha, five nights at freddies, art, undertale, welcome home, sanrio, webkinz, lps, animals, the muppets, sesame street, dolls/dollhouses, toys, puppets, hades, sparklecare hospital, aesthetics, etc. we are critical of our interests as well. we are emo and apart of cripplepunk. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾 dni if... radqueer, radinclus, radexclus, support bi/pan/omni/lesbians/gays (lesbians who say they like men or gays who say they like women), support endogenic systems, pro-contact, support male lesbians or female gays, against nonbinary lesbians, against butch lesbians, against he/him or they/them lesbians, believe able bodied people can be in cripplepunk, believe in narc abuse/cluster b abuse, demonize any conditions, baby any conditions, below 15 years old, fetishize any conditions/races/sexualities/genders, misogynistic, ableist, homophobic, anti-semitic, racist, terfs, proshippers/pro-fic, south park fans, any mihoyo fans, toilet bound hanako kun fans, vivzie pop/helluva boss/hazbin hotel fans, killing stalking fans, idv fans, dsmp fans, ranfren fans, okegom fans, danganronpa fans, harry potter fans, yarichin bitch club fans, homestuck fans, transphobic, shtwt/edtwt, hetalia fans, fakeclaim people, fake disorders in general, transid, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogenders, anti-kin/therian, thinks blackwashing is real/against black edits, whitewasher, uses slurs they cannot reclaim, intersexist, trump supporter, conserative, bigot, anti-furry, anti-educated self diagnosis, basic dni whateva, etc (srry for the long ass dni list, i keep seeing ppl break it despite its basic ass shit) i reclaim slurs, i will not tag the word queer, i also dont want able bodied people calling me a cripple or non-deformed ppl calling me deformed. thankyou. otherkin side blog : @lesbianvampiriclion stimboard side blog @deerstims banner by inky-trash. icon by me header + icon image IDS below!!
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well-wisher00 · 18 days
Why Indian students choose Russia for MBBS - Top Reasons
The competition to study MBBS in government medical colleges in India is fierce. Owing to the affordability and the quality of education, every aspirant dreams of making it to one of the government colleges. However, such competition is overwhelming for many students and they look for other options.
Russian universities emerge as a viable option for Indian students owing to their affordable tuition fees and world-class education. An MBBS from a Russian university is more cost-effective than an MBBS from a private college in India. 
Indian students choose Russia for MBBS to get affordable world-class education in a conducive academic environment.
The high cost of medical education from the private universities in India compels students to explore options outside India. Russian universities emerge as an affordable option for Indian students willing to pursue MBBS.
Russian universities charge somewhere between USD 3500  and USD 7000 per year for MBBS. Besides, the cost of living in not much in Russia. The monthly expenses for students range USD 120 to USD 360 depending upon the lifestyle and the city. Some universities in Russia also have the facility of Indian mess which adds to the comfort of hostels and dorms.   
MBBS in Russia is affordable. Why?
Pursuing MBBS in Russia is affordable for the following reasons:
Higher education in Russia is highly subsidized which brings down the tuition fees and brings it within the range of Indian students. 
Russian universities are transparent in their admission process and pricing of their medical degree programs. It ensures that students do not have to pay overhead charges like capitation fees or donations.
The cost of living in Russia is not high which brings down the hostel and mess charges. Living in Russia for six years of medical program is thus not costly. 
Quality of Education
Medical education in Russia is built upon a strong tradition of medicine and healthcare in Russia. Russian universities boast of innovative pedagogy and latest curriculum. They prepare students to take on the challenges of healthcare industry with their high-standard of instruction.
Russian medical schools boast of a conducive research environment which attracts top faculty. Advanced simulation facilities, well-equipped classroom, and well-resourced libraries contribute to the quality of education in Russian universities.
Recognition from leading international and regional organizations plays a huge role in maintaining and improving the quality of education. It earns them global respect. Russian universities are recognized by the World Health Organization and find their place in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). National Medical Commission of India recognizes medical programs taught in Russian universities.
Russian medical education system balances theoretical and practical learning. It maintains the rigour of its programs by focusing on clinical partnerships, laboratory sessions, internships, and simulation exercises. 
Welcoming Environment
Russian universities are known for their inclusive culture. It is easy for medical students from India to adapt to the new environment. Universities in Russia offer language courses, and organize various events for adaptation and cultural exchange. 
Doing an MBBS from Russia offers many advantages. The cost is lower than most European countries and private colleges in India. The Russian universities offer state-of-the-art infrastructure besides world-class teaching and clinical training.
Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it insightful and engaging. For more exciting and informative content, be sure to follow us. Stay tuned for more valuable updates and knowledge!
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emirates23 · 4 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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May Intake in UK Universities 2024 – What You Need To Know
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Embarking on a journey to study in the UK is a significant decision that opens doors to world-class education and global opportunities. For aspiring Indian students, the May intake in UK universities is a lesser-known yet advantageous option. In this comprehensive guide brought to you by Nationwide Overseas Education, we delve into the intricacies of the May intake, including why UK universities accept May intakes, top universities for the mid-intake of 2024, application procedures, essential documents, visa requirements, and tips on securing scholarships for the May 2024 intake.
Why do UK Universities Accept May Intakes?
While the traditional September intake remains popular, UK universities increasingly offer May intakes to cater to the diverse needs of international students. The May intake provides flexibility for those who might have missed the September deadline or wish to expedite their academic journey. It also aligns with the academic calendar in some UK institutions, allowing students to seamlessly integrate into ongoing programs.
Top 5  UK Universities for Mid-Intake 2024:
Here are some top universities for mid-intake in the UK:
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
University College London (UCL)
When to Apply for May Intake in UK Universities?
If you are considering applying for the May intake at a UK university, it's crucial to be informed about the application deadlines. The timing for submitting application forms for May/June intake universities in the UK doesn't adhere to a fixed schedule. Typically, UK universities welcome applications between October and February for students intending to commence their studies in May.
Explore universities in the UK offering May admission and narrow down your choices based on the available courses.
Prepare for any necessary entrance exams, such as the IELTS, required for postgraduate study in the UK starting in May.
Research to ensure you meet the qualifications for enrolling in the May intake at UK universities. It's essential to submit your application for a student visa to study in the UK by January.
Complete your application and gather any additional enrollment materials requested by your selected university.
Organise your finances, plan your trip, and ensure that all your visa paperwork is in order for a smooth transition into your UK academic journey.
Documents You Need to Apply to UK Universities for Mid-Intake:
Proof of completion of the 10th and 12th grades in school.
Previous qualifying exam transcripts (undergraduate or graduate level, if applicable). If the official certificates are not available at the time of application, the provisional ones will be accepted in their place.
Test results for the Graduate Management Admissions Test or the Graduate Management Admission Test. (If relevant to your current study)
Scores from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for admission to universities in the United Kingdom.
Include a 2- to 3-paragraph personal statement and 2 recommendation letters with your university application.
Your Passport
Recent photos in passport size
The Process of Applying to a UK University in Mid-Intake:
Before the admission portal becomes accessible, ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and eligibility verifications in order if you plan to enroll in UK universities with a May intake in 2024.
Consider the following guidelines for the UK May application period:
Generate a comprehensive list of universities offering courses during the specified intake in the UK, and carefully choose the one that resonates with your preferences. Avoid procrastination, as last-minute actions often lead to chaos.
Once you have selected your major and university, consistently monitor their official website for any updates, announcements, or changes.
Take any required qualifying exams well before the enrollment opening to streamline the application process.
Applying early enhances your chances of securing admission to your preferred university. Stay informed about the admissions site opening date to seize this opportunity.
Once accepted, initiate the visa application process, adhering to UK visa requirements for Indian students.
Upon submitting your application, expect a confirmation email. As soon as you receive it, initiate the process of applying for a UK Student Visa. 
Application Deadline for May Intake:
Application deadline: Please note that the application deadline is the first week of April. So don’t miss the date for the May intake.
Deposit date: Second week of April, when prerequisites are met and a deposit should be made. 
Pre-CAS interview: We recommend scheduling your pre-CAS interview for the third week of April. Mark the date because it is very important.
CAS release date: First week of May (CAS release)
Training and orientation date: The start of training and orientation is the second week of May. 
Scheduled beginning of class: Third week of May.
Also Read:[Top 5 Indian Government Scholarships for Studying Abroad in 2024]
How to Get Scholarships for May 2024 Intake:Various UK universities, including those affiliated with UCAS, offer scholarships and grants to international students. The allocation of scholarships is contingent upon specific criteria established by each institution. Typically, this decision is influenced by the applicant's academic performance and financial needs.
Scholarships usually cover the following expenses:
Tuition Costs: The scholarship often contributes towards the student's tuition fees.
Allowance: Recipients may receive a regular allowance, distributed either on a monthly or weekly basis.
Accommodation and Food Costs: Scholarships may assist in covering the expenses associated with housing and meals.
Health Insurance: Premium health insurance is often included as part of the scholarship package.
In the United Kingdom, students can benefit from scholarships for a duration of up to 36 months. 
Final Thoughts:
The May intake in UK universities is a golden opportunity for Indian students to experience world-class education in a diverse and vibrant environment. With careful planning, timely applications, and the support of a reliable consultancy like Nationwide Overseas Education, you can venture on a fulfilling academic journey in the UK. Stay focused, stay prepared, and let your aspirations soar in the land of academic excellence.
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valmiki-group · 1 year
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The last year saw the UK welcome over 84,555 Indian students to pursue their education in the UK. The popularity is driven by the excellent education system, research opportunities, and high quality of living. We have listed a few more reasons why the UK is an ideal study destination.
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#ValmikiGroup #ValmikiConsultancy #Education #Students #StudyinUK #EducationinUK #Studentlife #StudyAbroad #StudyVisa #StudyAbroadLife #StudyAbroad2023 #TopUniversitiesinUK #London #StudyAbroadPrograms #StudyAbroadConsultancy #InternationalStudents #Indians #IndianStudents #InternationalEducation
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squaresoneastasia · 2 years
Hinduism in China
Jeff Walker Intro. East Asian Studies Blog #3 26 November 2022 Hinduism in China I decided to write this blog to help educate myself and my classmate more about Hinduism. Even though I know Hinduism isn’t a popular religion in China, I have also heard about the small pockets of people there that do follow the religion. I am also aware that Hinduism and Buddhism have many similar teachings such as reincarnation, and karma, but also have key differences. The biggest difference is how Buddhism rejects the caste system in Hinduism. Even though these religions have many similarities, Hinduism has never caught on in China the way Buddhism has. A deeper dive into why this is a topic that should not be ignored. Hinduism is one of the biggest religions in the world and over a billion people practice Hinduism around the globe. This powerhouse of a religion dates back thousands of years and is very deeply rooted in Indian culture in particular. Even though there are so many followers of Hinduism in India, the religion never picked up the same kind of traction in mainland China. There is only an estimated 1.3 million followers of Hinduism in China today, despite there being over a billion people in the country. Even though Hinduism does not have widespread followers in China, as it does in the neighboring country India, the religion has still had a cultural impact on the country over the centuries. The link between China and India dates back thousands of years. One of the best examples of this is the word “Mandarin” which originated from and Sanskrit was brought from India to China originally. Even though the Hindu religion is only practiced by less than 1% of the population in China, Hinduism ideas were once widespread in many regions in China. These Hindu ideas originally spread through China by getting mixed in with Buddhist ideologies and Chinese myths. Many of these ideas and texts were brought by Hindu monks that traveled to China along the Tsung Ling route. The Tamil merchant guilds of Ayyavole and Manigramam were a group of Hindu communities that once thrives in south China during medieval times. They built many Hinduism temples and motifs. These communities were welcomed by the Chinese because of the wide range of goods they had to offer, and therefore brought many of their beliefs with them. This integrated into some cultures here and helped to establish some of the Hindu roots in China. There is also a village in China named Chedian, which is very close to the city of Quanzhou, that houses more than a dozen Hindu shrines and temples. The residents of Chedian pray to a goddess that is described as having four arms and sitting cross-legged. There are two servants by the goddess’s side, and a demon laying at her feet. Even though the identity of this goddess is unknown, the residents of Chedian are still active in their worshipping. Even though Hinduism has not caught on in China as Buddhism has, there are still deep roots there of the Hindu religion.
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dreamlandsystem · 1 year
If you live in the US or Canada, you should definitely check out this video by Knowing Better on YouTube:
It’s about the systemic removal of Native Americans from North America by the US government. This stuff really doesn’t get taught in schools, so if you live in the US, it’s important to learn the real history of the land you’re living on, and how it became possible for you to live there at all (hint: it’s brutal colonialism and racism, which have been at work for hundreds of years and are still functioning today).
It’s a long video. Maybe watch it in chunks throughout the week. Maybe watch it instead of marathoning your favorite show one night. We watched this with our partner in one sitting. Regardless of your beliefs about the history of the US, it’s important to understand what actually happened, so we can uplift and support people who are continually mistreated by the US government and understand how these people got in these dire situations in the first place.
Educate yourself. Then learn how you can help.
Once you know the name of the Native American tribe whose land was stolen to become the white developed city where you live, you can see if that tribe still exists, and find out what you can do to best support them (hint: it’s money. Give them money and advocate for them in political and socioeconomic spaces!)
And you can also support any Indigenous population you’re aware of by donating to the tribe, volunteering with their organizations if you live close enough, educating yourself so you can in turn educate others about the rights of Indigenous people in the US, supporting shops and businesses owned by Native Americans, and telling other people you know about the LandBack movement, and how the history of Indigenous people in the US is often muddied, glossed over, or otherwise ignored by the state.
We are not indigenous!! So if any indigenous person you know says something that contradicts what we’ve said here, trust, support, and uplift THEM! Listen to their needs and help them however you can. It’s not easy unlearning bias that’s been fed to us our whole lives by our teachers, caregivers, and politicians. But just because unlearning bias is difficult doesn’t mean no one should have to do it. Please please, if you live in the US or Canada, learn more about the LandBack movement, the real history of the expulsion of Indigenous peoples from North America, and what you can do to help make changes towards a positive future where Indigenous people are supported and uplifted on their own land with their own sovereignty!
Under the cut we’ll include some Native American artists, businesses, and organizations you can support! Thank you very much!
And some Indigenous people we know of personally who we’d encourage you to check out!
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eduminatti · 1 year
Should the reservation system be removed from India?
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Should the reservation system be removed from India? The reservation system was implemented in India after the partition of 1947 to provide affirmative action for SC, ST, and OBC people, and to ensure adequate representation in government jobs and educational institutions. 
However, till today the reservation system is hosting a bitter debate between politicians, social activists, and students. The reservation system should be removed from India. It is a kind of reservation. Everyone has his own point of view about reservations. 
As per research conducted by schools in Mumbai most people think that it is helpful and useful for the poor people in India. But I think otherwise. It is not useful for the poor people and it also gives rise to some problems. So, it should be removed from India.
The reservation system was implemented in India by the British empire to uplift the lower classes in India. The system has been a great success and probably has lifted millions out of poverty. 
Another survey done by schools in Pune Today, it is time to remove the reservation system from India. In this article, I will explain my argument for its removal. The reservation system has many consequences and both positive and negative.
 It is proven to be beneficial for the weaker section of the society but also has many cons, which if considered will deteriorate the social system as a whole.    
The reservation system has been a part of our lives since independence and despite that, most of the populations still can't get their education or jobs as per their caste.
 In 2016, the government of India issued a draft bill proposing to remove Section 15(1) and (2), which allow for discrimination on the basis of caste and permit the exclusion of some citizens from public goods and services such as schools, hospitals, and public transport.
Reservation is a controversial topic in India. The origin of the reservation in India can be traced back to the historical discrimination meted out to particular castes or tribes for centuries. The first attempt at the reservation was made by the Britishers with an act called the Communal G.O in 1882 which was for the backward classes like Sudras, Harijans, and Tribals. 
It was later repealed in 1902 and reintroduced again in 1909 as a Communal award (Lingayat). Then, the reservation was introduced by the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1935 mainly for backward classes like scheduled caste and scheduled tribe in government jobs, education, etc.
 Later, the reservation was stopped during the period of British rule but continued after the independence of India through constitutional provision.
Now, reservation has become one of the significant topics to debate in both parliament and public places. Many political parties also built their election manifesto based on this issue only to come into power. 
This issue is also used as a political tool to win elections as well as to gain votes by giving false promises.
In a bold move, the Modi government announced last week that it would do away with the reservation system in India. The decision has been welcomed by large sections of society, but there are still some people who think that reservations should be kept.
I'm one of those people. Reservation has done so much for the country, and it should not be removed until a more robust alternative is found to help backward sections of society.
First of all, we should look at how far we've come in the 30 years since the reservation was first introduced. Back then, most Dalits were illiterate and oppressed by upper-caste Hindus. 
Today, they have made such great strides in education and employment that they occupy significant positions in several companies and institutions across the country. This is clearly due to the reservation policy.
The reason why I feel reservation should not be abolished is that it will affect these communities adversely. If you take away their quota, they will be unable to compete with richer students from big cities who have had access to better education since childhood. 
The only way to ensure equality is to provide them with the same benefits as rich students get — and that's exactly what reservation does.
For example, if a college has a 60% reservation for SC/ST students, then it means that about 20% of the seats are set aside for students who have a poor academic record and have to work extra hard because of their poor family background. 
But when you reserve 60% of the seats, you are actually saying that 60% of the seats are reserved only for those students who can’t make it otherwise!
What happens is – that these reserved seats go vacant if nobody applies for them. In that case, they are rolled over to the general category and hence reduce the total number of seats available in the general category!
 So even though there was no need to reserve those seats, they have been reserved and now there are fewer seats in the general category! This is how reservation policy is implemented in practice!
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167567 · 3 months
5 individualized teaching strategies in the classroom.
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In the bustling halls of academia, the cookie-cutter approach to education is waning as personalization takes center stage. The modern classroom is a microcosm of diverse learners with unique needs, and as educators, our mission is to ensure that no child is left behind. But what does individualized teaching look like? How can it be implemented without overwhelming your teaching load?
Here are five actionable strategies that can help personalize education and foster a more inclusive learning environment, no matter how varied your learners’ proficiencies and preferences might be.
Flexible Grouping
Gone are the days when a simple distinction between ‘advanced’, ‘average’, and ‘behind’ served the needs of differentiation. Enter flexible grouping — a stratagem that allows teachers to structure learning teams on the fly based on strengths, interests, and learning styles.
Create Learning Menus: Offer students a menu of activities and allow them to choose based on their preferred learning approach. For instance, a student who excels in verbal-linguistic intelligence may opt for a writing task, while a kinesthetic learner may choose a physical project.
Interest-Based Groups: For longer-term projects, form small groups based on shared interests to deepen engagement and leverage peer mentorship.
Skill-Rotation Models: In a model similar to a station rotation, allows students to rotate between tasks to focus on particular skills, ensuring that each student has multiple opportunities to engage with content on their level.
Data-Driven Instruction
Leverage technology and assessment tools to gain insights into individual student performance, and tailor your instruction to the granular data available.
Use Formative Assessments: Integrate quick quizzes and short tasks within your lessons to gather data on student understanding in real time. Platforms and apps that provide instant feedback can streamline this process.
Analyze and Adjust: Once you’ve gathered data, don’t shy away from adjusting your lesson plans. If a group of students is struggling with a concept, devote additional time or alter your approach until mastery is achieved.
Regular Check-Ins with Students: Sometimes, the best data can be gleaned directly from students. Periodic check-ins can provide a personal touch and relevant insights that data systems might miss.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
At the core of UDL is the belief that curriculum should be designed from the start to meet the diverse needs of learners. This framework provides flexibility in the way information is presented, in how students respond or demonstrate their knowledge, and in the ways that students are engaged in learning.
Multiple Means of Representation: Provide information in a variety of ways — text, videos, graphics, and more — to accommodate different learning styles.
Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Allow students to express knowledge through diverse media — speech, writing, digital storytelling, or creating videos — to show what they know in the way that’s most comfortable for them.
Multiple Means of Engagement: Tap into students’ interests and offer choices to keep them motivated. This can mean incorporating gamified elements into your lessons or providing projects that relate to personal experiences.
Scaffold Learning
Scaffolding involves breaking down learning into manageable chunks and providing a tool, or structure, with each step. When a child learns to walk, they hold onto a wall at first, then a hand, and finally, walk unaided. In the same way, we should help our students master new skills by offering the support they need to succeed at each level.
Modeling: Demonstrate the activity or task so students can see the thought process and organization that go into it.
Guided Practice: Provide support as students start applying new knowledge themselves. This can be in the form of prompts, cues, or outlines that will gradually fade as students become more confident.
Application: Give students opportunities to apply what they’ve learned independently. Encourage them to reflect on their process and the strategies they used.
Collaborative Teaching and Learning
In a collaborative teaching environment, two or more educators share responsibility for designing and delivering instruction and have equal responsibilities in a learning environment. This team approach can lead to a more holistic, tailored educational experience for all students.
Co-Teaching Models: Implement strategies like one teach, one assist; parallel teaching; alternative teaching; or team teaching to provide students with the full spectrum of specialized instruction.
Regular Consultation: Regular communication and planning time among teachers ensures that all students benefit from the expertise and perspectives of the teaching team and that strategies are aligned for maximum effectiveness.
Shared Resources and Best Practices: A collaborative environment facilitates the sharing of resources, techniques, and teaching materials which can then be adapted based on individualized student needs.
By implementing these strategies, teachers can create environments that respond to the unique needs and strengths of each learner. Individualized instruction not only increases the academic success of students, but also fosters independence, self-confidence, and a lifelong love of learning. In the modern classroom, personalization is not just an add-on but a fundamental aspect of effective teaching.
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therewasabrowncrow · 1 year
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Last week, the “most Indian cabinet” in British history realised a long-standing dream of the Tory right: the introduction of a purposely cruel “points-based” immigration system. Finally, as many were quick to point out, we saw the limits of “representation politics” laid bare – the home secretary, Priti Patel, and the three other British Indians appointed to Johnson’s cabinet will only embolden Tory racism. But there is a more important story to tell here about how the modern Conservative party came to embrace British Indians – one that runs through Nairobi, Harrow East and occupied Kashmir.
Indian migration to Britain took place in two significant waves. The first was in the late 1940s and 50s, when migrants were recruited directly from India by successive governments to fill the labour shortage that resulted from the second world war. They mostly settled in the Midlands and the north-west of England, working in foundries and textile manufacturing. These migrants were heavily involved in building Britain’s antiracist and trade union movements in the 1950s and 60s, drawing on lessons learned from anti-colonial struggles back home to organise their communities in Britain. To this day, these communities are disproportionately working class and Labour voting.
The second wave of Indian migrants to Britain were the so-called “twice migrants” who arrived from east Africa in the 1960s and 70s, having been expelled or encouraged to leave by the newly independent regimes in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The families of our chancellor, home secretary and attorney general are all part of this latter group.
So how and why have their descendants become so prominent on the Tory frontbenches? The answer begins in 1895, with the creation of the British East Africa Protectorate. British officials envisioned the protectorate, which occupied roughly the same area as modern-day Kenya, as the “America of the Hindu”, a settler-colonial project to be led by Indians on behalf of the British.
In the early 20th century, thousands of Indians (mostly Goans, Gujaratis and Punjabis) were imported into east Africa as subcolonial agents of civilisation. They were required to work in colonial administration and serve in the colonial police and army, to keep the “native peoples” in order. At the same time, more than 30,000 indentured labourers were brought over from India to build the Kenya-Uganda railway.
Many of these labourers chose to settle in the protectorate after the railway was completed. They were soon joined by many more Indian subjects, who moved freely to the protectorate in search of economic prosperity. Functioning as a subordinate ruling class, Indians in east Africa enjoyed success in business, finance and the professions throughout the colonial period, and gained significant control over the economy. By the time Kenya won its independence in 1963, Indians – who accounted for less than 3% of the population – owned more than two thirds of the country’s private non-agricultural assets.
When this group of Indians arrived in Britain, many brought with them the considerable wealth they had accrued (along with a hostility towards black Africans). Others brought with them the benefits of English-language education. These advantages virtually guaranteed the economic success of east African Indians in Britain, especially in the retail businesses of Margaret Thatcher’s “enterprise economy”, for which they soon became known. Rishi Sunak’s pharmacist mother and Priti Patel’s newsagent-owning parents were typical of their generation.
The Conservative leadership of the time identified this demographic as potential voters. From the 1980s onwards, the Tories began to court an imagined “Indian community”, limited to east African Indians who had settled around London. Successful British Indians were held up as evidence of what could be achieved under a free-market Conservative government. In 1988, Thatcher welcomed the new Indian high commissioner to Britain with the following words: “We so much welcome the resourceful Indian community here in Britain. You have brought the virtues of family, of hard work and of resolve to make a better life … you are displaying splendid qualities of enterprise and initiative, which benefit not just you and your families but the Indian community and indeed the nation as a whole.”
Fast-forward to 2010, and the Conservatives held 30% of the British Indian vote. After 30 years of Thatcherite ideology, British Indians were the most pro-Conservative ethnic minority, after the Jewish community. After decades of gradual advance, this number soared to 40% in 2017. In the 2019 election, as the Conservatives chased a realignment towards white northern voters based on racist scaremongering, support in constituencies with high Indian populations increased substantially again. At every point, this has included members of both groups of Indian migrants. Now British Indians make up 15% of the Tory cabinet.
The Tories have now managed to extend their appeal beyond the “two time” migrants by finding common cause in a project of Islamophobia. Supported by the Indian government and its far-right ruling party, the BJP, the Conservatives have exploited a sharp rise in Hindu nationalism within the British Indian community to play Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Muslim communities off against one another.
The Conservative campaign in Harrow East, a marginal constituency in which 25% of the voters are of Indian origin, provided the clearest example of this. The constituency’s Conservative MP, Bob Blackman, whose Twitter background photo shows him smiling next to Prime Minister Modi, saw fit to retweet a post by the far-right commentator Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (alias Tommy Robinson) that highlighted Muslim violence against Hindus. He stated that he had done this in error, but along with others in the Conservative party, he has encouraged the portrayal of Labour as “anti-Hindu” and pro-Muslim, citing Labour’s perceived support for the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination as evidence. In the 2019 election, his majority increased by more than 6,000 votes, and he was sworn into parliament on the Bhagavad Gita.
Seventy years after India liberated itself from colonial rule, the old colonial tactics of divide and rule continue to govern Indians in the metropole. Overcoming this is not an impossible task. However, the relative ease with which we Indians in Britain have found ourselves in this situation should be of serious concern. That the latest expansion of Britain’s punitive border regime can be drawn up and legitimised by the sons and daughters of migrants reveals the limits of an antiracist discourse that claims a common “lived experience” as the grounds for political action.
Our community’s history of antiracist struggle in Britain can show us another way to confront these issues. When Indian migrants first arrived in Britain in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, they joined forces with recently arrived African-Caribbean migrants to form a unified “black” community of resistance. They responded to state neglect, racial violence and racist policing with a range of radical self-help initiatives, run through organisations such as the United Coloured People’s Alliance, the Black Liberation Front and the British Black Panther Movement. This is a story of community and class solidarity based on shared resistance. It should be recovered to prepare us for the fight ahead.
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skybeatimmigration · 1 year
Choose The Right Country For Higher Study In Abroad
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International universities are witnessing constant growth in the number of admissions, especially from Indian students. Taking admissions in the most reputed institutes in the world boosts your skills and knowledge. Moreover, it adds value to your profile that would be beneficial to you while looking for a job. But, selecting the best country and an ideal course is no cakewalk for you all. So, we are here with some information on the top countries to choose for higher studies abroad.
The most popular visa category in this country is Canada Study Visa. Students work tirelessly and put their best efforts to study in Canada. This country has the rank of becoming the most popular study destination for Indian students. The living experience in Canada is unmatchable, the government offers a wide range of opportunities for students and residents who wish to live there. Apart from favourable conditions and laws for international students, the country offers a wide range of benefits and favourable procedures for a work permit, residency, visitor visa, super visa and many more.
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United States of America (USA)
The United States of America is one of the top-rated study destinations in the world and people are eager to go there. Not just one or two cities, anywhere you go in the USA, it is all filled with beautiful mountains, landscapes and sceneries. This country is home to some amazing, well-reputed and international universities. No matter which city are you choose, New York, Miami, California, Los Angeles or any city, every place has the best environment and welcoming too. The USA has so much to offer the people. Even if you are going on a tourist visa or study in USA, you will see an abundance of opportunities for USA study visa.
United Kingdom (UK)
Recently, the United Kingdom is becoming host to many Indian students travelling to study in UK. It has been a great and favourable place to study further and your higher education. The UK has a quality education system and is ranked among the top-rated country for good quality education for students. Students from India are recently getting their UK study visas approved quite easily. The country is becoming a hub for international students and is offering some great courses which are high in demand. The United Kingdom has historical places and the country holds a lot of historical events and monuments that you will never get tired of visiting.
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It’s been so long since Australia is ranked as one of the best destinations for study. An Australia study visa is readily available to you. Study in Australia to witness the best education and educational facilities. Australia has the most beautiful beaches and calming nature. There is so much to explore in Australia, you will not get tired of roaming around with such beautiful locations and sceneries. Lifestyle in Australia is so cool and the economy is also boosting constantly. Along with studying at the best universities, students can also work to balance their cost of living. It is legal to work part-time for students in Australia.
There is no doubt that these destinations are lovely but you still need an expert who can look into it and provide you with the best guidance. Connect with SkyBeat Immigration for transparent guidance and assurance of visa approvals.
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wordsmithic · 2 years
Hi! I’ve been reading some of your posts- very interesting by the way- and became curious about some of your takes including American’s relationship and misinterpretation of Greek culture and mythos.
Could you elaborate on how you feel about hatred people often discuss/feel towards Zeus? I’d love heard your perspective on the matter.
Thank you !
Ya su, anon! I don't get many asks so I'm very happy when I have a chance to answer questions! I appreciate you reaching out and wanting to learn more! The explanation is a bit long but I want to rant properly and also be as informative as possible for the people new to this discussion
For people who might wonder, Zeus had many lovers and progeny, but many of his "rights" stem from the fact that he was a mighty god (in a Bronze Age society), and him representing a reproductive force. Ancient gods didn't always do what humans today consider "moral". Humanity never judged deities for their actions and decisions, and this is true for most ancient cultures. Let me remind you of the Abrahamic (and not only! many religions have it) story of the cataclysm where the/a deity decides to kill almost every human on earth with a cataclysm - even the children. But one needs to study the ancient culture as a whole to gain a better understanding of the gods' behavior. For Zeus I find this tag very helpful.
In the modern age, when someone doesn't have a good grasp of this nuanced situation, they are prone to judge ancient gods by their modern religious and cultural standards. Some orthodox or atheist Greeks hate Zeus as well but the misinformation within the country tends to be contained thanks to the contact we maintain as a people with our history and important cultural figures. And the older a Greek gets the more likely they are to get correct information. The way I see it the minimum knowledge the average Greek has about the pantheon is the maximum knowledge of the average US American. This misinformation spreads in the wide global spaces of the Internet.
I feel kind of understanding towards foreign young people who are misinformed but at the same time sad and angry, because I see there are no educational systems in place (or responsible adults from their countries) to filter this info. I understand they don't have the same exposure to our antiquity as the Greeks, however, their countries claim they love Greek antiquity and its religious stories very much, and often "correct" Greeks with great confidence. In reality, it's just pop culture to them, and they are content with that. Most don't bother. The gods are simply OCs to them. And the US represents our mythology globally so their pov becomes the main one around the world.
It's sad seeing foreigners in their thirties and forties not only being very misinformed when speaking confidently about Zeus, but also making bank from their creative work which relies on their ignorance (Lore Olympus namely). No matter how progressive they call themselves, they rarely admit it when they are messily handling our culture. For me, it's great when someone admits they have more reading to do (don't we all?). It's when they insist that it's upsetting. And also they consider our ancients incredibly dumb and evil by saying that they worshiped a god worthy of hate - who also happened to be the king of the gods.
Don't get me started on how they describe different popular deities from other cultures. The more famous the respected ancient gods of your country become the more going to argue with foreigners on the Internet about these gods being "evil" and "assholes". The Slavs and Nords are slowly feeling it (Nigerians and Indians might be "next"), and Greeks are here to welcome them to the club! This all comes from when the north wealthy European nations discovered archeology and have been unhealthily obsessed with other cultures since the 19th century. The highlight is the emporium of our stolen ancient artifacts (even inside the US) but I'd also argue that the global spread of misinformation is equally corrosive and further reinforces 19th c. colonialist and imperialist ideas.
Many Greeks lately thinking we should start closing the ancient worship / practice and creation for profit to outsiders who are not well-read or initiated in some way because you can't imagine how tired we are to hear our whole lives the worst ignorant takes about our gods, and ancient Greece figures in general. The more I stay on the internet, the more I am thinking of actually supporting that. if Madeline Miller with all her studies and reading in ancient Greek since she was 9 produces works like Circe and calls the gods "narcissistic assholes" imagine what we hear from the rest.
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Sorry about the rant and the big explanation in the beginning but I wanted to have a post on my blog to explain everything for future reference.
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hoppertravel23 · 1 year
Aruba Travel Guide || Things To Do In Aruba
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When it comes to well-liked vacation spots, Aruba is a must-see location. People love this island for a variety of reasons. Beautiful white sand beaches and calm, blue waters make it difficult to choose just one to recommend. Sunny skies every day of the year, opulent lodgings, cutting-edge construction, hospitable locals, unusual activities, etc.
Most well-known tourist locations are secure, but you should exercise caution: stay away from isolated areas after dark. Never leave valuables in your car or carry them to the beach. Make sure handbags and purses are secure and challenging to steal. You must follow your usual safety procedures when traveling. A threat could also come from nature, despite being spared from the threat of storms due to being outside hurricane alleys. The landscape, the Caribbean Sea, and the possibly harmful animals in both still present risks.
The equator lies 12 degrees and 30 minutes north of Aruba. The temperature is 82 degrees Fahrenheit on average and has been quite constant. Creating a tropical yet not harsh climate (28 degrees Celsius). It is important to remember that Aruba is south of the main storm tracks and normally only experiences the sporadic effects of tropical weather nearby. The island is cooled by trade breezes, making it considerably more bearable to sunbathe on one of the many beaches. This is misleading, though, as the sun is very powerful, especially between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. High-SPF sunscreens are highly recommended, especially for people with fair skin.
It is straightforward and affordable to get around Aruba without a car by using public transportation. The easiest method to get around is to take a taxi. Being a very tiny island, Aruba, you'll get there shortly. You are welcome to rent a car for one, two, or three days if you want to explore the island; various nearby companies provide discounts for three days. It is more affordable to take cabs or reputable buses if you plan to leave your resort to eat, gamble, or shop.
Indeed, Aruba is a "happy island." For a variety of reasons, people flock to this Caribbean destination. Including some of the best wreck diving in the area, wind-sculpted desert scenery, and gorgeous beaches. Days on Aruba can be spent shopping in Oranjestad and scuba diving off Hadicurari Beach. exploring the Arikok National Park's natural wonders or enjoying a meal at one of the island's elegant eateries. Additionally, Palm Beach is the best place to go in Aruba if you're looking for beachside nightlife. With bustling clubs and casinos, dancing, movie theaters, water fountain displays, bowling alleys, and two of Aruba's most prominent shopping centers, this beach comes to life after sundown.
Due to its tranquil, lovely seas, and abundance of marine life, Arashi Beach is regarded as one of the best snorkeling locations in the Caribbean. The beach is easily accessible and has plenty of parking and snack huts. It features smooth white sand and clear blue water. One of the island's most family-friendly beaches, Baby Beach is known for its calm, shallow waves. Young swimmers will benefit greatly from this beach's virtually absent waves and shallow water, which make it simpler for them to swim safely. You can also explore Eagle Beach, a well-known white-sand beach with nearby access to watersports, sheltered areas, and beach huts. Visitors from throughout the world come here for a stunning seaside experience.
Arubans are recognized for their extraordinary beauty and friendly disposition. In reality, the Arawak Indians—a tribe of farmers and fishermen who respected peace—were the island's first inhabitants. Despite having a varied history, the people have a strong sense of national identity that is backed by a booming economy and a strong educational system. Additionally, the Caribbean has one of the best living standards. Visitors to the island have noticed the genuine warmth of an Aruban smile and the friendliness of its residents; in fact, many have said that it is the people who keep them coming back year after year. Despite having so many different cultural influences, Aruba manages to retain its uniqueness, as shown by the kind nature of its people.
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