#well I'm not averse to sharing the 13 (? I think?) chapters I finished for the haikyuu version and the outline if anyone's actually interest
thegildedbee · 2 years
older Sherlock wips for the wip-shy: five fics friday
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As a general rule, I've found I'm not constitutionally well-equipped to survive wips (especially johnlock, my jam), so I'm usually hesitant to jump on board (unless an author indicates the fic is realio trulio finished or it's an author I'm hopelessly addicted to). Nonetheless, some have claimed my heart ❤️ even if it's unlikely they'll ever be not-wips. My fanfic soul would be poorer for not having spent time with these 5 Sherlocks and 5 Johns, and the amazing authors who brought them to life.
So, below are five of the wips that I adore and re-read, and that I'm reccing here because even if you are wip-averse, there is so much incredible wonderfulness you might not want to miss out on!!! (Note: Fics aren't finished for many reasons, and I don't think any author needs to feel they owe an explanation to anyone -- the fact that they shared their creativity in whatever form is, I think, amazing. I don't like the term "abandoned," which is a common description -- not everything can, or should, be finished, and that's that.) (Descending word count; all had starts of at least 5 years ago). ........................................................ Till We Have Cases [386,447 words / E] by @fiorinda-chancellor
This fic is a joyous romp which inserts Sherlock and John into the age of Greek mythology, with Sherlock as "an enigmatic new God with a gift for deduction" who encounters a mortal warrior-prince with healing powers, Prince Iaon. Co-habitation transpires and Iaon joins the Consulting God in crime-solving and everything is a delight -- Sherlock's connections with the other gods, Sherlock and Iaon's developing relationship, the clever weaving in of the ancient crimes of myth and lore, the creation of additional characters who are fascinating, and all kinds of charming flourishes and sly references and general inventiveness. The story deepens in powerful ways as it proceeds, even while kicking up its heels and retaining its high-spirits. Anything that has almost 400,000 words of stunning storytelling is a mythic enterprise itself that deserves tribute from the muses nine, and the entire pantheon of the gods.
The fic began in 2012 and the last chapter (36/50) was added in July 2020.
There is also a very cute off-shoot chapter, which you might try to see how much fun the story is: The Kronia Song [6,777 words / T]
......................................................... Endless Wonder Series [135,928 words / T, T, M & E] by @shamelessmash This joyride of a fic is based on the scifi series Warehouse 13 (but you don't need to know it) -- which has been described as a mix of X-Files, Raiders of the Lost Ark, & Moonlighting -- and suffusing those 3 sensibilities with Sherlock is perfection. It involves an infinitely large secret holding space for historical artifacts with supernatural powers that are death-dealing dangers. This is one of the best renditions of the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers arcs in the fandom (Mycroft forces John and Sherlock to work together as field agents) -- their initial meeting is cleverly managed and over the course of the fic the bickering is EPIC EPIC EPIC. The slow burn is snail's pace, which allows for an absorbing amount of character development, and learning the hows and whys of what SH and JW find captivating in the other is totally endearing. And the artifacts play insanely interesting roles in the plot and in the character development and are just very very very fun.
There are four parts, each with multiple chapters: Part 1 Endless Wonder; Part 2 Lost & Found; Part 3 The Big Snag; Part 4 Burn.
The fic began in 2015 and the last chapter is from March 2020.
.......................................................... The Lazarus Machine [108,347 / M] by kelouisa
A fic that overflows with fascinating details and evocative descriptive passages of the scientific underbelly of an enlightenment era London -- reanimated corpses! -- that suits Sherlock to a t and that he grabs onto with gusto. This is a fic that does full justice to a version of Sherlock that is consumed by casework which emanates from his every cell in a number of entertaining ways. The relationship between Sherlock and John follows a Regency romance structure, with John as an invalided soldier whose older brother has ruined them financially and has arranged for John to wed a wealthy family's "embarrassment of a second son," Sherlock (who has an unsavory past that refuses to let him go). The telling of their stops and starts in moving from strangers to intimates is developed with a kind of quiet gracefulness that draws you into a feeling of being co-conspirators with Sherlock and John as they put the puzzle pieces of their deveoping relationship into an pattern that suits them. (And they are just sweet cinnamon rolls :-) It's such a richly realized atmosphere of a multi-layered world from the inside out.
This fic began in 2013 and the last chapter (76/?) was added in 2014. ............................................................... The Ghost and Doctor Watson [ 48,158 words / E ] by @ishipanarmada This is one of the most romantic Johnlock fics in existence, in which John, as a widower, moves away to a small town and takes up residence in a cottage which possesses a ghost, Sherlock, who has unfinished business from his last case and in clearing up the truth of his death (the non-crime parts of the fic are based on the 1947 film, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir). Afterlifer Sherlock is intrigued by John and so doesn't chase him away as he has the other attempted occupants, and that sets them off on their course of getting to know each other and falling in love. An enigmatic Sherlock enlists John for casework, and that story is in and of itself worth the price of admission. I am particularly fond of how Sherlock applies his deductive powers to solving the mysteries of his emotions and of John's, and their growing closeness is achingly sweet and poignant. Sherlock is one damn sexy ghost, words fail me, and the racier encounters between the two are incredibly incendiary. Their pairing here is nonpareil. (I always have Concrete Blonde's Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man running in my head when reading it :-)
This fic began in 2016 and the last chapter (17/?) is from 2018. .................................................................. Ghosts and Shadows [ 29,554 words / E ] by @ettuinarcadia
This is An Abominable Bride-inspired Victorian AU that plunges you immediately into the dangers presented to Holmes and Watson of a London in the grips of Oscar Wilde's prosecution. The initial scene with Lestrade and Holmes is absolutely masterful in setting up the starting points for the plot to come but in equal measure in conveying the peril, not just through the specifics that are related going forward, but in the economy of the prose and the taut actions of the rapidly unfolding sequelae of events. Vicariously experiencing the interactions of the characters as intertwined witn the limning of the historical context has an authenticity to it that packs a wallop. The breathstopping vintage feel of the fic owes a great deal to the way in which a club SH belonged to as Cambridge student, The Hellbenders, is integrated into the story and underscores the current roiling cultural battles. And embedded within this, the unfolding revelation of the feelings Watson (currently married to Mary Morstan) has for Sherlock and vice versa, is electric. Brilliant fic. This fic began in 2015 and the last chaper (11/?) is from 2017.
There is a trailer for Ghosts and Shadow, and also in this universe is a puckish off-shoot, La Fee Verte Ancienne [ 1,531 / E ]
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suudonym · 7 years
so the summer before season 2 of haikyuu aired I was working pretty diligently on a fic but while I almost completely finished the extremely lengthy and thorough outline I didn’t make enough progress on the fic to actually start posting it (and then osomatsu san happened and well you know the rest). the story was badly written so I don’t feel like there’s too much loss in it not coming to completion but the plot had a lot of aspects I really loved and I always lamented that I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work for osomatsu san but I’ve been thinking about it for ages and finally came up with an option
so it’s karamatsu, because I’m single-minded, and homura, because I like developing friendships between characters who don’t canonly interact much if at all
well, I’m just going to go ahead and spoil it because it’s easier to note it down that way. the idea is that the girl from episode 9, who I’ll refer to as homura for the sake of being concise, was born into the role of the single person capable of reforming and rejuvenating the world (I should mention that this is like a modern/real world telling of the initial plot of tales of symphonia) and was taught practically from infancy to love the world and to understand that it’s her duty to eventually save it. there’s probably a mark on her wrist that identifies her as this single fated person and she keeps it hidden so that the factions who would endeavor to see her fail can’t identify her as easily. but anyway the thing about being this special person is that it’s a death sentence - yes she has the power to bring the whole world into an age of prosperity but it costs her life to do so. she’s conditioned from a very young age to understand and be okay with that but as the time for her to start fulfilling her duty draws closer she starts to feel more and more uneasy about it. the journey is said to be very dangerous, people will be after her life all the while, and at the end of it she just dies anyway. as the pressure and anxiety threaten to crush her, she runs away to tokyo, a crowded place far from home where it will be hard to find her, and decides that if failing means dying and succeeding means dying, then she might as well skip all the hardship and heartache associated with the long journey to save the world and die on her own terms
and that’s where episode 9 comes in, she sees jyushimatsu get swept away and, being the beacon of kindness and love that she was conditioned to be, she can’t just watch him die. she saves him, he makes her laugh, and it’s the first time she’s truly laughed from the bottom of her heart in so long. presumably jyushimatsu asks to meet again or something and homura doesn’t want to break a promise so they start hanging out regularly, and the more she enjoys life and comes to love jyushimatsu, the more she starts to think that she wants to give a beautiful and prosperous world to him. she decides that she’ll fulfill her duties after all, jyushimatsu confesses that he loves her, and she’s so heartbroken knowing that nothing that can come of that love because of her fate that she just runs away. jyushimatsu sees her off on the train, and though she knows she’ll never see him again she tries her best to part ways with a smile
AND THEN the story actually starts
I haven’t actually thought about much more than the setting so the details are pretty foggy, but for some reason or another (music thing, fashion thing, just for the sake of being dramatic, whatever) karamatsu is doing something away from tokyo when he sees homura being chased by someone. he recognizes her as the girl jyushimatsu loved and goes to help her and as a result he ends up getting tangled up with her journey to revitalize the world - she planned to do it alone since it’s dangerous but incidentally it’s because it’s dangerous that she can’t do it alone and so she grudgingly accepts his help
(bonus: she wants him involved as little as possible so she doesn’t even tell him his name in case someone targets him to get information about her, and karamatsu’s like “well what do I call you then? I can’t just say ‘hey you’ or ‘girl’ all the time,” and since she says she doesn’t particularly care he follows the same logical path that the western fandom did: jyushimatsu often refers to her with the phrase king-sized game-winning homerun and “homerun” is pronounced similarly to “homura” so how about that)
anyway they end up traveling to all kinds of different places throughout the world and probably some of the other sextuplets get involved sooner or later because it’s too dangerous for just the two of them and etc. etc. I’d probably just plagiarize as much as possible from my haikyuu outline honestly
of course there’s a chance that she appears again in season 2 and is given further development that pokes a bunch of holes in this plan so it may very well end up yet again that I don’t get to use this plot but c’est la vie. you can probably file this one under “things that I’ll never get around to writing” anyway with everything else that’s already on the list
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summahsunlight · 4 years
This Way Became My Journey, CH. 13
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Chapters 1-10 / Chapter 11/ Chapter 12
A hot bath and a cup of tea was all Sarah Barrett really wanted when she stumbled into her quarters for her break. They had been traveling at warp speed for the past hour or so to get to Illidaria to ask for help in getting the trapped ship out of the event horizon and Sarah had spent just as long brushing up the rest of the crew on first contact protocols. It had taken a little longer than she was hoping, since the Maquis had no first contact policy and she had to start from scratch when it came to them. By now her feet were killing her and she had walked the equivalent of several miles on board the ship going from department to department.
Thankfully Chakotay's idea of routing power from deck seven had provided some power to the replicators in the mess hall so Sarah had been able to replicate a cup of red tea, with lemon, on her way back to her quarters. She sat in the living room, sipping it, while she waited for the bath to finish filling up. Pulling off the tunic of her uniform she decided to change into something more comfortable. She had one hour before she had to get back in uniform and man her office, there were several rookie space travelers that had requested to speak to her and she had somehow managed to cram them in; however she was going to make the most of this time off.
After slipping into a pair of navy blue cotton lounge pants and a spaghetti strap gray tank top she proceeded into the bathroom to check the water. The tub was almost full. Leaning over she turned the water off as the door chime rang out. Grunting, she pulled herself up. What now?
"Come in," she called, trying to keep the edge out of her voice. She wasn't surprised when Tom Paris sauntered into the room, carrying a bottle of champagne and what appeared to be a picnic basket. "What do you want, Tom?"
"I thought we'd celebrate."
"Celebrate what?" Sarah asked, bewildered.
"In case you didn't realize, it was one week ago that we were pulled from the Badlands into the Delta Quadrant, and there's no better way to celebrate than a lunch of champagne and emergency rations," Tom pointed out, pulling out two tumblers from the basket and placing them down onto the dining table. He popped the cork and the champagne fizzled a little before he poured each of them a generous portion.
"That's something to celebrate? Being stranded seventy five thousand light years from home?"
Tom laughed. "Come on Sarah, you know me better than that. We're celebrating surviving our first week out here." He handed her a glass of the bubbly alcohol and clanged his glass to hers. "Drink up; we've only got about three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine more weeks to go."
She watched as he took a sip of the champagne. "You have a twisted sense of humor, you know that?" But, she reasoned, a glass of champagne would certainly help her unwind a little after the horrendous morning and afternoon that she had just had. She figured Tom's probably wasn't much better. Finally she took a sip out of her own glass and immediately felt her senses tingle. This was a clear violation of the terms that Starfleet insisted that she agree upon if she wanted to go back to work; hell it was a clear violation of Starfleet protocol period, no drinking on duty. But if they were discrete, no one would have any idea they had shared a drink together during lunch.
Tom plopped his tired body down onto her sofa and spread his arms out along the back, the glass resting between his fingers. "You know, I've always loved how the bubbles tingle my nose."
Sarah was shocked how he could toss aside all that was going on around them and just focus on the moment. How often had she wished in the past that she had that ability? She stood there in the middle of the room, her feet bare, hair curling over her shoulders, staring at him. Was this for real? Or was the champagne a facade so he could see her because there was a deeper problem at hand?
"What?" he asked, noticing her stare. "Do I have something up my nose?"
She blinked, snapping out of her trance. "Why are you here?"
"I already answered that question; to celebrate surviving our first week," Tom replied, restlessly.
"No, why are you really here?"
He let out a dejected breath. "I should have known you'd see right through me."
"The champagne may have been a little too much of a give away," Sarah tried to joke, but noticed that it was coming off all wrong. He frowned at her and she saw the anguish flash through his blue eyes. She didn't even think Tom Paris was capable of such an emotion and it immediately thrust her into counselor mode. "Tom, what's going on? You seem…upset."
Leaning forward, Tom's eyes met hers. "Do you ever feel that we've been set up to fail?"
"You mean Captain Janeway's decision to strand us here?" Sarah drawled, trying to understand where he was coming from. "She did what she thought was right. If we hadn't destroyed the array what would have happened to the Ocampa?"
Tom shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes, Sarah, I feel like we did what was right, that their needs out weighed ours, however, other times I feel that being back in New Zealand would be better than facing uncharted space. If this was solely a Starfleet crew I wouldn't be worried, however, we're talking about integrating enemies of the Federation into this crew, our chances of survival aren't good. We just as well will kill each other before we work together. Janeway had to have known that when she pulled the trigger, right?"
"To be honest Tom, I'm not sure what she was thinking when she made the decision," Sarah answered, sitting with him on the couch. "It wasn't like we all had time to discuss it." She tucked her feet underneath her legs and drew them closer to her. "I guess, we just have to have a little faith, after all, it seems that Captain Janeway has some faith in all of us." She laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll get through it Tom, we'll make it home."
A sad smile stretched across his face. "You know something when I hear you say it, and hear Janeway say it, I believe it."
"Counselor Barrett, report to the Bridge."
Tom saw Sarah's eyes close and a dark look come over her face. The calm demeanor which she had regarded him in just mere seconds ago was gone, replaced with a worried and stressed look.
"We must be coming up on Illidaria," she murmured. Getting up she downed the rest of her champagne in a chug that impressed Tom, who was known for his chugging during his Academy days, and strode into the bathroom. He heard water draining from the tub and a few moments later she appeared from the room, clad now in her uniform, hair roughly tossed back and boots in her hands.
So much for the bath, Sarah thought as she put her boots on. She tapped her combadge. "Barrett to bridge, I'm on my way."
"The Captain would like to see you," Lieutenant Commander Tuvok instructed her when she stepped out of the turbolift. Sarah grimly nodded her head and proceeded to the ready room door, tapping the chime.
Janeway admitted her a few seconds later and she stepped into see an obvious flustered captain. "Is everything alright, ma'am?" The room was, putting it bluntly, a disaster. The product of having two children spend the whole day cooped up in there. Several toys littered the upper level, one of Ava's bottles had tipped over onto the coffee table and had leaked out, and Michael had made an elaborate block city that weaved around the entire area. Right now, both children were snuggled up, sleeping on the sofa taking what was probably a much needed nap.
"Oh, everything is just wonderful, Lieutenant," the older woman drawled, answering her question, her blue eyes staring intently at the younger woman. "I've got a trapped ship I cannot help without making first contact with a species we know nothing about, second, my children are running rampant all over this ship, third, I don't know who to put in charge down in Engineering. Do you know I tried to do as Chakotay suggested and get to know B'Elanna? She just stormed out of here, right before you came in. I was hoping that you would have made it here before she left. Tell me, Sarah, what am I doing wrong? I've tried to be accommodating, I've tried being welcoming to the Maquis, nothing is working."
"Captain, I don't think there is much more you can do…for the Maquis that is," Sarah responded quickly. "I've tried to get to know B'Elanna as well, all I meet is aversion. Of course to her, I'm nothing but a Starfleet brat."
Janeway had heard that term often enough as well growing up, since her father had been Starfleet. Perhaps that was the problem with many of the Maquis, they believed that she had not earned her way to this position, thus did not have the authority to dictate their lives. So what did that mean, that she get on the comline and tell her life story?
"Sickbay to Captain Janeway," the Doctor's voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Yes Doctor?"
"May I request that you activate your emergency medical holographic channel?"
Sarah watched as Janeway moved to sit behind her desk and activate her personal computer. Harry must have fixed it quickly, she thought with mild amusement, recalling how the Captain had burst forth from the ready room to get a status report that morning with the broken terminal in her hand, placed it in Harry's lap and told him to see if he could fix it. When he asked what had happened to it, her answer had been, a one year old.
Janeway was gazing at the newly fixed screen with a funny look and briefly Sarah wondered if Harry hadn't fixed it. "Doctor, I'm getting a distorted image. Mister Kim obviously didn't fix my computer thoroughly."
"No captain," the Doctor's voice came over the computer. "You're computer is working properly. This is how I currently appear. I'm…shrinking."
"Shrinking?" Janeway repeated, eyebrows arching in fascination. She propped her chin in her elbow to hide the smile that was no doubt making its way across her face.
The Doctor saw her amusement and scowled, telling how much he was shrinking by. "I've informed Mister Kim; apparently, he has more pressing matters to tend too, for example fixing your computer. However, my…personal problem, is not what I'm calling you about. Several crew members have reported severe headaches, muscles spasms, and sudden waves of dizziness. I've treated them of course."
Let's just add this to the list of things I have to deal with, Janeway thought bitterly. "This could be related to the quantum singularity we encountered a few hours ago," she told him, and immediately saw his face cloud over with disgust. Oh dear, no one informed him.
"Quantum singularity?" the Doctor repeated, in a harsh tone.
"It was sending out strong spatial distortions it might have affected the crew. And your systems as well," Janeway mused.
"You know Captain, if we were in the vicinity of a quantum singularity, I should have been informed."
She gave him an apologetic smile, realizing that since he was their only doctor at the moment, and seeing how he did not have the freedom to come to bridge, there had to be a way set up for him to get information on what was going on, other than by word of mouth. "You're absolutely right. I'll look at linking your program into the ship's database." Suddenly the ship jolted and Janeway was tossed about in her chair.
Stumbling to her feet both Janeway and Sarah left the ready room, neither of them realizing that the Captain had failed to terminate her link with the Doctor, who was calling after Janeway, "Hello? Captain?"
"Report," Janeway ordered, stepping up into the command station.
"It looks like we're running into more spatial distortions," Chakotay answered her, turning to face her.
"I'm reading a highly localized disturbance off the port bow," Harry Kim said.
"On screen," Janeway said, facing the view screen. An image of another event horizon appeared, very similar to the one they had left behind to go to Illidaria to get help. "Mister Tuvok?"
Tuvok ran his fingers over his console, gathering readings. "It is another type four quantum singularity. The physical and temporal dimensions are identical to the one we encountered earlier."
A beep came from Tom's instruments and the young pilot, who had taken his station after Sarah left her quarters, glanced over his shoulder at Janeway. "Captain, according to these coordinates, we've returned to our previous position. This isn't another singularity, it's the same one."
B'Elanna Torres didn't know why, but she was nervous sitting in the staff meeting that had been called to discuss why they were going around in circles and ending back at the same singularity. Joe Carey, who had been called to the meeting as well, looked smug and not the least bit fazed. There were rumors running rampant that this meeting was the one where Janeway was going to make her decision about chief engineer. B'Elanna figured she had ruined any chances of getting the position when she had stormed out of Janeway's office not even an hour ago. But she would be lying if she didn't want the job, for some reason she wanted to prove to Janeway that she was not going to fail, even if the woman was trying to set her up just to do that. However, at the same time, she knew that she wasn't officer material.
In fact, she was so lost in thought that she wasn't aware the holographic doctor had been speaking over the view screen in the briefing room until he was done. He glumly reported that he was still shrinking and cut the connection.
Janeway was leaning forward on her elbows. Chakotay was seated to her right, Sarah Barrett to her left, followed by Tuvok, Harry Kim, Joe Carey, herself, and Tom Paris. What a motley crew, B'Elanna mused, looking about the table as Janeway began to speak to them.
"I've finished my study of the spatial distortion coming from the singularity," the Captain began. "I can give you a long, boring analysis. All I can say is, I don't know what is going on. The readings are confused, the data contradictory, none of it is making any sense. Anyone have anything more constructive?" she asked the group hopefully.
"Ship wide diagnostics have revealed nothing out of the ordinary," Tuvok reported.
"I tried sending out a tachyon signal to scan the singularity, but all I got back was static," Carey said.
B'Elanna was still lost in thought and only brought out of it when Chakotay asked her if she could work with Carey to clean up the signal. "Yes," she replied, eyes flicking to Janeway. "But it won't work. I mean it was a good idea to try, but it won't work."
"You have another idea?" the Captain asked her.
"I was just thinking about the Doctor's problem with the holographic projectors," B'Elanna responded, leaning forward in her chair and resting her elbows on the table. "It seems like the spatial distortions might be interfering with the projector's phase alignment."
Janeway looked intrigued. "That was my guess too."
"If that's the case," B'Elanna continued, "I might be able to screen out those distortions by setting up a localized dampening field around the projectors."
"Is our priority here really the medical holographic system?" Carey questioned, feeling like he was being out matched.
"My point is," B'Elanna said, " that if the spatial distortions are also interfering with the transmission we received from the other ship -," she didn't get the chance to continue, the Captain finished for her, following her path, stating that they could set up a similar system around their external sensors and communicate with them. "Exactly," the Klingon replied, "And they may know more than we do about what's going on."
"Let's give it a try," Janeway said enthusiastically. "Dismissed."
The group of officers got up from the table, with the exception of Janeway and all filed out of the room back onto the bridge. Chakotay turned around at the door to look at her, asking her a silent question. A small smile spread on her face and she gave him a gentle nod of the head. He returned the soft smile, before following the others out onto the bridge. Janeway leaned back in her chair, let out a calming breath and stood up, slowly making her way after her officers. She found them all hard at work, just like she knew they would be.
"The emitters are online," B'Elanna reported, with Janeway now standing over her shoulder, arms over her chest. "I'm rerouting the dampening field through the deflector grid."
Janeway moved towards operations. "Open a channel to the other ship." Immediately the bridge was filled with a garbled message, just like the one they had heard about hours ago it felt like now. B'Elanna announced that she was ramping up the field intensity.
"It's working," Kim said. "We're cutting through the distortions." The message still sounded garbled however. Janeway ordered him to remodulate the EM band to try to clean it up. "Compensating for amplitude distortion," he told her as he typed away at his console. A few moments later a clear transmission filled the bridge and it shocked them all. It was the Captain's hail from hours before when they had first come across the singularity.
"That's your hail," Chakotay told her, even though she didn't need to be told.
"I'm applying our dampening field to our visual scanners to see if I can clear up the image," B'Elanna said. When she did it, it was another shock to the bridge crew, because the ship they were trying to rescue all along was Voyager. All this time they had been trying to save themselves. Suddenly it hit B'Elanna and Janeway as well, they were the ones trapped in the singularity all along, there had never been another ship.
"Red alert," Janeway ordered, the lights dimming and an alarm blaring a few warnings.
"Sensors confirm it's definitely U.S.S Voyager," Tom reported, peeking at his console between staring at the screen.
"I've been hailing the ship on all frequencies," Tuvok said, "But I've gotten no response."
Janeway narrowed her eyes. "I don't think you'll get a response, Commander," she told him, patiently. "That message we unscrambled is the same message I sent out hours ago."
"Could we have traveled back in time and met ourselves?" Kim asked.
"No," B'Elanna said firmly, "that's not it." She moved towards Janeway across the back of the bridge and went to stand face to face with her. "I think I have an explanation." For a moment their eyes met and then Janeway nodded towards the briefing room again, asking that the senior officers move in there.
B'Elanna moved with the others into the briefing room that they had occupied a mere five minutes before, but didn't bother taking a seat like the rest of them. She was too nervous that Janeway was going to think she was crazy. Instead, she nervously paced around the table giving her explanation as to what was going on. "Think of it like this," she started, "you're sitting at the bottom of a pond, which is frozen over, and you look up at the surface and see a reflection of yourself. Now, you might think you're looking at another person, sitting at the bottom of another pond, looking back at you."
To her surprise, Janeway was buying it. "And in this case, we'd be staring up at the surface of the event horizon and seeing a time delayed reflection of ourselves."
"Are you saying we're the ones trapped in the singularity?" Chakotay asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," B'Elanna replied.
"You're right," Janeway agreed, "it's the only theory that explains everything that's happened to us. We've probably been in this singularity since we felt the first jolt."
Paris was confused. "Wait a minute," he interjected. "Let me get this straight. We were cruising along at warp seven, and then picked up a distress call. So we moved into investigate, but now you're saying that the other ship is just a reflection of us, and that the distress call is just the captain's opening hail. But we picked up the distress call before she sent the hail. How could we have been seeing a reflection of something we hadn't even done yet?" He looked around the table to see that everyone was staring at him, and that Janeway had a smirk on her face. "Am I making any sense here?"
"No," Janeway replied, "but that's okay. One of the more difficult concepts to grasp in temporal mechanics is sometimes effect can precede cause. A reaction can be observed before an action that initiated it."
"So how do we get out?" Kim asked.
"I'm not sure," B'Elanna replied, intensely. "But, I do know one thing. That as we slide deeper into the singularity, the spatial distortions are increasing. If that's the case, then we might not have a lot of time before they crush the ship."
Janeway got up from the table and moved around it to stand next to her. "If your analogy is correct, how do we get through that sheet of ice?"
"Look for a crack!"
"Or make a crack," Janeway said in response to B'Elanna. "Take something and slam into the ice until it buckles."
"Wait a minute," B'Elanna said. "What if we already made a crack in the ice?"
"When we first entered the event horizon," Janeway mused along with her.
"If we can find our entry point we might be able to slip out the way we came in," B'Elanna replied.
"So we would be looking for a subspace instability in the event horizon," Janeway speculated. "What would make it show up on our sensors?"
Silence passed between them for a couple of seconds and then they both said at the same time, "Warp particles!"
"If we saturate the event horizon with warp particles we might be able to see them escaping through the rupture we made when we entered!" Janeway exclaimed turning about on her heel and leaving the room. The rest of the officers, most of them stunned by what had just taken place, followed suit.
B'Elanna heard Paris remark to Barrett, "What the hell just happened?" Out of the corner of her eye, B'Elanna could see a small smile creep across the counselor's pretty face as she turned to reply to the hotshot pilot, "I think B'Elanna Torres just got promoted to chief engineer."
She felt satisfaction in hearing that. But she didn't know how much truth was behind the words that Barrett had just said. After all, B'Elanna may have found a way out of the event horizon for them, but that didn't mean Janeway was seriously going to take her on as chief engineer. She still wasn't sure how she felt about the whole thing herself. Was she capable of leading? I guess there's only one way to find out, she thought to herself as she went to stand in the command station with Janeway and Chakotay, while Tuvok took the main deflector off line. Kim was rerouting the power of the plasma flow to the main deflector so they could use it to generate a warp field.
B'Elanna stood rigidly next to Chakotay, realizing that if this didn't work, she was fresh out of ideas on how to get them out of the event horizon and Voyager would be crushed. Well I gave us a week to survive out here, but I didn't think we'd be crushed to death by a quantum singularity.
"Release the warp particles," Janeway ordered. A steady stream of particles emitted from the deflector dish and into the even horizon, filling the bridge with a bright orange glow. Paris immediately began to scan the singularity for an changes. But B'Elanna was anxious.
"Anything?" she rasped out, harshly.
"Not yet," Kim reported, coolly. "Warp particles at full intensity."
"I'm picking up something," Paris announced, fingers running across the conn. "It could be a rupture in the event horizon."
B'Elanna exchanged a relieved glance with the Captain before she ordered to have it put on screen. Sure enough, there was rupture. Now if only its big enough for the ship to get through, B'Elanna thought hopefully. But Paris was already delivering the bad news that it was too small. She felt anger taking a hold of her. "It must have collapsed since we first past through it."
"We found the crack," Janeway said, trying to calm her. "That's the important thing. Let's focus on how we can make it bigger."
"Put a wedge in it and force it open," B'Elanna retorted still feeling angry. "We could try a dekyon beam."
Janeway nodded her head and ordered Paris to move them closer to the rupture, but he turned in his seat and looked at her pensively. "Captain, if we get too close to the rupture our warp engines might make it collapse even further."
Damn it, B'Elanna thought as the Captain asked if they could emit the beam from their current position. Kim told her that they didn't have enough power to emit one from this distance. Another damn.
"Alright, we'll take a shuttlecraft," Janeway said, placing her hands on her hips.
It didn't surprise B'Elanna that Tom Paris was standing up, offering himself up to pilot the shuttle. It did surprise her though that Janeway was putting him down. He had made a valuable point, that she needed her best pilot and that was him. But hers was maybe a little bit more valuable; she needed someone with her that understood temporal mechanics. Once that was out, B'Elanna suddenly realized, Kahless, she means me!
Sure enough Janeway told B'Elanna that she was going to accompany her, and with a final order of leaving Chakotay in charge, the two women left the bridge, en route to the shuttlebay.
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