#well obviously i can't choose but i'll tell you my least favourite. that piece of shit chainsaw man denji estream 1/7 figure
dailyfigures · 9 months
everyone reblog/reply with your favourite figure you got in 2023! <3
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girl-in-the-tower · 3 years
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Ramshackle Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Kore: Woah, to think the ghosts would go all out like this just for today! Even though I told them that they didn't have to bother with it, they wouldn't listen, at all... It's... It's kind of embarrassing to be fussed over like this! If it was Grim I would have understood but this, uh...
Ah! And I'm supposed to have a guest over today as well! Hm, I guess some tea should be in order... maybe some cakes as well... I wonder if there's any sugar left...
Ace: Yo!
Kore: Ah, just a moment- Oh, it's just you, Ace.
Ace: Ha? What's that supposed to mean? 'It's just you'? It's super rude to greet your dear guest like this, you know?
Kore: Is that so? But calling you a guest is...
Ace: What's that?
Kore: Hm...
Ace: Well, doesn't matter because my feelings were hurt either way! So I'll help myself to this krumkake to make myself feel better! Let's dig in~
Kore: Hey, that- Aaah, that was meant to be for Grim. He kept complaining all day yesterday that he should have a cake all to himself too since it's a special day so I woke up extra early just to make it for him. Now he's gonna be mad...
Ace: Haa? A whole cake just for that furball? You've got to be kidding me!
Kore: What are you talking about? You know how much he likes krumkake.
Ace: Nah, I doubt there's really anything that guy won't eat... But that's not the point. You're spoiling him too much. He's gotten really fat, you know?
Kore: It's fine. I still make sure he exercises and he looks cute round like that too, so it's not a problem.
Ace: No, I definitely still think there's something wrong here. Mainly with your head.
Kore: Haaaaaaa, you wanna pick a figh-
Ace: Oh, I almost forgot! Here you go!
Kore: ... What's this?
Ace: Isn't it obvious?
Kore: Well... Huh? Wait a minute- That can't-!
Ace: Ta-da! It's a limited edition Griffons varsity jacket that's been all the rage with Magift meatheads like you~
Kore: No way!! This is- This is-
Ace: Cool, righ- Hey!! Don't jump on me like that! You almost knocked me off the chair!
Kore: Sorry, hahaha! I was so happy I just couldn't contain myself! To think that I would be able to actually get my hands onto something so valuable!
Ace: Yeah, we figured you'd like i-
Kore: This season has really been a blessing from above for them, you know? Everybody is in top shape and playing at their best! I heard their new manager actually made them go through this super difficult training regime that has been working wonders for them. Though it's only speculation so far!
Ace: Uh, Kor-
Kore: If you ask me, it's definitely also thanks to those new brooms that they ordered for the team. The wood is apparently from the Valley of Thorns and super-resistant so they go all out without worrying about breaking them. For the moves that the team is pulling, they really need that propulsion time! Even a second helps when you're in a headlock. I remember back in the vs Mandrakes game that they switched brooms in between-
Ace: Heeeeey! You Magift boar woman! Can you hear me?
Kore: Wh-Why are you yelling like that?! I'm right next to you!
Ace: Haaaa, when you start talking about Magift you might as well be in a completely different world... No wonder they all think of you as the Magift Encyclopedia. I bet you have hundreds of useless pieces of information like that stuck in your head.
Kore: You-! Huh? What's this?
Ace: A-Ah! That!
Kore: It's rice pudding- Ah! It's homemade from the Mountains!
Ace: Hm? Ah, ye-yeah... That came with the jacket...
Kore: Eh? They put pudding in jackets when they sell them?!
Ace: O-Obviously! Don't tell me you didn't know? Bwahaha, man, you sure are clueless...
Kore: ... It's my favourite flavour too...
Ace: Alright, next to the first question!
Kore: Eh?! Question?! Is this a quiz of some kind?!
Ace: I guess you could think of it like that, so anyway- Your first question as today's birthday girl issssss: "If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you take with you?" Hm, here it says that you can't pick members of your own dorm, but given that you guys don't even have a dorm, I'm not sure that the restriction applies. Not that it matters since you wouldn't choose Grim anyway, right?
Kore: Huh? Why not?
Ace: You're serious?! You'd pick that furball?! Hey, we're talking about a deserted island here so think carefully! Don't you want to get off it?!
Kore: Well, obviously I would... But...
Ace: But?
Kore: I can do that on my own.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: Survival is all about securing shelter, food and formulating an escape plan. If it's a deserted island I assume there would be some fauna and animals too, so we could feed ourselves through fruit gathering and hunting. It might be hard if we don't have any tools, however, but I think Grim's claws would be sharp enough to cut through the skin and meat fairly easily. I make sure he takes good care of them after all.
Ace: I-I see...
Kore: If there's no drinkable water then we'll have to boil some from the sea in order to deal with the thirst. Grim's flames, when properly utilized, would be able to do such a thing. Not to mention that he could start fires to keep us warm at night and to cook food to sustain us! Also, it could be a great emergency signal if we end up at sea and need rescuing.
Ace: You want to use him as a flare?!
Kore: That sounds so mean! I would only do that as a last resort, however! Grim's pretty sensitive about having his belly scratched so I wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable like that!
Ace: Haaaa, I get it, I get it! So you're saying that the furball has his practical uses too. But I can't help but worry about some flaws...
Kore: Flaws?
Ace: No matter how much you feed that glutton, his stomach will never be full, you know! Whatever provisions you managed to gather, he's sure to inhale them with the first occasion!
Kore: Wah- That's a horrible thing to say! There's no way my Grim is so selfish!
Ace: My Grim?! What is he?! Your child?! And he's totally selfish, you know!!
Ace: Ca-Calm down!! I take it back, ok?! You can bring the furball with you!
Kore: Hmph.
Ace: Seriously, getting this angry over that cat...
Kore: Isn't that normal? Grim is my special person, after all!
Kore: The person you care for a lot, like they're part of you, right? Like Cay-senpai said!
Ace: I-I see, so that's...
Kore: Being on a deserted island isn't ideal, but at the end of the day I know I can be ok on my own. Farmwork, housework - those are things that I'm used to from the Mountains. Life isn't so easy back home, but we all make do with what we can - magic or no magic. Even if I'm stuck in a bad situation, I can manage to get through so I don't need anybody else.
Well, that's what I thought before I came to this place anyway...
Ace: ...
Kore: Besides you're wrong about something!
Ace: Huh?
Kore: In order to survive it's not just physical attributes that are important, but mental ones as well. And in that case, Grim has the real trump card!
Ace: He-He does?!
Kore: Mm! You see, Grim, he... has the cutest paws and the fluffiest fur in the world!
Ace: HUH?!
Kore: Mm! Every time I feel like giving up or am reaching the end of the rope, all I'd have to do is give his paw pads a little squeeze or lay on his tummy and my mood would instantly clear up again! In a situation full of despair like that it would make a world of difference, you know?
Kore: Well, that too! It's important after all!
Ah, this pudding is really good actually...
Ace: Haaaa, I give up... Your boar mind is way too difficult to understand...
Kore: HUH?!
Ace: Anyway, let's get on with our next question and- Ah.
Kore: Hm? What is it? You suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence. Did the falcon get your tongue, hehe?
Ace: It's a cat, not a falcon! And I only stopped because- uh...
Kore: What?
Ace: "You're offered the chance to pick another dorm, which one would you choose?"
Kore: ...
Ace: I swear, that Headmaster doesn't even think of these questions at all...
Kore: Yeah, there's no way I can answer that...
Ace: I figured. So instead! "Please share your opinions on the dorms!"
Kore: Ah!
Ace: Nice, right? You can definitely count on me when it comes to quick thinking, you know?
Kore: ... I guess.
Ace: You guess?!
Kore: I'll start with Diasomnia then!
Ace: Hey, don't ignore-
Kore: Hm, I'm not really sure about the atmosphere there but- Don't you think that their interior decor is pretty fancy? I haven't seen stuff like that in magazines for quite a while, so I feel like it's definitely something that must have required a lot of work! It's kinda dreary though, what will the windows not letting enough light and the greenery around it could stand to be looked after better, hm...
Ace: So you're only interested in the decor, huh? Alright, what about Ignihyde?
Kore: It's too technological.
Ace: Huh, I guess that you're right. For somebody like you, it would really be a struggle living there...
Kore: ...
It's even more depressing than Diasomnia, so I feel like I would be stuck in a bad mood without enough sunlight, you know? Though I must admit, it really is super clean inside! That's a very important detail! Clean homes are necessary for good health!
Ace: There you go again, sounding like a mom... Next is Pomefiore!
Ace: I know~?
Kore: No, no, you don't get it! It's so flashy it actually scares me! All that pomp and glamour! The rugs themselves look like something from the fall collection that sold out about twenty years ago and the chandeliers are bound to be at least four times Theo's salary! Walking through those hallways is like stepping on opulence! A continuous loop of flashiness!
Ace: HEY! Get a hold of yourself! Let's go over to- Ah, Scarabia...
Kore: It's so hot there!!
Ace: Oh, yeah, you're super weak to heat so you'd definitely hate it there. Right?
Kore: Mm, hate is... I think that if it was the old me, I would never have even stepped in there. But now I feel like... Yeah! I definitely think that I can give it another try! Scarabia is pretty rich too, but it feels more homely? There's a lot of people gathered around and there are banquets and feasts pretty often too. It's always lively and warm... In a way, I imagine that's what a home would feel like...
Ace: ...
Kore: I can't say the same for Octavinelle however. Hmph!
Ace: Bwahaha, that's true. It really feels like you'd get scammed in there pretty quick.
Kore: Not even that! But building a dorm underwater? I admit the decor is pretty nice and classy, but the atmosphere is too cold! There's a lot of types that I can't get along with at all so it would definitely be a miserable time for me. No, I definitely don't want to set foot there ever again!
Ace: I totally get it~ All that commotion after the exams was enough for me too. Guess the same goes for Savanaclaw too, then?
Kore: ...
Ace: HA?!
Kore: I-I refuse to believe that anybody who loves Magift is a bad person!
Ace: There's that meathead in you talking again! Are you seriously that obsessed with it?! I feel like there's a sickness that applies in this case!!
Kore: He-Hey!! That's way too- I understand that what they did was bad, and I definitely haven't forgiven Kingscholar-senpai yet, but there are definitely good points to them as well! I think!
Ace: So you're not even sure?!
Kore: A-Anyway, as for Heartslaybyul-
Ace: Don't go changing the subject!
Kore: - if I had to pick that would be my favourite.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: I love Scarabia too, a lot, but at the end of the day all that rich atmosphere is scary. I really don't feel like I would belong there at all. I'd stick out like a sore thumb among everybody else - more than usual at the very least. But in Heartslaybyul, even if Rosehearts-senpai is strict, I feel like everybody is sort of content with the oddness. There's not much that stands out about it, but I think that's what makes it so appealing, you know?
Ace: ... So... what you're saying... Is that we're a shabby dorm full of weirdoes?
Kore: I-I wouldn't go that far...
Ace: But that's the gist of it, isn't it?!
Kore: Ummmmm...
Ace: ... Alright, I get it.
Kore: Huh?
Ace: You know, it just so happens that there's one more thing I have to tell you about.
Kore: One more thing?
Ace: Yup! You see, there's this tradition where the presenter has to give the 'gift of fortune' in order to make sure this ends up being a great birthday! And it just so happens that you're lucky enough to have me here today to deliver the goods~
Kore: Huh? What are you-
Kore: ...
Kore: ...
Ace: Oh man, the look on your face is hilarious! Oh, let me take a quick picture to show the others too!
Kore: ...
Ace: Ok, so then- He-Hey! Don't- AUGH! MY FOREHEAD!
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