#what do you mean this isn't a hobby about collecting pretty shuttles...
bobbinlacebliss · 1 year
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my tatting shuttle commission shipped!! the artist sent me this photo of what they look like, I'm so excited to see them in person. the one on the right is supposed to have a sort of shimmery effect when you see it irl. I'm also really interested to see how the pewter tips on that one work in practice - they're supposed to make it adjustable to the thickness of your thread so that it won't click so much, and also so that if the tips come apart you haven't trashed your shuttle (because they can easily be pushed back into place). I decided to get one with the metal fittings and one without, partially in case I don't like them, and partially because that rosewood is just SO pretty on its own, I didn't want to mess it up!
Here is the link to the artist's website
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