#what i'm saying is: i imagine the police force in graad operates very differently
bitchmael · 1 year
this might be me reading it wrong but while they obviously are Cops and pretty explicitly bastards because of it i'm not sure how 1:1 an analogy the rcm are supposed to be for real-world cops. like generally police forces are, in order to fulfil their role as the means of maintaining the state's monopoly on violence at home, empowered (both legally & logistically) to do whatever they need/want to do that and imo it's very telling that the game goes out of its way to say "the rcm are not allowed anywhere near breach-loading weapons". like the moralintern is apparently willing to allow the mercenaries to run around a civilian area carrying automatics but won't let (as i understood it) anyone in the rcm have them for any reason. couple this w the fact that the rcm was apparently started by the people of revachol themselves & allowed (there's that word again) to continue by the moralintern rather than being the MI's brainchild i think it speaks to some interesting tensions in the rcm's postion which are obscured by just calling them cops. which is not to say that they are not also cops.
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