#what if louis is the one who went home and alyx is in the tree
skye-huntress · 1 year
RWBY Volume 9 Reaction
Episode 6: Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds
Jaune does seem to be falling faster than Ruby did, but not as fast as Crescent Rose. He still ended up in the same place, but perhaps not too much earlier than anyone else. It’s a bit of a mystery how entry into the Ever After works.
Idiot, why did you have to pick the clock off the tree? Still, if he didn’t do it, would the story they all read as kids still be the same, or even exist at all? Jaune reads about the Rusted Knight as a kid, then ends up being the Rusted Knight. Time travel is always a headache. Despite his critical lack in judgment, he still seemed to figure out what happened.
So the two blue falling lights are Alyx, and her brother. I’m going to guess the spelling here, Louis?
Weiss, take a deep breathe and remember it’s still Jaune. Also from the rest of the episode, I don’t think he is quite as “mature” as his appearance suggests
What’s the point of saving lives if Salem destroys the world anyway? That’s definitely an Ironwood-level of dangerously flawed logic that will easily lead to the same dark place he went. But there is more than one way to look at a problem. From one perspective, Salem only needs two more Relics to win. Another way of looking at it, Salem needs to possess all four Relics at the same time in order to win. Salem doesn’t just need to steal the Relics, she also needs to hold on to them, otherwise someone else might steal them from her. In fact, we know it’s already happened once before.
That sudden mood change as soon as the Cat was mentioned was a but off-putting to me. I’m hesitant to jump to conclusions until I have the whole story.
Punderstorm? Really? I’m inclined to agree with Weiss but perhaps with more careful phrasing. If it wasn’t for Jaune’s lack of reaction or concerned, I’d have spent that whole thirty seconds fretting.
So Blake and Yang had their own thing to figure out. I could tell they were far enough along that what they were feeling was mutual, the only thing holding them back was that neither of them gave voice to what they were obviously feeling.
Back with the singles crowd, when they first started passing those mirror things, I almost missed it but my eye caught a bit of white when Ruby walked by one. They’re really hammering it home that Ruby’s actually problem goes all the way back to what happened with Summer.
The Fall of Atlas also weighs on Weiss’ mind, and naturally for Jaune there is Penny.
The problem with Jaune’s story is he doesn’t actually know any of the important details. Like with RWBY, he was so concerned with following the story, trying to force his own expectations on Alyx and the Ever After, he probably missed critical details or failed to question certain things
Jaune doesn’t know what happened to Alyx with the Herbalist, and he wasn’t with them at the tree to see what actually happened between Alyx and Louis.
That the tree and the Cat are part of ascension, I do believe. The Cat is the only being that can willing go to the tree. Their inquisitive nature leads them to seek out any changes in Ever Afterans to see if they need ascension. I don’t believe the Cat is even capable of deception or persuasion.
First off, they never actually agreed to take Team RWBY to the tree, in fact when asked directly, they refused outright. As they rightly pointed out, it was Team RWBY who tried to deceive the Cat into travelling with them by offering them knowledge. Regardless of their intentions, it was Team RWBY who tried to use the Cat to achieve their own goals
But more importantly, according to Jaune, Alyx changed after talking with the Herbalist. Ruby almost changed, too, but the Cat intervened, and afterwards expressed gratitude that Team RWBY remained the same. The Cat came back to prevent what happened to Alyx from happening to Ruby.
As far the Cat’s insistence that the tree wouldn’t automatically change non-Ever Afterans, I believe them. The Cat seeks knowledge and gives it when asked, and even they didn’t seem to know what exactly happened with Alyx and Louis.
And Jaune’s theory that Alyx sacrificed Louis to the tree to return to Remnant is just a theory. We don’t know enough about what happened to either of them. My intuition tells me we’re still missing something crucial.
Crescent Rose is finally returned to Ruby, but she now harbours such deep doubts about herself that she can no longer accept that part of herself. But there’s another greater problem.
Based on Jaune’s theory, a sacrifice is needed to get out of the Ever After. If Ruby no longer believes that Ruby Rose is enough to stop Salem, would she sacrifice herself to send someone else to Remnant that she believes can?
Let’s go back to Alyx for a minute. Each of WBY had a different interpretation for her actions from the book. Blake believed she was ignorant of the customs of the Ever Afterans and that lead to her making mistakes. Yang believed she was “kind of a bad person”, lying and cheating her way through the story. Weiss believed she was just trying to survive despite all the stupid rules of the Ever After. Based on what we’ve heard from Jaune and the Cat, I am now convinced all three of them were actually correct. Alyx didn’t understand the Ever After, and she didn’t want to, she just wanted to get home, so she did whatever she was convinced was necessary to get back to Remnant. And Team RWBY are not much different and have been following Alyx’s bad example. Well, assuming whoever came back to Remnant and wrote that book was still Alyx.
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