#what im saying is that i don't want buck to spend anytime at all on eddie while eddie identifies as str8
dykeyangel · 1 month
truly truly ecstatic over the fact that Oliver and Ryan seem to be on the same page about telling a story about a close intimate platonic relationship between a queer man and a straight guy. like yeah obviously it would be very cool if Buck and Eddie got together but do you know how tired I am of "the gay best friend is in love with the straight protagonist" trope? its exhausting and is ALWAYS a byproduct of heterosexuals writing gay people bc they think every gay person has to unequivocally be in love with the nearest straight person. it's so frustrating watching the audience treat the gay character as pathetic or desperate or at worst predatory or misogynistic towards the straight protags female love interests. that does way more harm than good and I'm happy we're all on the same page about that
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Unexpected Arrival - 7
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn’t exciting enough…. an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
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"You’re holding back on me Steve" i smirked at the Captain as i got back to my feet and took my stance again.
"Is it that obvious?" He laughed shrugging a shoulder "just thought you should ease back into training"
"Im fine! its been 6 months since i had Evie and Ive already been training with Sam and Nat a few times a week"
"Still, i think we should take it easy doll"
"Scared i'll kick your ass Captain?" I taunted him, he grabbed me suddenly and swept my legs from under me. We both landed on the mats laughing with me pinned beneath him.
"Im not concerned about that...you’re harmless" he winked before laughing again. I suddenly wrapped my legs around his head catching him off guard and flipped him over.
"Huh, would you look at that.... not as harmless as you think" i shrugged sitting on his chest with my thighs still round his head, it was only then that i realised i was practically straddling his face!!
"Apparently not!....Nat teach you that move?"
"Of course she did" i laughed before standing up and going to grab my water bottle from the side. As i turned i saw Bucky standing in the doorway with his arms crossed across his chest.
"Hey baby" i smiled, i was always happy when i saw Bucky.
"Hey" he gave me a tight smile before looking over at Steve "you two looked like you were having fun".
"I was just proving to Steve that im not to be messed with. Called me harmless can you believe that?? Me!" I told Bucky while looking at Steve, it was then i noticed the looks between the two super soldiers, i'd have to ask Bucky what that was about later. "Ive been trained by The Winter Soldier, The Black Widow and good ol' Captain America himself and you call me harmless?? Shame on you Steve" i shook my head acting disappointed in him.
"Im sorry okay, i take it back" he laughed holding his hands up in surrender.
"So you should" i nodded smugly before walking over and wrapping my arms around Bucky's waist "I missed you" i said looking up at him lovingly "please dont leave me again"
"Doll i only went into town for a couple of hours" Bucky laughed pulling me closer.
"I know but it was too long! Let me go take a shower and then we can curl up and watch a movie while Nat has Evie"
"Sounds like a plan, maybe i should join you in the shower?" He mumbled before pressing a kiss to my lips.
"Mmmm maybe you should" i nodded quickly liking that idea a lot! "Thanks for the training session Steve, same time tomorrow?" I said over my shoulder as we headed towards the door.
"Sure thing doll, i'll be here" he said with a slight smile as he nodded.
"See ya pal" Bucky called to Steve before picking me up and rushing back to our room.
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"Hey babe?" I said walking over to the sofa with my glass of wine and Bucky's beer "can i ask you something?"
"Of course you can, whats on your mind doll?" Bucky asked taking his beer and lifting his arm up to allow me to cuddle up to him.
"Whats going on with you and Steve lately?" I asked, i felt his body tense before he looked down at me looking confused.
"What do you mean?"
"You've both been acting weird, I've noticed these looks between you.... like you’re pissed at each other"
"Really?? When?"
"Ive noticed it a few times, but i saw it today in the gym"
"You mean after i saw you straddling that punks face?"
"That was an accident! I didn't think that move through, instinct just kicked in" i shrugged laughing.
"Well don't do it again, my face is the only face aloud between your legs doll" he said burying his face in my neck and kissing me.
"Bucky Barnes! Did you not get enough in the shower??" I giggled as he continued his assault on my neck, his metal hand sneaking under my jumper making its way up to cup my breast.
"I can never get enough of you sweetheart, you drive me crazy" he mumbled "I'm the luckiest guy in the world having you as my girl"
"Im the lucky one Buck, but we might have to finish this later" i told him running my fingers through his hair.
"What? Why?"
"Nat will be bringing Evie back any minute"
"Cant believe I'm being cock blocked by my 6 month old...... can we at least make out until they get here?" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows before practically pouncing on me.
"Mom, dad we're home!!" Nat called 5 minutes later as she entered our shared apartment carrying Evie on her hip, Bucky and I had quickly parted hearing the door open.
"Hey, how was your day?"
"It was really good, little miss is exhausted but she wont give in and go to sleep"
"Yeah she's a proper daddy's girl at the moment, wont sleep until she's cuddled up to him"
Bucky walked over and as soon as Evie saw him she was reaching for him, Nat grumbled something as she passed Evie over to him.
"Hey my beautiful girl" he beamed at her and pecked loads of kisses on her face. Evie laughed before burying herself into Bucky's neck and starting to fall asleep.
"Nat why is my baby wearing a horse suit??" Bucky asked her raising his eyebrows as he looked Evie over.
"Its a unicorn! And she looks cute thats why" Nat shrugged her shoulders.
"Its cute Buck i gotta admit"
"Shes always cute no matter what shes wearing"
"Well i'll let you guys get lil miss to bed and enjoy your night, thanks for letting me spend time with Evie today" Nat smiled, she loved Evie so much and would often ask if she could take her out for the day. At first we found it hard to part with our beautiful girl but we soon appreciated the time it gave us alone, where we could enjoy being together as Y/N and Bucky and not Mom & Dad. We knew Evie was in good hands with her auntie Nat, the woman who would kill anyone who even looked at her funny.
"Thanks for wanting to spend time with her Nat it means alot to us"
"Anytime, you know i love that girl"
I gave Nat a quick hug and then she turned and left us to get Evie to bed.
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The following morning i woke up early,  showered and dressed ready for my training session with Steve all before Evie or Bucky woke up.
"Buck?.... baby I'm just going to train with Steve for a hour or so" i said gently brushing his hair back from his face, he slowly opened his eyes.
"huh? Where you going?"
"Training with Steve, you okay with Evie?"
"Yeah sure"
"I wont be too long"
"You wearing that?" Bucky suddenly asked sitting up looking me over, i was wearing yoga pants and a sports bra with Bucky's black hoodie that i had laid claim to months ago.
"Yeah..... why?"
"Dont you want to put on a shirt?"
"This is what i always wear to train" i said looking totally confused at what he was saying.
"Why dont you train with me? Give me a couple minutes and i'll come with you. Nat can watch Evie"
"I cant Buck, Steve's probably already down there waiting because I'm running late"
"You dont wanna train with me?"
"Yeah of course i do! But i cant just leave Steve waiting for me. We can train tomorrow i promise.....I'll be back before you know it" i quickly kissed him before rushing out before he could say anything else about me training with Steve.
It was safe to say that i was a little distracted while training, i still couldn't shake the feeling Bucky wasn't telling me something and that something had to do with Steve.
"You okay Y/N? You seem a million miles away this morning" Steve suddenly asked as he held the punching bag as i carried out the combo he wanted me to do.
"I don't know" i stopped my punches to look at Steve "whats going on with you and Bucky? And don't say nothing!"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know what it is but i can tell theres something going on! You two were always so close and now i catch you throwing death glares at each other when you think no ones looking!"
"Its nothing you need to worry about, we're just butting heads over a difference of opinions..."
"Its not important doll, you know how stubborn we both can be...."
"Steve Rogers you are a crappy liar!" I pointed a finger at him "Now tell me what its really about".
Steve shuffled around on the spot avoiding eye contact with me.
"It doesn't matter...."
"It does to me! I hate whatever this is between you two. He even asked me to train with him this morning after questioning what i was wearing..... wait... is he trying to keep me away from you?" I asked Steve even though it sounded absolutely crazy that Bucky wouldn't want me spending time with Steve, Steve was one of my best friends!
"Its possible, yeah" Steve nodded.
"But why?"
"A couple months back Bucky asked me a question" Steve started to say but stopped suddenly looking nervous.
"Okay.... what did he ask you?"
Steve looked up at me, finally meeting my eyes as he took a deep breath.
"He.... he asked me if i had feelings for you".
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