#what is Lihio's request?!?! find out next time!
@lupina36-blog of ao3 and Tumblr!
I've loved Trigun for years! Vash is such a wonderful man!!! I would therefore like to make a request for an OS in which the Reader comes from another planet and is on a research mission on Gunsmoke and meets Vash who is unabashedly flirting with her and is keen to get to know her better, which the Readers do thrown into quite a dilema. Because on the one hand she likes the blonde very much and she thinks that he has beautiful eyes, on the other hand she is of course not allowed to tell him that she comes from another planet or that she is an alien. Would it be possible?
A/N: Anything is possible! I'll make it possible!!! Such a wonderful concept deserves to come to life! I'll be placing this during Episode 14 in Trigun 98. During the episode he has like, no screen time. I love hearing about Lihio, and your otp makes me so happy! Let's fuckin gooooo
This will be 2 parts, minimum. This first one is kinda short, because I have better ideas for part 2!
Adventures of Lihio-Minaa: Episode 1
The Mission is Compromised
Landing in the sand just outside of a small town of Gunsmoke, her skin color changing from her beautiful green to a modest tan.
Lihio-Minaa brought her goggles over her eyes to check over her most recent mission checkpoints. She had been sent to Gunsmoke to check on the humans quality of life, their cohabitation ratio with Plants, and progress of life since crashing on this planet 130 years ago. The Federation found it odd that life as fragile as a humans had managed to survive on a planet like this for this long. 
She trekked into town, nearly regretting wearing her sneakers as she felt the sand sinking into them. She lifted her goggles as the wind died down around her, the buildings of the little town of Promotory. She had noticed the small few acres of geoplants on the land of one resident. Everyone else seemed pretty miserable.
They went about their day to day, sure, but their dopamine levels and serotonin levels were so low, Lihio could barely tell they were alive. She couldn't believe they were even functioning.
Making her way to a local saloon, the levels seemed to be higher there, as patrons drank and smoked to their heart's content. Not wishing to deal with the rowdy crowd, she turned to leave, bumping into someone.
She looked up to see a man in a long red duster coat. His luscious blond hair defied gravity as it stuck upwards like fields of wheat. His eyes, surprised but quickly melting at the sight of her, reminded her of the waterfalls of Virmire. A beautiful blue when shining in the sun, yet his eyes retained that color in the shade of the bar. 
"Oh Sorry, Miss, I didn't mean to run into ya!" He was surprised, "Why don't I buy you a drink as an apology?" He offered. There were no underlying motives in his voice. 
"Um, sure." Lihio nodded. He guided her to the bar, ordering a bottle for the two of them to share. The stuff was cheap, but tasty. 
"I haven't seen you around, before, are you new in town?" He asked after taking a drink, allowing the alcohol to seep into his system. A quiet beep from her goggles that could only be heard by Lihio, meant she should check her Glass Ware. This was the computer she kept in the safety of her goggles. She couldn't do that with this man here.
"Yeah, I just stumbled in today. Got tired of being cooped up at home, and decided to go on an adventure." She shrugged, taking a drink of the whiskey, not feeling much. With the alcohol loosening his mind, she did a gentle search into his mind to see what this planet was like.
She blinked, flabbergasted. She'd seen too much. Too much for any more human to have in his head. Life on the Seed ships, a mother figure, the Fall, his hardships. The trials he faced… a brother… a wanted poster with his face… a door of locked memories he didn't have access to. This man… he was a plant. An independent plant.
Lihio hadn't met many independent plants in her time, but she knew they were a species that lived for a long time, as long as nothing happened to them. They didn't seem to die from aging. He isn't that much older than she is. 
"W-what's wrong?" He said, noticing Lihio's surprised face.
"O-Oh, I just realized I don't even know your name, stranger!" She said, recovering. The man gave a light chuckle.
"My name is Vash the Stampede." He held his hand out to shake.
"Lihio-Minaa. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Stampede." Lihio shook his hand and nodded.
"Lihio, what a beautiful name!" He smiled, "It sounds like… standing in a tall field of flowers…" he closed his eyes, as he imagined standing in a field of sunflowers. A memory from the seed ship, no doubt.
"Thank you. And Vash is quite a beautiful name as well." She complimented.
"I think you would look lovely with a crown made of little flowers, or a beautiful bouquet in your hands." He continued, a gentle smile on his face that sent a shiver up Lihio's spine. 
 'This man is a problem' Lihio nearly frowned at the thought. She liked him a lot. He'd been through so many hardships. He had a wealth of information about this planet, its people, and its tragedies. She had seen a memory of his scars. So many scars that covered him from head to toe.
This long life had not been kind to him. She saw friends, people he called family, only to betray him. Humans who lived such short lives, yet he loved them unconditionally, no matter what sin they created. 
"You okay? You seem lost in thought." He asked gently. His eyes looked worried.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just admiring your coat. It's a lovely color." Lihio recovered.
"Ah, Thanks. It was a gift from my family." The thought of the ship that still floated above Gunsmoke drifted through his mind at the memory, "I need to go home and visit them sometime." He nodded. 
"I know the feeling. It's… been quite a while since I left my home." She nodded. This was a fib, honestly. She'd been home maybe a few years ago. Work had kept her busy.
The two of them talked about anything and everything, allowing Lihio to get her information about this planet and its inhabitants. This planet desperately needed help, and she would bring it to them. 
While Vash was partying it up with the locals, she snuck out of the bar. She was a few buildings down when she heard Vash's voice.
"Hey! Aren't you gonna stick around?" He jogged up to her, and an orange and green necktie swayed, smacking him in the face as he drunkenly tottered.
"I have to go, Vash. I had an amazing time."
"Whaaaat? C'mon, stay a little longer!" He whined, gently patting her head, "it'll be fun!" 
"I'm sorry. I would love to stay, but I can't." She frowned up at him. He looked drunk enough that he might not remember anything in the morning. 
"Goodbye, Vash. I'll miss you." She stepped back from him, and clicked her watch, her skin returning to a pale green and she was beamed back up to her ship. 
Lihio walked to her bosses office, practically breaking down the door in her excitement. 
"Sir, I have a request!"
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