#wheeee i'm back with a brand new chapter babey
tsaritsa · 3 years
and delivered a crime (ch2)
Sometimes he thinks that it’s too easy a plan — too simple, too obvious for it to actually work as intended. He trusts Hawkeye implicitly in all matters concerning his life — literally and otherwise — but previously her contributions to their long-term plans had been of a more pragmatic eye than an idealising one. She was the one that would poke holes in his logic, tease out any hint of weakness and exploit it to the fullest. Perhaps he had grown too comfortable with the expectation that she would remain there, patiently but methodically cutting through his heart’s instinct to react and instead honing it into a well-oiled weapon ready to aim wherever he pleased.
Once again though, he finds himself marvelling at just how accomplished his Captain is. Pregnancy becomes her: if you knew she was pregnant, it would be obvious. But the people who answer to her, those in the immediate office — all seem oblivious to the slight-but-if-you-just-look-this-way angle that fills in her jacket, the healthy glow that seems to emanate from within. Maybe it’s all in his head. Maybe the uniform does hide all manner of sins. There is power in her voice that he hasn’t recognised before, a quirk in her smile as she hands him the dossiers of the day from high command. The two of them are drowning and delighting in the secret, though privately Mustang wonders if it will all come crashing down once the intended recipient of these actions catches wind. He knows there are eyes in this office that will chatter elsewhere if he so much as comes down with a runny nose; it seems beyond comprehension that they’ve managed to carry on the way they have without raising some alarm bells somewhere.
He looks up to see Hawkeye close the door to his office with a quiet click, arms not characteristically full of research papers like he has come to expect of her as of late. The Eastern sector is almost done with the State Alchemist’s re-certification for this quarter, and the two of them have been running ragged cross-referencing and interviewing academics to ascertain the validity and originality of research. All alchemists under his immediate purview have passed, but there are a number under a Brigadier General stationed at New Optain that will require further investigation. A smile pulls at his lips at the thought. Although his responsibilities were equally split between East and Central, Major General Hakuro had struggled to regain credibility after his actions leading to the late President’s train bombing assassination attempt. Grumman had little patience for the man as a General, and even less now as Führer. It would be nice to do a little needling under the guise of looking out for his fellow General.
“What can I do you for Captain?” He leans back in his chair, stretching his neck side to side.
“I’m going to let the office know I’m pregnant.” She could’ve been describing the day’s weather report for all the gravitas she places in this announcement.
Mustang jerks inelegantly, and struggles to maintain his balance in his chair. “What? I — uh, why — why would you — what?”
read the rest on ao3
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