#when I decide to go full rampage on him like on my G'raha I'll be more detailed about things.
magusinferi · 4 years
Some random headcanons // not in full detail right now but to give a glimpse on my portrayal. 
Hades was an Amaurotian who knew very little of their Star since he never travelled; and albeit most of his brethren at least indulged in such activity every few hundred years – mostly for inspirational purposes – he never did. Due to his unique connection to the Underworld he often could glimpse upon the souls, quietly listening to their tales.
His abilities were indeed quite spread among his kin, yet Hades was the only one who could influence the flow of the Underworld in such way that it almost seemed as if he could control it. Though many were blessed to see the living souls, a true gift of nature, passing, he was amongst very few who could recognize their true shapes, saw their natures in the different hues and could listen to their untold stories. Due to such unique skill he, at least per name, was well known.
Hades never particularly enjoyed being around his brethren; mayhap since he was so indifferent. For many eons he could, in fact, rest in absolute loneliness without ever feeling truly lonely. Even as child – one time so far in the past that only very few of his immortal kin could claim to have known him back then – his affinity to the Underworld had been so very strong that he found friends within the most pristine lifeforms without one vessel.
For the longest of time Hythlodaeus was his only friend; and it took them several decades to become as close to the other. Nonetheless, due to them being almost equally gifted, Hades indeed found pleasure in talking to the other for a few hundred years, albeit never being much of a talker. They would spend hours over debating the soul storm within the Underworld itself, attempting to guess every soul’s tale and history.
Since Hyhtlodaeus was, despite his gift, also quite interested in common conversation with their brethren – thus there came a time that his friend was often called elsewhere, particularly because of his gift. Because unlike him he was indeed also very gifted to make new friendships. Hades had avoided his own kin for so many eons that he had become almost a stranger to them, and only very few would dare to speak to him. So he started to distance himself once again, despite his friend’s best endeavor to include him in their society.
Hades met the 14th, Azem, long before they took upon the seat in the convocation. One kind soul, indeed, who so very often helped those in need. They noticed that Hades was shunned; and knowing of his talents they would often ask him for assistance – which he, much to their surprise in the beginning – immediately provided. Thus it became regular for them to visit Hades; also to share their knowledge of the world with him.
The only time Hades truly found pleasure upon listening to stories of their Star was when Azem visited him. Unfortunately they would often leave, sometimes even for several hundred years, but then he could also enjoy their tales for decades as well. When his adventurous friend got called, he was not surprised – knowing of no one more fitting.
Hades has loved Azem, long before they disappeared – long before he even took the mantle of Emet-Selch. Upon their many departures he would, for the first time ever, feel unrest deep inside; and his loneliness could not be cured by watching the Underworld alone. As heartbroken as he was, he always remained indifferent when they returned; never revealing his feelings.
Hythlodaeus was the only one who knew of his affections. The person mentioned in Hades’ short story, the one Hythlodaeus mentions and wants him to talk to, is in fact Azem.
Albeit Hades was more gifted than Hythlodaeus it was his own ignorant nature, his lack of interest to interact with his brethren, which took his first chance to join the convocation. However, though loved by their entire kin, Hythlodaeus did not accept the mantle of Emet-Selch for Hades’ sake, hoping to help his lonely friend by giving him true purpose.
Hades was, in fact, a very kind and empathic person deep inside – yet it was challenging for him to speak of such emotions. Only his closest friends knew of this side of him – which also resulted them of not being offended when he acted distant and cold. Knowing he always wanted to do good, and never harm.
Although his own power was boundless, even compared to his own powerful brethren, Hades never particularly liked to display his skill – nor to show himself in his truest form. Only Hythlodaeus could make him change to his true self and form when needed.
Emet-Selch knew, due to his very abilities of being able to see the very core of one soul, that the Warrior of Light was indeed one shard of his former beloved. It was for this reason he was so obsessed with them; it was for this very reason he – somewhere deep inside – had not given up hope yet. On them. Yet he lost this hope in the moment the Warrior of Light failed to contain all the pure Light inside their body, proving once again that their soul, their fragile body were not worthy. Merely a shadow.
The aethereal lamp Emet-Selch bestowed to the Warrior of Light during the MSQ is indeed one he had once gifted Azem for one of their many quests. Prior the Final Days he would often hear Azem whistling when they needed him; thus he, in some way, told them the very same by pure instinct – seeing the shade of their soul so very clear in front of him.
Emet-Selch had actually kept his kindness, his empathy for many, many eons. Though he played a major role in the creation of the Allag, he was not responsible for their downfall as he had merely assisted them during the Golden Age. The Crystal Tower is also his very own creation; perchance one reminder to himself that there might yet be hope in their sundered souls.
He lost his love, his patience and kindness merely a few decades ago when his firstborn, the very first child he had ever sired in his eternity of life, died from natural cause. In the very beginning his love for the newborn had blossomed so well that he had become so very willing to accept the current state of the world. And yet his love withered. He was there when his son died in his arms – and he indeed saw how the soul slipped away, drifting to the Underworld. In this moment his hatred grew; his heart became numb. And he knew this world, how it was, was not allowed to exist.
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