#when I get to Scherzo I'll transcribe that one
rjalker · 2 years
"Try to investigate a little further, Charley, find out where we've landed this time."
"How do I do that? I can't even see my hand in front of my face?"
"Sight is just one of your five senses, what do the others tell you?"
"Well, I can't hear anything."
"Nothing at all."
"Well even that might be a clue -- we've landed somewhere silent."
"Not a very interesting clue, though."
"No, fair enough. How about smell?"
"Oh, it's a bit musty, but I think I can smell...fruit."
"Yes, it is fruit! Oranges, lemons, I can distinctly smell lemons!"
"Silent and fruity, sounds enchanting! There's one torch, now where's the other..."
"And touch.,,"
"Be careful, Charley."
"Oh, there's a wall on my left, and on my right...no, I can feel something, another wall--oh!"
*the sound of shattering glass*
"Charley? Charley! Are you alright?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Wait, wait, wait, let me turn the torch on. Oh, I'm so sorry Charley, that was stupid of me. Oh, Charley!"
"What is it? Is that...blood?"
"I think so."
"But, there's so much of it. How can there be so much of it?"
"Don't move, Charley, you may have severed an artery, let me look."
"I don't feel anything, Doctor, no pain at all!"
"Shock, I expect, oh, if only it wasn't so dark! Oh."
"What is it?"
"I think you can relax, Charley."
"But the blood!"
"Mm. It's jam. Raspberry jam if I'm not mistaken, rather nice, in fact."
"I must have knocked a jar of it onto the floor..."
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