#when really i didn't wanna go mostly bc it's like. a coping mechanism i don't want to let go of in case i need it
cronenfag · 29 days
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okay peace and love i'm never posting like that again
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haloburns · 3 months
(from this post)
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
hmmm.... i like genuine surprises, like when an author updates a fic after a while, but i hated planned surprises?? like when people plan to Surprise Me with A Thing, i don't like that very much. mostly bc i hate the social expectation of formulating a response aljsdlkfjsdkjf
now in terms of writing, surprises like "oh here's a new headcanon about ur OC" that just...happen...to me while i'm writing get mixed reactions aksldjfdsk sometimes im SUPER EXCITED bc it makes xyz easier, sometimes i get irrationally angry bc DAMMIT NOW I HAVE TO CHANGE XYZ TO FIT. most of the time, tho, writing is just. surprise after surprise lmao
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
@dreamwraith is one of my FAVORITEST EVER authors, anything he writes, i will read.
@emeraldsandamethyst is another friend of mine whose works are INCREDIBLE, both funny and angsty, and GODS her smut is like. some of the best out there.
OH and anything @not-close-to-straight writes??? instantly opened and read. the fic i currently highly recommend from her is Territorial, bc HOLY SHIT vampires, but literally anything she's written i will tell people about.
i am reading a Linked Universe-related fic that i would recommend but a) i'm not dragging myself in public for that alskdjfkdjf and b) it has A Lot of Stuff that i would want to warn about before ppl jump into it. it is fucking GODS-TIER level good, and i'm in a discord with the author and some other fans and it's just...so much fun, i love that series and the discord sm. if u wanna know what it is, just dm me!
BUT WAIT ACTUALLY there is another linked universe-related series I LOVE that i will recommend: Linked Universe Townhouse AU by St0rmy it is SO FUCKING GOOD, i could talk about it all day. anything st0rmy writes, i recommend. she's a wonderful author and writes SUCH GOOD, COMPLEX CHARACTERS AND HER FIGHT SCENES???? THAT ONE FIGHT SCENE IN THE BRAVE????? OH MY GODS.
im really bad at recs, bc all knowledge of my fav fics and authors leaves my head immediately after being asked, but these are the ones on my brain currently!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
ohhhhhh okay, so this is a headcanon for mateo, my dp oc that i ship with danny. i wrote it out SOME in "stay for dinner?" but its full implications haven't been revealed yet, so here ya go!
mateo is a WONDERFUL liar. like. scary good at it. and its not bc he enjoys it, or whatever, but it was a coping mechanism he developed while dating this guy, santiago 'tiago'. kid was tryna be big and get in good with the gangs and dragged mateo along with him. mateo, young and naive, went along with it bc he liked tiago and he was slowly figuring out that he was attracted to danger so he didn't realize how bad it was until it was too late. after they broke up, the lying didn't necessarily go away, he just stopped doing it so often. but lying IS a skill that's needed, and he uses it when he needs to with danny (especially after his core begins to develop)
HOWEVER. he can't lie about like. petty shit?? or like when danny catches him doing something silly and calls him out (teasing) on it, he is suddenly THEE WORST LIAR ON THE PLANET (which just in turn reinforces the idea that he's a terrible liar overall to danny, which protects mateo's secrets further). danny's also oblivious, so he doesn't often catch him in a true lie. THAT is reserved for vanessa, emrys, manaia, luke, and eventually, dan. basically, everyone but danny (and nikau, poor bab) can see it alsflksjdfl
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