#when they cant get ahold of Bad and Phil
multi-fandom-agereg · 8 months
srry for all caps i got realllllly excited !!
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Regressor!CTOMMY 🍓
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🛸 a/n, Hello Tommie!! 👋 nice to say hi:D honestly, funfact! I was always planning to add mcyt to my ABC list but was nervous to^^" doesn't matter though bc we're here rn! So here you go! + Q!regressor Jaiden hcs as well (just getting into the QSMP, so bare with me jajs)
🍼 image credits : middle image is from ApolloSauce on pinterest — the other images are also from pinterest !
⚠️ : Bug mentioning (stuffie species + brief)
🍓 hc count : 13 + 5
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🍓 : Tommy is a bunch of.. something. Especially when regressed. And that isn't a bad thing! Hes such a mischievous fluffball that is always craving attention from either his friends, sibbies, caretakers or babysitters!
🍓 : oh he bites.. he bites and bites some more. He can either bite when he wants attention or he's fussy and wants something. If he bites lightly to where you cant feel it when he's doing it to get your attention. (Or to get on your nerves) if he bites to where you'll wince or anything— then better give your full attention to him>:(
🍓 : pouty, especially when tired. He barely listens to the rules and loves to get into stuff he can't get into, and that especially includes bedtime. Will throw fits, do tiny stomps and cries. Don't worry though, Tommy literally trained himself to cry when he needed to (mostly to get out of bedtime or wanting extra attention) but usually that backfires when he tires himself out then he goes down for the nap
🍓 : do not let the boy get ahold of enderpearls for the sake of anyone babysitting/watching over him— he doesn't usually get far but he got into a tree and refused to get out. Spent hours trying to lure and get Tommy out of the tree.. safe to say it wasn't gonna happen again anytime soon
🍓 : unsure about his little age but I think he'd be in-between a young kid regressor and toddler. Maybe around 4-9. When he's the most active he'll most likely be around 8-9! When he's In the slow energy and fussy days he's about 4-6
🍓 : do not separate him from his tubbo disc. He'll throw a fit and bite someone. When he has ahold of this disc he won't let it go. Takes it to his adventures and makes his sitters play it on repeat
🍓 : has a raccoon stuffie named Rexus and a beetle stuffie named stray. Like tubbo's disc, do not separate them. He won't stop crying until he got them back
🍓 : doesn't have a permanent cg per say, but he's babysat by a decent amount of people on the server (Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil and sometimes Bad) but I'd think he's mostly around Phil and them!
🍓 : he'd beg to play dress up with anyone he can get ahold of if they're not busy. If they agree he is the prince. No buts or whys! He's the prince afterall (he always plays the prince. If he doesn't he'll just fall to the ground and NOT move for hours until the other person decides he can be the prince)
🍓 : headcanon that tubbo and Wilbur reads books to him! Specially any fairytales that include prince and princesses or animals
🍓 : collects flowers and gives to everyone he can find,, I don't know I think its a cute hc 😭
🍓: speaking of flowers, he once made a small flower crown and tied it to the back of ranboo's tail. Safe to say that took hours of trying to get off by yourself. You can say tommy is skillful of tieing knots. How did he manage to tie stems without it snapping? Who knows!
🍓 : loves calling his caretakers Bubba. If puffy ends up being the babysitter he calls her mama!
Reg!Jaiden 🐣
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🐣 : I think she regresses a bit older! Maybe around 10-12. Around rare occasions she regresses younger (6-7)
🐣 : she's a sleepy regressor. She regresses only around nighttime or when she's tired. So when she regresses she prefers low energized actives
🐣 : owns only bird gear! Clothes, onsies, sippy, stuffies and wings she made herself! She loves anything bird related ^^
🐣 : she named her favorite stuffie after Ari! You can't separate them>:(
🐣 : best little to cuddle with. She likes physical touch (specially hugs, cuddles and being held) she would be like this for hours
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limelocked · 3 years
I'm kinda interested of Sapnap's perspective during the MCC in the hermit au. I'm assuming it's been a few months since Dream escaped so I wonder if Sapnap feels happy, sad, or even a little jealous when seeing Dream with the hermits.
this has been sitting in my inbox for literal months but someone just reblogged the post it was based of so im gonna be updating based on current hermit dream thoughts first then go into sapnap (warning that it might be less than stellar since im not familiar with his character too much)
the team is dream, ren, gem, and cub. dream only vaguely knows gem but she reminds him of a number of people from his own server, not in a bad way, while ren and cub he knew more or less from previous mccs and who hed had to lightly fight scott to be a team with.
he is confident
he avoided sapnap during tag, there had been no battle box or survival games yet, it was break, and dream was running because while talking to his team he'd seen sapnap walking towards them and while he rationally knew that he couldnt be hurt in the hub there was something, weither it was fear of being drug back to pandoras or it was the fear of having to talk at all with the friend that promised him death... who knew
dream hadnt been in the last few mccs which was, by all metrics, weird. he'd been in a few of them during his imprisonment but it was never a fun affair and they never looked in the eye. this, amongst other things, was why sapnap was surprised to see the teams of the months event and to see dream playing with all new people.
he cant get ahold of him on the training server or via messages, he asks george, even phil and wilbur, but no one has seen much of him even though the leaderboards show he has been practicing. he even schedules a visit at the prison where techno tells him that he's not seen dream for months , and could he please get sam to let him out before quackity starts getting torturin ideas again
this is why sapnap doesnt really know how he feels when dream masterfully avoids him like this is some sick game of manhunt in the middle of a tournament. it feels obvious but he also feels betrayed, irritation and resignation bubbling up into a simmering anger because why doesnt he just fucking face me!
its with these conflicting feelings that he now runs after dream, ignoring the shouts of the team dream left behind, and following in the ever chaise that was once their friendship. and when he drives dream into a corner, and see how scared he is, that anger and frustration and betrayal.... its still there... but he cant act on it
because his best friend looks like a wounded deer in front of a hungry wolf
so he just says "hi", a restrained but genuine hi, and doesnt follow when dream sprints away
he tells george first, then he goes back to his team, confused, resigned, melancholic
while dream runs home, and ren hands him an armful of pinecones
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clown-bait · 6 years
Paranormal Journeys Part 7 (Monster Roommate AU)
WOW I FINALLY DID IT. So I started a new job and things have been NUTS but this fic is not dead and I am determined to finish it. And dont you worry folks I’m a stubborn ass who does not quit. So here it is the next chapter. Leech gets tortured a bit and Penny visits an old friend. Hope you guys like it!
Ch 7 Mike Hanlon gets a Visitor
A screech echoed though the old barn of the former Hanlon sheep farm. Leech glanced furiously around the stall she was in. A moment ago she was full and happy then suddenly a cloth was pressed to her mouth and a bag over her head.
Her head snapped in the direction of footsteps and she tried to charge with supernatural speed but felt a short chain attached to her neck snap tight. The nosferatu snapped her jaws in frustration.
“Ok guys get everything ready make sure the cameras are rolling and somebody wake up Chris.” Zander shouted as he approached the struggling vampire.
“Don't worry we’re going to help you.”
The ghost hunter pulled a cross from his coat and held it out at the nosferatu who began to hiss loud and sweat. He quickly put it away at her reaction.
“She's possessed all right, did you see how much she recoiled in terror? this is definitely a powerful demon were dealing with here”
“Demon?! Motherfucker I'm friends with demons, you wouldn't know a demon if it came up and bit you in the ass.” Leech spat and pulled on her chain.
“Note the foul language and denial. The creature that has ahold of her is definitely scared and trying to protect its self.”
“Protect myself from what? This shit show excuse of a reality tv exorcism? Tell ya what, if you free my hands i’ll spew pea soup at big boy over there and speak latin backwards. These shackles are tight as fuck can’t a girl get a little comfort?”
“Gosh its foul mouthed.” the bigger ghost hunter said to the team.
“Yeah thats how they are bro it's definitely going to try to provoke us. Whatever you do don't engage.” Zander said to his team mate while placing different items on a table
“You started it.” Leech mumbled. “What are those?”
“We're going to force you out of this poor girl.”
“AH! So its to be torture! I can cope with torture.” Leech flashed a cocky grin and wiggled her eyebrows expectantly.
“Did you…. steal that line from Princess Bride?” the bigger ghost hunter Rick asked her.
“Eeeyyy! Someone finally gets my references! And to think I was gonna eat this guy first!”
“RICK don't engage it!” Zander hissed
“Found our villain! Now tell me do you have six fingers on your left hand or am I gonna be calling you Humperdink”
“I think it was the right hand” Rick interjected
“Huh no shi-OW FUCK JESUS CHRIST!!!” Leech screamed as holy water was flung at her face by the lead ghost hunter. A cluster of painful burns began to bubble on her skin where the water had landed. “RUDE!”
“Silence demon!”
“I’M NOT A DEMON! GOD you are like the biggest edge lord! What’s next? You gonna start shouting bible verses too like they do in the movies?” she snarled as Chris walked in the room.
“Z I had the weirdest fucking dream.”
“Not now bro we’re doing the exorcism.”
“Yeah poorly. Bet you dickbags got all your training from bad horror movies and porn parodies.”
“Sheesh that thing is nasty” Chris winced
“Demon Dick 5?” the Rick asked as his companions glared at him in shock and annoyance.
“One of my favorites Rick. I like this guy have him do the exorcism!”
“We've already wasted enough time!” Zander shouted and picked up a book from the table he began to read a passage and Leech dramatically pretended to hiss and writhe her tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Hahaha Man oh man if Phil could hear you guys talking about him like this he'd be laughing with me just as hard! Shit wait somebody text him for me!”
“Why would we do that? Also who's phil?”
“Oh right, Phil is Satan we used to play poker together before my boyfriend banned it from the house. Not my doing for once lets get that clear.”
“Don't listen to a word its saying guys”
“Aw come on Humperdink let me just text my buddy once” her eyes flashed white over in Rick’s direction before being splashed with holy water once again. The nosferatu’s skin sizzled and steam rose from her burns. “J-just….text…LOL getting… a half assed….exorcism…hit send…. mph there.”
Chris glanced over to Rick who’s eyes had rolled up into his head he was holding her cellphone which just buzzed with a notification. “RICK SNAP OUT OF IT!” he shouted and turned to the grinning vampire pelting a rock at her face. “LET HIM GO”
Leech spat as the stone broke her nose and looked back up sticking her tongue out through the black ichor dripping down her face.
“CHRIS! Control yourself!” Zander shouted and Leech winked back at the two.
“Read it Ricky!” she smirked.
“I-it says R-O-F-L cant be there, at yoga getting this ass….its a picture of a goat and a woman’s back side” Rick’s eyes rolled back down and Leech vomited a small amount of black goo onto the barn floor. “Phew that took more out of me than I thought” she muttered and panted.
“I'm sorry she did something to my head!”
“Ok but can you at least show the picture though?” the vampire asked looking up from her now bruising eye and nose.
“NO!” the other two ghost hunters turned and shouted.
“OH COME ON! I wanna see that booty”
“WOW this thing is terrible!” Chris glanced over at Zander who was prepping to try another round of bible verses.
“I know bro this is one of the nastiest ones we've dealt with! This is pure evil we’re dealing with here.” The lead ghost hunter clapped his friend on the shoulder reassuringly.
“Aww I'm blushing! you really mean it?!” the vampire shouted to them
“Bro hand me my rosary.”
“What are those? Anal beads? So you HAVE seen Demon Dick 5!”
“Hahaha that was totally a direct quote.” Leech laughed again but was cut short when the silver cross dangled in front of her face “FUCK GET IT AWAY!” She hissed and the ghost hunter dangled it closer to her. Leech could feel her skin burn with heat where it drew close. The ghost hunter threw another wave of holy water at her and she hissed in pain face turning skeletal for a second as her skin sizzled. “A-all right if were gonna get straight into the kinky stuff we should at least have a safe word. Mine’s usually Float.” she tried to joke through the pain. Her skin was on fire with the crucifix being so close.
“Z I don't think she's a demon” Rick said tugging on his leaders arm
“Rick I’ve been at this way longer than you I know a demon when I see one”
“Bullshit you're doing this all wrong. Plus Im not a demon I can prove it too if you hand me that orange.” Leech panted.
“I don't know Z this could be a trick” Chris said with worry.
“Look have you ever seen one do some of the shit she just did? Just hand her the orange”
“Fine Rick. Fine. We’ll humor you but if nothing happens we’re getting right back to the exorcism.”
Zander rolled the fruit over to the vampire who glared up at him from her knees “You gonna undo my hands so I can eat this?”
“Weeeelllll fuck you then! So much for what’s left of my dignity.” she grumbled and bent down to the floor biting into the fruit as best she could to suck out the juice. “Ahm hoing to rerhet hiss ho huch…” she said while her fangs sunk in. Leech came up with a weak expression on her battered and burnt face looking nauseous and dizzy. “You're all gonna wanna stand back when I- HURK!” the vampire suddenly lurched forward and spewed out blood and guts onto the barn floor in an inhuman amount. She kept going for a solid five minutes until Leech was slumped over supported by the chain around her neck. “Huh, is that an engagement ring? Shit I need to chew my food.” she wheezed before emptying the rest of her stomach contents.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” all three ghost hunters screamed in unison.
“Yeah lets see Pazuzu pull that shit!” Leech grinned declaring victory before shouting at some unknown force in the ground “YOU HERE THAT ZUZU I JUST OUT WEIRDED YOU! WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW BITCH!? PEA SOUP GOT NOTHING ON ME!”
“Zander! If this is not a demon then what the hell is she bro?” Chris turned to his leader in a panic
“Nosferatu.” a vaguely familiar female voice said walking into the barn “What you're dealing with is a nosferatu.”
leech sniffed the air and snarled in disgust.
Somewhere in the town of Derry, Mike Hanlon was laying in his bed coming down from another high. It was time to turn in for the night but with all that had been going on the last couple days the librarian needed a fix…. just a quick one to calm the nerves. His night would be anything but calm when two glowing yellow eyes lit up his room like the obnoxious christmas lights his neighbors had set up.
“Mike” something whispered in the dark “Mike! Help us!” came another disembodied voice. He knew them all too well. The librarian sat up in his bed glancing around his room unaware of the creeping fingers clawing up his mattress. Burnt hands wrapped around the terrified man pinning him down while a disheveled looking monster from his childhood nightmares stepped into the moonlight.
“Thought you could trick me did ya Mikey? Thought you could fool Ol’Pennywise by taking what he loves most. Stupid boy! Stupid, stupid, stupid! No one fools me. no one.” the clown began his voice shaky and dangerous trying to mask the obvious panic behind it as he paced. The creature’s posture and gait reminded him of a nervous caged animal unpredictable and dangerous. Something was very wrong with IT.
“Y-you? W-hy are you here?” the librarian asked cautiously.
“TELL ME where she is SHEEP BOY. Tell Penny where his peachy is and he’ll make it much much quicker for you. Yes! A quick death or a slow one pick your path!” he snarled as Mike was trying to decide if he was still high.  
“A-are you real?”
Mike’s stomach flip flopped in realization of the little reminder of all those years ago. IT had to be real and now IT was in his bedroom.
“Penny knows you need time, yes iIknow you haven't figured out that stupid reptile’s riddles. Don't you fret sheep boy I am just here for her this time. Bring her to me, bring me my mate and you can go back to trying to understand what mortals cannot.” IT was frantically babbling around his room pacing like a tiger in a small cage looking almost fearful its self. Mike remembered that look well the last emotion he saw on ITs face before it vanished down that hole. Something was very, very wrong.
“A mate? …You?!” he asked trying to keep the creature talking to piece the situation together as best he could.
The clown shot him an unamused look as if this was far from the first time someone has asked that. “Where is my Leechie!? I am the questioner here!”
“You're talking about Lucy right? Something’s happened to her?”
“Lucy… Lucy yes, yes her human name. Don’t play games sheep boy release her to me!” Pennywise snarled while he stalked beginning to impatiently kick things over and sniff items of clothing desperate for that sweet smell of blood and ashes.
“Even if I did know where she is, why would I help you?”
The clown roared and charged forward coming in close to the trapped man on the bed fangs bared long and needle like. IT spat in Mike’s face drool and bits of flesh hitting his skin as it spoke. Something was very off with IT more so than usual, as if possessed by some sort of ancient instinct overriding its usual demeanor.
“You want to stop me don't you? I’ll let you live Mikey! Yesss I’ll let you try! One free shot! Just give me my Peachy!” IT was bargaining now just like it did in the cistern 27 years ago. The clown must be desperate.
“I don't have her” the librarian spat back at the clown who snarled and grabbed his throat. Suddenly Mike felt searing pain in his mind as IT forcibly invaded his thoughts its eyes blackened on the edges pupils drifting off into different directions till he found what he was looking for and returned them to focus. IT’s face changed again from rage, to shock and finally to embarrassment. In IT’s hate fueled assault on its enemy IT had made a grave mistake. Mike had nothing to do with his precious mate. In fact all Pennywise had done was just reveal his greatest weakness to his greatest enemy. IT had messed up and it had messed up bad.
The clown released the librarian and awkwardly backed up off the bed eyes large and wide. Wordlessly, IT glanced over to Mike’s bedroom door and without breaking eye contact opened it while silently slinking out like a dog with its tail between its legs. The hands around the librarian vanished into smoke and everything became calm and quiet around him. “What the hell just happened?” he asked the empty void not expecting to get a response and not sure if he wanted one either.
Pennywise returned to his home to find his…..friends? Seated on his couch awaiting the result of his hasty impromptu rescue mission. That, and they were probably mad that he tore Freddy’s head back off in rage. Even his cat seemed a bit upset with him.
“Well? Did you embarrass yourself?” Chucky asked him taking a drag from one of Leech’s joints.
“It…..it wasn't the librarian…” the clown muttered.
“Oh yeah he embarrassed himself.” Freddy laughed still applying a few more staples to his neck.
“Hey if Fangs doesn't come back can I use her room? Thinkin’ about making it into a nice man cave” Chucky boldly asked earning him a death glare from the distressed clown.
Penny snarled and shooed everyone away from his couch snatching up Church to absentmindedly pet as if the cat was a coping mechanism for his current state. What if she doesn't come back? There were emotions he was feeling he didn't think were possible. His new strange instinct to protect driving him to near insanity as he was currently in a constant war with himself to drive the feeling back. Nature and ego raged war inside the eldritch being.
His inner thoughts were interrupted when the door to Neibolt House creaked open the residents all took their leave except the owner who still sat on his couch stroking his cat not wanting to put any effort into this one.
“H-Hello?” a voice called out. “Uh clown? Pennywise?” Mike had never actually called the clown by name before it felt weird on his tongue.
Something appeared behind the librarian blocking his exit.
“What do you want” IT hissed low and in a whisper. Mike turned to see the god of fear its self looming behind him with a plump dirty grey cat tucked under its arm. The two stared at each other in hatred and confusion. The librarian looked at Church and back to the clown.
“Is that a cat?”
“Are you going to explain why you have it?”
“….what the hell happened to you?” Mike whispered half to the clown half to himself.
“Why are you here?” pennywise snarled growing impatient.
“I cant believe I'm saying this but I'm here to….help.”
“YOU WHAT?!” the house shook with the inhuman roar released from Pennywise’s throat.
“LET ME EXPLAIN HOLD ON!” the librarian put his hands out in an attempt to calm the savage beast who had nearly thrown the animal in its arms.
“You have five seconds human before I tear out your eyes.”
“Look you want your…uh girlfriend or whatever she is back. I need more time to figure out how to kill you.”
“Is this a bargain?” the clown raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Whoever has her is most likely trying to get to you and will try to harm you as well. We both know all they will do is send you back to sleep and if that happens I can’t stop you and you lose the girl. I can help you get her back. I have a way into the farm, and I can distract whoever has her as a friendly face. Then we can go back to trying to kill each other, business as usual.”
The clown glared at mike with a fury that made the librarian tremble with fear. This had been a mistake he was going to die and everything will be ruined on this stupid risk.
“You dare assume I cannot solve my own problems sheep boy?? What’s to stop me from tearing you apart right now.”
“That.” Mike pointed behind the clown. Pennywise slowly turned to see a box with a balloon tied to it specifically just to mock him. The clowns eyes grew wide as he sniffed the air and saw the black ooze leaking out of the corner of the cardboard. With careful claws he opened the lid and peered inside letting out one of the most horrifying sounds Mike Hanlon had ever heard in his life. The box was thrown to the floor and an object rolled out of it. It was a cold pale finger tipped with a sharp feminine nail and the blood that leaked from it was black.
Uh oh what did Leechie do this time? Poor clown be going NUTS over all this. Im so excited to do some frenemy shit with Pen and Mike like Ive been DYING to get here. Also its Leech’s turn to meet an old enemy. Wonder who it is?
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clown-bait · 6 years
Monster Sneak Peek! (Monster Roommate AU)
To prove that this fic isn't dead heres a sneak peek at the next chapter for the monster roommate au! This chapter is proving to be LONG but this first half was a blast to write. To recap Leech had gone missing and Penny had to ask for some help. He wasnt happy about it.
A screech echoed though the old barn of the former Hanlon sheep farm. Leech glanced furiously around the stall she was in. A moment ago she was full and happy then suddenly a cloth was pressed to her mouth and a bag over her head.
Her head snapped in the direction of footsteps and she tried to charge with supernatural speed but felt a chain attached to her neck snap tight. The nosferatu snapped her jaws in frustration.
“Ok guys get everything ready make sure the cameras are rolling and somebody wake up Chris” Zander shouted as he approached the struggling vampire.
“Don't worry we’re going to help you.”
The ghost hunter pulled a cross from his coat and held it out at the nosferatu who began to hiss loud and sweat. He quickly put it away at her reaction.
“She's possessed all right, did you see how much she recoiled in terror? this is definitely a powerful demon were dealing with here”
“Demon?! Motherfucker I'm friends with demons, you wouldn't know a demon if it came up and bit you in the ass.” Leech spat and pulled on her chain.
“Note the foul language and denial. The creature that has ahold of her is definitely scared and trying to protect its self.”
“Protect myself from what? This shit show excuse of a reality tv exorcism? Tell ya what, if you free my hands i’ll spew pea soup at big boy over there and speak latin backwards. These shackles are tight as fuck can’t a girl get a little comfort?”
“Gosh its foul mouthed.” the bigger ghost hunter said to the team.
“Yeah thats how they are bro it's definitely going to try to provoke us. Whatever you do don't engage.” Zander said to his team mate while placing different items on a table
“You started it.” Leech mumbled. “What are those?”
“We're going to force you out of this poor girl.”
“AH! So its to be torture! I can cope with torture.” Leech flashed a cocky grin and wiggled her eyebrows expectantly.
“Did you…. steal that line from Princess Bride?” the bigger ghost hunter Rick asked her.
“Eeeyyy! Someone finally gets my references! And to think I was gonna eat this guy first!”
“RICK don't engage it!” Zander hissed
“Found our villain! Now tell me do you have six fingers on your left hand or am I gonna be calling you Humperdink”
“I think it was the right hand” Rick interjected
“Huh no shi-OW FUCK JESUS CHRIST!!!” Leech screamed as holy water was flung at her face by the lead ghost hunter. A cluster of painful burns began to bubble on her skin where the water had landed. “RUDE!”
“Silence demon!”
“I’M NOT A DEMON! GOD you are like the biggest edge lord! What’s next? You gonna start shouting bible verses too like they do in the movies?” she snarled as Chris walked in the room.
“Z I had the weirdest fucking dream.”
“Not now bro we’re doing the exorcism.”
“Yeah poorly. Bet you dickbags got all your training from bad horror movies and porn parodies.”
“Sheesh that thing is nasty” Chris winced
“Demon Dick 5?” the Rick asked as his companions glared at him in shock and annoyance.
“One of my favorites Rick. I like this guy have him do the exorcism!”
“We've already wasted enough time!” Zander shouted and picked up a book from the table he began to read a passage and Leech dramatically pretended to hiss and writhe her tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Hahaha Man oh man if Phil could hear you guys talking about him like this he'd be laughing with me just as hard! Shit wait somebody text him for me!”
“Why would we do that? Also who's phil?”
“Oh right, Phil is Satan we used to play poker together before my boyfriend banned it from the house. Not my doing for once lets get that clear.”
“Don't listen to a word its saying guys”
“Aw come on Humperdink let me just text my buddy once” her eyes flashed white over in Rick’s direction before being splashed with holy water once again. The nosferatu’s skin sizzled and steam rose from her burns. “J-just….text…LOL getting… a half assed….exorcism…hit send…. mph there.”
Chris glanced over to Rick who’s eyes had rolled up into his head he was holding her cellphone which just buzzed with a notification. “RICK SNAP OUT OF IT!” he shouted and turned to the grinning vampire pelting a rock at her face. “LET HIM GO”
Leech spat as the stone broke her nose and looked back up sticking her tongue out through the black ichor dripping down her face.
“CHRIS! Control yourself!” Zander shouted and Leech winked back at the two.
“Read it Ricky!” she smirked.
“I-it says R-O-F-L cant be there, at yoga getting this ass….its a picture of a goat and a woman’s back side” Rick’s eyes rolled back down and Leech vomited a small amount of black goo onto the barn floor. “Phew that took more out of me than I thought” she muttered and panted.
“I'm sorry she did something to my head!”
“Ok but can you at least show the picture though?” the vampire asked looking up from her now bruising eye and nose.
“NO!” the other two ghost hunters turned and shouted.
“OH COME ON! I wanna see that booty”
“WOW this thing is terrible!” Chris glanced over at Zander who was prepping to try another round of bible verses.
“I know bro this is one of the nastiest ones we've dealt with! This is pure evil we’re dealing with here.” The lead ghost hunter clapped his friend on the shoulder reassuringly.
“Aww I'm blushing! you really mean it?!” the vampire shouted to them
“Bro hand me my rosary.”
“What are those? Anal beads? So you HAVE seen Demon Dick 5!”
“Hahaha that was totally a direct quote.” Leech laughed again but was cut short when the silver cross dangled in front of her face “FUCK GET IT AWAY!” She hissed and the ghost hunter dangled it closer to her. Leech could feel her skin burn with heat where it drew close. The ghost hunter threw another wave of holy water at her and she hissed in pain face turning skeletal for a second as her skin sizzled. “A-all right if were gonna get straight into the kinky stuff we should at least have a safe word. Mine’s usually Float.” she tried to joke through the pain. Her skin was on fire with the crucifix being so close.
“Z I don't think she's a demon” Rick said tugging on his leaders arm
“Rick I’ve been at this way longer than you I know a demon when I see one”
“Bullshit you're doing this all wrong. Plus Im not a demon I can prove it too if you hand me that orange.” Leech panted.
“I don't know Z this could be a trick” Chris said with worry.
“Look have you ever seen one do some of the shit she just did? Just hand her the orange”
“Fine Rick. Fine. We’ll humor you but if nothing happens we’re getting right back to the exorcism.”
Zander rolled the fruit over to the vampire who glared up at him from her knees “You gonna undo my hands so I can eat this?”
“Weeeelllll fuck you then! So much for what’s left of my dignity.” she grumbled and bent down to the floor biting into the fruit as best she could to suck out the juice. “Ahm hoing to rerhet hiss ho huch…” she said while her fangs sunk in. Leech came up with a weak expression on her battered and burnt face looking nauseous and dizzy. “You're all gonna wanna stand back when I- HURK!” the vampire suddenly lurched forward and spewed out blood and guts onto the barn floor in an inhuman amount. She kept going for a solid five minutes until Leech was slumped over supported by the chain around her neck. “Huh, is that an engagement ring? Shit I need to chew my food.” she wheezed before emptying the rest of her stomach contents.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” all three ghost hunters screamed in unison.
“Yeah lets see Pazuzu pull that shit!” Leech grinned declaring victory before shouting at some unknown force in the ground “YOU HEAR THAT ZUZU? I JUST OUT WEIRDED YOU! WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW BITCH!? PEA SOUP GOT NOTHING ON ME!”
“Zander! If this is not a demon then what the hell is she bro?” Chris turned to his leader in a panic
“Nosferatu.” a vaguely familiar female voice said walking into the barn “What you're dealing with is a nosferatu.”
Leech sniffed the air and snarled in disgust.
So thats what I got right now second half will be Pennywise’s embarrassing freakout. Lol Leech would be the type to get kidnapped and text her friend something stupid instead of calling for help. Hopefully Penny can get his idiot out of this cause she aint doing much for herself. 
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