#when you have a hubby bubby like mine
baptistsuicidewidow · 7 months
Well here I am and the baby is officially 'overdue'. After much googling I've learned that contractions are primarily set off with oxytocin or the love chemical in our brain...
Its no wonder my contractions stopped as soon as I was around some guy whose romantic feelings for me are NOT returned whatsoever.
Regardless, I'm sure if Jeremiah were here, baby would be on track... it gets me wondering about stress levels in pregnancy, and how much of my sadness has affected baby... I have been trying to push away my feelings partially because I would like to prevent any type of negative 'epigenetic' responses, if that is even a thing.
Isaiah woke me up this morning-I think he is going through a new phase... He wakes up in the middle of the wee hours of the morning, cries until he knows I am with him, asks me for juice, I change his diaper, he asks for milk, then juice again, then keeps one eye open on me to make sure I am there while he falls asleep... I just rub his back and sing a little, all the while feeling baby number two move and adjust to being on a different side with pushes and kicks...
After knowing Isaiah was fully asleep, I rolled back over, and whispered ,"It's okay, Bubby", to baby number two... then I remembered back as a newlywed I had started calling Jeremiah "Bubby", and he asked the meaning and I explained I didn't know, maybe Baby and Hubby mushed together? So he was my Bubby until Isaiah was born, then I started calling them both Bubby. Which full circle got me thinking about oxytocin, missing my original Bubby, all the things. He used to call me his "Lovey Dovey".
In Jeremiahs absence there is still God's presence. I started thinking of verses about delighting in the Lord.
Psalm 37:4-5 "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."
I realized it is altogether possible to get lovey dovey feelings just from remembering how good God has been to me... Dwelling on all the ways He has shown me that He absolutely without a doubt 100% loves me. He has all the "Love Languages" down (Ha!); transcends them even! So I will be reflecting on just how good God has been to boost my much needed sad levels of oxytocin.
I had originally intended to list all the things God has done for me in this blog post, but I feel like these cherished memories are more private, like little love letters written to me from the hand of God.. With that being said I think one example is still needed since this whole post has sufficiently 'whet the appetite' for me to divulge at least a bit.
One memory that stands out is back in 2018... I was in the Day Room of a homeless shelter in the south side of Chicago, and my friend Crystal came up to me and said "You need to read Isaiah 43 today! You must!". And so I went about my day as usual.. and during my devotions I quickly read through the chapter, mulled over it a bit, and I went on with my day. It was later, as I was hanging out at Starbucks, my barista friend named Steven just grabbed my King James Bible that was sitting next to me. He leafed through my Bible until he got to a page and pointed at the passage Isaiah 43 and said "you need to read this".
Now God really had my attention. 2 people that didn't know each other pointing me towards the same scripture in the same day! So since Isaiah 43 was a bit cryptic for me the first time, I sat down with each verse, and wrote down what I thought the meaning was behind each verse. After completing this I really had some answers. A couple verses that stuck out are the following:
"Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."
"Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him."
"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
 "I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified."
All these verses helped me make the important decision to join the Bible program. God was doing a NEW thing with me, and I needed to trust Him, since who wants to work for free at a homeless shelter for over a year? Although my time there was hard, God was a very present help for me every single day. He showed me in so many different ways there (and ever after) that He deeply cares for me, and is there for me. I learned how to rely on the Bible, and how to trust God in my darkest moments. (I really wish Jeremiah had learned these things for himself... He wasn't very receptive to my cliché rhetoric either..."We need to trust in God". These things need to be learned by experience though.)
Anywho, I am off to make a private blog post so I can list these things down, so I can have some warm and fuzzy feelings so that MAYBE the baby will have the confidence to enter into this less-than-warm-and-fuzzy world.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
61 Quotes For Your Husband For Every Occasion
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/61-quotes-for-your-husband-for-every-occasion/
61 Quotes For Your Husband For Every Occasion
Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 June 20, 2019
You have already been telling your husband the magic phrase that gets you what you want (every now and then). But sometimes, a simple “I love you” is just not enough. It might only activate level one of your marriage game. You need to unlock further emotions – like gratitude, appreciation, and fun – to cross higher levels and win your husband all over again. Here are a few quotes for your husband that you can use to remind him how you feel about him.
You might not be expressive when it comes to telling your husband how much he means to you or how much you miss him. But when you want to do it, why not let the world know? Go ahead and use these quotes and tag your hubby bubby!
Some Mushy Love Quotes For Your Husband If You Are Looking To Woo Him
The word ‘husband’ is very special only because you are mine!
When God made husbands, he made sure that the best one was reserved for me.
I never believed in destiny until I came to know that I was destined for you.
One word that says what you are to me is ‘everything.’
I googled “my happy place” and the only result that it fetched was my husband’s photograph.
The best day of my life was the day I decided to marry you!
No matter what my mood, my husband is my go-to place!
Although there’s nothing called a perfect marriage, everything seems so perfect because I married you!
I am the most beautiful person in the whole universe, but only when seen through the eyes of my husband.
The word ‘soulmate’ sounded meaningless until I met you.
The only time I want to be yours is forever.
I want to go back in time, meet you sooner, fall in love, and spend more time with you.
I love my best friend, my boyfriend, and the fact that both of them is my husband!
Some Funny Husband Quotes If You Are In A Playful Mood
My husband has the best wife ever!
When God created wives, he gave the best one to my husband.
When my husband says, “I’m the boss,” it means he has my permission to say that.
Three words that you can tell me to light up my life: “Okay, buy it.”
I wanted to slap you the very first time we met for coming into my life so late.
Whenever you try to criticize your wife’s choice, do not forget that you are one of them!
A wonderful wife always forgives her husband even when she’s wrong!
Pro tip for the husband for a happy marriage: Keep your mouth shut and your wallet open.
In every marriage, one person is always right and the other one is the husband.
I can tell my husband anything under the sun not because he is not judgmental, but because he barely ever listens!
My husband is my priority. Yes, his in-laws are more important than mine!
Happiness is realizing you love your husband even though he snores!
My husband and I lived happily for more than two decades, and then we met!
Men are totally incomplete until they get married. After that, they are completely over!
I want my husband beside me every single moment in my life – except when my online order deliveries arrive.
Dear Future Husband, thank you for learning to cook.
Quotes That Convey You Miss Him
Had I known I would miss you this bad, I wouldn’t have let you go!
Although I know you are going to be back tomorrow, today seems like an eternity.
Missing you isn’t all that bad after all. It has made me realize how much I love you!
Unable to KEEP CALM because I miss my husband.
I miss annoying you. Please come back sooner!
Your absence makes it feel like I am losing a part of myself, the best part.
I want to believe in the afterlife because I want to love you even after I die.
Quotes To Thank Him
I cannot thank you enough for the big and small ways you bring joy into my life.
Thank you for just being there!
Thank you for bringing out the best in me and tolerating the worst in me.
Thank you for showing me what unconditional love is. Only you can love me even when I’m annoying.
Thank you for letting me be my crazy, mad self and loving me for the same
Quotes That Convey An Apology
I do not apologize to my husband to imply I was wrong but to convey how important our relationship is to me more than my ego.
I’m sorry for doubting you. It is only because I’m way too possessive about you.
Sometimes, the best way to apologize does not involve words. I just have to look at you and you know I mean it.
I’m sorry for not being the perfect wife you want me to be. But all I can really do is try.
I can wait forever if that’s what it will take for you to forgive me.
Hurting you is the last thing I would want to do in my life. Trust me, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!
I know you will do anything for me. But all I want from you is to hear me out and accept my apology.
Quotes To Wish Him On Your Anniversary
Thank you for choosing me to spend the rest of your life with. Happy anniversary!
Dearest partner in health, sickness, and crime, cannot wait to celebrate a zillion more anniversaries with you.
Another year to annoy you, create precious moments, and discover more things about each other. Happy anniversary, love!
Even after all these years, you are the only one who can give me butterflies in my stomach. Anniversary wishes to the most romantic husband in the world!
To the guy who stole my heart, makes me smile, and completes me – a very happy anniversary!
Quotes From Famous Personalities
Our separation from each other is an optical illusion. – Albert Einstein
You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. – Jane Austen
If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. – Jane Austen
The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together. – Robert C. Dodds
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. – Mignon McLaughlin
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. – Socrates
It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. – Friedrich Nietzsche
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. – Nora Ephron (for When Harry met Sally)
Loved these quotes? Found them interesting? Then, what’s stopping you from sharing them with your husband? Go ahead and do it right away! Use the right words and mean each one of them. Share these quotes with your husband to tell him how much you admire, appreciate, and love him. Let us know how it went in the comments section below!
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Harini Natarajan
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/husband-quotes-for-every-occasion/
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