#when you kick your father-in-law in the face but he isn't actually your boyfriend's dad he's just something close enough to that
beanghostprincess · 9 months
Franky would be one of the first ones to realize something's going on between Sanji and Usopp. Not only because he spends most of the time with the sniper and he gradually starts to sneak out more to be with Sanji, or the fact that he talks a lot about him while they're fixing the ship together. But because the first fucking thing Sanji did when he met him was to kick him in the face and refer to Usopp as "our long-nose". Like, okay, protective boyfriend much? Idk. I think Franky has had enough experiences in life to see when a man is truly in love.
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killiru · 2 years
Not me Rewatch thoughts
Ep. 1
Caution: Obvious spoilers I have to share my muddled thoughts a bit - sorry.
Still love the opening so much, it gives me life.
Omg it looks a bit like the pool where Black, White and Todd are at the beginning is the pool that later is Dan's secret base. Am I imagining it?! Probably, but that's okay with me 
Edit: Nope. It's not the same pool. Damnit.
A little bit it seems like Todd used to babysit Black and White. At least it doesn't seem unusual for him when their parents ask him to watch them for a while while they argue.
I know we dont see much of her, but White's ex-girlfriend is so so pretty.
The River told me lies starts to play in the background and my heart breaks a little.
Hihi you can see Gun's ear holes a bit in White's ears at the beginning.
Somehow it's very symbolic that White is strumming on the piano when he passes it when he's at his father's house. Or that there's a piano there in general - it's actually a mark of distinction in terms of cultural capital (according to Bourdieu).
The soy milk commercial I cant
White's dad is still so hot - kicking my daddy issues
I think the dad is lying when he says he doesn't know where Black is.
Exciting: White's dad introduces him to his diplomat friends at university (social capital) - shortly after, the one dude offers him a job. Not only that, but shortly after he offers him his books to study too.
Todd says at the beginning his new friends are the reason for Black's injuries. And that's not even a complete lie.
Why do they have hairnets on but no masks when they're in the ICU?
That handkerchief thing is so gross omg.
Boy, White looks good in glasses AND Black's clothes. The combo is nice - wish it would have been longer on screen
I just want to note that Todd a) had Black's key and b) hesitated when he said Black wasn't dating anyone. Maybe it was jealousy, I don't know - shouldnt he know he had a thing with Eugene.
Does Black actually have a drawing of brass knuckles and a Swiss Army knife on his pinboard? Am I imagining it ahahah
White asks so reproachfully if Black is still at uni. Rude
I love Nuch bye
I also love the talk about rule of/by law and the fact that White obviously doesn't have a clue although I would imagine he should have learned that in his studies. It just shows the vitamin B.
Just stealing someone else's helmet is NOT what you mean by redistribution, Gram! xD
That the bird drawn on Sean's door looks a bit like the one from Panem is no coincidence I think, especially since in Thailand activists have used the sign from the books with the three fingers for themselves. Nevertheless, it is now a funny headcanon of mine that Sean's favourite books are "The Hungergames".
And there he is. Sean my love. Off has never looked better in a role than in this ngl.
Hahaha... he's already washing his future boyfriend in EP 1. That's very kind of Sean isn't it?
The anarchy sign graffiti in the background... wonder who they are from the crew.
How nice the Molotov cocktails were lined up on the tablet.
Result from Ep 1 : I love this show with all my heart and look forward to Episode 2.
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(and still. Ew. Dont.)
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