#when you're blatantly taking the side of the current evil regime that's actively trying to make the future worse for everyone
tearlessrain · 2 years
when it comes down to it disney will never recapture the spirit or success of star wars because star wars was first made in the 70s and everything about its values and sincerity and weird crunchiness and aesthetic reflects that, and it’s fundamentally incompatible with the values and aesthetic of the disney company. star wars itself isn’t dead, there are potentially infinite really fun and interesting stories that could be told with it, but those stories aren’t going to come from disney or whichever giant corporation buys it after I finally succeed in setting the ceo of disney on fire via telepathy, they’re going to keep coming from people who genuinely love it and are just in it for the joy of making up some bullshit, and who care enough to put actual heart into the stories they’re telling.
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