#where is lilian bach now
graemepark · 23 days
Well I don’t know about you, but I had the most fantastic Bank Holiday Weekend in Glasgow, Brighouse and Stockport despite the disappointment of two short notice cancellations at the start of the extended weekend.
Firstly, my Thursday gig in Cardiff got cancelled in the morning due to the weather and Storm Lilian. I was supposed to be DJing at the Bay Series New Order afterparty at Clwb Ifor Bach but because the main show got cancelled, the afterparty did too, so apologies for that.
On the Friday I was supposed to be performing with Haçienda Classical at Crooked House Live in Lichfield as well as DJing at an afterparty. However, the event got cancelled on the Wednesday but I can’t apologise for that because it was through no fault of The Haçienda whatsoever and completely down to the promoters who announced that the cancellation was “due to unforeseen circumstances”. This was not the case at all and we are all quite angry about not being able to perform as advertised. The scores of people involved in the show both on and offstage were now unable to work and, like me, had probably turned down other offers due to already being booked. I know you were angry and disappointed too based on the feedback received.
However, things got completely back to normal on the Saturday as I made the train journey to Glasgow for STREETrave 35 at SWG3 where I DJ’d in the TV Studio after CJ Mackintosh. Other DJs on the bill included Paul Oakenfold, Darren Emerson, Michael Kilkie, Jon Mancini and more and it really was a fantastic event with such a great atmosphere throughout this magnificent multi room venue.
On the Sunday I returned to England to DJ at the Our House event near Brighouse for a short afternoon set before heading to Stockport to DJ at the wonderful Moovin’ where I played in the Mini Moo arena to such an up-for-it crowd.
My DJ sets from STREETrave, Our House and Moovin’ will be available on Mixcloud soon and you can fond out where I’m DJing in the coming weeks and months by visiting my website Gig Guide.
Thanks to everyone who came along to party and for your support. I’ll see you in Nottingham this Saturday for Haçienda Live at Wollaton Hall alongside Soul II Soul, Ulta Naté, 808 State, Rowetta, K-klass, Danny Tenaglia, Roger Sanchez and Smokin’ Jo. I’ll also be DJing at the afterparty at NG-One alongside Ultra Naté, Tom Wainwright and Atari Safari.
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Find The Way Home (Thomas Lightwood Fanfic)
Extended tlh Lightwood family fluff about Thomas being accused for murder! (Never thought I'd put an exclamation after saying someone was being accused for murder) It's super long, so I split it into two parts!
Bridgestock pushed Thomas in front of him, leading him towards the institute like he was a prisoner. Well, technically, Bridgestock might have believed he was a prisoner even though he wasn’t. Thomas couldn’t quite breathe properly. Though he knew he was innocent, the shock of being found in that situation, the feeling of being treated like a murderer, brought out a fear in him he thought he had already grown out of.
They made it to the top steps, before the doors opened to reveal Cecily standing behind them.
“Maurice, what is the meaning of this?” She said. She had the strange ability to direct all of the anger of the world onto Maurice, and look at Thomas worriedly at the same time.
“We’ve caught ourselves the little murder.” Bridgestock said proudly.
Cecily’s jaw dropped, looking at Bridgestock as though he’d grown another head. “Ha-have you gone mad?” She said incredulously. “Release my nephew and let’s discuss this rationally.”
“I’m not going to release a murderer.”
“That wasn’t a suggestion, Maurice. He’s a child.” She said icily.
“He’s not a child anymore, Cecily. He’s quite grown. And we found him in the act! Look, even his hands are shaking.”
Thomas’ hand were shaking. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Lilian Highsmith had just died in his arms.
“That’s because he’s covered in blood. Because you’ve tied his hands and have most likely been parading him around the streets like some prized lamb up for slaughter, accusing him of a crime he most certainly didn’t commit.” Cecily said angrily. She turned to Bridget. “Ring Sophie and Gideon, please. This is ridiculous.”
“I already have, miss. They should be here soon.”
“Cecily, you’re being biased. Thomas Lightwood is your godson—”
“Exactly.” Cecily said. “That means I’ve known him my entire life and I know a murderer when I see one. You’re insulting my intelligence by contradicting me.”
“I’m not insulting you; he’s tricked us all, making us think he was a kind, innocent giant of a boy, when in reality, he is a ruthless killer.”
“This conversation has gone to the dogs.” Cecily said. “You’re being an absolute idiot and you know it. Now release him. You should hope for all of your sakes that you weren’t the reason behind those injuries on him.”
“I most certainly will not.” Bridgestock scoffed.
“Bridgestock, what the hell are you doing?” Gabriel said, quickly coming down the institute staircase to where they all were standing.
“He thinks Thomas is the murderer.” Cecily said, bitterly.
Gabriel laughed. “You can’t be serious.” When he saw that nobody was laughing, he stopped. “Are you serious?”
Cecily pressed her lips together tightly, glaring at Bridgestock.
“This is idiotic. And why the Hell is he tied up like at?
“Your wife just told you; he’s a murder suspect.”
“Thomas?” Gabriel said, “you could literally have brought any other shadowhunter here, and I’d believe it more than if it were Thomas.”
“It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. There is concrete evidence that he is the murder.”
“What evidence?” Gabriel said.
While Gabriel and the inquisitor began to brawl, Cecily seized her opportunity and rushed over to Thomas.
“Are you alright?” she asked, checking for injuries with efficiency few people could express. “Is all of this blood yours?”
Thomas shook his head. He felt cold all over. “Aunt Cecy, I didn’t kill—”
Cecily shook her head. “Of course you didn’t, bach. Just breathe, you’re looking pale. Do you want water? I’ll go get—”
“No, please don’t go.” He said. He felt like a child. He hadn’t been so desperate to see anyone as he was now.
Cecily looked at him. “No, of course not. I need you to take deep breaths, Tom. Gideon and Sophie will be here soon, and we’ll get you right out. ”
She took out a stele and was about to draw an iratze rune on his skin to heal his cuts when Bridgestock pulled Thomas away from Cecily. “I didn’t give you permission to engage with him.”
“Oh, you piece of-” Cecily let out a string of curses that filled the institute and left the shadowhunters speechless. “Get your filthy hands off of him before I rip them out of their sockets and shove them down your throat.” Her eyes might as well have been the blue fire from hell. Even Bridgestock looked uneasy.
“He is under suspicion for a crime.”
“It’s alright, Aunt. He won’t listen no matter what. Let him take me to the sanctuary; It’s only fair.” His voice came out more breathless than he would have liked, but at least everybody listened.
Gabriel accompanied Thomas and the other shadowhunters and Cecily waited by the doorway, perhaps for his parents.
The truth was, after some of the initial shock was gone, Thomas was able to understand that this wasn’t too bad. It would be okay because he’ll most likely—no, definitely— be tried with the mortal sword, and be found innocent.
When the sanctuary doors opened, Thomas told himself one thing: Everything would be just fine.
“What is the meaning of this?”
A few minutes after being seated in the sanctuary, Thomas looked up relieved to be seeing his mother’s familiar face.
The question directed at Bridgestock, but she looked at Thomas.
“Your son is being held under suspicion.”
“This is utter nonsense.” Gideon said, stand behind Sophie.
Sophie started towards Thomas.
“Stop! You mustn’t—”
“I suggest you do not come in between my son and I, Maurice. The numbers are not in your favor.” Sophie said, referring to the rest of the Lightwoods behind her: Gabriel, Cecily, Eugenia, Gideon, even little Alexander, in Eugenia’s arms, was looking mutinous.
The inquisitor didn’t stop Sophie as she made her way to Thomas.
“Mother,” Thomas said, “I didn’t do it. I didn’t kill anyone.”
“I know, Thomas. Of course you didn’t.” Sophie said, putting her arms around him.
It was comforting to have his mother embrace him. It felt human, after all of the mess of what has been happening. To smell the familiar scent of her perfume; to be able to rest his head on her shoulder.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Bridgestock said, interrupting.
Cecily cursed at him in Welsh.
“What did she say?” he demanded
“It doesn’t matter.” Gabriel said dismissively.
Bridgestock seemed about to retort, when he suddenly looked around the room. “Where the hell is Gideon?”
“He went to get the Consul.” Sophie said, pulling away from the hug. “She’ll make a rational decision about this matter.”
Bridgestock was fuming. “Well, I’m going too. Everybody clear the room.”
“Why would we do that?” Eugenia said.
“Because I’m not leaving a criminal out in the open.” He said. “Especially when you are bound to free him.”
“We are temporary heads of the London Institute, Bridgestock.”
“And I’m your permanent Inquisitor.” He said. “And you must do as I say.”
He stared at Sophie.
She clenched her jaw and turned to Thomas. “We’re going to get you out, alright? Charlotte will know what to do and then this will all be behind you and you can come home, darling.” She gave him a tight hug and kissed his forehead before she headed towards the door.
“We must tie him up.”
Eugenia was fuming. Sophie looked calm, but the scarred side of her face twitched. Cecily’s fists were clenched and Gabriel was about to say something when Thomas spoke.
“It’s okay. Let him bind me to the chair.” Thomas offered them a weak smile. “It can’t hurt me.”
A shadowhunter tightened ropes around his wrists while another tied his legs to the chair. Thomas realized the fault in his statement when he noticed how tight they were making the knots; how they were digging into his skin. Sophie looked like she wanted to go to him and cut the knots off. She looked like it caused her pain to see him like this. He wanted to say something to comfort her, but could think of nothing.
They still looked at each other as the shadowhunters finished and the doors of the sanctuary closed, leaving Thomas alone.
“Is it stupid,” Cecily said, “that he insisted on locking Thomas in the Sanctuary when we have the key?” She held up said key and gave it to Eugenia.
“I wouldn’t recommend you go in, of course, because that could very well raise Bridgestock’s suspicions, but at least we can control who gets in.”
Eugenia threw her aunt a wide grin and stalked away from the room. Both women smiled as they watched Eugenia leave. When the door closed, Cecily turned to Sophie.
“How are you?” she asked her, shifting Alexander from one hip to the other.
“The shock of seeing my son tied up to a chair and treated like a criminal is wearing off.” Sophie said, reaching out to brush Alex’s silky, raven curls away from his forehead. “I know he’s innocent and that he’ll get out in no time, but I can’t help but worry. He’s not a baby anymore, but he’s my child and I can’t help but stress that he’s in that wretched sanctuary.” Sophie turned her gaze away from Alexander to Cecily.
“I have terrible memories for that room from my time working as a maid in the Institute. Of struggling against clockwork creatures, of being pulled across the floor. Some memories are so deep in your mind that you forget they exist, until something triggers them to come back.”
Cecily took Sophie’s hand.
“I don’t want him to be in there by himself.” Sophie said. “And he’s going to have to spend the night there because the only way Bridgestock will let him go is if he is tried with the mortal sword, and it’s in Paris with Will and Tessa and—”
“Sophie.” Cecily said, setting Alexander down on the floor and sitting Sophie down on a chair. “You know better than I that Thomas is strong. If anybody can stay in The Sanctuary, alone all night, it’s your son.”
Sophie nodded. “Yes, I know. It’s just that…” She bit her lip. “He’s my son. I can’t help but worry.”
Cecily knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands tightly. “I know it’s frightening. We mothers never stop worrying. But I want you to know that Thomas will be released tomorrow at the latest, and until then, he’ll be alright.”
Sophie squeezed Cecily’s hand back.
“You're right. It can’t be worse than anything we Lightwood women haven’t endured yet.”
Cecily got up and hugged her fiercely.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes  @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @fictionally-fantastic  @stxr-thxif  @writeforjordelia  @itsdaughterofthemoon  @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca  @heronstairs2014  @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius
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