#wheres camille :(
al-norton · 5 months
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Nature willing, kinder days
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bonescaps · 7 months
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I just noticed how early seasons pixal sounds more robotic than later seasons pixal
While early seasons zane sounds less robotics than later seasons zane
Maybe they completely swap in the future n pixal has fake skin n zane is in her head or something
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earlgrey24 · 20 hours
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Saw this in an antique book shop today and simply couldn't resist
Actual cost: 150 CZK (around 6 $)
Cost to my mental well-being: incalculable
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I love characters not being able to tell they're being deceived by a shapeshifter!
Love the audience not being able to tell they're being deceived by a shapeshifter!!!
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exorcistas · 9 months
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Good Sister-Bad Sister, Hole // Sharp Objects (2018)
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lsdoiphin · 2 years
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Sketch: @broncoburro
Lines/Colors/Editing: @lsdoiphin
Stranger contemplates the turn this arrangement has taken.
(woman makes a pass at me) T-this is JUST like a spider I know
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firelise · 2 months
why does yuan keep talking about going hiking and seeing nature while abroad? was he not in new york? sir wtf are u talking about? what mountain? did they go to the poconos? like
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deathzgf · 2 months
ethel cain wrote every single song for maximilien robespierre & camille desmoulins in this essay i will
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woundgallery · 1 year
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Camille Henrot, Tropics of Love, 2014
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danielslaw · 2 years
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KLAUS MIKAELSON AND CAMILLE O’CONNELL “ If it wasn't that night, this bar, that $100 dollar bill, it would have been Jackson Square, staring at a painting. Or Frenchmen Street, listening to jazz. I would have found you. “ KLAMILLE AND THEIR MANY FIRST MEETINGS
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Okay but I can imagine Hodgins breaking the coffee pot in the Lab and just replacing it with one of his big ass beakers from his lab. The squints won't notice or care for about a week until Cam gets aggravated and asks where the coffee pot is.
this happened regularly a couple years back, the coffee pot was replaced 3 times before Dr. Saroyan gave up, and now our coffee beaker (with a silicone handle for safety) is a permanent fixture in the employee break room. also how did you know that 🤨
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camille-lachenille · 2 months
Help, I don’t want to put on proper clothes and be a human being today but I have an appointment. I just want to be a potato on my bed.
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jeskerthefool · 3 months
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onceuponamillennia · 1 month
camille,,, my girl,,, i wanna give her all the good things ever. she's so sweet and doesn't deserve any of the bad things happening to her
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kikithecoconut · 1 month
Um I want to preface this post by saying that I AM NOT A FRAUDRICK USHER DEFENDER but I am about to maybe drop the biggest hot take of my life(???)
Also house of usher spoilers ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
He is a deplorable man . But I think that it’s unfair to label him as ‘just a psycho’ when the motives behind his actions all made perfect sense regarding his obvious breakdown .
At the start of the show, he’s clearly mistrusted. He’s the eldest Usher child, “Frederick is the closest he could get without naming him Roderick Jr.” He is the suckup of the century and other than his horrendously awkward demeanour and lack of common sense he seems. Okay.
A bit angry sometimes (calling Perry ‘Gucci Caligula’) but otherwise he’s alright
He is clearly in love with his wife and his daughter. He called Lenore ‘peanut’ and ‘jellybean’ and he is so soft with her, and with Morrie he’s a little clueless but he’s trying his best I think.
His relationship with Morrie and Lenore are really special to him, he could not stand to see it broken he doesn’t want to end up like Roderick and Annabelle because then there’s a chance Lenore would end up like him - broken home but surrounded by money.
Then Morrie goes to the orgy and she lies to Freddie about where she’s going. She goes with the intention of sleeping with Perry and she removes her wedding ring so people wouldn’t know she was married.
Obviously I don’t think she deserved to be melted but this starts Freddie’s descent into sheer madness.
So now his wife is melted and one of his brothers are dead. Roderick is upping the pressure and the guilt tripping, the usual. And Freddie gets the brunt of it as the oldest.
Then Camille dies.
And Freddie is given this burner phone and he is trying to find every possible reason why this phone couldn’t be Morrie’s because why would she lie to him.
He concludes (with help from Lenore) that it can’t be hers because the wallpaper is a factory preset.
Then he goes to Leo and he gets the cocaine, and from this point until his death I don’t believe for a second that Frederick Usher ever comes down from the high. He tells Leo it’s to help with stress and this just shows that even if he isn’t outwardly distraught about Perry and Camille it’s still getting to him.
He’s Lenore’s only functioning parent. 2 siblings are dead. Roderick isn’t helping.
Then Leo dies.
Then the paralysing starts.
Then Vic, then Tammy.
Frederick is now the only remaining Usher kid. He is constantly on drugs, and Leo told him not to take so much because it wouldn’t end well. All of his siblings are dead. Morrie lied to him about the orgy. She was going to cheat on him, “Morrie cracked it, I don’t want to break it.” He is Lenore’s sole guardian. He’s angry. Roderick is pressuring him. He’s the swing vote on the board. He’s the last one left.
Everything builds and builds and then he breaks. Complete breakdown. And when he finally takes it all out on someone it’s Morrie, because she won’t fight back she won’t stop him and she’s an easy target.
His actions are not excusable by any means but his motives are understandable. He was right to feel angry he was not right to be violent, or sufficiently brutal as he would’ve put it.
Verna even told him:
“He did you wrong, Freddie. You only ever wanted to be loved by him. you only ever wanted his approval. And it’s still no fucking excuse.”
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