#which i do. i genuinely get that paranoid. and y'all have done that about sexuality and gender
wolf-skins · 7 years
my favourite part about r/df/ms and their whole “liberal mogai tumblr stops lesbians from feeling good and proud about loving women!!!” is that their bs is 100% the reason why i feel so boxed in with my own labels and that i have a genuine fear to the point of being terrified about potentially using the lesbian label.
and it’s not bc i’m worried about being lumped in with them. it’s bc i wouldn’t be a “real lesbian” in their eyes and they would 1000% come in droves for my neck if i did so, and that’s a fact.
but okay it’s everyone not a gatekeeper that ruins identities and lives and pride
i want y’all to be aware that when i joined tumblr way back in 2010/2011 as a 16 year old just discovering that i really really was gay and might be kicked out for it that it was “””””libfem mogai/mogii whatever”””” tumblr that made me feel safe, and happy, and proud and completely comfortable trying on and changing labels as i discovered myself.... and it’s only now with the gatekeepers screeching so much that i feel shame and guilt and self-hate.
so jump the fuck off this bullshit 
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