#which is a shame bc i liked the finale and thought it could've been better but had really great moments
tempestaurora · 1 year
like idk. im reading on twitter people mad that ted and rebecca didnt get together and that they were set up for it and the “morning after” scene in the finale was a middle finger and like. idk. at no point did i read the show that way. they were clearly platonic throughout and although occasionally i was like, they would make a good relationship, the story spent its time placing rebecca with sam and ted with (other than a fling) no one. i thought that “morning after” scene was hilarious, a little poke at what the fans wanted but also a nice joke to say, sorry, that’s not how this plays out
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sukirichi · 3 years
Bonten husbands messing up their child's haircut idk if you got this one cus my tumblr's acting up :(
Ran: panik. He's sURE he followed the tutorial correctly, but something must have gone wrong. After struggling to fix it he just accepts his fate and vacuums the carpet for the night. "Ran" "I know."
Rindou: Tried to impress you by doing it but it backfired. Waits for you to get home since he doesn't want to mess it up any more. Poor bby cries a lil and is so guilty, pls give him love🥺 "Care to explain?" "Not really"
Kaku: Internal screaming. There's no way this could've happened. Not to him. Tries to fix it and does a pretty decent job but he knows he can't fool you "What happened to their hair?" "Iaccidentallymessedup"
Koko: The only reason he was doing this is bc he heard the other members fvked up their kids hair and tried to one-up them. Calls every professional in the area. Just for backup he bought a wig. "Why are there hairdressers in my home?" "That's a good question"
Sanzu: Desperately tries to save it but it only gets worse. In the end he acted like it all happened on purpose. Also made your favorite meal to distract from the hair. *Unimpressed Wife Noises* "iT dOEsn'T LoOK thAt bAD"
omg ran would definitely be very excited about it. he’s quite proud of his hairstyles from his youth up until his bonten self, so its almost hard to stop him from wanting to be the one to snip snip his kid’s hair. so daddy! ran stands there, proud and confident as youtube tutorials play in the background. but then it doesn’t turn out the way he likes, and his kid is speechless at the rather...questionable new look. as if things can’t get worse, you come home with a frown. “ran?” you gently pat his shoulder, the muscles under your touch slumping in defeat. and when he says yes, he knows it looks bad and he should’ve just went to professionals, you can’t have the heart to scold him on it ://
now see, rindou may look aloof or unbothered most times with a permanent lazy frown, but he does like the attention and praises you shower him with. he gets the idea one day to surprise you by cutting his kid’s hair so you won’t have to take him to the stylists this weekend. but his hands are shaking, his kid won’t stop fidgeting on the chair, and on top of the pressure of wanting to impress you, along with the fear of not pulling this off - it backfires. rindou doesn’t even try finishing the look his kid asked for before he’s giving them snacks to make up for the mistake. and when you get home, rindou begins to tear up. thankfully, you appreciate that its the thought that counts (though your kid didn’t have to suffer this heinous cut lmao) so you don’t push him too much to explain 🥺
kakucho refuses to believe it !! him, best daddy kakucho, messing up his kid’s haircut when he even practiced on so many wigs and watched more tutorials that it put ran’s effort to shame? him, best daddy kakucho, who was intensely focused and careful in everything he did yet it still turned out this way ?? poor bb is so shocked he can’t even form coherent sentences anymore
out of all of them, kokonoi is the most reassured he’s got this. he’s been styling his hair since he was a teen - he’s got this !! and just to prove a point that he’s the best daddy who won’t mess up his kid’s cut, he happily facetimes the other bonten members while a group of professional stylist supervise and nod in agreement at his techniques and swift cuts. don’t get him wrong though, there’s a number of wigs and professionals on standby if ever he messes up, giving him a perfect excuse that “its time for a break” before he ends the call. better safe than sorry, Koko tells himself, because alas, he ended up needing them after all 💀
sanzu - as insane and daring he may be - knows his limits and is most definitely aware how scary you can get if you see how he messed his kid’s haircut up. but ah, sanzu gives in when the other bonten members bribe mikey to order sanzu to at least try so all the bonten daddies could finally crown who is most deserving of the ‘best daddy award.’ he messes up though, which is expected, and there’s no more taking it back so he simply whisks you into the kitchen before you can hear your crying kid, your favorite meal prepared and kisses littered on your face. until your kid comes to greet you and your mouth falls agape at the mess. *cue unimpressed wife noises and defensive husband noises*
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iamacolor · 2 years
i'm still in shock. i was coming into this ep with loss of hope and someone they put the best parts of this show into it. god.. even i had a sense of fulfillment by the end. im here for youngwoo and her journey and we got to see her about to start a new chapter. full time! i hope att jung stays but just balances his work/life better cus he doesn't have much to prove anymore as he did before. i wonder if youngwoo's the only one with a renewed contract tho but i like this team so i hope not. the talk with junho was so 😭😭😭 im so happy idk i'll take it. it came out with less plotholes than i thought?? maybe ceo han changed her mind bc her goal was to not have her as minister (also minister for what i still dont know) but she stepped down on her own and maybe she sees she doesnt have to risk youngwoo for that (but also i dont like that she was willing to use youngwoo like that) but youngwoo's little brother 🥺 what a good kid. so cute when he calls her noona 🥺 idk.. im just very happy they didnt ruin s1. that could've been the end of the show and id be satisfied. but now im even more excited for s2. i really adore these characters.
hello anon! I just wrote a long post about all the things that felt off for me in the finale because so much was still left unsolved or unsaid or simply was given a shortcut so that there could be a happy ending but I won't rewrite everything here because honestly I think it was a good ending based on all the things they'd messed up to get there not really as an ending itself (does that make sense) and because you're right they somehow found back the tone that we loved from earlier episodes (which is hugely in part because we were fully on youngwoo's side rather than watching her suffer from afar with her scenes cut) so it did give me faith again for season 2. I'm glad she's happy with her new position she deserves all the things that makes her happy (and as for myeongseok she also clearly wants him back at hanbada too they make such a great team! but I do hope he finds a better balance)
I think the weird thing about ceo han just sort of giving up (for now) is that we still don't know why she was so against tae sumi?? (and since she's a lawyer tae sumi was a candidate to be minister of justice!)
and I would love to know if youngwoo's still in touch with her half brother. one of the things I wanted for season 2 was to see youngwoo be a mentor to another lawyer but I'd love to see her navigate being a sibling as well especially since they so easily understood each other very well and she immediately was protective of him (and he clearly needs better acquaintances than the ones he was hanging out with lol)
I just hope they can actually make season 2 happen now, I know it's going to be hard to get everyone together but a lot still needs to be resolved and it'd be a shame for this show to not actually get to wrap everything and for youngwoo's journey to be cut short when there's still so much more to see!
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