#which is all fine and dandy when you're writing up the party's election platform
generallemarc · 4 months
Just something to keep in mind about Congress, Trump and the border
Trump has a history of refusing to secure the border unless it's entirely done his way. We could've had a sped up process and vitally-important funding increases, but he wanted the deal shut down because that would mean Biden signing it instead of him. Now, I'm pretty sure Johnson would've shot it down anyway for his own reasons, but that doesn't change Trump's reasons one bit. And like I said, this is not the first time he's done this. Remember, he had both houses of Congress for the first half of his presidency-he had two full years where anything requiring a simple majority vote couldn't be stopped by the Democrats on their own. And what did he do with it? Nothing, because he wouldn't give significant and lasting boosts to border agencies since he'd tied it all to the #borderwall, and boy howdy was it weird to see a rightie trying to exploit dumbass social media anti-thought instead of a leftie. He wouldn't give the necessary support to the agencies actively tasked with securing the border unless he got to spend billions of dollars on an inefficient, one-size-fits-all idea(national parks? places that already aren't gonna see attempted entry due to hostile geography? the fucking Rio Grande? never addressed) that only works if you're limited to 280 characters to explain it.
I'll fully admit, a large part of why I'm pissed at the bill being shot down was because it means that Ukraine and Israel aren't getting the aid they need-America's foreign policy can't be gambled for votes like that. And, as always in these scenarios, it does take two to tango: a compromise failing usually means both parties decided not to give, and that makes this also on the Democrats as well. But to shoot the bill down before even fully understanding what was in it(be honest with me: how many of the Congressmen who pledged to vote against it do you think actually read the text before condemning it?) is pure partisanship, and so this time the lion's share of blame is very much on the Republicans. Biden outright said he'd shut down the border if sent a bill for that-even if he was lying, him saying that at all should've been a huge win for the right. But instead of border security being increased as we speak, we're forced to wait weeks or maybe months more, while the crisis gets worse and the agencies dealing with it get more and more overwhelmed, because Speaker Johnson and Trump both care more about winning in November than helping America now.
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