#which is cool don't get me wrong‚ glad we have official dubs
random-meme-bot · 11 months
Ok was anybody going to tell me YouTube can have multiple official dubs of a video and just force you into the one more similar to your system language without letting you see the others.
Or was I just supposed to find out while trying to watch "The amazing Digital Circus" in English.
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 9-15 thoughts
Ep. 9
It's a bit boring tbh. It's a Jotaro episode, and I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Jotaro can carry an episode by himself. He's fun when he is with the rest of the cast, but kind of boring otherwise? I don't really hate him or anything. I just wish a bit more out of his solo episodes
Yeah, there is also the Cherry thing. The end of the episode got me
Rest under the cut
Ep. 10
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Finally some good fucking conflict baby!! This is when Polnareff became a vivid character in my mind. Polnareff trying to fight the Hanged Man alone and Advol being the most upset by it the most makes sense for them. I guess Advol feels a bit betrayed because he has a lot of respect for the guy.
Polnareff gives a flimsy reason why him going alone is a good thing but you can tell later that he knows this is objectively the worse choice deep down, he is just too angry to care. Everyone knows this. Advol is the only one who thinks he can force him to not go (which does speak to his "holier than thou" additude a bit).
Later when Polnareff's arrogance bites him in the ass it's Advol who comes in to help him first. Polnareff saying this was to lecture him or prove him wrong is not entirely untrue. I'm sure that was a part of it. Ultimately though the main reason is because he doesn't wanna see him die. That's what I think, at least.
I was mad that they killed Advol early but I saw him in the thumbnail of some episodes later scrolling thru Netflix so uhh. We get to have more Advol later :D idk how tho.
This was around the time when I went in to check out the dub. I would have loved the dub for the first two parts if it weren't for the stupid. fucking. accents. This part doesn't have em. The dub's great y'all I reccomend it for sure. Also I swear I heard Advol's va somewhere else before.
Ep. 11
Another good episode for characterizetion, for Polnareff and Kakyoin this time. I'm glad the Joestars weren't in these episodes. Shrinking down the cast sometimes is good, builds their interpersonal relationships. One thing I'm worried about is how many Polnareff episodes we have gotten, I hope he doesn't die early.
Anyways, fight scenes were great. I especially like the shot where Polnareff gets his ass saved again. By Kakyoin this time.
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I like Kakyoin a lot in this episode. He is definitely the guy with the most emotional intelligence. Back and forth between him trying to talk some sense into Polnareff vs Hol and the Hanged man taunting him was good.
I also like how he waits to get out of danger before breaking Polnareff's nose. That's some emotional maturity right there.
Now that Polnareff has calmed down, we can focus on defeating the stand users again.
Kakyoin repeating Polnareff's linea to him when they cornered is nice. It reminds me of how he said "I don't really know why myself" when the crew asked why he wanted to join them. Fun little detail.
Another detail is the crowd's faces wehn Joseph and Jotaro find Advol's body. I couldn't find a good place to mention that.
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I should also mention Hol Horse. He is a cowboy. His stand is a gun. His last name is just Horse. When faced with the people he is suppose to kill he just runs away. He also steals the crew's car at some point. I would kill to see him and Dio interact. Truly one of the jjba characters of all time.
Ngl I ugly laughed at him running away at the end. They animated it so well too and for what.
Ep. 12
It was about time we got a Joseph episode.
Polnareff is tying to give Nena some advice about love and shit and he is just. not getting thru to her. This episode is when Polnareff officially became the silly one of the group.
I'm glad to see Joseph be his BT self again. Predicting people's lines and all. Sure, age has made him weaker (evenho he is still absolutely built), but it shouldn't make him stupider. I wish we saw his intelligence at play, outside of this episode.
Hermit purple is a cool stand and seeing it get utilized is always a treat.
This is the first time they show Hamon doesn't work on stands i think? I sort of assumed that was the case but this confirms it. Even with that, Hamon still has a lot of utility. It's weird to see Joseph not use it.
I guess the SPW foundation cleared his record after this. Honestly, I have no idea what they would to without it. Where would we be if it wasn't for Speedwagon's huge crush on Jonathan.
Ep. 13
This is one of my favourite "stand user of the day" episode so far. The stand is fucking sick, the group has good chemistry together. From Polnareff being and idiot to Jotaro and Kakyoin's banter.
My main complaint is that they brought the girl back. I sang praises about her earlier and they took that personally ig. She is only in this episode too. I just don't see the point. Did she need to have a crush on him? One thing I liked about her was seeing Jotaro interact with a stranger that 1. didn't try to kill him 2. Wasn't smitten by him. She leaves after this so it doesn't even matter tham much but y'know.
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Ep 14 and 15
I joked about the fog being a stand earlier i didn't think they'd actually go for it. It's definitely a creative one.
Is Polnareff not knowing the stand user and trying to befrend them gonna be a trend? I'm here for it 100%.
Something about Jotaro referencing Columbo delights me.
I don't have much to say about these two episodes. I found them pretty entertaining but not much to note about. Other than Polnareff licking the toilet.
And this is it i'm pretty sure. These take a lot of time to write but I like journaling my thoughts. Mostly for myself, aslo for my 3 mutuals.
We'll probably get a Kakyoin episode soon. He hasn't used his main stand ability at all since episode 2. I get why, but it's a bit of a shame.
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