#which is insaaane it's such a huge skip but not unusual for rtd companions
mwagneto · 20 days
There is this theory floating around that the current season of DW is taking place inside a TV show (Truman show style). What do you think about this? And is there a designated tag here on tumblr for this theory? I tried to search for posts about this, but wasn’t very successful in finding any.
Another quick thing: How do you know that Ruby and the Doctor traveled together for six months by episode 2? I missed that completely.
I'VE SEEN WHISPERS OF THAT i'm fucking obsessed with that theory i cant lie. like the fact that the universe tilted in some horrible way after 14's salt thing is already so awesome and i think if it's pulled off well (which we know rtd could do) the tv show thing could be awesomeee like it's already been hinted at a lot and we're only 2 episodes into the season so👀👀👀 unfortunately i dont know if there's a tag for it, i only have the general #dw meta tag i put every theory into but i hope it gets popular enough to get a tag, even if it turns out to be wrong i think it's a super fun idea to play around with
re the second bit: when ruby tries to say the world didn't end in 1963, the doctor asks her what time it is for her currently, june? and she says june, july, it's hard to keep track -> and we know episode 1 ended on her birthday which is the end of december so it's been 6 or 7 months since then
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