#which isnt great but im at a point where im not the level of squishy i like being
weaselbug · 8 months
I kinda wanna talk about the mana games
at least the ones i have played
secret of mana
while this game is good, but holy crap. so many issues with it, namely magic spam, its almost impossible to beat some bosses without not letting them attack you at all. but ultimately a good game, can get annoying at times, and not really a game i would plan on playing again. worth your time, but only once. and the story isnt amazing, but the world is so wonderful that i love it anyway.
trials of mana (secret of mana 2 if you're like me, and a huge nerd)
this game is great! first things first, a 3 choices. what characters do you want! pick 3 out of 6. which most combos are very good. although I wouldn't recommend picking three magic users. but go ahead most of the game is pretty easy, although still with magic spam, there is less of it, and very easy to run out of mana.
then there are the jobs, which there are 3 levels to, the first one you just have. but then you get to choose between light and dark, which then goes to another choice between light and dark. and a game with 6 different characters all with 4 different ending power ups, this game is great.
although there are some parts where the difficulty spikes for some reason, expecially a boss with a human sized person where he just one shots all your squishys (if you have any)
there is one point where you are stranded on an island and have to interact with a random rock to progress, so watch out for that. and it kinda has a problem with you going "where the heck do i go" the remake fixes this, but in like, the worst way possible, still doesnt tell you where to go, but just gives you a way point on your mini map. i dont know which one is better.
storys ok. they are all your tipical affair, "go slay a dragon" or "go save the kingdom" or "go save your brother" but honestly, i think its ok that its story is nothing to write home about, its just enough to get you to care. and thats all that matters.
technical problems: two stats just, dont work. that being luck and dex, they are mostly useless exept for the ninja character. then they unlock their spells, but thats it. and crits never happen, ever. so one of the final jobs for one of the characters is completely useless and you probably shouldn't pick it.
the music and world is great, that is what mana strives on, the world and music.
adventure of mana (final fantasy adventure)
this game is pretty good, for a game boy game at least, first off, this game is hard, not in the "oh man i gotta try again, i almost had it!" hard, more of the "fricken dang it! this game is too hard!" and there is one part which is getting pretty regular in these games, where you have to circle a tree like 3-5 times in order to progress. or have to wear silver armor to get into a cave.
and it has a system where you can choose to wait and charge up your attack to do a big attack, which is really fun and i love it. all mana games have this in common. which is one of the reasons why i love them.
legend of mana
oh this one is great too*.
oh so so many choices to make, im a simple person, give me meaning or non meaning full choices to combat and i am a happy camper. and this one has no shortage of them. first, choose your gender/character. then pick where you want to have your world, (some parts you cant pick cause they dont have enough sea.) then your off. but then you can choose between 11 different weapon types, which i wont list off here lol.
then there's the pets, which are fun at first, then you find the asterisk, which that every single system has one. first off, they have made every system overly complicated and over all, useless. why should i make a new sword when the store bought one is just fine, AND i have to put all the ingredients IN ORDER to get the right sword, and you have no idea what that is without a guide.
you can place down the worlds the way you want to, which is fine on a first playthrough, but you will be locked out of content if you do your placements wrong. but i found it fun to just go through the game as i wanted to, then go with a guide. and the story is really well written. made me care for all or at least most of the characters, and the world and music are beutiful as all get out. even listening to the abandoned city makes me almost cry.
but over all, the game was designed with the idea that you would replay it a lot, which is a fun idea. rouge likes (hate that name btw) are a testiment to that. over all, great game. just with a few blemishes, that might be a little ugly but oh well, the whole thing is pretty good. i just wish the pets were more enphsised and all the systems were made more impactful and easyer to understand.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
My Experience With the Signs (Reprise)
Aquarius: They have a commanding presence to them that to some is intimidating but not to me. You stick to your “one way of doing things” far too much. they act emotionally detached even when everyone knows they’re the most sentimental person in the room. some of them get on my nerves with their one track mind, but for the most part we get along. they’re the type to say eww guiltlessly when you say you like something really lame (if they dont then they’re the lame one). don’t really get irony for some reason either. they dont understand how you can be ironically into something really stupid, like saying you ironically listen to journey or hall and oats sometimes.
Pisces: its a 50/50. Either I love you or I can’t stand you theres no in between. they all have high morals and will really push them on people. this isnt a big problem unless their logic makes absolutely no sense which happens. they can be very intelligent but this can lead some to become overzealous. they’re smart, empathic and very compassionate. they are equal parts capable of being my favorite person or me just wanting to kill them due to some of their know-it-all natures and ridiculous logic. they’re the type where you can chain smoke talking about every topic under the sun with for 7 hours. so long as you don’t offend them which can happen pretty easily. make one innocuous joke or comment and all hell will break loose.
Aries: we would be cool except you make every issue about you. I admire your ability to stay positive, almost to a level where i fear you’re actually just ignorant of the problem completely. they’re good at making light of other peoples situations, but if something happens to them that they don’t like, its as if the whole world has to go on hold for them to figure it out. they can be really exhausting this way and come off as being super self absorbed. these are the type to call you at 4am saying “guess what just happened to me.”
Taurus: honestly not much has changed. you are still lazy and still prefer netflix and your bag of cheetos to hanging out. but regardless, they’re level headed and easy to talk to. they love to use the blame game to explain away their problems so they dont have to put work into adjusting their behavior. they have sound logic and ideas and can be that friend that you make a meaningful glance to across the room when the person you’re talking to is full of shit. nothing phases these people. until something does. then all hell breaks loose and they are insane.
Gemini: (i dont know many so im sorry if this is an unfair bias) out of all the ones I’ve known, they’ve all sucked. they manipulate and lie to get what they want from people. usually control. every picture on their facebook page is of themselves. they think they’re really talented and special when really they’re just a methhead trying to pick up underage girls with their guitar at a party they weren’t invited to.
Cancer: they’re all super sweet honestly. prone to being down on themselves and making their poor self esteem painfully obvious. they can get defensive and close themselves off even though you really just wanna hug them. tend to make poor relationship choices though they usually dont figure that out til later. really just fun to be around and drink half a bottle of tequila with. you can really tell them anything and they won’t judge you. a wholesome bean.
Leo: the person who cuts into a conversation because you haven’t said their name in five minutes. these are a bit of a mixed bag. the ones who dont have any control of their ego are unbearable: naiive, arrogant, selfish, self centered, etc. but the ones who are aware of their own egos are typically nihilists who like really weird anime and rip on themselves to make them laugh. the self aware ones have this “dead inside” air to them but not in a depressing gloomy way just in a confident “life is meaningless so fuck it” way. also I’ve never met a female leo who wasn’t gay so theres that masculine sign bringin the gay.
Virgo: they overanalyze too much and it makes them anxiety ridden but they dont do anything about it. they can be critical, but trust me they criticize themselves the most. they can be pretty blunt, and its a good trait only about half the time. they are secretly very emotional though most will never know that. they are dying inside but are super good at faking it and turning it into a joke. range from being overbearing to overly detached in about half a second. people don’t really perceive them the way they should in both directions good and bad. they stick to their ways but not in an aquarius or taurus way, but more of a “I am at a loss I dont know what else to do” way. typically very understanding and kind but not at first. it takes time to get through that prickly cynical exterior. they’re moody and typically get way too caught up and drown in tragedies. if something bad happens they never forget and they let it follow them to their grave. they’re the kind of person where you can lay on the hood of their car at night listening to beach house talking about how cool space is. (true story)
Libra: another 50/50. they both make me the angriest most miserable person on earth and also happy to the max. they love passionately when they’re actually in love but are prone to cheaty behavior which they never address. They get caught up in what people think of them without realizing it and it makes them act irrationally. they have a habit of trying to get someones attention or respect by covering up their true selves and adopting all the interests and hobbies of the person they admire, basically a chameleon. this makes them seem fake. i wish they would just embrace who they are and be themselves because literally everyone on earth would prefer that. some, usually the men, can be extremely arrogant and think they’re the greatest thing ever at everything with no evidence. they can be incredibly insecure and have all sorts of weird ways of covering it up. can be manipulative. very flirtatious which is great if you’re interested in one and really not great while you’re dating them. don’t really understand the concept of emotional cheating, probably because they do it so much and dont want to look at themselves as cheaters but they are.  if you find a loyal self aware libra with integrity and self respect though, my god they could rule the world through their ability for kindness and love.
Scorpio: I can be good friends with them but dating them is always a poor choice. they can be pretty oblivious and a lot of them get caught up in trying to look cool. its not because they care what people think its for some weird unknown self serving reason. these people can surprise you in all kinds of ways. because they keep themselves pretty low profile you never really know what they’re capable of. they’re unpredictable that way. they are pretty slutty in frivolous relationships, but once they commit they’re pretty attached. almost to an unhealthy degree. like they could get beat up, cheated on and abandoned by their partner and still love them (true story. like 3 of them). honestly though, usually just dorky memelords who wanna argue with you about politics and music using alien conspiracies as supporting evidence.
Sagittarius: oh you fiery eyed beauties. the independent ones are the best ones. they can talk all kinds of shit and not give a fuck better than anyone and its amazing so long as you’re not on the receiving end of it. the lazier ones are usually more clingy and unsure of themselves and usually use that fiery energy on their loved ones and themselves which isnt as fun. they are the greatest best friends. they know exactly what to say and when and they are the type of person where if you tell them you got cheated on they’ll go find the bastard and light their car on fire. essentially, a punk rock sagittarius can’t be topped by anyone. just stay away from the alcohol because you are so prone to being an alcoholic like please stop we love you.
Capricorn: usually very sweet. like to the point where you wonder if they’re “okay.” they will put up with some ridiculous shit from people. if you need emotional support though ask a capricorn because they will be there. usually like to keep in charge of themselves and accomplish their goals in their own kind of strange ways. usually neat and clean and smell good. they’ll buy you pizza and not ask to pay it back. if you upset one enough to leave your life then you’ve fucked up big time because they will put up with just about anything.they are precious keep them close and protected. I only met one i didnt like and they literally ended up the person i dislike most out of the whole human race that I’ve met. so i guess this means they’re just as capable of being complete asswipes as they are being squishy marshmallows.
Source: nanothestrange
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