#while 'her' deborah was with the seraph... i think they struck out on wildly different paths and probably had a lot of conflict
anghraine · 2 years
My fun geek necromancer (GW2) is now level 36 or so. In general, I still do prefer my mesmer’s pink lasers (though it’s not quite fair as a comparison since my mesmer is my level 80 long-standing main, wasn’t even my first GW2 mesmer, and my GW1 main was also a mesmer, so I’m a lot more familiar w/ that class and have access to many more aspects of it).
In any case, I do enjoy a lot of the mechanics—the necro didn’t have a single death until level 36(!). I’m running through the Character Advancement tracks from the anniversary update, and it’s a nice way to have both concrete goals and decent rewards for them. I imagine it provides some help to people who aren’t as familiar with the game, also, since it can be a pretty complicated game at times. And I’m gathering just about everything possible (...even onions. so many onions) to funnel into crafting (or selling, in order to finance more crafting).
It is interesting that necro is considered one of the easiest classes by contrast to mesmer (or worse, elementalist). I do personally find mesmers much easier to play, but again, it’s probably not fair when my main is lvl 80 and decked out in everything I could afford or luck into (quite a bit via 10 years of laurels), and it did originally take awhile to adjust to clones and timing Diversion and such (and no Backfire, my absolute favorite skill in GW1 that would be ludicrously overpowered in GW2. RIP <3). But a whole second health bar does go a long way, ngl.
#i don't like minions though and i haven't found a good staff in ages#and i do much prefer necro staff to necro axe abilities#also i've been getting used to the creepy necro sound effect instead of the crackle of my greatsword lasers#anghraine babbles#anghraine's gaming#ascalonian grudgeblog#isabel batista#also since the concept was 'as close to me as possible but also a necro and very pretty' she got the commoner background#vs aristocratic althea and street origin gwen#but all got missing sister in order to select ascalonian origin and even though the dialogue is the same#it's fun to imagine the different ways that the different characters relate to her#deborah was the cool badass older sister to frivolous young althea who in pseudo-death became her inspiration#in large part because she could have spent her life in luxury as lady deborah fairchild and then went off to fight for kryta#('cool badass older sister' deborah works esp well bc deborah canonically joins the vigil in the end whether you're related or not)#but given that gwen's personal story makes it very clear that she was up to her ears in a very bad crowd#while 'her' deborah was with the seraph... i think they struck out on wildly different paths and probably had a lot of conflict#if they were even talking at all when deborah vanished#and it hit all the harder because of that#i'm still figuring out the isabel-deborah dynamic in my head before i start missing sister with her#i think they don't quite get each other (originally) but where gwen and deborah were mutually appalled isabel and deborah have respect#in a 'i don't get it but you do you <3' sort of way#anghraine's headcanons
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