#while you foam at the mouth for a weird argument and try diagnosing me when you don't even know my real name lmao
vampiricgf · 5 months
I do think there's something mad weird about using a background in either social services or mental health to talk down to or worse, demonize, people in fandom who have preferences for certain things that fall into darker categories or their preference in fiction as if it has any real bearing on who they are irl
I think it's irresponsible if you are a professional to speak to strangers on the internet as if you're diagnosing them or have somehow seen their medical records when I know, from my own partner who is a licensed therapist and addiction counselor, that it's impossible to do that with anyone you do not directly treat and it's inappropriate. Also it's just plain strange to have such a debilitating need to be Correct that you legit think it's okay to start speaking to anyone that way no matter what it's about. tbh it's embarrassing to the profession
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