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Is life hectic for you right now? Do you have a long to-do list that seems to just grow longer each day? Are you feeling overwhelmed and defeated? Are these feelings affecting your relationships? The good news is, I know how you can drop the overwhelm and stress, have more fun and enjoy the people around you more while pursuing your own goals! Start with asking yourself: 🔹In what ways are your days easy and fun? Let your brain go to work and find ways that your days are easy and fun. 🔹What if these challenges are here for you? Find the evidence to support how it is easy and fun and how your challenges are here for you. 💙And if all else fails, borrow my belief in you: You are amazing and capable of hard things! ✨Want to create a fun and happy life full of enjoyable relationships? Do you desire less drama and more peace while going after your passions? If so, The Empowered Mom program is for you! Over the course of 3 months, you will go from being on that hamster wheel of the daily hustle and bustle to being in control, empowered, happy and truly enjoying all of your loved ones! 💥Sign up for a FREE 20 coaching session to chat and see if you are a good fit! (Limited spots!) Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching ☝🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXh-6WPZma/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Don't believe everything you think🤯 It's so important and empowering to remember that your thoughts are not facts. You have the power to focus on the thoughts that serve you so that you can have the experience that you desire. So, when your brain is offering you thoughts and stories that don't serve you, you have the option to view these thoughts as "thought errors". Your brain is doing its job to protect you and these "thought errors" are normal and natural. But as a human with a prefrontal cortex, you have the ability to gently let go of these "thought errors" and instead focus on the thoughts that serve you. Ugh have the opportunity to allow yourself to be wrong when it comes to your "thought errors" and shift your focus to support your wants, desires, goals and values. If you want some one-on-one free coaching, I am here for you! Click my link in my bio to schedule @whitneywellscoaching ⬆️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch8K_KNPbAh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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True connection comes from being authentically you👇 You can’t people please your way to true connection. People pleasing seems nice on the surface but it is lying about your true wants and showing up for others at your expense. You have the opportunity to drop the people pleasing and show up as yourself. But this means being vulnerable. And being vulnerable takes courage. Being vulnerable and being courageous, don’t feel good. They are uncomfortable! So why do it? Because you gain so much more when you allow yourself to be authentically you.👇 🔹When you show up as you, with full vulnerability, you connect not only with yourself but with others. 🔹And Connection with yourself, and others, feels so much better than disconnection one creates when they lie about who they are and what they want. If you want to connect with your spouse or parter or the loved ones in your life, have the courage to be vulnerable and show up in alignment with who you are. The discomfort won’t last and your connection will become stronger.💕 • • I can help you create the relationship that you desire and deserve. Grab your spot before they fill up! Schedule your free chat with me today to see if you want to take this step for you and your relationship. Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-Ig6WOM68/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Are you feeling tired, overwhelmed or discouraged? Is there just so much to do for yourself and others? Are you juggling a lot? ​ If so, join me for the latest episode of Take Control with Whitney Wells, “When You are Just So Tired, Overwhelmed and Discouraged”. 🎧Tune in if you want some solutions that you can apply to your life and to your specific situation immediately to be more in control and feel better. Link in bio to listen @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2dQxAls63/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hey there amazing human! Notice where you are focusing your energy. Give yourself this gift of awareness because from this place, you have all the power to create the life and relationship you want! 🔹If you focus on the things that bother you about your spouse, you will create more bothersome feelings for yourself and disconnection with your spouse. 🔹If you focus on how they are amazing and why you love them, you will create more love for yourself and connection in your marriage. You have the choice and you have the power to change your marriage and life in an instant if you want! ✨I know that this is easier said than done! And this is where I can help… I can help you create the relationship that you desire and it only takes you!! 💫Grab your spot before they fill up! Schedule your free chat with me today to see if you want to take this step for you and your relationship.❤️ https://www.instagram.com/whitneywellscoaching/p/CY9tUvcP2YP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do you have people in your life that are difficult to deal with? Maybe they get under your skin and push your buttons sometimes? 🎧If so, this episode of Take Control with Whitney Wells, is for YOU! In this episode, “How to Deal with the Difficult People in your Life”, we talk about what may be happening now, unintentionally for you when dealing with these difficult people. And then I show you how you can grow, become stronger and feel better all while dealing with these difficult people! 🎧Click the link in my bio to listen @whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CY2EkwLPm_5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do you ever find yourself striving for perfection in certain areas of your life? 🎧If so, this episode of Take Control with Whitney Wells, is for YOU! In this episode, “Perfectionism: How it can be Harmful and Two Simple & Effective Solutions”, I discuss how a perfectionist mindset can be harmful to you and your relationships. I offer a couple alternatives and solutions for you to approach your perfectionism to help create more of what you want in your life. And the beat part is, you can implement these shifts and changes immediately! 🎧Click the link in my bio to listen @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/whitneywellscoaching/p/CYjbt-yLeoM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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One of the main causes of suffering is thinking that something is wrong with you or that something is wrong with them/it. 💥But what if neither are true? We often times get stuck in a blame, shame spiral that has us either blaming someone else or shaming ourselves. ✨I recently tried to do something good, but it led to a huge misunderstanding. I found myself getting defensive and blaming, then dropping out of blame into shame, “I caused that… I messed up…” Neither blame nor shame was useful or helpful for me or anyone else. 💥To stop this cycle, I asked myself what are the facts of the situation? This grounds me and pulls me out of the drama. I can then move forward from an intentional place; thinking, feeling and showing up how I want to. • • • 💥You can absolutely have the life you want full of connected, happy and fun relationships. When you are ready to start your 3 month journey with me, I can help you create this thriving relationship you desire! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWeAk4vPYI3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🔹Are you feeling frustrated with your spouse? 🔹Are you wishing your partner would change in some way? 🔹Do you find yourself arguing often? 💥To sum it up, do you want your relationship to be different than it is?💥 If so, let’s make that happen! The tools I teach you, will help you manage all areas of your relationship so you can apply them over and over again to become more connected, more in love and increase your happiness all while empowering yourself! Let’s get started today! Just imagine, 3 months from now, you can have the relationship you desire and deserve! Only 3 spots left! Schedule a Free, fun and easy chat with me today! Link in bio to schedule @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWYU3-yl66T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Do you ever find yourself blaming your spouse or others around you? I think we have all been there at some point, right? 😊 While blaming others may feel justified, it just weakens you, gives them the power over your feelings and what you can create. This is very disempowering. When working with me, I show how much power you have and why it’s so beneficial for YOU to take accountability. When you take ownership and responsibility for your results, without blaming yourself, YOU have the power to change your results and create what you want! ✨If you want to create a happy, extraordinary and fun marriage, let’s get started today! ✨Just imagine, 3 months from now, having the marriage that you desire and deserve! 💥I have 4 spots that just opened up! Start with a free chat. Link in bio to schedule @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWHTulXvRjH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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To all the strong and amazing women out there, here is my thought for you for today: If you are trying to change your partner, husband, mate, friend, child, parent, sibling, etc, because you think that you will be happier if they change that “thing”, here is my truth bomb for today… 💥You will NOT be happier if they change. If they do change, you may be happier but because you have changed your thinking. 💥You are the powerful one and the one in control of your emotions, always! • • ✨You can absolutely have the life you want full of connected, happy and fun relationships. ✨And yes, it requires some work, some discomfort, some awareness and focus but ALSO it can be fun and it is so worth it! I can help you create this thriving relationship you desire! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0s3qhPEsL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Have you ever thought: “They should change that one thing.” “They should do it this way…or they shouldn’t do it that way.” “If only they would stop doing that or start doing this.” I have been there!! 🙋‍♀️ Controlling another human is impossible, yet we so often want to change something and try to do so, right? But wanting your partner to be anything other than who they are, will simply cause you to feel frustration. Wanting your partner to behave differently is so exhausting. And wanting your partner to change who they are, is wanting to be with someone who isn’t them but instead a version of them. So, free yourself from frustration, exhaustion and an impossible task and simply allow your partner to be who they are. Allow yourself to enjoy who they are. And allow yourself to dislike things about them as well. It is all ok; nothing has gone wrong ❤️ 🔹Want to have a connected, fun and loving relationship? Let’s get started! This work only takes one person in the relationship for a full transformation to take place. ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVgDNGUvzer/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Be the giver and receiver of love… by loving yourself! ❤️ When you have the strong foundation of loving yourself, you have the ability to show up for others with this same love. 💥You can absolutely have the life you want full of connected, loving and fun-filled relationships including the one with yourself! 💥And yes, it requires some work, some discomfort and some awareness and focus but I can help you create this thriving relationship you desire! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVIlIUQvJf8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Give yourself grace. Have compassion for yourself. You are human. You will mess up. You will make mistakes. And that’s ok! And you are perfectly imperfect. You are amazing, whole and worthy. Treat yourself with the same love you treat your loved ones with. Show up for yourself in the same way you show up for your loved ones. Have compassion and grace for yourself the same way you do for your loved ones. 💥You can absolutely have the life you want full of connected, happy and fun relationships including the one with yourself! 💥And yes, it requires some work, some discomfort and some awareness and focus but I can help you create this thriving relationship you desire! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-2N4lvNa7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I hate cleaning my bathrooms! I put it off because I hate doing it… But in the end, I LOVE having a clean and organized bathroom.❤️ In order to get the result of a clean bathroom, I had to do something that I hate doing. Just like with getting a clean bathroom, in order to get the results in life and your relationships, sometimes we need to do things that aren’t fun.👇 🔹You need to put the work in to get what you want. 🔹You need to be willing to be uncomfortable to get what you want. 🔹You need to focus on why you want what you want. 💥You can absolutely have the life you want full of connected, happy and fun relationships. 💥And yes, it requires some work, some discomfort and some awareness and focus but I can help you create this thriving relationship you desire! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0Jydhly64/?utm_medium=tumblr
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When you are relying on someone else to behave in some way in order to love them, you are disempowering yourself. You can decide to love them anyway. You can decide to love them for you. You can decide to love them to feel amazing! I can help you empower yourself so you can feel amazing no matter how they behave! This is easier said than done. So let’s chat if you want to create more love and connection in your relationships by following a proven path 🥰. I got you!! ✨Schedule a FREE 20 min Relationship Recovery Call with me today! Link in bio @whitneywellscoaching 👆 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvnRtLPRsd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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