#who's my wifde you say?
u3pxx · 1 year
first thing you need to know about me is that i'm in love with my wifge
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BART CHAT 10/29/18
Greetings, I had a great trip to Austin for the Austin Film Festival this weekend where we had a great screening of Remixing the News and then held a workshop with high school students. I wish we’d had more time, but it was lots of fun.   This week’s Frame of Mind is Melina Levin She has been a friend and a respected filmmaker for years and at one point was chair of the UNT film program. For this episode, we did an interview with her in the studios at KERA and she talked about her work over the years. We literally see her work from all over the globe. One of the joys of this show is the world premiere of her new film Mongolia Chronicles, which is something to see (watch it on a large screen TV if you can). As with the other retrospectives, it is so great to view all the work edited together and realize the themes that emerge. It will show on Thursday night at 10:00 PM on KERA TV. We are starting to make plans for the Kovacs Award in December and will announce the details very soon.  Alternative Fictions Festival will be held in February and the Dallas Medianale will come back this summer This was a week of some really bad news. As a Jew, I cannot think of a time when anti-Semitism was more present and accepted at the highest levels of our government during my lifetime.  On one level, it is just one more crazy killing, but can we really normalize this? Having sat through so many films about the Holocaust, this has some resonance. I think I posted this before but, it is worth posting again: How to Know if Your Country is Heading Towards Despotism. It really is worth the watch.
Speaking of watching, Steve Mims’ film about the Texas senate race, Run like the Devil, that we showed at DocuFest is now up on Vimeo for all to see.
Oh, and really, vote early.
Next week, we have the Flicks by Chicks Festival
, which should be great. Women In Film Dallas (WIFD) Flicks by Chicks Fest (FxCF) announced today the lineup for a competitive, juried film festival showcasing the best female-directed short films in Texas and around the world. Flicks by Chicks Fest is Saturday, November 3, 2018, at Alamo Drafthouse-Cedars, 1005 S. Lamar Street in Dallas.
WIFD’s Flicks by Chicks Fest 2018 Short Film Official Selection:  
Director: Emily Dean
Director: Robyn Grace
Director: Alix Bannon
Director: Meghann Artes
Director: Ana de Lara
Director: Jeanette Buck
Director: Jenny Wright
Director: Madeline Mack
Director: Rhonda Mitrani
Director: Shelby Hadden
Also, there is still time to
for the WIFDallas Grant.
So, what else is on the screen? Since it is scream season until Thursday, The Texas Theater has a wonderful opportunity to see the classic, Nosferatu, with live music from the Invisible Czars on Tuesday night. This weekend they also have two screenings of the great 1985 by Yen Tan, who I hope will be in attendance.   Wings of Desire and Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast are showing there as well. So much to feast on at The Texas Theatre this week!
At the Alamo, you can catch the old and new Halloween and later on in the week, Bohemian Rhapsody for all you Queen fans. At the Magnolia on Tuesday night, they have the Bride of Frankenstein. The Angelika has Psycho on Wednesday night, which is still worth seeing over and over again. Andrew Sarris’ first review
in The Village Voice about Psycho is worth a read, as well.
So get out your costume, drink your pumpkin latte, and have a scary week. (What does that costume really say about you, hmmm? Think about that.)
AND DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE! Let’s make next year less scary!
Bart Weiss,
Artistic Director Dallas VideoFest
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