#whooooo boy now i'm having thoughts about redoing my whole theme lol i had thought for so long i was the sylph of time but naaah
classpect-crew · 3 years
I really really like your analyses of the classes and aspects. if you could, please make an analysis of the maid of mind as I would like to see your thoughts on this classpect!
Thank you so much! I'd love to describe the Maid of Mind for you! This is actually one that I recently looked into myself, although it's not unusual for me to hop on the merry-go-round of rotating Classpects depending on the day.
The Maid of Mind is going to be quite the powerhouse, capable of creating endless personas for any given situation, performing logical leaps only another Mind player could follow, and increasing their potential choices, all while keeping many of their fellow players at a safe emotional distance. I'll be drawing quite a bit from my own personal experience here, as it's one of the best examples I can think of for this Classpect, given that the Maid begins at the mercy of their Aspect, and eventually must learn to create it for themselves.
I grew up in an upper middle class family, and there was a great deal of social expectations placed on all of us. Nothing too extreme, like arranged marriages or courtly etiquette, but it was expected that we kept our personal squabbles aside for the sake of maintaining the peaceful family dynamic. Family gatherings at holidays were rather predictable, with adults chattering on about mundane daily activities and the accomplishments of their kids. As I got older, I began to see the cracks in the careful illusion that had been crafted around me: my parents' loveless marriage, continuing for my sake; an aunt whose narcissistic and possessive tendencies led us to have two separate Christmases instead of one; a cousin who was disowned by her parents and taken in by other family members after she shattered the delicate illusion through an accidental pregnancy.
For most of that time, we all tried to play the "good kid" role. I acted the part of the straight, cisgender gifted kid, mild-mannered and conservative. I built this persona simply to survive and, at times, believed in it wholeheartedly, losing myself in the process. Choices were made for me, and my destiny seemed to be set in stone: go to college, start my career, and live the same illusion as my family. That all changed, though, when I finally decided enough was enough and came out, first as bisexual, then as transgender. I became outspoken, rebelling against the social mores I'd grown up with, and for a while, I was accused of trying to be "different" for the hell of it. Now, I find myself in a more balanced position, and I'm able to deftly change my outer persona at will in order to achieve my goals, code-switching effortlessly in the middle of social interactions. I see my own identity as something cobbled together from the choices I've made and things I've learned, rather than one unchanging core.
As such, I could conceivably be called a Maid of Mind. I'm constantly making logical connections between wildly different subjects, which is part of why I enjoy Classpect analysis (and, indeed, analysis in general) so very much. I have a shifting sense of identity that evolves with each new discovery I make about the world, and I don't feel particularly tied down to one destiny. I have virtually no regrets about choices I've made, since they've all led me to this point in my life where I feel I've formed a more actualized version of myself, though I do often think about where different choices would have taken me. Were I to take on this Classpect in SBURB, upon reaching God Tier, I'd be capable of creating new opportunities for myself to succeed within our session, forming intelligent (albeit soulless) constructs to aid in the fight, and generally being the intellectual powerhouse that ultimately creates the plan that ensures our success.
I almost want to start calling myself the Maid of Mind, if only because it would mean I've finally "Maid" up my Mind, which is infinitely funny to me, but I digress. Hopefully this helps you get a feeling for the Maid of Mind! They're a much more cerebral Classpect, as you can imagine, so their powers would be a bit less flashy than others, but they'd be no less effective upon maturing.
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