#why WOULDN'T she turn out exactly the way she does. spoiled and entitled and never satisfied
lionblaze03-2 · 2 years
Anemone is honestly an incredible character and if you guys can't see that then you just don't understand negative character development
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Name another actor who gets as much hate from his fans as Sebastian does/ I've only been in 2 fandoms and in both a large portion of the fandom turned on their fave just like it's happening with Seb. As with Seb it revolved around who they were dating or not dating. I'm beginning to believe this happens in most every fandom of a male celeb and I find it very discouraging. Discouraging about what it says about people and how we treat other people.
Anon 2: are they his fans? They were fans of Seb who hugged in cons, and it was nice to them, with that in mind, they created a fanfic about him, and now that he's not their fanfic, they act out of hate. And they don't know how to accept that part of the problem is theirs.
Anon 3: Don't get me started on Cevans fandom, I like the guy, despite crap like listening to both sides, but fuck, I needed to get out of his fandom before they ruined him for me. I hate his fandom, except the Queen and LSA, but I avoid going to these places so I don't read crap from his fandom. Whenever I see a Cevans fan on my tl, I block! All of them.
Anon 4: Those people are not his "fans". They are called "antis". Mostly they are former fans with an unhealthy obsession about him who turned against him for different reasons: having a girlfriend, out of frustration, or control freaks who believe they are entitled to control a stranger's life. They funny thing about antis is that they are obsessed with every detail of his life more than the fans themselves.
Anon 5: // I know "close to this" things happen but not quite like this. To me it's weird that this fandom seems to get off on degrading their fave, which I have not seen until now. I mean, usually if you admire/like someone you don't feel the need to constantly bash them and try to destroy their career, but maybe that's just me 🤷
Anon 6: // Exactly! They act like what this spoiled girl did is murder. Wtf did she do in the end? Wore a kimono to a party? Yeah, it's highly disrespectful to use other cultures as costumes but let's not act like it's the ultimate act of evil when there is so much worse stuff going on in the world. And how the hell are they gonna teach her a lesson (cause that's what they're claiming to do with the hate campaign against her and Sebastian)? By behaving worse than she did? Call me ignorant but I find personal harrassment, doxxing, bullying and hate campaigns trying to get ppl fired worse than some ignorant girl playing dress up. I'm not trying to minimize what she did, but they called her racist before finding the "asian party" pics and they claimed she did black face with her friends while they were actually applying a black facial. So I'm gonna go ahead and say that this fandom has no fucking clue what the word racist actually means, nor do they care about it, they just use it for impact cause they're pissed off their fave is "cheating" on them.
Anon 7: // Why the fuck are they doing this though? They're supposed to be fans yet they are acting like anti-fans, always looking for the smallest reason to pick on him. I'm not saying he should get a free pass for everything but ffs if there was a meteor on it's way to hit earth, they'd blame that on him too for sure! I honestly don't get it. Never seen anything like it tbh.
Anon 8: /// Right on, anon! They are soo soo worried about Pamela's privacy being invaded (when all the shit she did was public) but they have no problem digging up personal private things about him, doxxing him, bodyshaming him and slamming him for every little thing anyone in his entourage did since birth until now.
Anon 9: If a person hates, bullies, harasses, he/she will do that to anyone. /// This! Those people are exactly the enemy and they're pretending to be hollier than thou when in fact they're the problem!
Anon 10: // They have no clue what racism is, they're just talking out of their ass. And if it wasn't his gf the person in question they wouldn't even care about her CA.
To those “fans” (the antis, to be clear):
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