#why astrazeneca withdrawn vaccine
agreenroad ¡ 3 months
Swineflu, Rotavirus, AstraZeneca, Novavax Covid Vaccines All Withdrawn Globally - Why Is Pfizer Still Pushing mRNA Jabs? Switzerland Discourages mRNA Covid Vaccines, Withdraws 'Recommendations'
IDOL WORSHIP AND PSYCHOSIS BOTH CONSIST OF ILLOGICAL LOGIC Don_Virus @Don_Virus_1 Swine flu vaccine (1976) 1 serious event per 100.000 vaccines Vaccine withdrawn Rota virus vaccine (1999) 1 to 2 serious event per 10.000 vaccines Vaccine withdrawn Covid mRNA vaccine (2020) 1 serious event per 800 vaccines Vaccine officially promoted Dr. John Campbell We should do no harm💔Swineflu…
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dointoomuchsworld ¡ 3 years
URT amidst the Pharma war
WUpon selecting a communication theory for this blog entry, I decided, why not- let’s just Google search: “what communication theory can be related to the anti-vax crowd”? The top six search results and their links that pop up spew these headlines and additional phrases:
1. “The anti-vaccination infodemic on social media: A behavioral…: However, the anti-vaccination movement is currently on the rise, spreading online misinformation about vaccine safety and causing a worrying…” (www.journals.plos.org) 
2. “How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public- WHO: a vocal vaccine denier is defined in this document as a person who is not only denying scientific consensus but also actively advocating against vaccination…” (World Health Organization 2017 Regional Office for Europe). 
3. “Vaccine hesitancy is a problem attracting growing attention and concern.” (www.sciencedirect.com) 
4. “The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination… Distrust in scientific expertise is dangerous… Results show that even if anti-vaccine narratives have a small persuasiveness, a large part of the population will be rapidly exposed to them. ” (www.nature.com) 
5. “Conspiracy Beliefs, Rejection of Vaccination, and…: Many conspiracy theories appeared along with the Covid-19 pandemic. Since it is documented that conspiracy theories negatively affect…” (www.frontiersin.org) 
6. “Combating Vaccine Hesitancy: Teaching the Next Generation… In 1999, the anti-vaxxer movement, an organized body of people who refuse to vaccinate and blaming vaccines for health problems” (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) 
Well, this didn’t answer my question. It was surely a lot to read as we dive into my entry here, and it slapped someone with my way of thinking with some shut-down labels: dangerous, misinformed, science-denier, nonconsensual, behaviorally problematic, conspiracist, rejecter.
Do you know what these Google search results say to me? Censorship. 
I am selecting the communication theory of Uncertainty Reduction Theory to apply towards my discussion of the pro-vaccine/anti-vaccine war. 
Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) asserts that “people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them” (Berger, C.R., & Bradac, J.J.) The information gained can be used to predict the others’ behavior. Reducing uncertainty can be particularly beneficial in relationship development, so it is more typical amongst people when they expect or want to develop a relationship than among people who expect or know they will not develop a relationship.
We have a few basic ways people seek information about another person:
1. Passive strategies: we observe the person, either in situations where the individual is likely to be self-monitoring (in a classroom; in the stands of a public event)
2. Active strategies: we ask others about the person we’re interested in, or set up a way to observe that person (sign up for the same class; sitting at a different table in the same restaurant)
3. Interactive strategies: we communicate directly with the person.
I believe this theory can be used to my topic of discussion because if we are in one of the hottest moments of the ongoing anti- and pro- vaccine movement and pharmaceutical war with COVID-19 at the forefront of it all, no matter which side we put our beliefs, followings, trust, or knowledge in, we seek out others with the same data, statistics, views, and agreeability. We strive to reduce uncertainty with others by gaining their information to benefit one another, and either develop ongoing relationships, or not. If we observe or interact with others to discover where their loyalties lay, we either discuss, debate--or worst of all, we fight like cats and dogs to what seems like the death--or come to an understanding and continue or discontinue the developed relationship. 
Let’s begin how I feel within the war on vaccines. I, if you will, an introvert who isn’t so fond of putting my opinions out there, am publicly posting this in hopes of finding others and reducing my uncertainty about how others may feel, or find if they may feel similarly so that I may stand with them or offer them strength in opinions and studies. Or maybe, just to prompt an open discussion.
1. Pro-vaccine
2. Anti-vaccine
Unnecessary and divisive labels meant to categorize people into black and white thinking.
Where is the label for: I think it’s perfectly logical to want the ability to make decisions about each vaccine available on an individual basis for each of my children and myself?
Pfizer is going for full FDA approval and might have it by the end of this month, emergency approval has already been granted for 12-15 year-olds, and in September emergency approval will be requested for 2-11 year-olds. 
How can you get granted EAU for an experimental drug in an age group that isn’t having an emergency? To protect vaccinated adults? Sacrificing your healthy child for an illness that doesn’t affect them so that vaccinated adults may think you’re a good person and may give you permission to move freely about your lives?
Nothing says I don’t believe in science more than vaccinating a 2-year-old for COVID. 
Imagine being excited to experiment on your own child.
Children don’t stand a chance in this pharmaceutical industry that for decades have put profit ahead of doing what is right. Additionally but important to note, the pharmaceutical industry has not prioritized the research and development of cancer drugs for children. They rely on treating children with adult cancer drugs, which are far more dangerous, toxic, and aggressive on a child’s developing body, because adult cancer drugs are some of the best-selling pharmaceuticals for companies such as Merck & Co., Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and J&J.
Here is an incomplete current list of places making the COVID vaccine mandatory, either for employment or for on site services: Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Officer; WPAFB (when it is FDA approved); Atria Senior Living; Rocky River Senior Center; Continuing Healthcare Solutions; Newburgh Heights city employees; Supers Landscape; Cleveland State University; Kenyon College; Cleveland Clinic fertility center: spouses required to have two doses of vaccine before being able to be present for embryo transfers. Kroger grocery stores now mandate proof of vaccination of its employees in order for employees to de-mask. This is marking the unclean versus clean. Here we are, segregating healthy people and in many circumstances being told to show our private healthcare papers.
There is no place for this behavior in a free society. This is discrimination based on vaccine status. 
A business in Preble County is allowing employees who have taken the coronavirus vaccine to use the fitness room while those who have not, or are naturally immune, are not allowed access. They can work there but they cannot work out there... is this about health?
What changes have you made for yourself as an individual this pandemic to benefit your health and wellness?
The NFL continues to separate their unvaccinated athletes from their fellow vaccinated athletes. Separate practice areas, separate eating areas, and de-masking only those who have been vaccinated. Discontinuing COVID testing twice a week only for the vaccinated. Not allowing the unvaccinated to leave the hotel while traveling with the teams. As if either party is not safe to be around.
As a writer considering her reader, I’m wondering if you’re celebrating right now in regards to these advances, or raising some eyebrows. As for me, it fills me with a primitive rage that I feel only when someone endangers my children.
But let’s keep going.
Vaccines are necessarily risky, as recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and by Congress. 
The risk: benefit ratio varies with the frequency and severity of disease, vaccine safety, and individual patient factors. These must be evaluated by patient and physician, not imposed government, corporations, or other bureaucrats.
The smallpox vaccine is so dangerous that you can’t get it now, despite the weaponization of smallpox. Rabies vaccine is given only after a suspected exposure or to high-risk persons such as veterinarians. The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. market, a decade later than from the Japanese market, because of reports of severe permanent brain damage. The acellular vaccine that replaced it is evidently safer, though somewhat less effective. 
After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. Preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing.
Forcing Ohioans or anyone into receiving an experimental medical intervention in exchange for freedom to go to work or participate in society is contrary to fundamental human rights.
How does one feel about the persuasion to vote YES on Ohio HB 248? How’s this for propaganda: Vote YES, join the movement, on the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act.
This Ohio House Bill was introduced on April 6, 2021, and is in 25% progression (LegiScan). Per this Republican Partisan Bill, OH HB248 is to enact section 3792.02 of the Revised Code to authorize an individual to decline a vaccination and to name this act the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act.
Why should we do this? This is a stand for health freedom, for medical freedom; a vital legislation to protect vaccine choice for Ohioans now and into the future. If this legislation isn't passed, you can expect that vaccine mandates and vaccine passports will become a reality of our future. And even if you're fine with the traditional vaccines, even if you have always gotten the flu vaccine, and even if you decided to get the COVID vaccine... Ohioans will be faced with the reality that any future vaccine can be mandated by the state, retailers, employers, schools etc., and we'll have zero to say about it. This legislation will protect all Ohioans from the dystopia that we're currently facing.
Do I sound like one who denies the expertise of science now? I stand with science. I stand with informed consent. I stand with freedom. I stand with healthcare professionals. I stand with Ohio workers. I stand with parents. I stand with students. I stand with this bill for the people, by the people. 
In the year 1983, the total doses of vaccines for children from birth to age 18 consisted of 24 doses and 7 injections. As of 2020, we now administer 69 doses with 50 injections. The CDC child vaccination schedule is bloated, and I will say it from the mountaintops, no matter the reaches for justification. 
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Advanced Pediatric, a Cleveland area pediatric practice, is embracing the idea that unvaccinated children are not safe, and must stay masked and distanced, including from others on the playground (advancedped.com). How badly will we damage our children’s social and emotional health with this kind of discriminatory action propagated by adults that are supposed to be protecting them?
Prior to COVID, measles was the much-publicized threat used to push for mandates, and is probably the worst threat among the vaccine-preventable illnesses because it is so highly contagious. There are occasional outbreaks, generally starting with an infected individual coming from somewhere outside the U.S. The majority, but by no means all the people who catch the measles have not been vaccinated. Almost all make a full recovery, with robust, life-long immunity. 
The last measles death in the U.S. occurred in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Is it justified to revoke the rights of all Americans because of the hypothetical risk that a person who cannot be vaccinated due to immune deficiency might catch measles from an unvaccinated American, rather than from a visitor or a person whose artificial vaccine-based immunity has waned? Such mandates establish a precedent for ever-greater restrictions on our right to give—or withhold—consent to medical interventions?
So as I continue, and back to the focus on the COVID fiasco that I am pondering… Per the CDC website in the association with the COVID vaccine, VAERS reports that in the last four months we have recorded more deaths from the COVID vaccine than from all vaccines combined from mid 1997 through the end of 2013. As of April 30, there are 3,837 cases where the COVID-vaccinated patient has died within days to weeks after their intervention. 384 pages of patients age, sex, location, date of vax, date of onset, who administered it, who the manufacturer is, whether they were taken to the ER, and the symptoms or prior health conditions if any.
Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Lazarus, Klompas). Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs or vaccines that endanger public health. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting. Reporting is not usually part of a clinicians’ workflow, takes time, and is duplicative (Lazarus, Klompas). 
VAERS is a passive reporting system. Healthcare workers are not required to submit reports of deaths or injuries. VAERS only reports 1% of actual injuries according to a report prepared under contract with The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Lazarus, Klompas).
To recap those last several paragraphs, we are constantly told those who decline vaccines for illnesses they themselves are at very little risk for developing complications from, are putting the immunocompromised at risk. What we don’t often hear is that the procedure itself comes with risk and what that risk level is exactly is unknown. 
What we do know is that only somewhere between 1-10% of adverse events are ever reported largely due to medical professionals' lack of awareness on the subject matter. We cannot force healthy people to undergo a medical procedure for which the administrator of and manufacturer have no liability when we know there is innate risk. We can’t trade one group's theoretical risk for another group's known risk. 
We never hear any other side of this argument, it’s censored from us and never presented to us. 
Many of these VAERS reports were from assisted living facilities, and we can determine this by scrolling through the log of reports. Do you trust many assisted living facilities, or do you think many of them had a choice?
As of June 18, VAERS reports for myocarditis or pericarditis in people age 6 to 29 for all non-COVID shots in the entire history as VAERS as: 394. The total number of VAERS reports for myocarditis or pericarditis in people ages 6 to 29 in the last six months for COVID shots: 590. 
Without voluntary informed consent, medicine becomes violence. 
How many billions of dollars do you think has been handed out to mainstream media outlets, such as your favorite radio stations, to propagate the COVID vaccine and to have your favorite channel’s or station’s host, or celebrity, holler into your car or household: to go out and get it now, because all the cool people are doing it; to save our communities. Because you’re a selfish expanse of existence if you don’t. Although they who preach to go get the intervention likely have little to no experience in any of the information I have provided thus far.
The Dayton RTA public transit system has banners plastered onto the sides of their buses in all caps that say, “I’m not afraid of the vaccine!” or “Help Save Lives. Get Vaccinated.” 
When their passengers board the bus, they may show their hand gesture of the peace sign, to indicate they’ve been vaccinated. And at that, you’ll get a thirty-dollar credit in adult passenger fare upon proof of being fully vaccinated. A whole month of free rides and a promotional “Vaccinated” button to wear.
Promotions for vaccinated people are a flawed tactic for both brand-building and public health. Brands across industries are skipping beyond vaccine education and awareness to take a more active role in coronavirus vaccine acceleration. 
One size does not fit all. All humans are not the same and have different risk factors for both the disease and the intervention. There is no greater danger to all of us than the dehumanization of others. Not trusting a vaccine, or any given doctor for that matter, does not make me a science denier.
Where there is risk there must be choice. Not ostracism. Vaccine choice and anti-discrimination.
People who are labeled as vaccine hesitant should really be called people who are hesitant to be coerced in the largest drug trial in history. Because it’s the right thing to do... It’s patriotic... to protect our community and, again, “although I am young and healthy, it’s the right thing to do” (Ohio Dept. of Health).
Mandate advocates often assert a need for a 95% immunization rate to achieve herd immunity. However, Mary Holland and Chase Zachary of NYU School of Law argue, in the Oregon Law Review, that because complete herd immunity and measles eradication are unachievable, the better goal is for herd effect and disease control. The best outcome would result, they argue, from informed consent, more open communication, and market-based approaches.
The safest place for an immunocompromised person who is unable to be vaccinated  (there are very few unable to be vaccinated for COVID) is around someone who has had COVID naturally and is actually immune. Vaccinated people still contract and likely transmit COVID unlike the naturally immune. Similar to the pertussis portion of the DTAP vaccine, most often it’s a vaccinated sibling or parent who unknowingly spreads it to an infant too young to be vaccinated.
Let’s think about our Governor DeWine’s Vax-a-Million. His raffle is a disturbing act of child coercion and misuse of money that we could be putting back into our communities. A predatory bribe to bait those who easily succumb to a gambling incentive. I wish we had this kind of monetary dedication to our homeless, to our schools, to our mental health hospitals, to our trash clean-up organizations for our cities, to students already accepted into colleges. To the small businesses who have had to close their doors for good. What are my incentives for not getting the shot? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Public health should not seek to manipulate. To manipulate in the name of public health is to undermine public health.
This is a marketing scheme. You are not required to take a liability free experimental medical intervention in order to be considered a good person. Those who say you are, are either indoctrinated into a cult-like way of thinking and lack the ability to see anything beyond that, uninformed, or evil.
It's one of many elite U.S. institutions to be completely decimated and humiliated by Pharma. It was gradual, then inexorable, and now it's their identity.
An article printed on May 31 states that a Miami Valley Hospital doctor says strokes are occurring in younger people, ages 18-45 years old. Dr. Bryan Ludwig, the chair of the Clinical Neuroscience Institute of Premier Health, is seeing this increase, including the 36-year-old stroke patient he treated upon being air-lifted to the main hospital campus (WHIO). This article does not yet state what leading causes we can look toward for the increase in strokes and clots in the youth, and does not even state a possibility of what it might be, though I’m sure we can make quite a valid assumption. It would seem that the press is trying to normalize things that are not in the least bit normal, as more articles arise in similarity. 
Was it responsible for our Governor Mike DeWine to send out the tweet: “FACT: The COVID vaccine is safe and effective” upon immediate availability of the vaccine?
It is incredible that vaccine reactions used to only exist in the minds of conspirators, and now we pray for the recipients that they may make it through and only have to miss a few days of work. We don’t know anything about long-term effects but that doesn’t matter, because what about long-term effects from the actual disease? Everyone needs to do it anyway, even those at very little risk, because someone said so. Even those who have had COVID, and likely hold a great deal of immunity. 
Those who came out in droves in opposition of HB248 stated things such as, “up to 30% of our college students are immunocompromised, and this justifies mandating those who aren’t to be vaccinated.”
What are we doing that is causing up to 30% of young college students to be immunocompromised? 
Nonetheless, I find that statistic entirely skeptical. The industry recommends for all who they call immunocompromised, such as cancer patients to get these vaccines, and patients on immune suppressive drugs to get them. They want transplant patients to get them. They don’t actually acknowledge any contradictions outside of anaphylaxis. The “we must protect the herd” sentiment seems entirely feigned and disingenuous. It seems manipulative, dismissive.
Surely, there are immunocompromised people out there who are unable to receive the vaccine or others, but I do think it is rare.
A doctor who believe that everyone should be vaccinated, when questioned, acknowledged vaccine injury and death. She was asked what she would say to those people. Her response, in paraphrase, was, “Thank you for your contribution.” She views the injured as expendable.
The amount of doctors who opposed the house bill of vaccine choice was frightening. And who will politicians follow? Those who have personal attestations who are most oftentimes unheard or underrepresented, or clinicians pushing a pharmaceutical curriculum that acquires compensation based on how many patients are vaccinated?
In a statement made by ACIP member, Grace M. Lee, M.D., M.P.H., associate chief medical officer for practice innovation at Stanford Children’s Health, she goes on to say: “I think the childhood experience our kids have gone through will have long-lasting consequences that may extend across generations. We don’t really fully yet understand the total... physical health, mental health, and educational impact of the pandemic on our kids.”
Kids are durable. They can endure the worst of things, and they persevere. However, now, to grow up in a world that is censoring and erasing valuable information is chillingly monumental.
Considering that 23 million Americans suffer from some type of autoimmune disease, with the rates increasing 4-7% each year, and that environmental toxins are well known to trigger autoimmunity, it would seem prudent to implicate the distended childhood vaccination schedule as a possible culprit to this rise.
We are not smarter or more virtuous than someone because we draw a different conclusion after looking at the same information. Only one side of this charade wants to enforce their will on the other.
In summary, patients and parents currently have the right to refuse vaccination, although potentially contagious persons can be restricted in their movements (e.g. as with Ebola), as needed to protect others against a clear and present danger. Unvaccinated persons with no exposure to a disease and no evidence of a disease are not a clear or present danger. Making the COVID, and other vaccines, optional is the only way to protect the medical and individual rights of our citizens, consistent with good medical ethics.
Unvaccinated people are variant factories, says expert Dr. William Schaffner, from the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on June 2.
My use of Uncertainty Reduction Theory in Communication Studies applied to my stance I’ve taken on medical freedom enables me to seek and find reassurance with others, to find camaraderie with those who will continue to fight. 
The way that I have questioned the pharmaceutical intervention so many times in so many ways throughout this discussion and at the very least find the timeline of events that have transpired to be odd, and furthermore advocate for the freedom of guilt-free choice instead of a blind acceptance to take whatever is fed to me via our government oversight, it may very well blacklist me from an exceeding amount of peoples’ interest.
BUT, no matter what one may think, or if one should ask me why I don’t find something better to do with my time -
What is more important than protecting my children’s freedom and health through social and ethical communication processes?
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Works Cited:
Berger, C.R., & Bradac, J.J. (1982). Language and social knowledge: Uncertainty in interpersonal relations. London: Arnold.
Clanton, Nancy. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 16 April 2021. www.ajc.com
Holland, Mary and Zachary, Chase. Oregon Law Review. Children’s Health Defense Team. 23 January 2019. www.childrenshealthdefense.org 
Lavin, Dr. Arthur A. “The End of the Pandemic Begins, for the Vaccinated.” 14 May 2021. www.advancedped.com 
Lazarus, R, Klompas M, Hou X, Campion FX, Dunn J, Platt R. Automated Electronic Detection & Reporting of Adverse Events Following Vaccination: ESP:VAERS. The CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA; April, 2008. www.digital.ahrq.gov 
Shimabukuro, Tom T. MD., Cole, Matthew MPH, Su, John R. MD, PhD. JAMA. 12 February 2021. www.jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776557 
LegiScan Bringing People to the Process. www.legiscan.com 2021. 
National Vaccine Information Center. 2021. 21525 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20166. 
WHIO Staff. “Miami Valley doctor says strokes are increasing in younger people, shares warning signs.” 31 May 2021. www.whio.com/news/local 
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updatesnews ¡ 3 years
Coronavirus vaccine side effects: AstraZeneca blood clots explained
Coronavirus vaccine side effects: AstraZeneca blood clots explained
At the start of 2021, there were a small number of blood clot-related deaths linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. In the aftermath, the jab was withdrawn from use on young people who thereafter predominantly received the Pfizer vaccine. Earlier this month, a team of scientists from Cardiff and the US found out why the vaccine was causing these blood clots. The chain reaction happened in…
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your-dietician ¡ 3 years
To jab or not to jab? A letter to my grandchildren
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/to-jab-or-not-to-jab-a-letter-to-my-grandchildren/
To jab or not to jab? A letter to my grandchildren
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Dear Grandchildren,
Some days ago I woke up to the announcement that Covid vaccinations are to be offered to all 16- and 17-year-olds, to ‘allow antibodies to build before the start of the autumn term on September 1’.
Two of you were invited some time ago to roll up your sleeves, and one of you accepted that invitation: perhaps because your job demanded it, perhaps in the belief that you would be protecting others from an illness which you’ve been taught for months on end to fear above all else. Now two more of you are being asked to decide for or against the vaccines. Within a few months another of you will follow, and soon after that yet another. Before the year is out, age restrictions may be lowered still further and the rest of you will also be recruited in the campaign to ‘get needles into arms’. So I’m writing you this letter.
You’re being asked to make a decision which may affect your life and health far into the future, and it’s important for you to be fully informed of all the facts before coming to that decision. However, some of the most important facts are being played down, ignored or even censored by the government and the media, so I’d like to be sure that you’re aware of them. If you’ve done some research for yourself, well and good. If you haven’t, the information that follows may help you weigh up the risks and benefits. This information is strictly factual, not a matter of opinion. You can check the facts for yourselves by clicking on the links I’ve given.
Firstly, you need to know that the vaccines being pressed upon you have not been fully tested. Moderna won’t complete Phase III clinical trials until October 2022, Pfizer and Astrazeneca until early in 2023. This means that they’re still in the experimental stage. Normally a vaccine will undergo testing for some five to ten years before being approved. Sometimes testing will continue for even longer. The Covid vaccines were released in less than a year, for emergency use only. They are still subject to intensive monitoring under the Black Triangle label, so there’s no guarantee of their short-term, let alone medium- or long-term, safety. For someone of your age, with years of life before you, this must be an important consideration. Is it wise to accept a treatment which may have unforeseeable consequences at some future date? Some scientists believe, for instance, that the vaccines may affect fertility or cause birth defects. You may think that doesn’t matter. I would have too when I was your age. Over time, viewpoints change.
Secondly, these vaccines are already resulting in very high reports of death and injury. As of Tuesday (August 17) the UK government’s own Yellow Card data records 342,014 separate reports listing 1,135,579 adverse reactions, including 1,559 deaths, closely following upon vaccination. Things are much the same in the EU and in the US. 
You may be told that the Yellow Card data should be disregarded because the reports haven’t been officially checked. This is misleading. Yes, these reports have been volunteered by people who may be mistaken in linking a change in their health to the vaccines. However, vaccine adverse reactions are routinely under-reported rather than over-reported. Reports of problems arising soon after receiving the Covid vaccines are already far, far greater than usual. For the record, a vaccine is usually withdrawn well before it notches up deaths in three figures. When 45million Americans were vaccinated against swine flu in 1976, the vaccine was withdrawn after 53 deaths. If only 100 of the alleged 1,559 post-vaccination deaths in the UK can be directly attributed to the vaccines, the roll-out should already have been stopped. Why, instead, are the suspect ‘jabs’ being offered to more and more people? Why are they being offered to you?
Thirdly, the vaccines you’re being asked to accept don’t do what you probably expect them to do. Most of us assume that when we’ve been vaccinated against a particular disease we won’t get it ourselves and we won’t pass it on to other people. ‘Stop the spread!’ has been the driving force behind the campaign to ‘get shots into arms’. However, the Covid vaccines weren’t designed to stop the spread. They haven’t been tested with a view to preventing infection by the virus or stopping transmission of the virus. They’ve been tested only to see if they can reduce the severity of symptoms if you’re unlucky enough to get a bad case of Covid. Since they weren’t designed to do what vaccines are supposed to do, it would be more accurate to call them medications.
Fourthly, now that the dust has settled, it has become clear that Covid isn’t by any means as dangerous as we were told in February 2020. For months now, doctors all over the world have been successfully treating patients with combinations of drugs which have long safety records and which are proving both cheaper and more effective than the emergency ‘vaccines’. Early treatment at home by a competent professional, they say, can bring most people through Covid safely, and ease the pressure on hospitals. https://www.youtube.com/embed/QAHi3lX3oGM?feature=oembed
Lastly, these aren’t only experimental medications (that is, still in the trial phase). They employ a novel technology. Unlike traditional vaccines, they don’t encourage immunity by introducing a weak dose of the infective agent to your body. Instead, they actually induce the cells of your body to produce that infective agent, in order to raise an immune response against it. Already many reputable scientists and doctors are relating the types of adverse reactions that are being reported directly to this novel technology. For instance Dr Peter McCullough, one of the world’s leading heart specialists, points to links between the vaccines and numerous cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) in young men and boys.  Though most of the patients recover, scarring may occur, causing permanent damage to the heart.
Another doctor, Charles Hoffe, a practising GP in British Columbia for 28 years, became worried when a number of his patients reported troubling side-effects after vaccination. He believes that the Covid vaccines are causing microscopic blood clots which result in permanent damage to non-regenerating organs: the brain, heart, lungs and spinal cord. This theory is now on the way to being confirmed, with the help of volunteers who agree to take a D-Dimer test within a week of receiving the vaccines. To date, the D-Dimer test has shown that the clotting mechanism was activated in 62 per cent of previously clot-free volunteers. Dr Hoffe is continuing these tests, with greater numbers involved, and states that D-Dimer tests in Australia and the UK have produced similar results. This suggests that blood clotting after the Covid vaccinations is not limited to large clots, and is not rare. Although in most cases the clots are too small to cause an immediate health crisis, Dr Hoffe believes they are likely to result in significant problems within two to three years. 
To sum up: you’re young and healthy; you’re at virtually no risk from Covid. Experience of other coronaviruses may already have made you immune, but if you do have the illness in the future, you will probably hardly notice it, and vaccination certainly won’t prevent you spreading it to others. In any case, we now know that the disease is treatable. On the other hand, the many reports of death and injuries on the Yellow Card system are warning us that we know far too little about the novel vaccines to be confident that they’re safe, especially for people like you, who are young enough for unforeseeable complications to affect your life disastrously in the years ahead.
There are other things, unconnected with your health, which may influence your decision. The government is giving you a powerful message that, if you refuse the vaccine, your opportunities will be painfully restricted. You may not be able to travel. You may not be able to go clubbing. You may not be able to go on to higher education or find a job.
Understandably, the urgency of these considerations may weigh more with you at the moment than any care for some vague future threat to your health or your ability to have a family.
Or perhaps, if you take the time to think things over, you may just find yourself asking why, when it is now clear that Covid can be effectively treated by tried and trusted methods outside hospital, while evidence regarding the vaccines urges caution, your government are so keen to blackmail you into overcoming any ‘vaccine hesitancy’ as the price for being allowed to live a full life.
You have a hard choice to make. God bless you all, and help you to make it wisely.
With love,
1. The vaccines haven’t even completed clinical trials (2023)
2. By definition NO long term testing can have take place (avg period from inception to ful auth – 12.5 years)
3. No testing on animals has taken place. Previous attempts at SARS-COVID vaccines all faltered at this point, as a result of ADE – Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, which can kill you with a cytokine storm.
4. The spike protein being introduced into your body (not mine, you must be ******* joking) is extremely toxic (well’ it’s the part of the virus that attacks you). Contrary to what was originally stated, they do not remain in the shoulder but spread all over the body to organs which clearly – witness the mammoth numbers of ADRs – they damage. Heart, Brain, Spleen, Ovaries. Down the line I expect to see serious numbers of neurological conditions arise from this.
5) it decreased your own immune system by 35%
6) Antibody dependent enhancement. It tricks the entire body into believing that the cell that is eating the pathogen when it isn’t. it leads up to a cytokine storm then leads to organ failure.
7) Everyone who has taken the jab is blood clotting. Take a d-dimer test.
8) If you get your own children vaxxed with this new shot you will sterilize them
9) You are also injected yourself with the equivalent of HIV
10) You can no longer donate blood, blood plasma, organs , breastfeed, nor bone marrow. if you don’t believe me- go try!
One should also add that nobody has been warned of the potential dangers of this experiment. Ergo, the Nuremberg Convention has been multiply breached, medical ethics thrown out of the window, and the modern Hippocratic Oath, “First do no harm” abandoned.
May those responsible rot in hell.
The industry for profit over people is mean, nasty, greedy, and sinister. Everything I feared is true.
There is a war raging against humanity and our earth.  We have been passively indoctrinated and so utterly pre-programmed that we do not ask the questions that need to ask. We have laid our trust completely in those in power or someone with a title behind their name. People conditioned blindly believing in things simply because enough people assured us it was true. Infectious diseases have been irradiated but chronic diseases are the new black plague of our modern time. This book is profoundly personal as it represents a mission brimming with meaning.  As I reflect on extraordinary truths about our nation’s health history, current, and future, I also offer you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We must stop the atrocities if we want to become a healthier nation in the future. We must stop the atrocities if we want the human race to survive. I hope my voice and advocacy will continue to help lead the way and this book will make changes for current and future generations to come. No, I simply do not have all the answers but I have written plenty in this book to make you start questioning EVERYTHING.
What you are about to discover is terrifying.
Poisoned Profit
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The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body
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I hoped you’ve been enlightened and not frightened by my latest blog — A tale of recovery to save a woman who caught OCD, Hypothyroidism and an Autoimmune Disorder –
Please follow along with me on this journey of discovery as I share with you my brush of madness with exquisite clarity. Luckily, I was never a quick fix-it junkie where I said no to many suggestions from board certified or certifiable doctors because I felt it in my soul that it was merely a banaide being placed on my issues. The names of certain doctors have been changed because frankly, I don’t want to be sued for proven their lack in their field. 
Hippocrates was right when he said: Let they food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.
Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
Thehypothyroidismchick.com is dedicated to covering health and science news that matters most to our generation. We cover a wide range of stories, but ultimately we are driven by two core values: first, to contribute to our readers’ understanding of what is a very complex and constantly changing field of information, and second, to keep in mind the ultimate “smell test” — we want our stories to be the kind of things you talk about at a bar with your friends. Thehypothyroidismchick.com determines coverage based on relevance, clinical significance, and editorial integrity. We give no priority to commercial considerations, and will always clearly distinguish between factual content, commentary, and opinions to avoid misleading readers with institutional propaganda. and speculation.
The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.
The views and services offered by Thehypothyroidismismchick.com are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical service, but as an alternative for those who are seeking solutions for better health. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself. Keep in mind that results may vary, and if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a serious condition, you should consult a physician or other appropriate medical professional prior to using any products or information on this site. Thehypothyroidisimchick.com assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms. Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.
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cloudtales ¡ 3 years
Why calculating the risk of the AstraZeneca vaccine is so difficult – a doctor explains
Why calculating the risk of the AstraZeneca vaccine is so difficult – a doctor explains
Both the European Medicines Agency and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have concluded there’s a possible link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and rare forms of blood clotting. However, the responses of different countries to these findings have varied significantly. Denmark has withdrawn the vaccine entirely. In Germany the vaccine is only being given to over-60s,…
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pharmaphorumuk ¡ 4 years
Austria safety officials suspend batch of AZ vaccines after death
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Austrian health officials have withdrawn a batch of Oxford University/AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine after two cases of severe coagulation, one of which was fatal.
Both patients were treated from the same batch, codenamed ABV 5300, in the district of Zwettl.
In a statement the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) said a 49 year-old woman died as a result of severe coagulation disorders, while another women aged 35 developed a pulmonary embolism and is on the way to recovery.
The BASG said in a statement that there was no indication of a “causal relationship” with the vaccination.
The BASG said: “Based on the known clinical data, a causal relationship cannot be established, as thrombotic events in particular are not among the known or typical side effects of the vaccine in question.
“According to current knowledge, the clinical data do not show any worrying data or signals in this respect compared to placebo.
“The immediately initiated international analysis of side effect reports also shows no accumulation of similar case reports so far.”
According to BASG investigations are “running at full speed” to completely exclude a possible connection.
As a precaution, the remaining stocks of the vaccine batch concerned will no longer be distributed and used.
In a separate development, Australia has asked the European Commission to review Italy’s decision to block the export of 250,000 doses of the AZ vaccine to the country.
This is the first time that new EU rules have been used to allow a ban on exports if a drug provider fails to meet its obligations to the bloc.
Australia’s prime minister Scott Morrison said that while he had requested a review, he could understand why Italy made the decision.
Italy has been badly hit by the pandemic and around 300 people are dying every day from the disease, Morrison noted.
Australia has reported just over 29,000 cases and around 900 deaths.
The post Austria safety officials suspend batch of AZ vaccines after death appeared first on .
from https://pharmaphorum.com/news/austrian-authorities-suspend-batch-of-az-vaccine-after-death/
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freenewstoday ¡ 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/10/coronavirus-eu-chief-says-bloc-was-too-late-on-vaccine-approvals-dw-10-02-2021/
Coronavirus: EU chief says bloc was 'too late' on vaccine approvals | DW | 10.02.2021
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Questions — and criticism — faced the European Commission head on Wednesday as she explained the bloc’s faltering vaccine rollout to the European Parliament.
Ursula von der Leyen is under pressure as EU states lag behind the front-runners in the race to inoculate their populations against COVID-19.
The Commission chief had previously confessed that the EU underestimated possible complications and delays in vaccine production.
What did von der Leyen say?
In the plenary session on Wednesday, the Commission president said the bloc had been too late to authorize vaccines and that it had placed too much confidence in vaccine suppliers.
“We were late on the approvals. We were too optimistic when it came to mass production, and perhaps we were too confident that what we ordered would actually be delivered on time.”
“We need to ask ourselves why this was the case and what lessons we can draw from this experience.”
Von der Leyen defended the EU’s joint procurement program, which saw the bloc order vaccines collectively.
“I cannot even imagine if just a handful of big players, big member states, had rushed to it and everyone else would have been left empty handed. What would that have meant for our internal market and for the unity of Europe?”
Opening her address, von der Leyen said the vaccination campaign in Europe had gained momentum, with 26 million jabs to 17 million people so far.
“We’re going to work as hard as we possibly can to meet our objective so that at the end of the summer, 70% of the population will have been vaccinated,” she added.
What have the problems been so far?
European Union leaders have faced public anger and scrutiny over the slow rollout of the immunization program in member states.
They became embroiled in heated public disputes with pharmaceutical companies over shortages in supply of the vaccine.
In particular, von der Leyen criticized British-Swedish giant AstraZeneca amid major hold-ups at one of its EU production sites.  She accused the firm of falling short on contractual commitments to supply its vaccine to EU governments.
Details of confidential deals that were made public have cast doubt on the EU’s ability to enforce contracts that were agreed upon on behalf of its members. In AstraZeneca’s case, the firm has argued that it is only contractually bound to make its “best effort.”
In an bid to stop vaccines being exported from the EU, the Commission briefly triggered an emergency Brexit deal clause. This jeopardized arrangements at the sensitive Irish border and was swiftly withdrawn after international outcry.
Critics accuse von der Leyen of relying on too narrow a circle of advisers and claim this tendency has proved counterproductive in such a complex crisis.
Extended and new lockdowns
By the start of this week, EU countries had given first vaccine doses to just under 4% of their populations, compared with 11% for the United States and nearly 17% for Britain.
Despite the start of vaccinations in EU nations, the virus is spreading more rapidly in some countries due to the spread of new variants. This has forced the reimposition or extension of lockdowns, adding to the pressure on the bloc’s leadership.
A stricter lockdown is to be imposed in Greece from Thursday — in particular in the Athens region. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is warning that his country is facing a third COVID-19 wave.
Germany is expected to seek to extend strict curbs at least until the end of February amid an uncontrolled spread of highly contagious coronavirus variants from Britain and South Africa.
Europe has recorded a third of the more than 2.3 million lives lost globally to the virus.
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global-news-station ¡ 4 years
Seven months after the emergence of the worst global health crisis in a century the race is on to find a COVID-19 vaccine.
To date the novel coronavirus has killed about 590,000 people worldwide and infected close to 14 million in 196 countries since the outbreak first emerged in China late last year.
How to stop in its tracks a pandemic which has wreaked havoc on the world economy is now the pressing multi-billion-dollar issue for vaccine developers aware that every suggestion the goal may be in sight will be pored over in microscopic detail.
– How many vaccines? – 
In its most recent assessment this month, the World Health Organization identified 21 “vaccine candidates” — almost half involving Chinese companies or institutes — following a series of global clinical trials.
Many are still in what is termed the first phase, which seeks to establish a product’s security and dosage,
Some however have graduated to phase two, which examines how effective a medicine may be.
Two candidate vaccines have reached stage three, whereby developers monitor issues such as degree of potential toxicity on a much larger scale and test it in a wider range of conditions prior to eventual submission for approval.
The duo concerned are a European project being developed at Oxford University in tandem with AstraZeneca and a Chinese variant from biopharmaceutical company Sinovac in collaboration with Brazilian research institute Butantan.
Sinovac’s project is among the most advanced — it will start the testing for its vaccine on volunteers in Brazil this month.
A Canadian clinical trial to involve CanSino Biologics was also earlier given the green light, and the company said last month that China’s military had approved for use within its ranks the vaccine it helped to develop.
Sinopharm, which is working with the United Arab Emirates for trials, finished construction of a new production facility with a capacity of 100 million doses on July 1, Chinese authorities said on social media.
Beyond the tests already under way the WHO is monitoring a further 139 potential vaccines which are still at the pre-clinical evaluation stage, involving testing on animals.
Britain, Canada and the United States this week accused Moscow-linked hackers of targeting labs in their countries conducting coronavirus vaccine research.
– Which techniques? – 
There’s a variety of approaches and techniques across proven or experimental vaccines.
Some teams work on inactivated “classic” vaccines which use a virus germ that has been “killed” while others, known as attenuated or weakened varieties, involve using a live virus rendered less virulent.
Other types still include “sub-unit” vaccines, which contain a fragment of the pathogen that it is derived from to produce an appropriate immune response.
Then there are more innovative “viral vector” varieties which use live viruses to deliver DNA into human cells to trigger an immune response.
An example is to take a virus such as measles and, as the Pasteur Institute is doing, modify it with a coronavirus protein and deploy it against COVID-19.
Then there are new experimental developments involving gene-based DNA or RNA vaccines using fragments of modified genetic material.
“The more candidate vaccines there are, and above all the more types of candidate vaccines, the greater the chance of getting somewhere” in terms of beating the virus, says Daniel Floret, vice-president of France’s Technical Vaccination Committee.
– Results so far – 
For now, only partial results have been made public, some dubbed promising by the firms behind them.
Jean-François Delfraissy, chairman of France’s scientific council which has been guiding the French authorities on the issue throughout the pandemic so far, said claims have to be closely probed as the commercial effect of a potential, but unconfirmed, breakthrough can be huge.
“There are considerable effects on the pharmaceutical industry from an announcement which one has to view with the utmost caution,” the immunologist told AFP.
“A vaccine injection (tested on) 30 people which gets announced as a result — well, that’s not a result,” Delfraissy noted.
Floret agreed that many announcements are directed at least as much at the stock market as at the general public.
“It’s never neutral. It is important they show us that they are speeding things up but shall all the same have to see the results and for the moment that’s not happening.”
– Going fast? – 
All the while, with the pressure on to find a means of dealing with the pandemic, procedures have been ramped up worldwide like never before.
“Things are advancing at a rate of knots… and projects are going along perhaps a bit quicker than forecast,” Christophe d’Enfert, from the Pasteur Institute, told AFP.
States and large foundations alike have been falling over themselves to push fundraising efforts.
And while the United States has been looking to go it alone, Europe and most other countries are looking at cooperation.
The Trump administration has set up “Operation Warp Speed” in a bid to deliver 300 million doses, essentially for US citizens, of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January.
Firms “are trying to develop a vaccine and at the same time put in place an industrial process to produce it whereas normally you wait to see the results” of the first of those operations, notes Delfraissy.
“That’s why they are calling on states for financing, saying: ‘We are taking a risk starting off on (developing) a vaccine which maybe won’t work and if we put in place the industrial (production) process we shall have to be partially covered by international financing.”
– Security problems – 
“To authorise any COVID-19 vaccine, EMA will need to have strong evidence from clinical trials on the safety, efficacy and the quality of this vaccine,” warns the European Medicines Agency, an EU body.
Forcing the pace in clinical trials “can cause problems” regarding security, says Floret, who says it is “key to have proof that the vaccine is not liable to exacerbate the illness”.
That, he recalls, did happen in some tests on monkeys “during vaccine development tests for MERS-CoV and SARS,” other strains of coronavirus.
A similar problem arose in terms of some measles tests on humans in the 1960s which were withdrawn as well as some for bronchiolitis that were likewise abandoned, says Floret.
– How long? – 
EMA warns that “vaccine development timelines are difficult to predict”.
Based on previous development timelines, it said it may take until next year before a COVID-19 vaccine is ready for widespread use.
Even so, some firms are optimistic they can turn up trumps before the end of this year.
In Floret’s view, “I am not that sure it is very realistic (to say) a vaccine will be there by the autumn — we have to temper such enthusiasm.”
He believes the first quarter of next year is likelier and “if we get there by then we shall already have done extremely well,” given the usual development timeline is several years.
– How about never?  – 
The world is now awaiting a vaccine as it were a kind of messiah as the only infallible means of defeating the pandemic.
But what if one never arrives?
Delfraissy said: “We have never perfected a vaccine against a coronavirus, even if we have never completely given ourselves the means to do so.
“There is a degree of uncertainty over our capacity to perfect a vaccine against coronavirus, — but all the elements to get there are in place,” he stressed.
“Everything is possible, the maximum means and different techniques envisaged are out there and it would be astonishing if we didn’t get there,” Floret said.
Yet even if the researchers arrive at the finish line a large question will still remain — will people accept being vaccinated in a world where there is growing mistrust of vaccination?
Perhaps not.
“As repeated measles outbreaks demonstrate, we haven’t done a great job addressing people’s concerns about vaccines. And if we don’t learn from our failed response to them, a coronavirus vaccine program will be doomed,” Phoebe Danziger, a paediatrician at the University of Michigan, told the New York Times.
The post Desperately seeking a COVID-19 vaccine — the race is on appeared first on ARY NEWS.
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scienceblogtumbler ¡ 4 years
Suppression of Chloroquine is Scandalous
It’s hardly newsworthy that medical science is distorted by money. But last week, a case arose that is so blatant, so extreme, and so suspiciously criminal that it should become a rallying point for all of us interested in reform. It involves the two best-respected medical journals in the world, and a finding that immediately affected the lives of thousands of patients around the globe. Two papers purported to be derived from a large, worldwide database, but they were quietly withdrawn when the data was requested by outside reviewers, and none could be produced. Where is the outrage? Where is the passion for reform?
Hydroxychloroquine is a cheap, out-of-patent drug that literally millions of travelers have been using for 65 years for prevention of malaria. It is also taken on a daily basis by hundreds of thousands of lupus patients. Its safety profile and side-effects are well established. Front-line doctors in Wuhan told us early that, in combination with zinc, it was the most effective COVID treatment they knew. It had previously been used with success during the SARS epidemic of 2003. European doctors reported anecdotal success with chloroquine/zinc, and it became standard treatment in France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere [review]. There were about 70 ongoing clinical trials before the two articles appeared.
HCQ has been discouraged by Anthony Fauci and segments of the American medical establishment, and I have wondered if they were compromised by their investments. Fauci is associated, ideologically and financially, with vaccines. The primary competitor for HCQ is Remdesivir, belonging to Gilead Sciences, and selling for $1,000 per dose. Billions of dollars have already been invested in developing a COVID vaccine. That COVID seems to be treatable and that the pandemic is fading with the spring weather is welcome news for world health, but it is devastating for investors in Gilead, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and 20 other companies that are racing to produce a COVID vaccine.
Last month, the two most prestigious medical journals in the world reported large studies by prestigious researchers, based on a large COVID data set from Asia, Europe, and America. The lead author is from Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s teaching hospital. Here is the Lancet article, claiming that hydroquinone is worse than useless. The data appear to show that people treated with HCQ are dying at 3 times the rate of other, similar patients. Here is the New England Journal article, which analyzes comorbidities but does not mention HCQ.
The Lancet paper had been duly peer-reviewed and rushed into print by editors. But seasoned researchers in the field immediately smelled that something must be wrong. How could this huge database of patients exist, crossing four continents and going back to the earliest days of the virus, when no one thought the records would be valuable? How could comparable conditions be established in hospitals from Capetown to Beijing to New York? And how could it be that a drug in use for 65 years have such powerful lethal side-effects that no one had previously identified?
Questioned and challenged to produce the data behind the study, the authors quickly retracted the paper and refused further comment.
“Dr. Desai declined a request from The Times to be put in contact with a hospital or health care facility that provided its data to Surgisphere. He did not respond to inquiries after the retractions.” NYTimes
Nirav Desai is a physician and researcher from Surgisphere, a small Chicago company that claimed to have compiled the impressive database. Both retracted studies were led by Mandeep R. Mehra, a widely published and highly regarded professor of medicine at Harvard, who may end up being the fall guy for this scandal.
But no one is investigating Surgisphere as the source of a criminal fraud. No one is holding the Lancet journal or its editors or reviewers to account. Certainly no one is questioning the broad system funding and publishing the medical research on which the practice of Western medicine is based. To their credit, Science Magazine published this article, hinting at a scandal and beginning to ask the right questions.
This is happening at a time when the medical establishment is making the largest demands ever on our beliefs and our behaviors. We are locked down based on the computer simulation of a compromised researcher, who also did not document the basis of his computation, and whose predictions have proved spectacularly inflated. Why did we trust him, when he had cried wolf twice previously (Ebola, Avian flu)? The liberal-intellectual press and the science journals speak with a unified voice. denouncing anyone who questions vaccines as ‘anti-science’. Every article in Wikipedia and every Google search is plastered with a message that tells us to trust the CDC. The head of Youtube goes on the air to explain why anyone who disagrees with the WHO must have their videos removed.
The largest of the studies evaluating HCQ were discontinued after the Lancet article raised the probability that the studies might be putting lives of experimental subjects at risk. Now they are being re-started, but a fresh scandal has arisen. Dr Meryl Nass has investigated details of the “Soldarity” and “Recovery” trials. She reports that these trials plan to use dosages that are at least 4 times larger than necessary, dosages that have been found to be unsafe in the past, in fact fatal to a few percent of sensitive patients. She does not mention that the trials are leaving out zinc supplementation, which doctors everywhere report to be an essential part of the treatment protocol. The studies have indirect ties to vaccine manufacturers, through the WHO and through the Gates Foundation.
It appears on its face that these trials are designed to fail, and will kill experimental subjects on the way to “proving” that HCQ is an ineffective treatment. These suspicions can only be amplified by an announcement today from FDA that chloroquine cannot be used for COVID cases. This intrusion into physician autonomy is unprecedented. For as long as FDA has existed, its policy has been to permit physicians to freely prescribe drugs off-label for any condition where the individual physician feels it might be useful.
The institutions in which Americans and Europeans have entrusted their health have betrayed our trust. There are narrow implications for the future of HCQ and treatment of COVID, and then there are broader implications about the need for overhauling the profit incentives in medical research.
Narrow perspective
For those of who dare to look beyond our own noses, a concerted campaign to discredit a good, cheap treatment for COVID is a hint that might help us see past the conventional narrative to make sense of the bizarre global events of the last five months. This is a real virus, a real pandemic, but it is being exploited for a political agenda far larger than the effects of the disease itself.
Why have death rates been consistently overestimated in public reports?
Why have hospitals been incentivized to over-report COVID deaths, and to treat patients with ventilators that don’t seem to be helping?
Why has CDC failed to recommend simple, inexpensive prevention measures (vitamin D, zinc, immune-enhancing herbs, special measures for nursing homes)?
Why have our government agencies encouraged shortcutting of safety tests in “warp-speed” vaccine development, while discrediting simple, cheap treatments (intravenous vitamin C, chloroquine/zinc, Artemisia) that work in other countries?
Why has COVID become cause for bailouts of the financial sector that have little to do with the disease, while working families and small businesses have been forced into bankruptcy?
Many geneticists, including two Nobel laureates, cite evidence that COVID seems to be man-made, the product of genetic engineering (excellent technical summary). But this idea is off the table for discussion, censored by both the scientific community and by the mainstream press (original article, sanitized rewrite). Could it be that the same powerful forces benefiting from the lockdown and social control have power to censor both the scientific establishment and the popular press? These may seem wild speculations, but perhaps they are justified by wild events.
The rules we are asked to follow have been maximally destructive to our economy, our institutions, and our culture, while providing far less life-saving benefit than simpler strategies. Maybe the cultural and social isolation were intended to serve a different purpose than the protection of public health.
Broad perspective
“Two major study retractions in one month have left researchers wondering if the peer review process is broken.” NYTimes
The Times calls them “big blunders” but this is far too charitable. A big blunder is when you publish an article without noticing that a plus sign is really a minus. But when you fail to notice that the database of patient cases you are analyzing doesn’t exist, that is a fraud and not a blunder.
We like to think that medical practice is following medical research as the tail follows the dog. But look at the two economies—$3.5 trillion per year in health care revenues in America vs an NSF budget of only $8 billion spread over every kind of science. It may be too much to expect the dog to wag the tail when the tail is 500 times bigger than the dog.
Meanwhile, medical consumers are voting with their feet. People flock to dietary supplements ($35 billion/year), acupuncturists, chiropractors, and alternative healers. 40% of Americans think that non-standard approaches to cancer are more likely to cure them than chemotherapy and radiation, while most of the purveyors of those alternatives have been driven overseas by aggressive FDA “oversight”.
If the medical science establishment wishes to regain the trust of the American public, they will have to demonstrate that the health of individual patients weighs more heavily in their calculations than the profit motive.
source https://joshmitteldorf.scienceblog.com/2020/06/18/suppression-of-chloroquine-is-scandalous/
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cloudtales ¡ 3 years
Why calculating the risk of the AstraZeneca vaccine is so difficult – a doctor explains
Why calculating the risk of the AstraZeneca vaccine is so difficult – a doctor explains
Both the European Medicines Agency and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have concluded there’s a possible link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and rare forms of blood clotting. However, the responses of different countries to these findings have varied significantly. Denmark has withdrawn the vaccine entirely. In Germany the vaccine is only being given to over-60s,…
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