#why did i spend so long writing abt sung's drinking habits i Do Not Know
fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
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sung didn’t used to be the type to drink, basically ever. it had been a conscious choice to keep his wits about him, and avoid chance of gluttony. he’d gotten accidentally drunk once, at a company event no less, and though it wasn’t the moment he decided to drink, it had sparked an era of sung not being as against drinking.
nowadays, he drank sometimes. casually, with a friend, he might have one sip of a drink, rather than outright reject it like he might have before. that night was casual, though more in that sung would rather be fully aware of what happened during a company event --and to skip the hangover that would only make schedules the next day more difficult. he’d been nursing on one flute of champagne most of the night, leaving his head, at most, lightly swimming. despite what others had been saying about the alcohol, sung’s low tolerance was no match for it.
jaewon didn’t seem to have the same mindset. frankly, sung worried a bit that jaewon might black out. he wondered where soo had gone off to, but, it wasn’t his fight. sung was soo’s friend, jaewon’s friend, which meant he should be looking after jaewon as well. “hey, would you like to talk?” his hand hesitated, but followed through on reaching out to grab jaewon’s wrist. “let’s go to the garden, yeah?” sung pulled them both along in the right direction, but once on their way, relaxed his grip, leaving a flat hand wrapped as a blanket over jaewon’s forearm. “i don’t think i’ve ever seen you drink like this. are you feeling alright?”
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