#why did this remind me of julian? šŸ’€šŸ’€
taduki Ā· 1 year
M6 w/ on MCā€™s birthday
Happy belated birthday 2 me and @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia!! Thank you for the help with my writerā€™s block too.. šŸ„ŗ Written using voice recognition, my fingies hurtā€¦
Will never forget your birthday. Always wants to go all out for you. They get so excited decorating the place for you, they try really hard to hide it from you but always fail. Oh, and get ready for streamers EVERYWHERE. On the floor, on the walls, streamed across the ceilings, and probably in their hair too if Iā€™m being honestļæ¼ā€¦
Itā€™s up to you if you want them to bake you a cake or not. Selasi is always prepared to make one if anything goes wrong. If anything, he already has the cake batter preparedļæ¼ each yearā€¦ā€¦ Asra is quite experienced in baking anyway. Whatā€™s the better than baking you a surprise cake? Baking one with you! Azz just wants to be close to you on these special days and has little to no problem if you want to join him in preparations. They wanted to be able to serve you in this way, but theyā€™ll toss it aside if it means they get to hold you while you mix frosting!
As for presents,ļæ¼ they definitely overthink it. Should they make something? Should they take you out for dinner?ļæ¼ Will it be good enough? Or should they do all of the above?ļæ¼ Oh, DEFINITELY all of the above. The entire day is your birthday! (He definitely joked that he was your present at least once, cā€™mon).
Faust: The Cake Thiefā„¢ļø. You know sheā€™s up to some thievery when you hear a faint, ā€œOoh, tasty!!ā€
If you didnā€™t know any better, youā€™re skeptical if Asra had some sugar or coffee early in the morning. They were gentle waking you upppp and walking you down the stairssss, but they seem to be literally rattling with excitementā€¦
To tell you the truth, they were making homemade decorations all night after you fell asleep. They slept a little! Just not enough. So they found this ā€œmorning teaā€ stocked in their surprise cabinet, and they just assumed it was like a gentle coffee, and they were SO wrong. It was basically a double shot of espresso, and now theyā€™re trying not to bounce off the walls all morning. When you tell him you guys can do something with that energy, he lights up and skips his merry little way to the musical side of Vesuvia with you to dance it off!
All in all, your birthday celebrations with Azz are very spontaneous and never secluded to just one day. They planned way too many things to fit all in one!
No! Nobody had to remind him what day your birthday is! ā€¦. Oh GOD he needs a notepad STAT.
Okay, actually he did remember. As soon as you told him what day it was months in advance, he wrote it down! ā€¦. Somewhereā€¦ā€¦.. He ended up forgetting about it surprisingly close to your birthday, but luckily for the both of you, Jules canā€™t keep his mouth shut, and the entire South End remembers your birthday and the plans.
The poor guy drives himself a little nuts trying to get everything in order, especially with so many people wanting to help. Like, just when he thinks heā€™s done, someone brings up something else he told them and heā€™s like ā€œWhy would I say that??ā€
The day is planned as such: First, a casual picnic breakfast by the docks together. Then, a nice walk around Vesuvia and maybe some undercover window shopping at the Red Market. Once he thinks youā€™re in need of a little rest, he tells you heā€™s got this truly amazing nap spotā€¦. Yes, itā€™s the up in the theater rafters. Heā€™s basically got a nest up there, real nest in the corner courtesy of Malak.
Malak brings his present before Julian gives you his. šŸ’€ He gave it to you after Julian left you to take a nap. It was a stolen earring, of courseā€¦ You made a mental note to return it to its owner once you had time.
Julian uses your nap as a means to prepare the stage for his short play. Since he kinda forgot a couple days before, he really wants to get this right for you and freaks out when he sees you peering at him from the rafters in the middle of setting the stage. He scrambles up to you and mumbles a bunch of different stuff about ā€œPlease go back to sleepā€, ā€œIā€™m sorry Iā€™m so frazzled ā€” I just wanted to dazzle youā€, and ā€œWow, I should write that one down.ā€
You tell him you really donā€™t mind and he doesnā€™t have to stress so much about a day that youā€™re both supposed to enjoy, honest. It takes a bit more reassurance, but he caves in to the treacherous healthy habits and hugs you. Heā€™ll still try to salvage your surprise though, and he asks you to chill out up there for a little longer.
As it turns out, he had a whole short play planned out for you! He had a couple of friends who owed him a favor or two and he performed a short and sweet show just for you !! He booked the stage for the bit and sat with you for the next show after his performance.
At the end of the night, Julian handed you this small, twine-wrapped parcel. He nudged you to go ahead and open it with a tired smile. When you opened it, it was a single earring. He explained he mustā€™ve dropped the other one somewhere backstage and didnā€™t want to disturb the stage technicians for the moment, so you brought upon godā€™s wishes and showed him the other earring to his pleasant surprise. You told him Malak took it, and Julian just did nothing but smile and look at you, lovingly. He didnā€™t have to tell you happy birthday.
Ohhh, she remembers every year. Sheā€™s one of those gals that prepare a party like a month in advance.
She is VERY good at hiding the preparations. She is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of birthday parties. She actually talked about it a lot with her friends and acquaintances! ā€¦ and ended up hosting a potluck for your birthday. Everyone was just so excited! They couldnā€™t help it! Now, Portia doesnā€™t have to decide on a menu because it seems like every food you could possibly think of is laid out on the dozens of tables.
For the most part, Portia set up a simple, traditional birthday party surprise. The day started with you two going out to the market for some frivolous spending. She keeps a really good eye out for things you take a liking to and also finds a super cute new outfit for you to wear for the day! You tell her you didnā€™t have any big plans for the evening though, and Miss Girlboss just tells you she likes it when you dress up and winks. You know the wink.
Now, she has to keep you busy for a little longer without tiring you out too much so her friends have time to set everything up. So, she takes you on a little street food stall date where you guys try unusual flavors of jalebi and bara ā€” where you try a couple jalebi with voice-switching syrup and try to make each other laugh the rest of the trip.
She didnā€™t actually have an idea when her friends would be done, so she was really risking it all, taking you back to the cottage. Itā€™s not like you could tell, though. Her confidence was impenetrable on the walk home, and her intuition served her well because you two showed up just in time.
She covers your eyes before you walk into the clearing andddd SURPRISE !!! There are people here !!
She has to hold back from hugging and loving you up the entire time you walk around to explore. There are activities you would find at festivals here like apple bobbing and craft-making, along with the excessively long food stands, of course. Itā€™s a very social event, so sheā€™ll understand if you want to get away from the buzz most of the time, but sheā€™ll still want to come with you! She values the quiet time.
The party itself goes on into the later hours of the night and the dancing just gets crazier and crazier. (Portia likes to be twirled). It doesnā€™t go into the early morning since some of Portiaā€™s friends brought their children, but you say goodbye and thanks to everyone as they leave and you feel your body crumpling a little as the last few people go. With a lazy, goofy smile on your faces, you both leave the cleaning for the morning and crawl into bed together while Portia gives you one last mustered, ā€œHappy birthday, MCā€¦ā€
Obviously, she goes all out every year for you! Banquet? Vacation? Party? Honey, sheā€™s got it covered months in advance. All complete with a super tall cake you could swear was designed for a wedding and anything you could possibly ask for, honestly.
If there was ever a year Nadia forgot your birthday, she wouldā€™ve had to have been SWAMPED with work and burnt out to the point of forgetting days or even months. The last thing she couldā€™ve imagined was forgetting such an important day, and she assumed she would be reminded by an advisor or just being brought up mid-conversation, but she was reminded by YOU. OF YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY.
Itā€™s literally the five stages of grief for her, and sheā€™s in denial until she checks her calendar and remembers the dates leading up to today.
She throws her arms around you in a tight hug and apologizes deeply and repeatedly. She tells you of all the things she had planned as if she doesnā€™t have the power to set aside all her duties for the day just for you. Sheā€™s aware of this of course, but she feels so guilty for forgettingā€¦ When the palace servants and advisors realized sheā€™d forgotten, they went into a frenzy, asking her if sheā€™d like them to have preparations done as quickly as possible. Itā€™s up to you if you try to stop her.
If you allow her to go through with the emergency preparations, sheā€™ll feel a little more relief that she can still pamper you. Sheā€™ll line the dining table with your favorite foods and at the end of the meal, youā€™ll have a ā€” Nadiaā€™s definition ofā€” modest sized birthday cake, gorgeously decorated with edible flowers and tasty treats. Every servant working that day was paid extra for the trouble. Honestly, Nadia probably prepped the rest of the WEEK for you on the same day.
If you opt to stop Nadi in her tracks and explain you really didnā€™t want anything too big anyway, sheā€™ll be gracefully surprised and a little disappointed in herself. She has the resources to treat you and your refusal feels like youā€™re disappointed in her too! But she understands and asks you what you really wanted for your birthday after assuring you she can give you the world.
And so Nadia allows you to have a modest birthdayā€¦ on her yacht. She couldnā€™t help it !! Your skin glows in the sunlight and you look cute in a big floppy hat! She packed some fancy snacks, supplies for things youā€™d like to do on the yacht and beach, and a cute bakery-sized cake with ā€œHappy Birthday, My Loveā€ written on it in cursive. She will insist on feeding you if youā€™d like, like always. She wants to do anything you want to do today! And I mean anything, alrightā€¦
One of Murielā€™s bad habits included not keeping track of the days. The only times they really mattered were when seasons changed. Slush on the forest floor meant it was time for him to stock up on food and wood. Smells like a rainstorm? Heā€™s gotta get those holes in the roof patched up before dusk.
But NOooOooOoo, you just had to show up and show him life is beautiful! Disastrous for the poor guy, truly. Now, he goes to bed thinking about nice things that happened during the day like how sleepy your face looked during breakfast or how cute you looked carrying that basket of herbs.
The point is, he knows how important birthdays are to people, (Heā€™s learned his lesson from the ā€œAsra-stravaganzasā€), and he wants to make the day special for you too! So, he double checks with Asra a couple times just to make sure heā€™s got the day right. His preparations include: pancakes, flower garlands, and a mental list of embarrassing things he wants to say to you (literally just romantic stuff like Iā€™ll love you always).
Heā€™s surprised heā€™s actually kind of excited ā€” or is this nervousness? Youā€™ve always told him those two are hard to differentiate betweenā€¦
When the day comes, he wakes up first as usual and goes about his daily routine. The only thing that changes is that he regrets not practicing how to make pancakes in advanceā€¦ Not to worry! He read up on it before and knows exactly which ingredients to use and what to do. Thank goodness it actually comes out properly and just in time for you to wake up. Heā€™s never been so excited to tell someone ā€œHappy Birthdayā€¦ā€
As for his present, he realized he dug himself a hole because he regularly gifts you things. Some things that require a lot of time! He probably gifts you a handcrafted wooden figurine every month because it was simply his go-to, but now heā€™s gotta step out of his comfort zone. So, what does he do? He makes another wooden craft. Except itā€™s not a figurine, itā€™s a 3D model of your name with stories of the adventures youā€™ve gone on carved into the letters. You spend a good part of the day tracing your fingers over them and reminiscing with him (while trying to rearrange the letters to spell other words).
He takes you on a late picnic so you can watch the sun set and the stars fade into the sky, and if you fall asleep, heā€™ll carry you home and tuck you in.
Surprisingly (sorry, Lucy), Lucio remembers your birthday and anticipates it for like a month before the actual day! Lucioā€™s birthdays were big excuses for throwing extravagant, luxurious parties and what better to do than throw you one?
Obviously doesnā€™t have the resources anymore to give you the type of party he always threw, so he starts thinking, and then worrying. He figured this would be the last thing heā€™d ever worry about. Just a couple of drinks, some music, and a cake, right? Except now, he wants the best for you, regardless of luxuries, which means he has to be willing to do what you want. What DO you want??
Aaaaand that question opened up a can of worms. What if you want to spend your birthday without him? Maybe with Asra? That guy is annoying, for sure, but they DID bring you back to life after he killed you. Theyā€™re basically your family. But youā€™re also HIS familyā€¦ right?
The days keep going by and he tries not to think too hard about it, being his happy-go-lucky self, picking up a bottle of something or two, but every other purchase in your spirit urks him. Itā€™s a miracle he gets to sleep the night before your birthday.
He gently wakes you up with a little ache in his heart and kisses you out of bed. You two have the whole day for yourselves !! Now you get to do what you want to do today as Lucio is secretly clenching his heart that it involves him.
As soon as you say you wanna do something with him, he crumbles and clings onto you and lets all the troubles flow out of his mouth. He was so worried. He loves you so much, he wanted to spend today with you more than anything. He saved his money for the occasion, and heā€™ll take you wherever you want to go. Hell, he doesnā€™t care if you wanna celebrate the whole week! As long as youā€™re with himā€¦
(Feel free to make fun of him, just a little. Heā€™ll allow it, but heā€™ll grumble and huff about it all day, all week how, ā€œThis counts as your ONLY birthday present, MC! Youā€™re not getting anything else!ā€)
You end up going a couple of places he suggested like a diner that overlooks the marketplace and going to see a ā€œvery overrated showingā€ at the theater, as he claims. (He ended up just watching you laugh half the time). As for your present, he gifts you a shiny box that Mercedes steals immediately after he takes it out and proceeds to throw it around with Melchior. Lucio is definitely humbled by how worried like hell he was about how expensive the contents were. Once heā€™s worn out and ready to give up, Mercedes just walks up to you, sets it on your lap, and plops beside you for belly rubs. It was a custom made silver bracelet with two wolves chasing each other around it. Lucio and Melchior plop down on your other side and Lucio tells you one last, exhaustive, ā€œHappy birthdayyyy!ā€
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apenapaperandadoofus Ā· 5 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Yes!!!! I remember I teared up so much from that song.
Honestly mystic messenger is such a beautiful game! It helped me (ironically???) when I was struggling so much. I remember when I wrote my first HC in here, honestly Iā€™d never thought Iā€™d end up meeting so many amazing people! Itā€™s truly beautiful how a piece of media can unite everyone and have people create amazing works of art and writing and music and everything!
Iā€™m so glad you found the game, even if itā€™s late! Itā€™s a great story, with lovable characters that even though itā€™s been likeā€¦omg 8?! EIGHT YEARS?!?!? (Hold on time related crisis happening rn)
Since itā€™s release, people still have a spot for them in their hearts!
Mystic messenger and this blog, really helped me start writing! And while I got a huge writers block and am now on different fandoms, itā€™s still a wonderful game that Iā€™m glad people are still enjoying and playing! I feel so lucky for those who get to experience that wild rollercoaster for the first time!
I remember the alarms, the laughter from Seven or Juminā€™s messages, the tears from the heart wrenching parts of the story, the confusion as to why the MC didnā€™t have eyes and why they didnā€™t leave WHEN THERE WAS A BOMB IN THE APARTMENT!
The gasps at the reveals, the plot twists! The way you would hear the music and immediately be teleported to that game, how the strings and piano would make you feel so much happiness and as if you were flying, only to then have the super dramatic music come and and BAM you feel your heart race and you keep worrying if your favorite character is going to be ok, and WHAT IS HAPPENING I THOUGHT THIS WAS A DATING GAME?!?
Getting to feel what the characters feel, feeling part of the story. Ironically though the game already has pre made choices you do feel as if itā€™s you or your character talking to them.
Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve actually had MM in my phone. I actually remember the first time I downloaded it- it had just come out, and my dumbass thought you could actually SPEAK to them?!? So I remember Zen calling and me going ā€œhello..?ā€ In a whisper since it was night and everyone else was sleeping lmao.
I remember how Iā€™d take full advantage of spring break and all those vacations from school to just grind the fuck out of those hourglasses to get to that Saeran route because by god I was dating that man.
I was pretty lucky bc I remember I did the Zen route first, didnā€™t even finish it šŸ’€ uninstalled the game, and like a year later got in when they were celebrating a TON of stuff, I donā€™t remember exactly what it was but I got a lot of hourglasses and immediately went to date Seven lol.
Doing his as your official first route isā€¦.šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
And itā€™s funny to see how over the years my faves have changed. (I used to have Seven as my #1 until I went the Julian route and OMG THAT MAN Iā€™m sorry Seven I love you so much butā€¦JUMIN HAN)
Anyway sorry for the long ass rant. Mystic messenger has such a special place in my heart, truly. It makes me remember how I got started writing- how through it i met so many lovely people- and while later due to personal reasons I wasnā€™t able to continue on the scene- Iā€™m glad I got to experience some of it.
And thereā€™s still people that make beautiful content of it! So donā€™t worry about joining now, feel free to read and see as many things of the fake as you want. Cry and laugh and enjoy everything about this wonderful and silly chat game and the incredible beautiful community it left behind!
Sorry for getting emotional haha, mystic messenger sure is something huh?
Iā€™m a bit busy nowadays but every once in a while I get the urge to play it again haha. I have the ost saved in my study playlist and was in the middle of studying for a test when I hears Juminā€™s night theme and the way I TEARED UP? Like I had to low key take a breather because omg I was transported back to those sleepless nights of giggling in my bed while flirting with a 2d man obsessed with his cat pfttt.
Whatā€™s funny is that every once in a while I want to install the game again and play it. Sadly I donā€™t have any time right now, but, I eventually want to have two weeks where I get to see my beautiful and wonderful husbands and wives again šŸ«¶
Keep enjoying the content! Iā€™m so happy you were able to find this precious gem, even in 2024! Play the heck out of it (tho please take a break after each route and keep hydrated or youā€™ll end up like Saeran šŸ’€šŸ˜­) !
You talking about thank you and goodnight reminded me of a series RosMo made about MM.
Itā€™s interactive, after each video I believe you get a google doc and you have to figure some the YouTube links and get a goodbye message from the characters. If you want to cry and have a crack at it (if itā€™s too hard the comments help a lot I believe) you can see it here! Just be careful of spoilers for all the routes mkay!
Have fun on your Mysme journey! ā¤ļøšŸ’œšŸ©·šŸ©µšŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ¤ŽšŸš€āœØšŸ±ā˜•ļøšŸ‘¾šŸŽ­šŸ“·šŸµšŸ§¹
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mythoughtsxxblog Ā· 3 years
So I started watching One Tree Hill again back in June and I just finished. Now I feel empty inside.....
Those of you that have followed me for quite some time know I love my little TV show posts. Here are my overall thoughts about the show...
- Naley will always (and forever) have me in a chokehold. I blame them for the high expectations I have when it comes to relationships. In all seriousness, I've never seen a show write a couple in such a way where most of the fandom actually enjoys and ships them. Although they had their moments, they will always be my #1 comfort couple.
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- I like to pretend season 2 doesn't exist. That was the dark era.
- What the actual fuck was Chad Michael Murray's hair in the last season šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
- James Lafferty is an underrated king. Not only is his character the superior brother, but he as a person is superior in every way. He's also aging gracefully ā˜ŗ
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- Jake and Peyton should've been endgame and I'll always stand by that.
- Lucas Scott has some redeeming qualities, but he became more and more aggravating to me as the seasons went on.
- Chuck and Chase's friendship was something I didn't know I needed.
- Season 9 Chris Keller was a literal king.
- Even though Lucas was a little shit at times, I did love his friendship with Haley. I actually have a confession..... the first time I ever watched this show, I went into it blind. I had no clue who the characters were and who the iconic couples were. For the first few episodes of season 1 I shipped Lucas and Haley šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ I honestly can't believe the thought of them as a couple was once appealing to me. But it was my first watch so I'm cutting myself some slack lmao
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- Dan's death destroyed me and dare I say, it destroyed me more than Keith's.
- Mouth and Millie being endgame and having a baby on the way was a perfect way to send off the characters.
- Peyton losing Ellie fucked me up royally.
- Clay and Quinn were so pure. Robert Buckley and Shantel VanSanten had so much chemistry, did they date irl or....??? Cause fuck. They were hot.
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- I wish we got more time to see Naley w/ Lydia. The baby actress that played her was so fucking cute.
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- Haley's depression storyline after her mom died fucked me up. I honestly felt like it was rushed, but I understand why.
- Brooke Davis is a queen.
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- Brucus > Leyton
- Season 9 was so fucking wild, but honestly I think it's one of the better seasons (at least better than 7 and 8)
- Naley and Brooke carried this show on their backs.
- Although I hated whenever Naley was fighting, I lowkey loved the Nanny Carrie plot. Only because of the drama lol
- I really wish we had gotten more of Peyton and Nathan's friendship.
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- Quentin Fields deserved better!!!!
- Antwon Tanner is the funniest dude and I could tell Skills was ALL him.
- Seasons 5-6 Jamie Scott reminded me so much of Cole and Dylan Sprouse in Big Daddy lol
- Season 3 Naley >>>>>
- I shipped Brucus, but Brulian was actual perfection. I really grew to love Julian Baker.
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- I honestly hated that the writers had Nathan retire from basketball and become an agent. It just didn't feel right. I understand why they did it (to show that Nathan's #1 passion and priority was his family), but idk it felt weird after seasons of his struggles trying to make it in the NBA.
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- Seeing Skills and Bevin end up together made my heart happy
- Rain kisses >>>>>>>
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This show is one of those shows I can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. It's rare to find shows like this nowadays. OTH will never get old.
Oh and also, fuck Mark Schwahn.
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