#why do these posts of mine always get outrageously long 😭
jemgirl86 · 10 months
I know something you don’t know, and I got something to tell ya 🎶🎶😭
Like, again lol, I’d never presume to speak for everybody, but I’ve been thinking about it since my post the other day, why SamBucky has fallen out of the top 100, why writers aren’t writing. I mean, last year I posted a fic every month except January, sometimes multiple fics a month.
And I know my break isn’t due to their “divorce era,” because a couple I’m shipping being out of each other’s orbit has never made a difference to me, just ask any couple I’ve ever shipped in my life lol. And it’s not because I’m done with the MCU, because my buddy and I were just discussing the hate that Phase 4 gets the other day, and I literally pulled up the Phase 4 Wikipedia page and took a look, and there was only one project in there that I just didn’t care for. The MCU has always had some projects I loved, some I liked just fine, and some I thought were basically average, and that’s how I feel about Phase 4 (I could write 1000 words about the unrealistic and silly hate newer MCU projects get, and how it makes no sense logically, because the MCU was never 100% bangers, but I’ll spare you lol), so it’s not like I’m suffering from “superhero fatigue” 🤢 (I loath that phrase)
Nope, I think it’s the feedback. Not even really the lack of feedback at this point, because engagement on here and ao3 started drying up in the middle of last year or so, and I was still churning stories out. Nah, it’s the type of feedback. People have really lost their minds in comment sections this past year. Not even just in mine, even though mine have been off the hook lol.
Sometimes I’ll be reading a fic, not even always a fic I like, I’ve seen it in fics I loved and fics I’m literally about to close because they’re not my cup of tea — but I’ll be reading a fic and go to scroll the comment section because I’m nosy lol, and I’ll see the most out of pocket, obnoxious, outrageously rude comment I’ve ever seen in my life.
We all dislike fics. Hell, I’ve seen some doozies myself, but you’re not supposed to tell the author about it in the comment section. I mean, a negative comment on a fic on here or ao3 is for like a truly exceptional circumstance, (even then I’d just close the fic…), not because you just didn’t like it… or because it wasn’t what you thought it was going to be… or because the author didn’t write a particular character the way you headcanon them. That’s nuts.
And if the fic truly pisses you off, I get that, boy do I get that lol. Even then though, you’re just supposed to vague post about it and be shady on here… not comment on the author’s actual work. Like if you hate my fic, then by all means, vaguely complain about it on here like a normal person, or DM your friend about it, but don’t give me a 2 star review in my comment section because I used a trope you don’t like.
Oh… and why are people airing their grievances about other things in the comments of a fic? Be on ao3, commenting, talking about everything BUT the story.
And… why are y’all acting like the grammar police in the comments of folks’ fics? Again, I’ve seen some grammar that made me genuinely sad, but I didn’t tell the author about it, because I’m not a dick.
Lol this is another long and rambling post from me, and it really could’ve been summed up with this: It’s hard to be motivated to write, even for your OTP, when you know there’s a good chance you’re going to get some bullshit comment because readers suddenly forgot how to act.
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mimi-ya · 3 years
It's me again, hiii!
I just wanna say that that pic you used to reply to my long ass ask is so cute!!! I love baby Luffy with all my heart, and I'd go to hell and back for him 😭
And I hope you get to cosplay Perona! Her design is one of my favorites in OP 🥺
Now, I've been away for a while and I'm only now seeing some of your posts, so I hope it's still ok to comment on them? Aksjaoshdg
So, Zoro's birthday fic,,, I LOVED IT SO MUCH! THAT WAS SO HOT, I QKJSIAHSHSJSNS fucked out Zoro is 💯 There's something about him being wrecked, and vulnerable, overall, that makes me lose everything 😭 ~ on a side note, I haven't catched up with the manga, yet, so I don't know what's happening currently in Wano, but I REALLY wish Oda would give us some Zoro angst or something like that. I know that is a little sadistic, but I'm CRAVING some vulnerability coming from him 😔
Which leads me to the next topic: mutual hate fucking. I know it's been a while, but I wanna join my fellow Zoro fuckers and intercede for our man 😏
Also, you've been sent to horny jail?! wth 😭 if Tumblr ever dares to come up with this outrage again, it will have to drag us all along with you 😡 ~ we've all been convicted of the same crime, after all 🤧
And your OP art, SO CUTE!!! YOU'RE SUCH A MULTITALENTED QUEEN! I tried drawing baby Robin, once, and... It didn't go well 😅
Now, your birthday celebrations event!!! Mimiii, that's the cutest thing ever 😭 YOU'RE SO SWEET, I CRY. I've submitted mine a few days ago (I've been writing this ask ever since, but I still haven't finished it......... WHY AM I LIKE THIS), even though it won't be my birthday any time soon jwjsjwnbbs actually, chapter 2 of covert identity came out around my birthday, and I was so happy!!! I considered that as a unintentional birthday gift kashusjshsh
On your post about Pudding -- I couldn't agree more! She deserved better, and I hope she can be free, someday. It'd be nice if she, Brûlée and Katakuri rebelled against their mother. Mama is straight up abusive. She always goes on and on about creating a world without discrimination, where "all races" can coexist, but that's all empty discourse. She collects people, and treat them as if they were animals in her own particular zoo. I love her as a character, but I DESPISE her as a person 😂
Finallyyy, I wanna talk about your mutuals tag list!!! Alright, so, when I first opened it, I really wasn't expecting to see myself tagged there. I might have teared up a little........ 😭😭😭 MIMIIIII, that made me so, so happy 😭 I keep coming back to it, and EVERY single time I get, like 🥺😭🥰
Just know that I love and appreciate you just as much! I've been kind of absent from Tumblr, lately, but I love seeing your posts on my dash; they really make my day.
I'm planning on creating a new blog just for OP (maybe?) (my original account is over 10 years old, and I'm having quite an identity crisis. I can't even stand looking at it 🤡). If I follow through that plan (or when I'm finally able to put up with all the bullshit of past me and can go back to using my old blog), I promise I'll let you know whenever it's ready! Until then (and even after that), I'll continue being your sprout, for as long as you allow me 🥺
- 🌱
I'll comment on your most recent works as I read them, as I still haven't had the chance to do that 😭 also, I think it's best if I just end this ask here, as it's gotten LONG long, already, and I just keep adding things as the days go by 😂)
Tumblr media
my sprout!🌱
first off: baby strawhats are superior to adult strawhats, but something about baby asl will always have the biggest place in my heart!! SO CUTE! my brother is watching op, and I’ve asked that out of the 1000 episodes he PLEASE let me watch 493 & 494. I LOVE BABY ASL SO MUCH!!
perona is also one of my favs! my roommate and I have a goal of going to some anime con when ever things feel safe again, so I have until then to make my cosplay! Except now I’m OBSESSED with ulti!! the only down side is I don’t think her outfit is as fun as perona 😪 but we’ll see what happens!
I’m glad you enjoyed zoro’s bday fic!! Wrecked zoro is the best zoro 😌 and I have a feeling we’re going to get some zoro stuff in Wano, I’m just not sure if it’ll be angst?? I feel like the only thing that could get to him would be about kuina, so if Oda is somehow able to tie her in? Idk! (And of course luffy and the crew, but I don’t want THAT MUCH angst!)
and don’t worry, mutual hate fucking is cumming (lol, i hate myself 😭) it has to, zoro is literally the perfect character for it
I was sentenced to a quick stint in horny jail but have been bailed out! I promised the tumblr gods to behave from here on out so fingers crossed that doesn’t happen again!!
thank you for the sweet words about my art! I realized I didn’t even post all the things I made! Crafty things are my favorite! And I would love to see your baby Robin, I bet she’s adorable!
I’m glad you like the birthday celebration event! I’m pretty excited about it! I just hope I can come up with enough birthday themed ideas! 😅 and speaking of covert identity… lmao chapter 4 is basically done but then I remembered y’all need chapter 3 before that! My goal is to have chapter 3 done within the month and 4 will come quickly after! ☺️
Pudding and all of big mamas kids deserved better! I’m interested to see what role the Charlotte children will play in Wano or if some of them will ever be seen again in the future!
And bestie! I’m so glad you saw the tag!! LOL! I was giggling writing it out, because I was like, this will be so funny if my 🌱 opens it! And I couldn’t not include you! And I feel that blog issue, my old blog was a cluster fuck of all my different fandoms, and I was like, alright. Time to just make something fresh for op!
I’d be happy to interact with any blog you make, but will also always have you in my heart as my little sprout! 🥰🥺 love love love getting to hear from you! 💗
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